HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12520 P 959 ,~: .~. .. )/ d~ () f 9sc; (~ em .C::J:J oti. co . OIl.O~ l' I' , 79-y-/j TA. ~01(f:)~)!~_ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSlRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDEN~RE, made the 1st':; of August, 2007 BETWEEN DONALD MOROCCO and CHERYL MOROCCO. his wife. both residing at 1740 Anchor Lane, Southold. NY 11971 party of the first part, and ROBERT P. CARVER, residing at 1~ r;.,RteII~;cJ. <it"; ~~1\~ 'COIl.( party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of TEN Bnd no/100lhs ($10.00) dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erec:ted, situate, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed made by Edna J. Mclarty, as surviving tenant by the entirety of Benjamin F. Mclarty, deceased, dated-~rch 14,2000 and recorded In the Suffolk County Clerk's Olflce on March 30, 2000 In Llber 12031 cp 302. i/ TOGETHER with all right, tI1Ie and interest, if any, of tha party of the first part In and to any streets and roads abulllng the above described premises to the canter lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estete and rights of the party of the first part In and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or succassors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the seid premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with Section 13 of the lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and wlll apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the totel of tha same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as If it read "partles" whenever the sense of this Indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrilIen. IN PRESENCE OF: ... DONALD MOROCCO iJ~t1~ CHER L MO OCC ___.JIIHIWILI~ IIllI8IIIY PU8UC- irAtE OF revWlRK ......~D~..". --..r-.I"lIUFRlUC~ .."'C'-....11IN ElIPIRE8 NDV.I7.2lIJ.11 . . : .. TITLE NO. TA#07(08)S59 DESCRIPTION - SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, 'lying a~d being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 9 as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Harbor Lights Estates, Section One" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 8, 1965 as Map No. 4362, said Lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Anchor Lane 63.24 feet westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Anchor Lane with the westerly side of Windjammer Drive, said point of BEGINNING also being at the dividing line between Lots 6 and 9 as shown on the above mentioned Map; RUNNING THENCE from the said point of BEGINNING South 25 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds West 220.00 feet to land now or formerly of Frederick and Harold Reese; THENCE along the last mentioned land North 64 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds West 100.00 feet to a point; THENCE North 2S degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds East 220.00 feet to the southerly side of Anchor Lane; and THENCE along the southerly side of Anchor Lane South 64 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds East 100.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. ~ - SCHEDULE A (Page 3 of 3) - t' 0' TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE State of New York, County of Suffolk sa: On the IS"" day of August In the year 2007 before me, the undersigned. personaUy appean:d Donald Moroceo and Cheryl Morocco personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the buis of satisflll:tory eviden~ to be the indh'idual(s) whoat name(s) is (are) subscribed 10 tbc within inslnUtll:nl aucI acknowlrdgcd to me that he/she/tbey rxrcultd thr same in hislbrr/thrir capacity(irs), and wt by bisllu:r/their signatme(s) on the inslnln1tnl. the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which tbc individual(s) aetrd. exrcutrd the instrumrnt. State of New York, County of sa: :I On the . day of in the year before me. the undenllgned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to rne on the basis of sall8factory evidence to be the indlvldual(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subscribed to the within Instrument and BCknowledged to me that helahellhey exeeuted the same In hJsIher/lhelr capaclty(Iea), and that by hislherllheir slgnature(s) on the InsIrumen~ the Indlvidual(s), or tha person upon behaR of which the Indlvldual(s) acted, executed !he InatrumenL (signature and olllee 01 Individual taking acknowledgment) . lure and office 0 Indivi ual taklnllJiCkngwledgmenl) UBLIC M UIARMCCltIIL_ NOTARY puBLIC ..