HomeMy WebLinkAboutWinergy Power US Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice US Army Corps of Engineers New York District Jacob K. Javits Federal Building New York, N.Y. 10278-0090 A TIN: Regulatory Branch " "" .,UB.bIC-NOTICE f;[DT\~, \~uk'm' L-., p"bt'ic N tice Number: NAN-200S-00367-WMI ;,:;e. '''''', 's~ue Date: June 12, 2007 ~ :...~~:-..:'ilon Date: July 12, 2007 ---....- ".....""'. w \~Y'~'1 rY\\ m '.~., ., To Whom It May Concem: ......~ The New York District, Corps of Engineers has received an application for a Department of the Army permit pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403), and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) APPLICANT: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Par1<way, Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 ACTIVITY: WATERWAY: Install a Wind Energy Generating Facility and Submarine Electric Cables LOCATION: Gardiner's Bay, Long Island Sound Gardiner's Bay, 0.28 miles (1500-feet) offshore of Plum Island, 2.1 miles offshore of Orient Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York A detailed description and drawings of the applicant's regulated activity are enclosed with this public notice to assist in your review. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concem for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. ! All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concems, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazardS;floodplain values, land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. I The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, state, and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers.to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects, and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. ALL COMMENTS REGARDING THE PERMIT APPLICATION MUST BE PREPARED IN WRITING AND MAILED TO REACH THIS OFFICE BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THIS NOTICE, otherwise, it will be presumed that there are no objections to the activity. CENAN-OP-RW PUBLIC NOTICE NO. NAN-200S-00367-WMI Any person may request, in writing, before this public notice expires, that a public hearing be held to collect information necessary to consider this application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons why a public hearing should be held. It should be noted that information submitted by mail is considered just as carefully in the permit decision process and bears the same weight as that fumished at a public hearing. Our preliminary determination is that the activity for which authorization is sought herein is not likely to affect any federally endangered or threatened species or their critical habitat. Pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1531), the District Engineer is consulting with the appropriate Federal agency to determine the presence of and potential impacts to listed species in the project area or their critical habitat. The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery conservation and Management Act, as amended by the Sustainable Fisheries Act of 1996 (16 USC 1801 et .seq.) requires federal agencies to consult with the N<$>nal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Service (NOAA-FS) on all actions. A complete description of the applicant's' proposed project is in the enclosed work description. The Corps of Engineers has made the preliminary determination, based on information that is currently available, that the site-specific adverse effects are not likely to be substantial. However, further consultation with NOAA-FS regarding impacts to Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) and conservation recommendations to protect EFH will be concluded prior to a final permit decision. Based upon a review of the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places, there are two known sites eligible for, or included in, the Register within the general vicinity of the applicant's proposed project. These are the Orient Historic District and the Terry-Mulford