HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrustees 1917-1951 T""'V'''''''''' ""A .'311!"".~..':;__:',-,,,,,'- ': ,f:'-'- " '1 I .'-':'- "'.'*' I,' 16 ~' ~ '.' ,'f'r '-''''''' . -,.- "'--,:':'~'... "'C);' ", ""'"""": , . '," . ,'""i'I7 -":'-"~'_ . '. ~ tS - _ _~,-' :".~' i 10,;:'. ~ I May 31, 1917 )MC~-" 1917 'I' .. ,June 30, 1933 r June 23, 1926 arch 3, 1928 .~ ;:-- .~:-~',~~,~.--,,,,,:----- ~ . RECORD. OF AGREENENTS, CONTRACTS, EASE}lENTS, ETC. Granted by the Southo1d Town Board of Trustees , 'Ilescrintion Release to Town of SouFho1d Hi~hw~ to erect bridge at Westphe1ia Ave., Nattituck. D. stAnlev CQrw~ - Granted land under water at Sterling Creek, Greenport. ~- Joseph Wichert - Exchange of property at Old Mill, Nattituck granted with Town of Southold. J. ~Elsworth Ovst~r Q~. granted under water land for spa ng oysters and clams for 18 months in Mill Creek north of Railroad tracks. Wm. J.~. Van~~ granted permission to build pier, jetty and dredge a assau Point. 16, 1929 James H. Rambo - permission granted for dredging in Mattituck <Yr-eek. an. r' , A: 2, 1930 Feb. 11, 1931 I :! March 7, 1931 rlMarCh 7, 1931 iMarch 31, 1931 , I I Nov. 26, 1932 ~' Mar. 20, 1933 ~2, 1933 F) , f Grant to ~.I. s~~t~ PA~k Commission for 1,000 feet of land under water at Long Beach, Orient, New York. ~. Conkling & CO. - Lease of land under water in Mattituck Cr~k for a periof of five years. Alvah B. Goldsmith at Town Cree4t'granted the priv~lege of/ digging a cnanne~,O feet wide to join to the main channel of Town Creek. , Carl Wood - Lease for one year in Mattituck Creek to take up the clams he has planted there. Charle~ H., Sproes~ing - Permission to Dredge in Wickham Creek. Johnson. Dr~~~ P~,~~ - Permission to dredge the bed of the dreed in the wester y part of Orient. Mn~~i6on G. Wines and Herbert R. Conkling - Grant of land under water in front of their property on Mattituck Creek. Mr. R. W. Sterli~ and J. H. Rambo - Permission to dredge a channel five ree in aepth in the creek that bounds their property at Nassau Point. Old Mi]l in Mattituct - Leased for a period of ten years the site of dancing pavilIon north of the mill. Also a yearly lease of 35 feet north of said dancing pavilIon if in con- sideration for said leases Mr. Naugels would deed to the Town the 35 foot jib piece of property situated between the hig~~ and the creek. /' ~~. r --""'--~-_._~------'"'-_.. .-- . Trustees Elect of Town of Southold met at Supervisor David Tuthill's Office1 Greenport, May 31, 1917 at 12:30 p.m. upon due notice to al members. Charles J. McNulty Matti tuck WID. M. Beebe Cutchogue Henry W. Prince Southold F.B. Schaumburg Greenport Frederick Tabor Orient. F.D. SChaumburg was elected temporary chairman. Jessie Louis Case, Town Attorney was eledted temporary clerk. Organized by electing. Henry W. Prince - President F.D. SChaumburg, -Clerk Petition of Town of Southold Highway for permission to erect bridge at Westphelia Ave., Mattituck was granted and release ~ exceuted. Petition of D. Stanly Corwin for grant under water at Sterling Creek, Greenport with slight changes was granted and release executed. Rec'd of D. Stanley Corwin $25.00 for grant. F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk = _._-~----------- ,- --- -'------,,'- , Greenport, New York9 July 25, 1917 Meeting of Town Trustees held at the office of Supervisor David, Tuthill members present Henry W. Prince, Chas. Mc- Nulty, Wm. M. Beebe, F. D. Schawnburg and attorney Jessie Louis Case. This meeting was called to ascertain whet we could do to prevent Baymen from neighboring Towns to take shellfish from the creeks of Southold Town as such complaint has been made by our baymen at this meeting. After considerable discussion as to what power we have in this matter it was voted that we adjourn subject to call from the Clerk so that we can look up the law that we can enforce. Adjourned. F.D. SChawnburg, Clerk ,-"-----~_.- I--'~-.~.~..~ I /' .. Greenport, New York August 10, 1911 Meeting of TovITl Trustees held at Supervisor David Tuthill's office. Members Present: Henry W. Prince Fred Tabor Wm. If,. :Beebe Chas. NcNul ty F.D. SChaumburg and Attorney J.C. Case. Ninutes of last meeting read and approved. was voted and carried - to be published in port Watchman, Greenport Times. The follovnng resolution Southold Traveler, Green- Ninutes read and approved. Adjourned. F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk NOTICE TO !lON-RESIDENTS OF SOUTHOLD TOWN (neVlspaper clipping) At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the TovITl of Southold held at the Suervisor's office, in the Village of Greenport, in said tOvITl, pursuant to notice duly given, on the lOth day of August, 1917, it was resolved as follows: vlliEREAS, at the annual tovITl meeting of the Town of Southold, held on Tuesday, April 7, 1903, the following proposition was voted On: Shall any person or persons other than residents of Southold TOvITl be allowed to take clams or escallops within the creeks of said town? and WHSREAS, on the aforesaid proposition the vote stood 280 for to 1031 against: and WREREAS, pursuant to Chap. 615 of the Laws of 1893, authority is given to the Board of Trustees of said Town to manage the lands under Vlater or other interests therein belonging to the to\VU, sub- ject to such rules and regulations as the electors of the town may direct by a majority vote at any town meeting: and lifHEREAS, Complaints have come to this Board that in violation of the above rule non-residents have been and are taking shell fish from the creeks of the tmm: NOW, THEREfORE, it is RESOLVED that no person who is not an acutal resident of the Town of Southoid shall take shell fish from the creeks and lands under the waters of the town of Southo1d and that all "--~",,,,,,,.'",:-~.''''-^,,",,.,~.-,,~---"---.----,.- u__ _n~~._ ~~_ persons violating the above rule be prosecuted according to law; and that this resolution be publis11ed in the Public lJevlspapers printed in the TovIT1 of Southold for 4 weeks successively. Henry W. Prince - President F.D. Schamnburg, - Clerk Fred Taber Un. E. Beebe C.J. lIcNulty . . . . 