HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12522 P 312 & '3- /- /. I Z/- /, I)S-;L:l f3/ NY 005 . B....dd .....d 5We Deed ",ilh CO\"CftiIDlupin'll Gr.ar.lrtr'''l A.:1"llndiy~~ or Curpt1f'oIlinn <<Smale: ShLoclJ (N'YDT1; K(~ 1 t'UN~ULT \'()('R I.AWl'ER BEHIRE S1CNlli\; TillS .NSTRl'~I~"T. THIS .NSTlIlH\It:l'l'rSHOUI.D IIF. ~~ED B\'UWYF.RS m'I.\' ;)b,y.. ~ day of J (;IDe THIS INm:Ilo"URE, modc rlu: BETWE.:N Thomas J. lIubbard. 9legget Road. Rronnille, NY 10708 . in II1c yoar 2007 pany of tlu: Ii"r pan, and Peconic Land Trust. Incorporated, 296 Hampton. PO Box 1776, Southampton NY 11968 party of the second pan.. ~ \Vl'fl'iIi.SSE'I'H. dUll the: p;lrty aflhc firM pun. iR ;r-": l-rlltiC'1" 01"1'1., Pr'l'-r I!I-'" "'l:J Of "liIll1u"h C\1nSi~.llion paid by the pan)' ofllu: 5CCOnd Pari, dllCS he...by grant and ",Ic..,c unU' rhe pany of rhe 5<l"nd pan.lI1c hcine ClroUCl"'''''' and .....ign. of rhe pany of the 5L'COnd pan fClrc'cr. All. that ccnain pkll. Jliccc l'll' pa~'C1 of lilIkI. with Ibe huildings ond improvemc'nts thrn.'\'D erected, JI:tuttt. 1.1:''f:o _.~ I_:.'b :h II... described on Schedule A allached hereto and made a part hereof. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE: . .part of the same premises conveyed to the Pl!rty of the first part by deed dated April 11, 2000, recorded April 25. 2000 in L1ber 12037 cp 777 SUBJECT TO Deed of Development R'ig!1ts in Liber 12093 cp 56 corrected by Liber 12472 cp 830 J TOGKTHKR will1:1l1 right,li,le and into"'.!, if any, oflbe pany of II1c linet pari of, in and to any""""" and roods abulling lhe abo,c-describcd pn:mi... u. thc center Iincsther..,f: TOGIITH HR wirh thc appuncnanccs o.nd all the c,,"'" and righ.. or the pany uf II1c filSt pan in and to .aid premi....; '1'0 HA VF. Al'iD TO HOf.D II1c premi"". herein granted unu' the party of lhe sec.,nd pan, rhe hei" or succc..'une and assigns of the pany of the ,",..und pan fore,or, AND Ibo party oflbelilSt pan eo'..nanlS tbatll1c pany .flhe filS' pari has ont dClne or .uffcred anyll1ing whereby the .aid premisc5 have been incwnbcrcd in any WAY whutever. Cll..-Cpt :IS ufure5D.w. . . ,. . receivcthc'coosider.uiunforthi5convc)'ancc and will holdlhe righltu . u ,"t und to he ilPJllietJ finel for the plll'p05O .r pavin r an WI I apply rhe ..me Ii"r to lI1e paymclIl of tbe C051 Clf lbe The word ""pan)'- sh:1I1l\e con,.trncd us if it read "'purtie5" whenc"er the sense: uf this indenture Sl.1 requires. IN WITNKSS WHEREOf', rhe parry \,f rhc lirsr pan has dal)' executl'lllbi. deed thc day and year lir.<! ah.wc wrincn. IN PIlf.5F.NC>; OF: AI.t'!I.- 'cV--~~ ~~---.. eM.