House. Presently unknown archaeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost by work accomplished under the required permit. Consultation with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation will be undertaken to ensure that the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historical Preservation Act of 1966 (16 USC 470), are satisfied prior to final permit decision. Reviews of activities pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act will include application of the guidelines promulgated by the Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, under authority of Section 404 (b) of the Clean Water Act and the applicant will obtain a water quality certificate or waiver from the appropriate state agency in accordance with Section 401 of the Clean Water Act prior to a permit decision. Pursuant to Section 307 (c) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 as amended [16 U.S.C. 1456 (c)], for activities under consideration that are located within the coastal zone of a state which has a federally approved coastal zone management program, the applicant has certified in the permit application that the activity complies with, and will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with, the approved state coastal zone management program. By this public notice, we are requesting the state's concurrence with, objection to, or waiver of the applicant's certification. No permit decision will be made until one of these actions occurs. For activities within the coastal zone of New York State, the applicant's certification and accompanying information is available from the Consistency Coordinator, New York State Department of State, Division of Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization, Coastal Zone Management Program, 41 State Street, Albany, New York 12231, Telephone (518) 474-6000. Comments regarding the applicants Coastal Zone Management Certification should be mailed to this same address. '. ~ In addition to any required water quality certificate and coastal zone management program concurrence, the applicant has obtained or requested the following govemmental authorization for the activity under consideration: . New Y orik State Office of General Services Easement It is requested that you communicate the foregoing information concerning the activity to any persons known by you to be interested and who did not receive a copy of this public notice. If you have any questions conceming this application, you may contact this office at (917) 790-8516 and ask for Mary Ann Miller. 2 CENAN-OP-RW PUBLIC NOTICE NO. NAN-200S-00367-WMI For more information on New York District Corps of Engineers programs, visit our website at http://www.nan.usace.army.mil. ~l.~ . Richard L. Tomer Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosures ( m.,~>....,(,~,~CII y <"V\ \ ~ ),,\. L \-f.'v'" ';; . .' t LA. L U J- ,jv'\ ~v\ Lv",-~ ~ w '-' ~ \- A lot J "" \ ^ ~ _' _ 1.11- ~ cZ+ '-fLCo'Q ) - ~. ?->bL,- . .' 3 CENAN-OP-RW PUBLIC NOTICE NO. NAN-2005-00367-WMI WORK DESCRIPTION The applicant, Winergy Power LLC, has requested Department of the Army (DA) authorization for construction of an Offshore Wind Park consisting of either a two or three wind.turbine generator option using monopile towers and a jack-up barge in different configurations. Submarine electric cables are also proposed between the wind-turbines and from the turbines to shore. The submarine transmission cable would connect the offshore wind turbine generators to an existing electric substation located in the upland. The offshore wind park would be located in Gardiners Bay, 0.28 miles (1500- feet) offshore of Plum Island, and 2.1 miles off-shore of Orient Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. The applicant's stated purpose for this project is to provide a Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) project to study the effects of the presence of wind turbines in the marine environment. The applicant expects to demonstrate that an offshore project can become economically