9 . ... . Mattitu~k, New York December 14, 1920 Meeting of Southo+d Town Trustees with Town Board at the "Old Mill", Mattituck to consider petition of Joseph H. Wichert for grant under water at the old mill,following resolution was passted. Members present: Henry W. Prince - President Chas. McNulty F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk TOWN BOARD AND TOvm TRUSTEES (newspaper clipping' The Southold Town Board and Board of Town Trustees met at the Old Mill, Mattituck, Tuesday, December 14, 1920. Present, Supervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, Justices Griffing, Corey and Rambo, Supt. of Highways Fleet, Cousel Case, Town Trustees H.W. Prince, F.D. Schaumburg and Charles J. HcNulty. George B. House, secretary of Mr. Wichert, and A.H. Silkworth, also representing Mr. Wichert, were present. The Town Board and Board of Trustees met for the purpose of considering the proposition of Joseph H. Wichert, the owner of the Mattituck Mill property, for the Town to grant him the 62 feet next north of the Hill, he in exchange to dredge out and build a dock for the public to the north. Voted that it is ~he opinion of the Southold Town Board and Board of Town Trustees that said Boards would grant to Joseph H. Wichert the 62 feet of shore line directly north of the Old Mill property, Mattituck, if in exchange Mr. Wichert would bulkhead and fill in land, according to plans submitted, to a distance of 195 feet north from the 02 feet granted, the public to have the exclusive right of said 195 feeto of shore l1.ne. _ The above proposition will be submitted to Mr. Wichert, and if same is agreeable to him, than.a public meeting of the t~ Boards will be called to decide on the proposition. J .N. Hallock, Town Clerk /'. , ! . ~ . . . -",,,,, Mattituck, New York January 29, 1921 Meeting of Southold To\v.n Board & Town Trustees with the people of Mattituck & vicinity to consider the proposition of Joseph Wichert for grant under water. Members present: Henry W. Prince - President W. M. Beebe F.D. SChaumburg, Clerk TOWN BOARD AliD TOWlf TRUSTEES (newspaper clipping) The Southold Town Board and Town Trustees met at the Old Mill Mattituck, Saturday, Jan. 29, 1921. Present, Supervisor TuthIll, Town Clerk Hallock, Justices Griffing, Corey and Terry, Supt. of Highways Fleet, Cousel Case, Town Trustees Prince, Schaum- burg, and Beebe. By invitation of the Boards, a lare representation of the people of Mattituck and vicinity was present. The meeting was called to consider a proposition of Joseph Wichert, the owner of the Old Mill property and also the property north to the Sound. Mr. Wichert has purchased the Gildersleeve meadow land on the other side of the creek, opposite the Old Mill. This property he proposes to fill in, bulkhead, and b~ild a town dock, 50 feet along the highway and 70 feet along the channel. In exchange for this he asks the Town to deed to him the property just north of the Old Mill. There was a spirited discussion of the subject. In the absence of the local rep- resentatives of the two Boards, Justice Rambo and Trustee Mc- NUlty, the Boards postponed action on the proposition until they could be present. J.N. Hallock, Town Clerk . / Greenport, New York February 7, 1921 -, Meeting of Southold TO\in Trustees and Town Board at Supervisor Dave Tuthills Office. Members present, Henry W. Prince, Pres. Chas. M. McNulty F. D. Schaumburg, Clerk TOWN BOARD AND TOWN TRUSTEES (clipping from newspaper) The Southold Town Board and Town Trustees met at the office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, Monday, Feb. 7, 1921. Present, Supervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, Justices Griffing, Corey Terry and Rambo, Supt. of Highways Fleet, Counsel Case and Town Trustees Prince, Schaumburg and McNulty. A.H. Silkworth of Mattituck, representing Joseph Wichert and Bridge Builder Harry . Tuthill were present. The meeting was called to .consider a proposition Of Joseph Wichert, the owner of the Old Mill property, Mattituck, and also the property north to the sound. Mr. Wichert has purchased the Gildersleeve meadow land on the other side pf the creek, opposite the Old Mill, This property he proposes to fill in, bulkhead and build on it a town dock. In exchange for this he asks the Town to deed to him the property just north of the Old Hill. . If Mr. Wichert will build a town dock 70 feet along the highway and 70 feet along the channel, and dig out a channel in the gutter on the east side so that boats will have 50 feet dockage on east side, all member s of both Boards present a Ie in favor of tIle proposition. The dock must first have the approval of the Town Board before the grant is given to Mr. Wichert of the property north of the Old Mill. Plans and specifications of a dock that will meet the approval of the two Boards will be drawn up and submitted to Mr. Wichert. . . I . . . Greenport, New York Feb. 19,' 1921 Meeting of Southold Town Trustees and Town Board at the office of Supervisor David Tuthill, Greenport. Members present. Henry W. Prince, President Wm. H. Beehe Chas. M. McNulty F:t'ederick Tabor TOWN BOARD AND TOWN mRUSTEES (newspaper clipping) The Southold Town Board and TO\ill Trustees met at the office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, Saturday, Feb. 19, 1921. Present Supervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, Justices Griffing, Cory, Terry and Rambo. Supt. of Highways Fleet, Cousel Case, Town Trustees Prince, Beebe, McNulty and Tabor. Joseph Wichert, the owner of the Old Mill and adjacent property at Mattituck C~eek, did not accept the proposition of thetwo Boards that he huild a town dock 70 x 70, across the creek from the Mill7 and in return the Town would grant him the property just north of the Old Mill. He said the expense would be too great. Mr. Wichert now asks that the Town give him a grant of 20 feet next north of the pavilion at the Old Mill, and in return he will bulkhead on a straight line next north of this property and deed 20 feet to Town. On a ro~l call, both the Town Trustees and Town Boards, by a unanimous vote, favored this proposition. They felt that both the Town and Mr. Wichert would be benefited by the exchange of property. J.N. Hallock, Town Clerk . , . . . Mattituck, New York May 7, 1921 Meeting of Southold Town Trustees held at the "Old Mill" to consider petition of Joseph H. WicherD for grant under water we requested Mr. Wichert to put his petition in proper form. and we would present it to the peOple of Mattituck for their consideration. Members present: Henry W. Prince - President Chas. J. MdNulty Wm. M. Beebe Frederick Tabor F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk . , . , . Southold, New York January 12, 1922 Meeting of the Town Trustees held in Town Clerk's Office on above date. All Trustees present, Report of Clerk as follows: Rec'd from Henry A. Reeves Est. Southold Sarl-ngs Bank Book #" II Stanley Corwin Interest to Date Total On motion report accepted. Board organized by electing the following officers. President- Henry W. Prince Clerk - F. D. Schaumburg. In motion meeting adjourned. C.J.HnNulty Acting Clerk $61.44 25.00 l4.0~ $100. . , . " . Mattituck, New York June 8, 1922 Meeting of Town Trustees held at "Old Mill", Mattituck to con- sider petition of Mr. Joseph H. Wichert for grant under water. It was the sense of this meeting that if Mr. Wichert would make a petition on regular form as he offered to Bulkhead the whole shore front and deed 75 feet of same to the Town for public use and maintain same we would grant this petition. Hembers present Henry W. Prince - President Charles J. McNulty Wm. M. Beebe Frederick Tabor F.D. SChaumburg, Clerk J' .' . ~ .. , . J~,'~ .