&. . ,..L\ _ T omaS J. rd - - ~JJe, A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL 1 DDD-1S3-D 1- P\O 1.10- AL.L. THAT CERTAIN PL.OT, PIECE OR P.ARCEL. OF L.AND, WITH THE BUIL.DINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ERECTED, SITUATE, L.YING AND BEING AT SOUTHOL.D, TOWN OF SOUTHOL.D, COUNTY OF 'SUF"F"OL.K AND STATE OF" NEW YORK, BEING BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOL.L.OWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WESTERL.Y L.INE OF HDRTONS L.ANE SAID POINT PL.ACE OF" BEGINNING BEING SOUTH 79 DEGREES 37 MINUTES DO SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 34.65 FEET FROM THE SOUTHERL.Y LINE OF' MIDDL.E ROAD. RUNNING THENCE FROM SAID POINT AND PLACE OF" BEGINNING IN A SOUTHERL.Y DIRECTION AL.ONG THE WESTERL.Y L.INE OF' HORTONS L.ANE SOUTH 23 DEGREES DO MINUTES DO SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF" 1 B3.31 F"EET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 59 DEGREES 1 B MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF" 144.97 F'EET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 21 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF" 11 1.B2 F"EET TO A POINT AND L.ANDS NOW OR F"ORMERL.Y OF" F"RANCIS CONWAY AND TOWN OF" SOUTHOL.D. THENCE AL.ONG LANDS NOW OR F"ORMERL.Y OF" F"RANCIS CONWAY AND TOWN OF" SOUTHOL.D SOUTH 54 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 40 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF" 231.15 F"EET TO A POINT ANO L.ANDS NOW OR F"ORMERL.Y OF" ANNE HUBBARD. THENCE NORTH 35 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 20 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF" 3DD.DD F"EET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTI1ERL.Y L.INE OF" MIDDL.E ROAD IC.R.4BI PAin: 2. THENCE NORTH 54 DEI3REES 25 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF MIDDLE ROAD (C.R. 481 A DISTANCE OF 418.48 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 79 DEI3REES 37 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 34.65 FEET TO THE POINT AND PLACE OF BEI3INNINI3. I . \ -.,. USIJAC,.",UII"EDGMENTFOIIM BUU"'lI'rrH'.v /tf/i'" yurTA 7F.O.VI..... SllIleofl'\ow\'ork,Cnllntvof tJt~ yo: I...: .,..... . On lheZcIoY ul ~..,~ in theyoar ;!09.7 bernr" me. lbe undc15ISii:d. p."""aIIy a"""""", Thomas J. Hubbard . per.lIlI1:IIly known to me or pmYC\llo me 00 lb. basi.. 01 5ali..f.u:l<lry c,;dence h, be the indi'idual(s) w....... nam.(5) is (are) subserihc:d I<l the within insllWllenl and ackoowledgcd to mo that helshellhey extC'UlI:d the same in hi.<lbcrJtheir capacil>tics). and thaI by hislherllhcir sign8lUn.~5) OIl the il15llWnCnI. the individua!(5). ... the p.""1I UJl"" Vall ut . h t)"viduaI(5) 3Cled. cxec:uled th. insuumcnl. Mil. DYAN C McCUEN NaIaIy Public, SIal8 01 New Ya!k Nc.01MC60694D8 to Oual~..d in New Vork County . In CommiUiOn Expirea February 4 , 20~ ACKN(J,,'L/iDG.\I/iNr FURM FOR USIi WIT/IIN NF.W YURK STA Tli ONLY: IfIif'w r",.. s.mtrilllna Wj'rM'n AlilkowlftlJlllt'", C...-rijifYIlf'/ Slateol"ewl'ork.Countyof I...: On the cloy 01 in the ycar bef",,, me. the undel5ignc.J, pcl50llally """"""'" the sub$eribing ..ilneAA lU the f......gning inSbUm...