self-sustaining and providll.. an opportunity for regulators, environmentalists, utilities and the general public to become familiar with offshore wind energy technology and assess its' viability for larger scale deployment in deeper offshore waters. . To assist the readers review of the applicant's proposed activity, 27 maps, drawings and photo simulations are enclosed with this work description. Sheets 16 through 27 are a set of computer-generated depictions submitted by the applicant showing the view of the turbines from nine locations, if a DA permit were issued. Offshore Wind Turbine Generators This work would involve installing either three (3) 3.6 Megawatt (MW) wind-lurbine generator towers, two on Monopile Steel Towers; and one on a jack-up barge; or two (2) 5.0 MW wind-lurbine generator towers, one a Monopile Steel Tower (Sheets 3 & 4fand one on a jack-up barge (Sheets 7 & 8). The nearest wind-turbine generator tower would be located 0.28 miles (15oo-feet) from the Shore of Plum Island. The wind-turbine generator towers would be spaced at an average interval of approximately 3100 feet from the other wind-turbine generator tower, and cover an approximately 200 acre area (Sheet 1). The 5.0 MW wind-turbine generator towers would extend 312-feet above the elevation of Mean Low Water (MLW). The rotor blade radius would be 207 -feet, giving a maximum height of the tower and the rotor as approximately 520 feet above MLW when measured at the peak of the blades. The turbine blades would spin at the rate of approximately 13-17 revolutions per minute, depending on the speed of the wind. MonoPile Scour Protection Mats After the monopile tower(s) are installed, and the jack-up barge is in place, scour control measures would be put in place on the ocean floor (Sheet 5). At the base of each monopile, eight (8) 8.2' by 16.4' mattresses, covering an area of 1,076 square feet would be installed. Each mattress consists of buoyant synthetic fronds, attached to a webbed mat of polyester, which is in turn anchored to the seabed, as depicted on Sheet 6. For the three wind-lurbine generator proposal, 40 mattresses would be installed, between the two monopile foundations and the three legs of the jack-up barge, which cover 5,320 square feet. '. Cables The offshore-to-onshore inner array submarine cables wouid be installed using the jet plowing method (Sheet 13). This would create a trench approximately 36-inches wide and six feet deep, into which the cabie is laid, and immediately covered with the sea-bed sediment. The cable would be plowed six (6) feet beneath the seabed, except where obstructed. If obstructions, such as boulders are encountered that preclude successful burial of any length of the cable to a depth of six feet, then the cable would be buried to the maximum depth possible. The cable would consist of one cable in three sequential segments (Sheet 13) installed via jet piow and Horizontal Directional Drill from the furthest wind turbine to the substation on Orient Point, a distance of approximately 24,200- feet. 4 CENAN-OP-RW PUBLIC NOTICE NO. NAN-2005-00367-WMI As depicted on sheet 10, from turbine A to turbine B there would be 3,200 feet of 3-conductor, armored 34.5 kV cable installed via jet plow. As the cable approaches turbine B it transitions from a buried cable into a J-Tube that runs up the monopile foundation of the wind turbine, where it connects into the electric switchgear of turbine B. The cable then continues down the monopile foundation and where it is buried via jet plow to turbine C. The distance from B to C is approximately 3,000 feet. From turbine C to point D the cable segment leaving wind turbine C carries all power from the three turbines to shore. From turbine C, there would be 4,200-feet of cable installed via jet plow to point D. From point D, the single cable would run 12,500-feet towards Orient Point via jet plow, to point E, 500 feet offshore of Orient Point. From point E to point F the cable would transition into a 1O-inch diameter plastic conduit installed via