-'~ Mattituck, New York August 19, 1922 Meeting of Board Town Trustees held at IOld l>1ill", Matti tuck. Members present. Henry W. Prince - President Chas J. I>1cNulty WIn. M. Beebe Frederick Tabor F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk (newspaper clipping) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I, Joseph H. Wichert, of Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, owner in fee and occupant of the upland adjoining, will make application to the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold, at the O~l>1ill located on Mattituck Creek, on Saturday, the 19th day of August, 1922, at 2:00 p.m., for a grant in perpertuity to me by said Tovnl of Southold, of land under water and below high water mark, in l>1attituck Creek, in Said Town of Southold, adjoining my up- land and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of l>1attituck Creek at high water mark where the land of the said Joseph H. Wichert adjoins land late of the Mattituck Transportation Company, and running thence easterly along land heretofore deeded by the Trustees of the Town of Southold to said l>1attituck Transportation Company, to the bulkhead line established by the United States Government, a and thence in a sourtherly direction along said bulkhead line to the present bulkhead on the property now known as the Old Mill property, and thence in a generally northwesterly direction along high water line to the point or place of beginning, said strip of land being triangular in shape. Upon condition that the saim Joseph H. Wicher shall immediately cause said land to be filled and properly bulkheaded and that at or near the northerly end therof said Joseph H. wIchert shall cause a dock to be built seventy-five (75) feet in width, and shall deed the perpetual use of said dock to the inhabitants of the Town of Southold. / . - . - . Said upland is bounded northerly by land formerly of the Mattituck Trsnportation Company, easterly by creek, sourtherly by heirs of George W. Robinson and westerly by heirs of George W. Robinson. Dated, August 10, 1922. Joseph H. Wichert, Petitioner . . . . . "'" ,~ - Greenport, New York June 30, 1923 Meeting of Board of Town Trustees held at Supervisor's office, Greenport with Town Board in regards to grant under" water at "Old Mill", Mattituck members present signed for grant also Mr. Terry of South~ld was elected our Attorney. Members present. Henry W. Prince - President Wm. M. Beebe Frederick Tabor F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk . . . . . Greenport, New York January 28, 1926 On motion it was voted to publish in Southold Traveler and Greenport Suffolk Times. that anyone wished to dredge in the inland water of Southold Town must first procure a permit from the Town Trustees. Minutes read and approved. Meeting adjourned. F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk TOWN TRUSTEES ORGANIZE AND ELECT OFFICERS (newspaper clipping) The fOllowing Trustees-Elect of the Town of Southold, met at Supervisor David Tuthill' office Greenport, on Thursday, Jan. 28th: Charles J. Mc- NUlty, Mattituck; William M. Beebe, Cutchogue, F.D. Schaumburg, Green- port; Frederick Tabor, Orient, and Nathan Davis, Southold, who was ap- pointed by Southold Town Board in place of Henry W. Prince, deceased. Organized by electing William M. Beebe President, Frank D. Schaumburg Clerk. ~he following resolution was adopted: WHGREAS, The plan of the Divine Father has taken to his Eternal home our President Henry W. Prince, one highly respected by the citizens of this Town in which he spent the greater part of his life, THEREFORE, Be it RESOLVED, That vIe, as members of Town Trustees ex- press by means of these resolutions, the esteem in which we held him and our feeling of loss in his death and . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That during the reading of these resolutions we pass a silent tribute to his memory by standing and BE IT RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions be published in the Town papers and spread upon the minutes of the Town Trustees. . .. . . . Southold, New York June 23, 1936 Meeting of Board of Town Trustees held at Town Clerk's Office. On motion it was voted to grant J.& J. Elsworth Oyster Company, Greenport a grant under water for spawning oyster and clams for a period of 18 months that part of Mill Creek situated on notth side of Railroad track beginning 75 feet East of railroad bridge east opening then north to a line with a rock on shore and then east to said rock with privilege of fencing in said pl~t for the consideration of $50.00. Voted that F.D. Schaumburg be appointed a committee of one to meet with Town Board in regards to an increase in pay. Adjourned. Members present Wm. M. Beebe - President Chas. J. McNulty Nathan Davis Frederick Tabor F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk . Greenport, New York March 3, 1928 4It Meeting of Board of Town Trustees elect of Town of Southold. . . . Met in Supervisor John HOffman's office to organize and elect officers. Trustees Elect: Chas. J. McNulty Wm. M. Beebe Nathan Davis F. D. Schaumburg Frederick Tabor Wm. M. Beebe, President F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk Laurel Cutchogue Southold Greenport Orient The clerk reports that we have a fund of $173.90 in Southold Bank. Report Accepted. On resolution after application of Wm. J.K. Vanston and after due consideration of the plans and drawings submitted for propEed pier, jetty and dredgins at Nass~u Point voted that we had no objection to the proposed Improvements and consent that same proceed. Minutes