-rATEOIF'- NO. O1loW1llJll7t QUALIFIED IN 8lI'f(IUC COUIft!.. I n "V COMMISSION EJIPIRES tllW.IP._ TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE State (or DIslricl 01 Columbia, Territory, or Foreign Country) of . sa: On the day 01 In the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of saUsfaclory evidence to be the Indivldual(s) whose narne(s) Is (are) subscribed to !he within Instrument and acknowledged to me thaI hel&heIlhey executed the same In h1s1herlthelr capacity(les), and that by hislherllhalr slgnature(s) On !he instrurnen~ the Indlvldual(s), or the person upon behall 01 which the indlvidual(s) acted, executed tha lnatrumen~ and that such Individual made such appearance before the undersigned In lhe (Insert the City or other pollliCSl subdivision) (signature and office 01 Individual taking acknOwledgment) BARGAIN AND SALE DEeD WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No. TA ~ m/Cfi) '5'~ DONAlD MOROCCO & CHERL Y MOROCCO TO ROBERT P. CARVER DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 079.00 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 011.000 ,,^/I- COUNTY OR TOWN 'Su~"" STREET ADDRESS ~q~ (ou. Recorded at Req~sfo~ COMMONWEALTH LAND TITlE INSURANCE COMPANY STAIlDARD FORM OF NEW VORK IIOAIlIl OF nn.e UNlll!RWAl1ERS DIslriIlu1IKlby o Commonw~~~....."""",,~ EMMET, MARVIN & MARTIN, LLP Attn. Robert P. Carver, Esq. 120 Broadway New York. NY 10271 COM>4O>IWEAL'lH \.AI<DTrrLE INSURANCECO"PANY l:! .. ~ .. ! !l Ii! IE ~ w !l ~ ~ ~ ~ w "l , l.l:2 3 I Serial II RECORDED 2007 Sep 05 12.14:31 PM Judi\h A. Pascale CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUHTY L ??oo12520 P 959 DTII 07-03762 Number of pages TORRENS Ccrtincate II Prior Of. II Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recording I !'i1illg Slamps 4 Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 Mortgage AmI. I. Basie Tax 2. Additional Tax Nowlon Sub T olal EA-S2 17 (ColBlty) EA-S217 (SIBle) Comm. of Ed. S <llL- SpccJAssil. Or Spec. lAde!. TOT. MTG. TAX Oual Town Oual Counly_ Held for Apportionment ~ Transfer Tax ,;) 1.r..t51L-- _ Sub Tolal R.I'. T.S.A. ..3O.Q[) Affidavit GRAND TOTAl. \5 Mansion Tax _ The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two fam ily dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page II of this inslru nl. -~a. 7 6 muni Preservation Fund Consideralion Amount $620,000.00 Certined Copy Reg. Copy Sub Total Other I Real Property Tax Service Agency Verilication I);sl. SecliOll B lock Lol 07900 0400 011000 CPJ" Tax Due S 9,400.00 Slamp Improved x Date Initials Vacant Land 7 SatisractionSlulscnargeSll\en:tI."iC'Zt I...I~L ..'UVC1L! U""II~I;) UIDIIUIl!t 1.,..\.Irc RECORD" RETURN TO: EMMET, HARVIN & MARTIN, LLP Attn. Robert P. Carver, Esq. 120 Broadway New York, NY 10271 /fflfl) , TO TD TO 9 Title II Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 8 Title Company Information T OS This page fonns pnrI ofthc allachcd OEED made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT ) DONALD MOROCCO & CHERYL MOROCCO The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. TO ROBERT P. CARVER In the Township of In the VILLAGE or llAMLET of SOUTHOLO SOUTHOLD OOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE lYPED OR PRINTED IN BlACK INK ONLY I'RlOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. IOVERI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I1111I1I1I1111I1111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Xnstrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 07-0082635 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-03762 Recorded: At. 09/05/2007 12.14.31 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012520 959 District. Section: Block: Lot: 1000 079.00 04.00 011.000 BXAMJ:NED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $620,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Xnstrument Bxempt Bxempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,480.00 NO Ccmmr..Pres $9,400.00 NO Fees Paid $12.032.