Horizontal Direction Drilling. . Horizontal Directional Drill The section of cable installed via Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) would be buried a !JJlnimum of 6 feet deep below the seabed, with portions near the center of the HDD path that could be buried up to 80 feet deep in the onshore leg. As shown on Sheet 12, the HDD would terminate approximately six feet below the seabed, approximately 500 feet from shore in Gardiner's Bay. As depicted on Sheet 12, when the cable laying vessel approaches this HDD termination point the jet plow would expose the end of the HDD section. The end of the cable would then be pulled into the HDD section assisted by divers who would manually expose the end of the HDD section in the event the jet plowing does not leave the HDD termination exposed. This manual wor1< is anticipated to require no more than 2-3 feet of excavation over an eight square foot area. Once the cable is pulled into the HDD section, this HDD termination point would remain temporarily exposed in a shallow trench. At this time, in order to ensure the proper burial depth, either jet plow would be utilized to submerge the cablelHDD transition point, as depicted in Step 3, or divers would manually achieve burial to a six-foot minimum depth. No cofferdam is anticipated to be necessary. Ooerations Center The applicant reports that the operations of the offshore wind park would be monitored from Winergy's office at 150 Motor Par1<way, Suite 425, Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998. The applicant indicates that a local office may be opened during the construction phase of the project, if required. Staaina Area The applicant reports that the staging area that would be utilized in construction of the proposed wind farm would be either in Quonset, RI, New London, CT, or Elizabeth, NJ. All the proposed areas are deepwater ports. No dredging would be required for any project activity. There would be no local, land-based activities within the immediate proximity of the proposed project site. The applicant indicates that during the construction period, barges and ships would remain anchored at the site. Personnel would be ferried to and from the site from existing marinas. .. Liahtina The wind turbines would be equipped with FAA-approved lights atop each tower. Any lighting around the bases would be configured as required by the U.S. Coast Guard. The jack-up barge would be lit to meet the requirements of both a vessel and a stationary object in the ocean. The barge would also have navigation lights along the sides of the barge and deck lights for use during towing. There would be lights on the turbine tower, about 20 feet above the deck of the barge and guide lights (and rails) to ensure safety of personnel who are at the site during periods of reduced visibility. Decommissionina The applicant has indicated that the life expectancy for wind turbines in the ocean is 20 years. This project is proposed for a period of 10 years. The decommissioning process would involve removal of the wind turbines, bases and cable end. The cables would be left buried in the seabed. The turbines on monopile bases would be removed from above by crane and barge. The monopile bases would be cut 6 feet below the surface of the seabed and removed. The remainder of the bases would be left buried in the ground. The wind turbine on the monopile platform would be disconnected from the cables and then floated back to port for decommissioning. All project decommissioning steps would be accomplished within a matter of severai weeks. 5 " Proposed Wind Turbine Sites Wind Turbine Latitude Longitude (1) Monopile 41 1016 72 II 24 (2) Monopile 41 10 32 72 1051 (3) Jack-Up Barge 41 1008 72 10 23 Site Boundaries ~""'" ,.. .........-.'..~.._-.~_...f..:_..~~("-'- ~'i. ~ .. ...". ......-. .. ...... . .-.....- ...... ....''L" . ......._~:::::..._..,:.,,:"""...(::;;;TW 1fP ~''r ,q.!r,~ . "'. .c'i r(':~ /(""',t"~~~"'A, I _v5/7 /.>i,,~.....\,. ~r~.,d' ;....t;r' .",....~c:'...'~\ 1'" ',vv -",. ,~.. t.::;;'>'" ........