read and approved. F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk . Greenport, New York Januray 16, 1929 . Meeting of Board of Town Trustees, held in Supervisor John Hoffman office. Member present: Chas. J. McNulty Wm. M. Beebe Nathan Davis F. D. Schaumburg Laurel Cutchogue Southold Greenport. The Clerk read a letter received from WaD Department in regards to application of James H. Rambo of Mattituck for dredging Czkkx Channel at Mattituck Creek. Voted that we approve of this work. . Minutes read and approved. Adjourned F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk . . . . . . . Greenport, New York April 5, 1929 JOINT pffiETING TOWN BOARD AND TO~~ TRUSTEES (newspaper clipping) A jQint meeting of the Southold Town Board and Board of Town Trustees was held at the office of Supervisor Hoffman, Greenport, Friday, April 5, 1929. Present Supervisor Hoffman, Town Clerk Hallock, Justices Terry, Hawkins, Robinson and Young, Counsel Terry, and Town Trustees Beebe, Schaumberg, Davis and McNulty. Counsel Terry, who by direction of the Town Board recently went to Albany to interview the State Land Board relative to a grant of land under water at Sterling Creek, Greenport, made by said Land Board to Ralph T. Preston of Greenport, made a full report of his visit. After discussion, the following resolution was passed by a unanimous vote of both Town Board and Town Trustees: WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners of the Land Office of the State of New York, have issued a Grant of land under water in Sterling Creed at Grenport, Town of Southold, to Ralph T. Preston, dated March 9th, 1929, giving the said Ralph T. Preston, over the land under water fronting his property,- the privilege of filling in, building etc., and WHEREAS, The Town of i:iouthold daims the ownership and control of said lands under water by virtue of the so-called "Andros Patent" as against the claims of the State of New York and WHEREAS, Said Grant is against the best inerests of the people of the Town of Southold and is a usurpation of their rights by the Commissioners of the Land Office of the sate of New York and WHEREAS, By this action of the Commissioners of the Land Office previous grants made by Trustees of the Town of Southold to various individuals may at any time be overruled and set aside by said Commissioners of the Land Office unless the rights of the Town of Southold are fully es- tablished in the Courts. NOW, THEREFORE, RESOLVED that the Town Counsel of the Town of Southold be authorized, empowered and directed to take such legal steps as are necessary in the name of and on behalf of the said Town of Southold, to prevent the exercise of the sad Grant to said Ralph T. Preston and to take such action and proceedings in the matter in ay of the Courts of the State of New York, as he may deem necessary for the purpose of protecting the 1?Vm+~ rights of the Town of Southoldin the premises to the end that the matter of jurisdiction may be settled between the State of New York and the Town Of Southold. J.N. Hallock, Town Clerk ; \ . ..~~;".~~ " - . w '!>Jf;'- ----------- ---- -~""l -- . , - -' TELEPHONE JAMAICA 4202.3.4 f, Q~ II maugtrtf!~~~m~mpauy,~ WHOLS:SALIi:RS a DI.TIII.I.UT;-~;~--'~"~ ~,................,.",,,' ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1153.17 JAMAICA AVENUE JAMAICA. N. Y. > ~. Wdl,a.,~ ~ ~. . ~,e...t I ~. ;0.-...... ds..:... ( - J/JY~~ 't: '1;f-~a<Ll ~~4r-J. I,,:,~ ~ ~. ct.lr/~jt:: ~ 7k.. ~ &-ui., f/..;. L-O ~ IN.. 7~ 1 ~ t(;O Ii . I d (J Ik ~~J.A ~ M/ilOlf~ a-4 ~/-f~ ~ .lvvv ~ ~ cd1. /2.~ rL ~k Av. f,"O rJI.'-' ~ ~. CL ~ ~ ~ t, ).J.._L<(.tl4 ~~ i/y7;zD.. tn ~ ~~:H'~ ~ ~ -riu.. ~. /~--duA~~~~.~' ~ · (J L.f/' /1.. r ~~\)\~ ~ BRANCH... HEMPSTEAD. L. I. FREEPORT. L. I. , .~ <<~ ~/- .~ p~ IC +~ ~~:U CO/.V' (Wi~~~ ~.J:D .. -~~ fJ-u:t;,~ ~ -~ <- /J-O _ t rn ~ f~R~ f . . . . ... - Cutchogue, New York April 13, 1929 Meeting of Board of Town Trustees at Fleets Neck East Creek Cutchogue. All member s and Lawyer .Terry Present. We considered the application for grant under water & dredging of W. M. Bangert at the foot of his property on East Creek" Fleets Neck, Cutchogue. Alter looking the grounds over we advised Mr. Bangert to have a map made and also state just what he wants. F. D. Schaumburg, Clerk . . . . . Greenport, New York August 30, 1929 At the meeting of Town Trustees, Nathan Davis of Southold was appointed a committee of one to investigate means for removing wrecks in Sterling Creed and to Board of Trustees. It was voted not to turn over the money in treasur.y at present. F. D. Schaumburg, Clerk (newspaper clipping) A joint meeting of the Southold Town Board and To\qn Trustees was held at the office of Supervisor Hoffman, Greenport, Friday, Aug. 30, 1929. Present were Supervisor HOffman, Town Clerk Hallock, Justices Terry, Hawkins, Robinson and Young, Trustees Beebe, Schaumburg, Tabor, Davis and McNuly and ,Counsel Hill. The question of old hulks in Sterling Creek, Greenport, was taken up and discussed at length. The old hulks are not only an eyesore, but are a menace to navigation. The Town Board instructed the Town Trustees to take steps to remove the old hulks as the Town Board claims that the Trustees have Jurisdiction over the lands under water in the inland waters of the Town. Lawyer Frank J. McMann, representing Ralph Preston of Greenport, addressed the Board in regard to the grant made by the State in Sterling Creek to Mr. Preston. The Town claims that the State had no right to make such grant, that being the province of the Town Trustees. Sui t has been started by the TO\ffi to restrain" Mr. Preston from haVing such grant by the State. . . . . . Greenport, New York October 9, 1929 The Town Trustees meet at the Creek near the north road at the property of Dr. Rush and Mr. Greenleaf on above date. Directors present Beebe, Davis, McNulty. This meeting was called by President Beebe as complaint had been made to Mr. Davis that dredging Co. had ordered fishing nets re- moved as they were going to put their digger in the creek to fill back of the bulkhead walls erected on the shore in front of the property of Dr. Rush and Mr. Greenleaf. Mr. Beebe was appointed a committee of one to see consel in regards to this matter. The trustees on looking over the bulkhead above mentioned are very sure the Greenleaf bulkhead is built out bey-ond high water mark which made it impassable to walk along the shore without going in the water. C. J. McNulty Clerk - Pro