~ with whom I un: """"naUy ucquainlCd, wbo, being by me duly .worn, did cIcpaoe and ..y thal hel5beJthcy rcsidc(H) in lif''''' ('loa af,..,ide..... is i"" elt)'. itu:lud.t"" ",.., (JJld .trut.umber, if...'" t""m1J; thal bel>helthey know{.) In be the individwd dcs<:rihc:d in and wh., ....u!ell the fore~'('Iing instlllnlOnl; thal S8id sub5c:rihing wllnes.' wo.. pn:scnl and saw said ."".UIe the """0:; and thol said witncos al the S8IlIO lim< ..b"'rib..... hislhedlhcir ""nlO(H) .. a wimes..theJ'ClO. "ARGAIN "SALE D.:w WlTHC~!i ACiAISSTOlAN1U1t.S AnS rrru; NQ. Thomas J. Hubbard TO Peconic Land Trust, Incorporated FIIU:LITY NA110SAI. TITLE ISSURANC.: eCO)olPANY 01' NEW YORK ~. 1.w'I,.,.,WAIUIIW "(:'W~..;,-I..tI(.. Fidelity ..i:>),......,/.. ~.'Nww..,,~....."',...... USP.ACA'NOVoU:JKJ.\lENI'f'URM 1II-:J.lJII'wrrHI,V NA1f YOBK STA'n;O.~I.I': Stair urNe.. \'ork, Cuunty of I...: On the my of in th. vear befen: mo. the unden<igned, "'l5cna1ly appeared . pcni&1na1ly known Iu me or profed 10 me 011 the ba,.i. of ....f~ cvidc.....to be the individua1(.) w....... name(s) i. (arelsub.....nbcd 10 the within insllllmenl and acknowledged In me thai helshc:lthey exceuled the ....., in hWherllhcir capacily{ies). and that by hWhcrltheir signa_(5) on rho iJlSlnlIlll!~ the individu4l(5), ,It the """"n upun beludr of whic:h the individual(s) ac",1I, ......led the in5ttu""",,- ACKNowU:tJ(;.\fENT "ORM fOR US/i O/l/S/O/i N/iW YORKSTA7Ji O.VI.Y.' IOu, qf 51",.,,,, FIIII"iRJI (;1'111'",1 AtilNlWltd",.,.,., CrrrVinuC'J .................. , .................... .. ........ .1...: {(""IfWtr VlllUlI' wllh SlGk. CUIIII'')~ PtrI~IIJC_ t)r MMlliriptl1il1J On the cloy of in thq'Oar bef.lr-e me, the undctsigr..d. ""..mally appeored , pclliOnally known to me or proved to me on the basis ur suti..f8ClUry cvideneeto be the indi\idual!s) w..... non"'(s) is I"") ..b5cribcd 10 !be within in.<ttUmeI1I and acknowledged h' nlO thai heIsbcIllIl.1' =1&.... the """'" in hislhcrllhc:i, capacil)'(ies). thaI by hi""""their M1gn:1111nl(S) on the in.ttUmcI1I, the individua.l(s). or the penon upon heludf of whi<:h the individual(s) aetcd, .....I.d lb. inslnlmcn~ and thatsueh individual made sueh aPJll'llIll11CO before the undel5igned in the (IIUt"11 1M city tlf (ltll,., polilk.'O/ ."ubdivisiun alld 1M ,~utt nr t.'OUlJlI')' Dr ulher p(Q("'~ m:knoM,",-dlll1l"1J1 M.'al' laUll). DISTRICT 1000 SECTllll'l 63.00 81.OCK I loT plo 001.010 COUNTY OR ToW!> Southold IU-:COIWt:D AT REQlJf:sTOt' .ldelity "atlunlli 'nUelnsu"""", Cnmpall)' of ".w York RF.:TUHN BY MAIL 7U Susan Quinn Tuths, Attorney 77 Hampton Road, Suite Z Southampton NY 11968 I ~ '0 'I I~ I; I~ Ir: Iii: !/l F . II! '15 I~ .' o Number of pages TORRENS ;; RECORDED 2007 Sep 13 04:36:51 PH J\ldi lh R. Pascale CLERK OF' SlfFOLK COUNTY L 000012522 P 312 . DTI 07-04790 Seri:ll# Cenificlllc It Prior CIf. It 3 .' Deed I Mongage Tax SJamp FEES I , I I MrtgageAmL I. Basic Tax 2'1 Additional Tax Sub Tora! SP:OCj' JAssil. or SIfC' 1Add. nr. MTG. TAX, pual 'Ibwn _ Dual County _ ~eld for Appointment --2L- Transfer Tax ~ _ Mansion Tax Deed I Mortgage Instrument Recording I Filing Stamps P:lge I