-:..-','~- __>>f,.r~ -.r".;....... ~p..r-.....:;,;~ .r-.;:>-.....~lo /...~"j.... ;r...... ~ ..-- ,,;- ''''1 -.. - .i~ .' 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''''-. ~t;J Figure 1 Proposed Site Location Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Revision 1: July 15, 2006 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 b_~1r~ '\ t~'i ~~ I ,,-F ;J,,1 Latitude Longitude 41 10 16 72 II 33 41 1034 72 II 02 41 1031 72 1036 41 10 06 72 10 16 n'~'Oj"" ";'ijJ'./1 ,...to"N _~.,,::r'::-:-; 'I.<!!..:-'''' $.f,."'/"'" ,,.~O'W ,w~ Atl.ntic Oce.n w.,,,.... Sea Ie: Statute Miles 10 20 30 ~ -- .. J $ \ -. ,itS .\ I. .' ",, 153 ~! 'Q / Proposed Site, Including Buoy Locations Demarking Fish Farm As Currently Marked On NOAA Charts .., .. ,. >S G .. .. 8309\ , 8!i\ .. . /81.-~':..---- 103-----r- \50 I 56 __.-;--.:.;'-- 1/(1122 ,I _---- as III " I 86 " O.rCil" as i . 'FIG'" 31 ., "" '" J-- P.-----s:4- , Buoy Locations Demarking'9.<NG::' Fish Farm Site As It Currently .... - Appears On NOAA Charts ~ I" Scale: 1 Statute Mile -. N U ~~e.y Plan " ..,,~,.,., '. .. __ _;;0;;" . , ,./ l/j" ~ 'loor ~-"'f':' . P .:. ii~ ",-.'A .."'" ,,>:l/x"-.' N,~,;.;lI , !.> n: 11. ~-" lu~~';,.~~";::"''''/! Scale 5OStlJlul~Miles~1 ".-- ," '. ,'I'.;.'."... . t. ,"' 0 1 ,s ,~ t} ". i. ....,0. ~ - ,. : 'f- .'; ".~ . :" 1 I _ "- i':[ : :.>~-_ - ." .' .~i :..'. : ;' ': ~ ~ I ..: _ . I Figure 2 -!-.~ (I\'''l:~:...r'''\'~ Proposed Site Location on NOAA Chart 12354 Application Number: 2005.00367.L2 RevIsion 1: July 15, 2006 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 ~ .._ .1 ~"";'~,~I U I. I ::.J ~-.l::c''::''''':'. r~ SOV~~Gf:lIH fEO -;::=.~~t::/::~:;::-:;:: '--!.':"_~.'" '"""'"<~ 'Sr~~ .z A .9.. 1 Aviation Warning Lights "" ~ Nacelle Maintenance Hoist Overall Height: 520' (MLW) HUB HEIGHT ! ! I I I 312\MLWj : \ \ \ ./ ./ l "- /~~, Rotor , Diameter ' \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I - ..- "- ~TIP - - 105' (MLW) - - 60' (MLW) PLATFORM Access Ladder " /' " .. .. ./ ,/ 414 Feet Aviation Warning Lights ~#\ ~\)'\ <,.;,'" " ~'I>\)' <o\'I>~:,'o - - - - - - Mean Low Water Level t Water Depth varies 11-45' Figure 3 Monopile/Tower Schematic SEABED I i Up to 140' 1 Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 b~J~l'l '-. ./ /' " /' "- /' "- - .- Navigation Warning Lights Cable/Conduit Penetrates Tower Electric Conduit TRANSITION PIECE 18 IT DIAMETER I t:- ./ C"( Scour Protection Mats - 4.1' depth Cable to Tower Cable From Tower MONOPILE 18.7 FT DIAMETER I o I 150 Feet '-\' Cl N\ I- III I.l.J ":t: If) i Figure 4 Monopile Construction Details Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Revision 1: Jul 15,2006 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 ~:~_l~t~ Nacelle -', ~ --.~~-. ~ Tower / Sections ~, '" ..~" ", I I i I Transition I '<00 . .iJt ,-' i Mean Low Water Monopile- , I -, Hub& ~Blade ..- Assembly <t-- ri ~ -::t ~ V) [--1[-----/ WIND TURBINE CENERATOR (WTC) :,_______...-, ,.......J ~::J__.__ I L_______JOL_,____---_J- SEA~ED SC~UR CONTROL SYSTEMS MAT (TYP) f - [__=,~~_] - - - [::~~:__~~] -1 ~~t x 16.4 each, 8 M;W roffihng 1,076 square [~[~___.J Plan View Section View Figure 5a Scour Control System Deteils Application Number: 2005-00367-L2 Revision 1: Jul 15, 2006 -1.------' Submitted by: ~"l". Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hau au e NY 11788-9998 I b ~ ARCS OF MAJOR TIDAL FLOW WINO TURBINE GENERATOR <:-- <"i <t- o WATER SURFACE SEABED SCOUR CONTROL SYSTEMS MATS (4.1' deplh) ~:~ "".~. SEABED SEABED SCOUR CONTROL SYSTEMS ANCHORS (3.3' deplh) Fronds ) 4.1 fool height Webbed Mat ) · ~i,~i~~~!I~~~'~~~'$~{;;'r~2\"~;~ 3.3 fool depth Anchors Frond, Mattress and Anchor System i 1 L_l.~ 1 ------- Anchors ~ <'i i- II " ......,! 1i (7i Frond Mattress Scour Protection Carpet Rollout System Figure 5b Scour Control System Deteils bJan Application Number: 2005-00367-L2 Revision 1: Jul 15, 2006 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hau au e NY 11788-9998 13'10" I , I I ! -IJ- 1- -- 16' ---1 Plan View of Footing Figure 6 Jackup Berge P1en View & Deteils Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Revision 1: Jut 15 2006 -i------' Submitted by: lh, "':C' "",,, Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge. NY 11788-9998 <280' <260' <300' -10' l' -..'