Tem. . . . . . November 26, 1929 Members present Wm. M. Beebe, Chas. J. McNulty, Frederic~ Tabor, F. D. Schaumburg. On motion it was voted to grant said land under water. Provided however that nothing ~n this grant shall prohibit the taking of shell fish from the land hereby released during the months from Sept. 15 to May 1. and provided further that gunning for migrating birds shall not be prohibited, during the open season. Below the high water mark and over the water of the land hereby released. . F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk (newspaper clipping) NOTICE The Town Trustees will meet at the "Idle Hour", Orient, New York on November 26 th at 1:30 p.m. to consider granting the Long Island State Park Commission 1,000 feet of land under water at Long Beach, Orient, New York. William M. Beebe, President Charles J. McNulty Nathan Davis Frederick Tabor F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk . . . . . New York City Dec. 10, 1929 Meeting of committee appointed to make complaint of wrecks obstructing Sterling Creek. John Hoffman, Supervisor Ansel V. Young and Harry Terry - Town Board, George Terry, Counsel. Wm. Beebe & F.D. Schaumburg - Town Trustees. Meet at War Department office New York City, 11:00 a.am December lOth at which time the condition of Sterling Creek was discussed. F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk r . .... ' WHEREAS, the Trustees of the Common lands of the Village of Orient, Suffol]e County, New YorJc, did heretofore execute and deliver to The People of the State of New York . a deed purpor~o convey The People of tlie State of lands ]rnown as Lon~ Beach to New York for park purposes under the jurisdiction of the JJon?; Islanrl State Park COTllmission, and WHl'BREAS, a question has arisen as to whether or not the lands described in the said deed may be common lands of the Town of Southold, and ~mEnEAS, in the judgment of this Board of Trustees the establishment of a State Parle at Lonr.: Beach, Orient - . L, Town o~ Southold, New York, will be a benefit to !he People of the Town o~ Southold and The People of the State of New York, and ~~REAS, for a great nUJllber of years this property has lai' idle and unimproved and not of any use or benefit to the inhabitants of the Town of Southold and the inhabitants of Orient having expressed a desire to convey this property to~'tit'l\ State of' New York f'or a public ]Jurk ancl :it appearing that the Town of S outhold has SOTle interest in this property which is under the control ancI jurisrliction of this Boarrl, NOW THEREFORE, resolved that in order to Cl1re any possible def'ect in the title to The People of the State of New York and to the end that said lands may be of use and benefit to the public and that question to the title thereof may be settled; that this Doard execute a con- veyance of the said preJ:1ises of the interest of the T01m of Southold in said Lonr Beach (the saill prel'liscs being '. . ..... ------ rully described in the Map made by the Department or Public Work;s, State or New York, dated May, 1930~) to The People or the State of New York, such conveyance to be subject, bowever, to the requirements, provisions, conditions, limitations and reservations more particularly set forth in the deed made by the Trustees of the common lands or the Village of Orient to The People of the State or New York, dated the 30th day of August, 1929, and recopded in Sufrolk County ClerIc's Office, on the 3rd Qay of October, 1929, in liber 1460 of deeds at page 423. , . I --' r Greenport, New York May 23, 1930 Meeting of Tovffi Trustees at Supervisor Brooks Office. President Wm. M. Beebe in chair. Members present: Charles M. McNulty Wm. N. Beebe Nathan Davis Frederick Tabor F. D. Schaumburg. The attached Resolution was offered by Lawyer Terry. Charles McNulty moved the adoption of same,on voting it was unanimously carried. Adjourned. F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk u - - ~~.---- _.---" 'f... ,..'~' ' j . ' .; -' ;< '~ 'e .....' ,')l,~ G ,:If..J-, ~ 'J ..~'. . ' l , I ,.;~ u ,_.." ":' : ..~.; '! :;.. .;.... .' , --' -- ----------- , , . . . . . Greenport, New York December 2, 19[}O Meeting of Town Trustees. President Wm. M. Beebe in chair. Member s present: Charles McNulty Wm. M. Beebe Nathan Davis Frederick Tabor F. D. Schaumburg Also Town Cousel Terry. Application of H. R. Conklin & Co. for lease of land under water nearly two acres as map attached in Mattituck creek. Moved and voted that we grant a lease to H.R. Conklin & Co. for a term of five years at a rental of $50.00 per year in advance to start, December 1, 1930. Option of renewal for five years. Rec'd $50.00 from H.R. Conklin & Co. for 1 years rental in advance. Resolution offered by Nathan Davis and seconded by Charles M. HcNultYl RESOLVED: That the To.m Councel be instructed to take an appeal to Appalate Division of The Supreme Court.from the decision of Supreme Court Justice Tabor in the matter of the Town of Southold against Ralph Preston, Greenport involving the jurisdiction of the Town of Southold to lands under water in Sterling Basin at Greenport Carried. Minutes read and approve~. Adjourned. F. D. Schaumburg, Clerk . . . -- . Greenport, New York February 11, 1931 Meeting of the Town Trustees in Supervisor Brooksl Office. President Wm. M. Beebe in chAir. Members present were: Wm. M. Beebe Nathan Davis Chas. MdNul ty F. D. Schaumburg and Attorney George Terry. Application of Carl Wood for lease of land under water two acres as map attached in Mattituck Creek. Moved and seconded that a meeting be called to meet at Mattituck Fire House March 7th at 2:00 p.m. and to be advertised for two weeks in "Watchman" in regards to application of Carl Wood for lease of land under water in Mattituck Creek carried. Grant to Alvah B. Goldsmith of land under water in front of and adjoining upland, owned by said Alvah B. Goldsmith at Town Creek, Southold on a line one hundred and twenty feet in length and on a line parallel with the north by boundery line of said property and the privilege of digging a channel fifty feet wide in front of said bulkhead to be erected, on the line above mentioned and of digging a channel to the main channel of Town Creek and to fill in behind said bulkhead with material dug from channel. Voted that we grant this privilege. Minutes read and approved. Adjourned. F.D. Schaumburg, Clerk . . . . . Mattituck, New York March 7, 1931 President Wm. M. Beebe in chair. Member of Town Board of Trustees