Filing Fee Handling -' l' TP-S84 S. J!!L ,,- '- NOllltion . M;d 0;) Secuon . <" - Sub Totai ](0 /10<(' - '3{) .tl.J S. ...QQ... .5 - IS. 00 Sub Tara! Grand Total The property c:ovm:d by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling .only. YES or NO EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (Slllte) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit ~ified Copy ~ NYS Surcbnrgc Other Block OIOU 5 Commwty PreIleNation Fund , . Real Property Tax Scrvicc Agcncy Verification -... .51 eration Amount $ $ - ~- 6 SatisfactionsIDischargeslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Improved Vacant Land TO /0 TO peconic Land Trust Incorporated 296 Hampton Road PO Box 1776 Southampton, NY 11969 TD 7 Information ~ 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonns pan of the atll\Cbcd R~rQ~;n ~nn ~~l~ n~~n (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: ThomAS 3. Hubhard The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of 0::"" t- h" 1 rl In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of ~ 0" tJp~ 1 g pp~nn.;r. T..~nn rrrnll:lt' Tn,..nrpny";lIot'~n BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE mEn OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. , (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .111111111I111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUN'rY CLERK RECORDS OFFl:CE RECORDING PAGE ~ of :InstrUlll8nt: DEEDS/ODD Number of paqes: 5 Receipt Number : 07-0086216 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-04790 Recorded: At: 09/13/2007 04:36:51 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012522 312 District: 1000 Section: 063.00 EXAMINED AND $0.00 Block: 01.00 CBAllGlID AS Lot: 001.012 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Followin9 Fees For Above :Instrument Bx~t Exempt Page/Filing' $15.00 NO Handlill9 $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO !!:A-Cn $5.00 NO !!:A-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'J.'M $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIIl.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $250.00 TRANSFER ~ NUNBBR: 07-04790 THIS PAGB IS A PAllT OF TBB INS'l'RUMBNT TB:IS IS NOT A B:ILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. SWIS Code 8J~,r,~f it , C2.DoteDHd__ D~ X~ ID7 . .. . ~h u.y YA' CUo'" J ). ,t:;,d-. I CU_ I , , ,l h 1;.' .. - PI:EASE TYPE"ORP-RESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF IlEAL PROPERTY &EIlVas RP - 5217 PROPERlY INFORMATION RP-Sl17 .., JWI U1'CIIlO;'1Y14"1I;OO LocdiOll~_R Southold em' OR 'IOWN ~nnn~~n;=lti 4A 1111[[ ....... 11~ 2.Bupr Nom. Peconic Land Trust. Incoroorated lAIr ....., COYWN folRSTNAME I.MTNMII:/~ P'MTNAMi a..Tu 1ndicIIe.......fulur8T..Bl.."etobl.nt I BiIIn, ;/ __ buvor _lll.....m 01 form) -- lAST NAME. I COMPANY ,.....,u-. 4. Indiat8 thl numblr of Aueumant Ral ....-._nod......._ c:rn OR TOWN . of Parcola OR ~ Port of . Parcol ITA1' "COllI IIrllllr NUMliRAND "llItf IUMi 5. 