.-,'.'.-.--.'1'_,_.,.3 r L.__=L ., .,"." --n---. ----.-fL_L 1 '6" Elevation View of Footing No Scale - Figure is Schematic Only " << 'fP t- 1; <'J ;;1 Mairtenance Hoist AGGe$$ ladder Figure 7 Jackup Barge/Tower Schematic Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hau au e NY 11788-9998 Lk::~~}J1'.'~ Aviation Warning Lights \ Blade Diameter 414' \ \ Top of Blade Tip 520' MLW Hub Height 312' MLW t'" rt ~ o 0<:> \- .u Ul :t: \I) Blade T~__ BoIt~i.-105' ~ MLW _ TOPofLegr75' MLW ~30' MLW veSSet I // / ~~l 0' MLW " ~ __ Sea 8"" ~ -30-50' MLW ___--------:\4 ... V_;Mh ... ------.:..--...W.fDeptl FOot" -40-65' MLW Jng VnslMlh SeaBed """" -- __lI1ean (0 ----_ IV Wat; -----_"!(eVet EIeGrnG ..-....... Conduit ---- -- --- --- --- Sea ;;-------_ e<J ---_ Legs: -120' Long, 30mm wall thickness, 10' diameter . Not to scale - " , , " Patent Pending "'" -, U! I[ I I I I '" t- I ri I ("i I I 0 I cr- I I J ' I . j Figure 8 Assem bled Jaok-lJp Barge and Wind Turbine Being Towed to Site +~ ll\\l"~'_I\~\l-" Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Revision 1: Jul 15 2006 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hau au e NY 11788-9998 . Conceptual only. Not to scale, ~ (F) Substation to n Jt. 43 (D) 50 <4 Fig ure 9 Cable Route Overview Type of Cable & Installation (A) To (C): Buried 3-conductor armored 34.5 kV cable. Installed via jet plow. (C) To (E): Buried 3-conductor armored 34.5 kV cable. Installed via jet plow. (E) To (F) Buried 34.5 kV Cable in 10" HOPE Conduit installed via directional drilling Application Number: 2005-00367-L2 Revision 1: Jul 15. 2006 .J..----.., Submitted by: ~"". Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hau au e NY 11788-9998 I 9-.pJ.7:. 10 ""6 :1..1 SG ,. ~ . ~, ---""-- IO~ ~~ I ~5 .--.--.... ~~ !.6"-. 70 ..,. (A) To (B): 3.200 feet (B) To (C): 3.000 feet (C) To (0): 4.200 feet ~I (0) To (E): 12.500 feet (E) To (F): 1.300 feet '>7 .wi 41 Scale: N .- 1 Statute mile -. U - -......J ~ ~ I' ''''''"''l''' . .o:.i.~ ~ . ~""""4l:' - - -- ,Iff .:;.,... L;.' rio' ~... "'""... ....,J, ....., ,,~\ " flIlI' - . l!~" ",f .. ....... \'f.;;;:~t. \~, ~" J~""1iI~ \~> "..,~ .t.!,". ....,' ~;". .,.~r\ 'I~. Yr' #'" ~--;.. " ,~1~' '''IIJ :;,'~ 'of '..... "~.~ 'II-'>lC ,." ; ~. "". '-. "j' ..""'''~' '" :;-. . .,.. '... . 'n f~"" It'!-..r:'' "... ,]I f1f'1t - 1 ,.... ,,,,' l'- #0. ...it, ~i~ . ~ ,"W'" "" ,t," '" J'\" ~ 1" 'f .,~~ ,( ':~ ~ :~ \.. .~. ,,'. .,...~ ~.:\,.t:".. ~ . </. .:."'~ ,~~'...... ~~~. Jj>' '" 'f,\',t r....:-.~~ r..",. r .,. tJ.~) , a"'i'''i?~~,' ...., .'" ..i:t-tf'~ ..,.... ~/_' ~ .' I ',yr "'" ... ...~ ' .. ~:l:, '..- . ~ ., ,.' ~~. ~~ ~ " ".....,. ,,'" :\ ." ..: ". .....;.:0 "" "."~ ". .. & \l I'~ .....IJ.- "...~... ...'1...... l,~~ ~. ..' ~. ~ . . tL'.. ~:.- -"': -;~ " .'" . ~"" :;.~.... ::.. ~.. '" ;,0'. . _r'.~-"J'-" .... - ~,.' . .~. - ~~, ~\. '1-"'-~..",'" ..:.~ ....~ " ~~ '--it, ~~;...~.. .." 1\ '\t. .,' ,.:~:> \ ...'- # I \ ' ~.,;. . " "..\'-. ..'\ .~'\.t\~: ~.' ~,\,\ ' I ",~:.."\' . "', - ,.,. , ,~ ~' .'t ""~" ...."..-_.._- ,,~ / . .... \ ~o, / ~~ ..~ I Figure 10 Cable Landing Detail 500 Feet . N IU Q". Sl.>>t I { o-f' :.J.. '7 I I Orient Point Gardiners Bay I I Section of Cable I Southeast I . I Northwest I .. Route Looking I I I I To Orient Northeast To Wind Farm I I I I Point I I Existing Substation D~ I '-i-- l Temporary Drill Entry Pit " \ \ ,::':o;~~"--'"~;:~~:~ ~Jl HDPE Plastic Conduit . )f R' Bunal Depth Horizontal Directional Drill Installation // // - T (Total length approximately 1,300') End of Plastic Conduit Transition to Armored Cable Buried with Jet Plow l Figure 11 Horizontal Directional Drilling Detail Application Number: 2005-00367-L2 Revision 1: July 15, 2006 -4.. ~ Submitted by: e.