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-03762 THXS PAGE XS A PART OF THE XNSTRUMENT THXS XS NOT A BXLL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR- PRESS-FIRMLY WHENWRITING ON FORM - -'-01 / ) INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stale.ny.u8 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I )1l'+- (O~ S)~. t!::{.l, ~,cf: f.f I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 8TATli Of NEW YORIt oq I~O 71 STATli80ARDOfREALPROPERTY8ERVICES ~cu.g'l ,Y"'A01 R~,:,,~~17 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Cod. C3.80.... PROPERTY INFORMAnON I. Property I 1740 LouIlon .Iutl _.. Southold CollY OR IQWtII Carver Anchor Lane awu'-M't 2. ...... Nom. 'inuthnl" -- Robert P. I 11971 ...- 1...1 NAaA' rsJNrNI'f ""'TNAM' F1AI' NMII tAIT NAIIIIIICOMMNY 3. Tn IndicIM where fuCun Tax Bill are Ia be sent I IIUIIng d OIher Ihon _ ._. (oJ bollOm of Ianni . AddNa LAST NAII1eI CDNPAHY 'l~~~~~ ~ Mf !If ~~Jo~1:.. ...., ..... 11.1.'1 I '''~ ITAT[ .. (Only. - ... - -......., oppIy: 4A.l'lonnlng _ _ SubdMoion ~Elr'" 0 ... Subdivioion __ WII Requored ... T....... 0 4C. _ Ajlpnl'lOCl lor _on with Map - 0 .. lrMIicMe the lIumbIr aI AMa.m.nt RoII......"_... on..._ 1 I IIofPlrceta OR D 'an of , Pan;:tl1 5.~1 - FRONT "" Ixl ""'" lOR I ''''f1U' 0.5 1 I 8. ...., -- Moroji2., .........., Donald .....- Morocco WT .....,COMPMY Cheryl .IMT....... ~- "~OnoF...lilvllo_.., R 2 or 3 FernUy Aesldentlll C RoIldon'lol v..... I.ond D Non.AuldGntlll VICInI Land I SALE INFORMAnON I 11. ... eo....rlCt: DIg E ~ Agrlcultur.1 F eam...rdal G Aportmon. II Enterlllnmenc I Arr.u."""nt I ~ Community S....... J Irwlullrial K Public S...... J. Forell - ......... -.. ...hoy oppIy: .. OwnvIhip Type II Condominium B. New ConItruetlon an VICIII'II LInd 1M. PrOPlrtY Locad vMIln an Agricull&ual DiRrlCl: 1tI8. B_"""""_ noOc:e mdicoIing thlt lhe praperW ill in ... Agricullural DiIItIcI o o o o 7. Check the bo. beklw which moA: accur.'ely dncribes tile UN 01 'M pro,.rty at: 'M 'tIma at ....: '" Ch8ck one ar InGI'8 01 thIse concIiIionI_ W....-..... 18 transfer. 06 ....... I 12 Do. I 07 ... 12. Date 01 s.. I Tr...I.r 08 I 22 Oey I 07 ... A B C I) E F G II I IX Sale Between Relllivn or Forrnor ReIatNoa $ale Betwe.n Related Compulia or Pal1norw In Businau 0.. of.he Buyoq Ie oleo . Soll.r Buyer 01 Slillar ill GovemmtnC Agency or landil1llll1llilU&icN1 00... Type _ W....nty or Borg.ln ond SaI. ISpoelfy 8oIow1 Sele of Fractional or LeIIlhan F.. Inlel'l'lllSpedfy ..low. Signifil!Plint Change: In Properly Between TeubIe S.ltuI and sara Dill SeJe of Bulineu II Incll.Ided In Sa'- Prica 0Ih... UnulUlil FacIoN AHocdng SeI. PriCll (Specify Below) N.... ...... 13. Full Solo ,.... ,6.2,0,0.0,0,n.1I1 , , . (full Sale Prlcl: Ia the loIaIamounl pekt tor the property inclwlng perlOllll properly. TIUo peymontmoy bo In tho f..... 01..... _ _.r""". or .... _on 01 mung... or other obIlgallona.l ",..,.1OfJtId to rN nHttIt whM mu.r MnOUnt 14...-................... I II III __In...._ .' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 0alI IlIould r.l1ect tll. Io.eat Final Aoses.mont Rolllnd TI. BIU '..=~=troml 0.6 I 17. T.... AMessed VaIu.tal........... IntNnllert I 8 2 0 0 ; I , I" "..,., CloD I 2, I, q-LJ 1.._........-..1 Southold 2lI. T.. Mop _"'.III/RoII __11I-..............- _ _ ._I_.-toU 1000-079.00-04.00-011.000 1 I CERTIFICATION I I nrIIry ..... .. "'11Io u_ vi _ .-... on ibis Ibnn .'" ..... .... co..... 110 tbe ..... "'Ill)' .......... .... boIIoIl ad I undo:noIllnd lhllI ... -kio& ur..., "iIItuI ,.... _. "'-. rod bor<ln will SPIIJecI me In ... ....._ or.... DnIlIIIaw _. \0 tbe 1lIIlIllDI.... n.... "'- ....- BUYER eUYER'S ATTORNEY AJ.u.v~ ,4. .uwIi'__1UIIE 1 <(/dB- DA" Carver Robert P. LAI'_ .IRITNNM .:J ~O I'TIlHTINMIIII I &t'lPaIJIt:H- ST .'I11O~ WTIR""-I' Jd'f !If 212 238-3129 --.""'" ,---- JJf IDo/Y ITATI! D"c;oot ...... -- ~ NEW YORK STATE COpy