present. Wm. M. Beebe Nathan Davis Charles M. McNulty F. D. Schaumburg. and Counselor George Terry. Motion made and seconded that we grant to Carl Woof a lease for one year only from this date, time to take up the cams that he has planted in Mattituck Creek and that the Trustees investigate where he has them planted. Motion carried. Fee for said grant to be $50.00 Voted that we grant to Charles H. Sproessing, Cutchogue, New York the privilege to dredge in Wickham Creek to fill in and erect bulkhead on his property and dig canal on same. Fee:. for said privilege $25.00. Rec1d check of $25.00 from Chas. H. Sproessing March 9, 1931. Minutes Read and approved. Adjourned. F. D. SChaumburg, Clerk (newspaper clipping) A public meeting of the Tm-m Trustees in the Town of Southold, will be held at the Fire House in Mattituck, in said Town, on saturday, March 7 1931, at 2 O'clock p.m. for the purpose of considering the application of Carl Wood, for a lease of land under water in Mattituck Creek, for the purpose of planting shell -fish thereon; and for the transaction of such other business as may leagally be brought before said meeting. Dated Feb. 11, 1931. TOWN TRUSTEES OF Tllli TOWN OF SOU~HOLD FRANKD. SCHAUNBURG, Secretary 4It Minutes of Meeting of Trustees of Southold Town, ~jarch 31, 1931 . . . . At a meeting of the Trustees of the Town of Southold held at Orient there were Present: Wm. M. Beebe Nathan Davis Charles McNulty Frederick Tabor and absent F. D. Schaumburg. The firm of Johnson, Drake & Piper applied for consent of Trustees to dredge for filling on State Road improvement opposite the creek in the west part of Orient and it being agreed that the proposed work as outline would be a benefit to the locality. The following statement was prepard and signed by the Chairman W. M. Beebe and delivered to a representative of the applicant for use in obtaining permit from the U.S. Engineer in charge of this district. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Town of Southold held at Oriaat in said Town, we unanimously consent to dredging the bed of the creek in the westerly part of Orient, provided there is no ob- jection by adjacent property owners. Also, insofar as our authority may extend, we consent to dredging in Orient Harbor opposite the above mentioned creek. (Signed) Wm. M. Beebe, Chairman Otto W. Van Tuyl, Acting Sec'~. April 9, 1931 Rec'd check of $35.00 from Johnson, Drake & Piper for above privilege. F. D. SChaumburg, Clerk . . . . . Greenport, New York July 16, 1931 Meeting of Town Trustees in Supervisor's Brooks office. This meeting was called to organize and such other business aB may come befor e the meeting. The Town Board has appointed Stewart W. Horton of Cutchogue to fill the unexpired term of the late Wm. M. Beebe. Members Present: Charles McNutty Steart W. Horton Nathan Davis F.D. SChaumburg Frederick Tabor Laurel Cutchogue Southold Greenport Orient Also Lawyer George Terry, Southold. Frederick Tabor elected President to fill the unexpired Term of the late Wm. M. Beebe. Resolution adopted by the Southold Town Trustees - August 1, 1931. WHEREAS, our friend and fellow official, William M. Beebe, has been called from His earthly activites, and vJHEREAS, by his passing this board has lost an esteemed and effioient presiding officer, and the members of this Board have been deprived of his wise counsel and jUdgement, and the members of this Board have lost a faithful frient and associate, THEREFORE, be it resolved, that this Board express its sense of loss and ~ts sympathy to the bereaved family and that a copy be spread upon our minutes and copy be sent to the bereaved family. Trustees of the Town of Southold Frank D. SChaumburg, Secretary The Clerk ~RW~~xt reports that we have a fund of $332.56 in Southold Savings Bank. Application of Clarence Schmelzel for grant under water in Mill- Creek adjOining his property voted that we have same published in Town papers and have meeting August 1, 1931. Adjourned to look over Mill Creek adjoing Clarence Schmelzel property. F. D. SChaumburg, Clerk . . . .. . Greenport, New York August 1, 1931 Members present, Charles McNulty Stewart W. Horton Nathan Davis F. D. Schaumburg Frederick Tabor Also Lawyer George Terry was present, President Frederick Tabor in chair. The following men sopke in opposition to grant under water for bulkhead as it would kill the natural bed of clams, but would not oppose a grant for dock. George W. Smith William Berry Charles Turned William Bond John Howard WIn. Furey John Howard Walter Amott Voted that we adjourn this meetilfto August 8th, 1931 2:00 p.m. at Supervisor Brook's office. Received check of $50.00 from Carl Wood for lease in Mattituck Creek. Adjourned. F. D. Schaumburg, Clerk NOTICE OF MEETING (newspaper clipping) Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Trustees of the Town of Wouthold vall be held at the office af the Supervior of the Town of Southold, in Village Hall, Greenport New York on August 1 1931 at 2lo'clock p.m. (daylight saving time~, to consider the application of Clarence Schmelzel and Bettly L. Schmelzel for a grant of land under the waters of Mill Creek, in said Town, in front of the premises of said applica~t. Dated July 18, 1931 TO\~1 TRUSTEES OF TO\fl1 OF SOUTHOLD Fred Taber, Chairman Frank D. SChaumburg, Clerk \ \ \ t ~ ~.J . N~CE OF MEETING I . NotIce IS hereby given that a meet~ mg of the Trustees of the Town of I :Southold will be held at the office of -the ~upe~sor of the rrown of South~ I , old. rn Village HlUI Greenport N Y on August 1st, 19Iu, at two' o'e"lock ' ~. J\I". (daylight saving time) to con- SId". the application of ClarenCe ,. .+Sclrnlelzel and Betty L. Sehmelzel for ' 1$ .gi3.nt of I.and under the .v.>atersof I ,-'., _1~lU - Cre~k, In sai~ town, in front of I' .the !,relDlses of said applicants. ,Dated July 18. 1931. . Town Trustees. Town of'Southold . Fred Taber, Chairman ' Frank D. Schaumburg. Clerk. u' j 2t;Jy24 I' ,.. \ STATE OF NEW YORK, I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ss: ......:y.,..1...~~~................ being duly Sworn, says that ...~...... is the Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for .......~.. ...................................... .......................... weeks successively commencing on the ~'\:Sl.II,:s;)... ................ day Of...~......m...............19.~\... . , '=X.~~..~.................... Sworn to before me this...~\....... ............ } day of ~~\-'t9~/" 19'~\"'-1 . . ..