-~"" Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppa~e NY 11788-9998 Profile View No Scale SJ,9..9.f ,,:2. of' J, 1 Figure 12 Cable Jel Plow Barge Figure 13 Buried Cable Cross Section MAX. APPROX. )' SHALLD" "MER INSTALLATION BARGE Fioure 14 Cable Composition ~ Figures 12-14 Cable Construction Oetails ------~---Armor :;;:::1 ':::'IL::J" Solid Conductors ---11t:J---- Fiber Optics " Application Number: 2005-00367.L2 Revision 1: Jul 15, 2006 -i-.-~ Submitted by: (I"'"",:~,,_,, Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hau au e NY 11788.9998 SJ.!ld; 13 oJ! :J.. '] Proxim ity in Statute Miles to Local landmasses {1';': ~~f\l" Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Revision 1: Jul 15,2006 Submitted by: . . Winergy Power LLC 150 Molor Parkway Suite 425 Hau au e NY 11788-9998 Distances marked are between land mass and nearest wind turbine .----- ~ 14 of :2 7 Key Plan of Locations of Vantage Points for Photosimulalions Application Number: 2005-00367-L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Molor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 Qu SheetJ~ of i:l :it \:t ~l ,~ ~ ~." ~ ~r 'I >>; ,.'" ;.,< Photosimulation 1 Panoramic Simulation of 520-ft Tall Offshore Wind Turbines Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788.9998 9VE" SIMULATED PANORAMA OF 520-FOOT TALL WIND TURBINES AT VARIOUS DISTANCES FROM SHORE FROM THE SAME VIEWPOINT AS THE SIMULATED VIEW FROM THE ENTRANCE ROAD TO ORIENT POINT STATE PARK. THE PANORAMA WAS CONSTRUCTED BY DIGITALLY CLONING A SECTION OF OPEN OCEAN ~RO~ THE ORIENT PARK STATE PARK 50 MM DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPH, THEN DIGITALLY EDITING THE IMAGE TO CREATE THE APPEARANCE OF A CONTINUOUS OCEAN PANORAMA. By USING A CLONED SECTION OF THE ORIGINAL DIGITAL IMAGE AND THEN USING THE ORIGINAL DIGITAL IMAGE TO SIZE THE WIND TURBINES, THE HIGH FIDELITY OF THE SIMULATED IMAGES AND THEIR VISUAL SIZE IN RELATION TO THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE OBSERVER IN THE PHOTOGRAPH ARE MAINTAINED WHEN TRANSFERRED TO THE CLONED IMAGE. THE WIND TURBINES WERE CREATED IN THE ORIGINAL ORIENT POINT ENTRANCE ROAD IMAGE, WHERE THE KNOWN HEIGHT OF THE PLUM ISLAND WATER TOWER COULD BE USED TO MATHEMATICALLY PORTRAY HIGH RESOLUTION DIGITAL IMAGES THAT FAITHFULLY SIMULATE REAL-WORLD VIEWS AT VARIOUS DISTANCES. Sheet 110 of 27 '<< ~ f~ 'fi. ,~.,:.:r:.( IV * ~ ~1!, (jf.""'-' ,~, ~ .> j t~~ ~;-,. h! <~'~' " , ~ ,,;" z.~ ~ ~%: ..,. ;,~ ;1n~ ~:~: ~ :':-'.... r-> 1'~ -;.. ~ b?' -~: l't:i ~'l:< ,~ ~ (1' :rl ~ 'II' ,'!' "~I' '" 0. " pt 'N f!..~ ,~ 're .., m f:} ~.Wi ,t'I k" ~~; ~ ,- be. .' :">?; '( ,y{ .--'{ .'.' " ~ i ~ "~\in!;:::s.- '" ~'< ~::~;; j - -::~ J,- ',' " ~ 1:< ~. ~, ;:I _.""",~.... h --- ..---_.~. . ... ~,- ~-- ;f~ ~ ;-", ....:,,' Photosimulation 2 Viewpoint two miles East oflproposed project Application Number: 2005-00367-L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 gV[R SIMULATED VIEW DF PROPOSED PLUM ISLAND PRO.JECT FROM A BOAT IN THE WATER, Two (2) MILES EAST OF NEAREST WIND TURBINE. PLUM ISLAND IS IN THE BACKGROUND. DATE: MARCH 29, 2006; TIME OF DAY: 9:00 A.M. FOCAL LENGTH = 70 MM. Sheet 12 of d1 - - Photosimulation 3 Viewpoint two miles North ot proposed project Application Number: 2005-00367-L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge. NY 11788-9998 SIMULATED VIEW FROM A BOAT TWO (2) MILES NORTH OF THE NEAREST WIND TURBINE. PLUM ISLAND 15 IN THE FOREGROUND, BETWEEN THE VIEW AND THE WIND TURBINES. FOCAL LENGTH DATE: MARCH 29. 2006; TIME OF DAY: 9:45 A.M. FOCAL LENGTH = 70 MM. Sheet ffi. of :)7 ~;t~ 70 MM. ;l ry.: o ~ ;tf: ~, ;;;....... Photosimulation 4 Viewpoint two miles West oflProposed project Application Number: 2005-00367-L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge. NY 11788-9998 d:;;t. SIMULATED VIEW FROM A BOAT TWO (2) MILES WEST OF THE NEAREST WIND TURBINE. PLUM ISLAND Is IN THE FOREGROUND. BETWEEN THE VIEW AND THE WIND TURBINES; DATE: MARCH 29. 2006; TIME OF DAY: 10: 1 5 A.M. FOCAL LENGTH = 70 MM. Sheet 1.1 of ;).1 ;t) ~ ~ ~ Ii! 