000cI I ""'-, SIu FIIONTJUT Ixl """" I OR I N:.ftII' . lOnIy . ..... ... ......u Chock.. thor _ 4A. Plonnirlll lewd with S_lIgon AuthoNy E>UIb 0 ... Sulldivllion Approvll _ Aoquhod fat T.._ 0 C. P."" Appo<Nod fat _1M'" Mo._ 0 ..- Nome LAlTJ!li~ Th"""''' .T. ..lIS'..... LMT NAME' COtoUW.N., HII'TIllMlll A ~ On. F.mily RI,idenrial B 2 or 3 FamUv Ruidenlill C RuidlmilJ VlGllnt Land D No...RoIadInbll Vacant Lind I SALE INFORMATION I n. .... Contracl Dati F. ~ Agricullu," f Cornmm:i.l1 (j ApDnnwna H EnlllUlinmam:1 AmUlllmlnt I ~ Com....nily S'MCO J Induldllal K Public &erwic:. L FontSl a.aIc thl ..... below _ they lIppIv: .. Ownenhip TYPe is Condominium .. ~ ConItruction on V.cant Land 1DA. ProperlY LacatD:t w1lh1n an Agrlcullural DisIIicl _ Buyer rIIlIived . dIIcIoIl,IIl norlce IndicI&inQ thallhe praperty Ia in M Agricullurll Ddtricl o o o o 7. Check the boll below wh5ch lIIen KCUl'ltely...... the ..... of the pr.-rtY et th. 11m. at ..1.: -- 1 N/AI Do, v"" ch 1 %1 07 -... 0., v... 15. ateck ani or men of ..... condIIIona .. W-:........ to tNnlk; ^ $lie BelWHn RelAlIWlS or Fonner Rei" 8 SlIe Between A8IUd Companies or Pertn.... in Bulirwu C One 01 dI. Iluyoro I. _ . SoUor D Buvet or Seller is Governmenll Agency or LINing 1ns1i1ution E Deed Typo nat: Warranty or ~rg.1n ond SIll (Spoctfy Belowl f' 5.11 of Fral;tiorW or L.-II thin Fcc: IncerullSpaclfy Balow) (; 5ignihcant Cho"SlO In Property BeIwoon TIdbIe SWus .nd Slle Da II S.. 01 BlIIiNl. is lndudlld In SIIIa Prica I Other UnUlual Factors AfflCdng Sail!" Price (Spoc:IIy BIIlowl J Nono 12. hie of Sale I Tr......' . :0- . II , 01 , J . IFul1 Silo PrIr.c .. tho IOlII.mount paid fOllhl ptoperty Indudlng porsolUIl property. This peymenllNY be in lite Iorm of cah. other property or goods. or lhI ..ump;;ion of morIgIQCI 01 Olhor obIigIlionI.) PluM round ro ".. IJNIrtIf whDhI doIIiu MrIOUnt ,..-.,......-............ I -0-.0. II I prCII*tY IndudecIIn 1M .... . I Ii -- . - . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. D.te shDuld ..floel tho 1010111 Final AlSOsarnan, RDII and Tax Bill 13. Full SIIle Pria No Consideration - Gift '" v.., aI A____ ._.4 Rail from In. b I 17. Teal AaNued V.kre (01 aU plrceleln er"""ll which Infarrnatian ...... ; , .1/ ./ .'1 J ... ~'" CI_ '3. ~. Ol-LJ ... Sell... Di_ Nome I C::::;:~IP{ 20. Tax M., klend8er1l11 RoIldllfltlfierial1l moM thin four. atlach shiel with addition" Identlfi...c.U OOI.O/~ 1000-63-1 1.~ ~/o I I CERTIFICATION I CII1lty Ib:d .u IIlhr llenw or laI'cM11lalkm ftden.'d on Iblll rorm Un' lrue and correct (Iu Ibe be.I or my kDnwledar ud .....arn ... I Ullllmdmtd Ibar lhe maklnl or _1 wllllUl ...... .-.....1 or ..._ r.. ..._ wW IOlbJc<I ... .. 0.. _Lv_ or.he ...... ..... ..11111.. 10 lh< 0llIIIIIIlIl oad IlIInJl "'- ..........- BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY Peconic Land Trust. Incorporated 'I'uths 1M''''' Susan 'l1li1..... o s:'1l th IlVYl~ () c:nv""~ ITJIEIT MUM" IrlllU.J """"...., 1\Jhllct(,<g IrArt Zlf'CCIOt SELLER