~fJ:M...9 t.o "..".{... . ..l.....~1. \ -----.QI_...~......,.-- - --- 6?~...... ~....~. -------- GEORGE C. TERRY SOl"JTHOLO T<;:>WN COUNSEL SOUTHOLO, NEW YORK Aug- 5, 19310 Mr- Frankn. Schaumburg, Greenport, Hew York- Dear Mr. Schaumburg:- Enclosed rind original Resolution, copy or which has been sent to Mrs. William M. Beebe, or Cutchogue- Also, proor or pub1icat:J.on in the Surro1k Times and Long Island Travl!ter or the meeting regarding the Sehm~~_~,:~_gJtant. GeT/G. Enc. YO~U~y, . NOTICE OF MEETING I Notice is hereby given that a meet- ing of the Trustees of the Town of, SOuthold will be held at the.' omce Ofj the Supervisor of the Town of South- old, In Village Hall, Greenpol't, N~Y. on. AllgUBt.lst, 1931, at 2'o'clOCk.F. '1 (daylight saVIng time), to consider e of Olarence SChmelze and I Betty L.'SChme1zel for a grant ot land I under the waters of Mill Creek. in said ; Town. in front of the premises of said: applicants. Dated July 18, 1931. TOWN TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, FRED TABER, Chairman, FRANK D. SCHAUMBURG, JY23-2t Olerk. i ". , ) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK } ss. Russell L. Davison, being duly sworn, says that he is the printer and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island ~ Traveler once each week for.......................... ........weeks successively, commencing on the.~~:-;..~ day Of......M.............193J.... AP ild I JJ ..q~........:.......~ Sworn to before me thiS......J..\..~~.....day Of...~........... . 193.\.... ~....~.v.~ H~{~ ~ , CLARENCE "s SCHMELZEL UNNY S - SOUT KIES" HOLD L . ONG I . SLAND ~ .:u!... a.3-... .(G ;;:,... ~ A ~/-""-""- ~ ~ I - ~~h~ J.L'-'..~ LJ ..J ~ ,c,.J.., ~ .-J: ';~.~.rl'~ ;..ct . '6.:,~ (~o ,-;0-./:..< -::.. " ~ ~ 1/4."/ , <J..o' .( f-' . I · x..~ ;) A~-..I ' t-< U U l' -, ~- ~- L.. - (~''Wj . "-"J ~ 0 .' d.. .ut;.;tl" '6 ' ~._:h....<. ~. ,.1 .......... ' - <l - .. A ~~- r~7f(1~( ~ -----::::: -~- - -- ~~ ; ; I, f I ! . , . J , ~ . ~ If --' t--, , \ .J 1 ' \ ,. . . , ,I' 1< j r -s> ..... I ~.... Q ) , j 0 --<::> o .., 9" r " MAP of I'ROPOSECJ G~~"','r" OF ~ AND UIt#Ot:K W~rl!!~: ~: . . /'I ~SffA/WOM/'J61l/E FOND Tow IV or ::50(/r"fO~~ ;V. Y. IN ) .,. / '" de", ('" 100 -/ A ~ I!tr ,.." 0, I '7 Z 0 F I'l IV ",",C)'t E ,jUH~ Z.s:; /~31 (~)/ 4. V' Grot; sent S...rv<::ycr,. Gr,-t!"l'orl, /"/, y. Duplicate o~ this, with description ~or to G. C. Terr7, IIsq. t;0-da7. O.V.T. . . . . . Greenport, New York August 8, 1931 Adjourned meeting of Town Trustees, Mmmbers presant: Charles McNulty, Steard W. Horton, Nathan Davis, F.D. Schaumburg and Frederick Tabor, Also George C. Terry. Following sp~ke in oposition to grant under water to Clarence Schmelzel. John Howard, Walter Harris Wm. Furrey W. S. Bedell J. H. Squires Wm. Hardy Arthur Tillinghast. Also a petition oposing granting or leasing land under water as was claimed that this was a natural clam bed signed by 375 Resident Tax Payers. On motion it was voted to denigh permit for grant under water to Clarence Schmelzel. Adjourned. F. D. SChaumburg, Clerk . . . . . Greenport, New York March 5, 1932 Meeting of the Town Trustees held in the Supervisor's office Greenport on above date. Meeting called to order by President Tabor. Trustees present Tabor, Davis, Horton, Sherwood and McNulty. Mr. Wm. J. Sherwood was appointed by the Twon Board to fill vacancy caused by the death of Mr. SChaumburg. Board organized as follows: President - Fred Tabor Clerk & Treasuer - Chas. J. McNulty. Carl Wood of Hatti tuck came befor e the board and asked for a renewal of his lease in Mattituck Creek. Mr. Sidney Tuthill of Mattituck addressed the meeting, he said public sentiment in Mattituck seemed to favor a renewal of the lease to Carl Wood. After some discussion it was voted to hold a public meeting on Carl Wood's application. Meeting to be held in the Supervisor's office, Greenport on Saturday, March 19, 1932 at 2:00 o'clock. Lease of Carl Wood was extended two weeks or until March 19 the time of the public meeting. Resolution adopted by the Town Trustees at this meeting on March 5, 1932. WHEREAS: Our friend and fellow official Frank D. Schaumburg has been called from his earthy activities and WHEREAS, by his passing this board has lost an esteemed and efficient officer and the members 0::. this board and other organizations have been deprived of his wise counsel and judgement. The members of this board have lost a faithfut frient and associate. THEREFORE be it resolved that the board express its sense of loss and its sympathy to the bereaved family and that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon our minutes and a copy be sent to the bereaved family. Trustees of the Town of Southold. Minutes of this meeting also of last meeting approved. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. C. J. McNulty, C1ark - r .~..~- ---- Mattituck, New York March 19, 1932 A public meeting held by the Town Trustees in Hattituck on above date to consider the application of Carl Wood for a renewal of his lease of land under water in Mattituck Creek. Meeting called to order by President Tabor. Trustees present Tabor, Davis, Sherwood, Horton and McNulty. Carl ~ood was present and addressed the meeting in regards to having his lease renewed. Quite soon discussion followed but the sentiment of the meeting was opposed to renewal of the lease anu also that they were opposed to granting a lease of land under water in Mattituck Creek to anyone. The Trustees then dismissed the public meeting. The Trustees then met and discussed the application of Carl Wood~ A motion made and carried the application of Carl Wood for a rene\val of his lease of land under water in Hattituck Creek be denyed. Rec1d Check H.R. Conkling in the amount of 4];50.00 There being no further ~~siness, the meeting adjourned. C.J. McNulty, Clerk . . . . . Matti tuck , New York September 30, 1932 A meeting of the Town Trustees held at the Old Mill, Mattituck on above date. Trustees present Tabor, Davis, Horton & McNulty. Morrison Wines and his lawyer Roger Wiley were present. Mr. Wines presented an application for a grant for land under water in front of his property on Mattituck Creek. After examining the proposed cite of the applicants, it was proposed to hold a meeting at Southold with Town Lawyer and Clerk McNulty was instructed to mare arrangements for said meeting. Meeting adjourned. C.J. McNulty, Clerk . . . . . Southold, New York October 7, 1932 Meeting of the Town Trustees held in the office