'llJ ji< 'JP Hi:~,. <.0.; . ~ '" it ~ (1' 11,4 < t, , ~. ',. ~", l!!, ~ c::- ~ ,., ~, ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ \< II ~\ .. r~ ~~'"'\ ! ' J w" Photosimulation 5 Viewpoint two miles South of proposed project Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 ;~ , c ,-- ;F'-':f' ~, .. SIMULATED VIEW OF PROPOSED PRD.JECT FROM A BOAT IN THE WATER TWO (2) MILES SOUTH OF THE NEAREST WIND TURBINE; PLUM ISLAND IS IN THE BACKGROUND. DATE: MARCH 29, 2006; TIME OF DAY: B: 15 A.M. FOCAL LENGTH = 70 MM. Sheet El) of 2J / , '" j$:. i: I ~, ;"'; Photosimulation 6 Viewpoint of proposed project from Orient Point County Park Application Number: 2005-00367-L2 Submitted by: Winergy Pow~r LLC .J~ 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 ( IWIN"uCY Pow"" Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 ~ SIMULATED VIEW OF PROPOSED PROJECT FROM TIP OF ORIENT POINT COUNTY PARK; 2.3 MILES TO THE NEAREST WIND TURBINE; LOOKING EAST OVER PLUM GUT. DATE: NOVEMBER 22, 2005; TIME OF DAY; 11 :00 A.M. FOCAL LENGTH = 70 MM. Sheet CiJ of ~ 1 4;, 1:; j:'~'i.; ?J; "it] Photosimulation 7 Viewpoint of proposed project from Orient Point State Park Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC --I.. ~ 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 ,IWIN'.CY f\'{'.. Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 ~ } SIMULATED VIEW OF PROPOSED PRO.JECT FROM ENTRANCE ROAD TO ORIENT POINT STATE PARK; DATE: APRIL 27. 2006; TIME OF DAY: 11 :30 A.M. FOCAL LENGTH = 50 MM. Top OF PLUM ISLAND WATER TOWER IS 152 FT MLW. WINO TURBINE HEIGHT 444 FT MLW DISTANCE TO WATER TOWER 15 3.35 STATUTE MILES. DISTANCE TO CLOSEST WIND TURBINE 15 3.1 STATUTE MILES. DISTANCE TO LEFTMOST WIND TURBINE IS 3.7 STATUTE MILES. DISTANCE TO RIGHTMOST WIND TURBINE IS 3.9 STATUTE MILES. Sheet ~of Kl '. Photosimulation 8 Viewpoint of proposed project from Orient Point County Park Application Number: 2005-00367-L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 ~'H l SIMULATED VIEW OF PROPOSED PROJECT FROM THE BEACH IN ORIENT POINT COUNTY PARK, 2.8 MILES TO THE NEAREST WIND TURBINE. PLUM ISLAND AND PLUM GUT ARE IN THE FOREGROUND. DATE: MARCH 29, 2006; TIME OF DAY: 11 :45 A.M. FOCAL LENGTH = 70 MM. Sheet d2 of ;.. 7 '1; ~ ", v' t; 4 1; :1', ;~ -r' if Photosimulation 9 Viewpoint of proposed project from Little Ram Island Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 ~\1' SIMULATED VIEW OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT LOOKING NORTHEAST FROM LOWER BEACH BETWEEN LITTLE RAM ISLAND AND RAM ISLAND. 8.4 MILES TO THE NEAREST WIND TURBINE. PLUM ISLAND IS IN BACKGROUND. DATE: MARCH 29, 2006; TIME OF DAY: 2:'5 P.M. FOCAL LENGTH = 70 MM. Sheet ~of ,11 ., .. I II I .~ I j il .' Photosimulation 10 Viewpoint of proposed project from Big Ram Island Application Number: 2005-00367-L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 tiv::::1\U SIMULATED VIEW OF PROPOSED PRO.JECT FROM BIG RAM ISLAND, LDOKING NORTHEAST, B.5 MILES TO THE NEAREST WIND TURBINE; PLUM ISLAND Is IN BACKGROUND. DATE: MARCH 29, 2006; TIME OF DAY: 3:00 P.M. FOCAL LENGTH = 70 MM. Sheet.?5 of :21 . --. -. I I . 1 ~ I 1 Photosimulation 11 Viewpoint of proposed project from Greenport Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 Hauppauge, NY 11788-9998 Q,~ } SIMULATED VIEW OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT LOOKING EAST FROM THE LONG WHARF IN GREEN PORT, 10.2 MILES TO THE NEAREST WIND TURBINE. DATE: APRIL 27, 2006; TIME OF DAY: 10:30 A.M. FOCAL LENGTH = 50 MM. Sheet ;;>!"of Xl -. -. . . -Th i r' >.iJ }, , 7"- , :"""w ."" :.i; 4 ::e..>>; ",;~ . ;;. ;.M Photosimulation 12 Viewpoint of possible two unit project from Orient Point State Park Application Number: 2005-00367 -L2 Submitted by: Winergy Power LLC -1.~ 150 Motor Parkway Suite 425 ( IWIN>:RGY f\'WIR Hauppauge. NY 11788-9998 ~ ~ SIMULATED VIEW OF A TWO 5-MW VERSION OF PROPOSED PRD.JECT FROM ENTRANCE ROAD TO ORIENT POINT STATE PARK; 3.1 MILES TO THE NEAREST WIND TURBINE. TURBINE CAPACITY: 5 MW PER WIND TURBINE TURBINE MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 520 FEET DATE: MARCH 29. 2006; TIME OF DAY; 1; 15 P.M. FOCAL LENGTH = 50 MM. Sheet .;;'7 of ~