of Terry & Hill, Southold on above date, to consider the application of Morrison G. Wines for a grant of land under water in Mattituck Creek. Meeting called to order by Pres. Tabor. Trustees present, Tabor, Davis, Horton & McNulty. Lawyer Terry was present also Mr. Wines and Mr. Conkling. After discussing the application for some time it was d~emed advisable to call another meeting and at that meeting Mr. Wines to present his application in writing also a survey of the property. Mr. Terry said he would arrange with applicants counsel on a date for next meeting and would notify Clerk McNulty. Moved to adjourn. C.J. McNulty, Clerk . . . . . Southold, New York November 26, 1932 A meeting of the Town Trustees held in the office of Terry & Hill, Southold, New York on above date. Meeting called to order by President Tabor. Trustees present Tabor, Davis, Horton and McNulty. Application in writing and map of grant requested by Morrison G. Wines and Herbert R. Conkling was presented, and is here attached. Moved and seconded that a grant be given to Morrison G. Wine and Herbert R. Conkling in front of their property on Mattituck ad distance creek shore 549.07 feet and extending in the creek to the site of the present bulkhead and fee for said grant be $100.00. Vote on said grant carried. . Rec'd from Wines & Conkling $100.00 Meeting adjourned. C.J. McNUlty, Clerk . . . . . Cutchogue, New York February 28, 1933 A meeting of the Town Trustees at R. W. Sterlings seed house Cutchogue on above date. Trustees present Tabor, Case, Davis, Horton and McNulty. Lawyer George C. Terry & R. W. Sterling . were present. Meeting was called to consider a request made by R. W. Sterling and J. H. Rambo for a grant to dredge a chanel five feet in depth in the creek that bounds their property at Nassau Point. The Trustees then went to Nassau Point and looked over the site of the proposed grant. It was then agreed to have another meeting at the call o~r. Terry, at which time Mr. Sterling and Mr. Rambo would p~sent map of their property and the proposed channel also an application in writing meeting to be held in Mr. Terry's office, Southold. C. J. McNulty, Clerk ) t / " _.~. I f . "~~~_.._...,.. RALPH W. STERLING REAL ESTATE ~ ,; TELEPHONE PECONIC IHI CUTCHOGUE. L. I.. N.Y. 19_ . We,the undersigned,respectfully petition the Trustees of the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk,State of Naw York,for pe~issin to dig a channel 25 feet wide and five feet deep at low ~ter,in front of and along the shore of the five lots at Nassau Point called Sunset Bluff,in the waters balled Hay Waters. And to continue said channel along the shore of Fishe~ans Beach to connect with the ~ain Channel that leads into Great Peconic Bay. Signed -~st ~_e__~ - -------- . . . , \~ ) ~~ '00,'0 . _ o'...:~c, '> 0.' <1--" /' .; . . -\. ~ ,.::,"-..' ~-'" C4. .3 . . ~;,.,./ ., - .~- ~ ,,' /"~- ...-'c.. ,/ '. .~" / i \ \ ~. \} '\ ~~v ~\\ " ~-'. -- " '. "- ", ',,- '. \J \\ ~.'::; ~ ~~ / /::J ' \\ :' \ D V .' ~~/ ,.AI Ie t. 'il\ ~~17. \ .K~, t ;, \ J i Vi' \ \ . I , I ! I , , \ , > ~l j ~-,.._.~.- . C \\ 1-~ l 1\~~lJE M ~,.'( . . RALPH W. STERLING REAL ESTATE ~ TELEPHONE PECONIC IUS CUTCHOGUE. L. I.. N.Y.. . M4A ei J./J.d'- 19l1 Te,the undersigned,do hereby give pe~ission to have a channel 25 feet wi~and 5 feet deep at low water,dug along the shore of the five lots at Nassau Point,Southo1d Town,Suffo1k County, New York State,ca11ed Sunset Bluff,at the body of water called Hay Waters. And will allow the fill to be placed on the shore of these five lots and spr~~long these shores. Signed _e2c41-J%- ~L_ . , . . . e . , . ~-'-="~-'T.'~.~"~-":'..q,.~-'{'~~"--~' I' . Matti tuok. L. I. Mb.r.20, 1933 Town Trusteos. do uthoId .L. I. GenUemen. I hereby give my approval of dredgework to be bone at Nassau Point in front of-my property in water known as Broadwaters. - ; and spoil from same to be deposited on my land. Yours truly .~ ,.- ,,,,_~..,,'(.'.r ,', ..~~." _ _. , . tr/ ..' " , . .. '- . ., . _4 '"'~.o.. ',," "~~~u..J...I.. a.aU..m. ......c..,.:.., Ita i; U 1;1101:. 3i~.t. l!.fl.1' . 20. 1t321 '"" . I henltJ SiT. Itq ~!lpJ'OT&l of dJ'eq"oJ'Jc'.toIJe '''Ul. ..' iTaHsall 1.'01.'111 tJ'oni of rq p)'opu1If 1a ..tu taoWl1 ail ko&4wa1;e,.. aDd ep01;J. bOIil S&/I1.to _e d.po_U.a oa., l&a4. ,'., " ,. . . . . . Southold, New York March 20, 1933 A meeting of the Town Trustees held in the office of Terry & Hill, Southold, N.Y on above date. Meeting called to order by President Tabor. Trustees present Tabor, Case, Horton, Davis and McNulty. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. 'Application in writing presented by R. W. Sterling and Elsworth C. Grathwohl for a grant to dredge a channel in the creek, at Nassau point as requested at last meeting. Moved by Steart W. Horton and seconded by Nathan Davis that grant to dredge a channel as specifed in creek at Nassau Point be given and fee for same to be Fifty Dollars ($50.00) On motion these minutes approved. C.J. McNulty, Clerk . . . . . Mattituck, Nevi York April 1, 1933 A meeting of the TO\in Trustees held at the Old Mill, Mattituck on above date. Trustees present: Tabor, Case, Davis, Horton & McNulty. Also L. Barron Hill representing Geo. C. Terry, Counsel for the Board. George Naugles, the petionier for a grant of land under water was present and he asked for a grant where the annex or dancing pavilion now stands also, forty feet north of said aIDlex or if he was given a grant the whole length of his property on west shore of creek north of ~till about 175 feet. He would deed back to town 75 feet and build a dock on that 75 foot site. After looking over creed North of the Mill it was decided to have C.J.McNulty meet the Chamber of Cormaerce at their next meeting and get the sentiment of the Mattituck people and the Trustees would meet later with the To,in Board. C.J. HcNulty, Clerk -~- . Southold, New York May 2, 1933 A meeting of the Trustees of Southold Town held in the office . of Terry and Hill, Southold on above date. Meeting called to order by President Tabor. Trustees present Tabor, Case, Davis, Horton and McNulty. Lawyer George C. Terry Counsel for the Trustees was present. A motion made and carried that it is the sense of this meeting that we would lease for a period of ten years the s~ where the annex or dancing pavillion north of the mill now stands. Also a yearly lease for 35 feet north of said annex if in considera- tion for said leases, Mr. Naugels would deed to the town the thirty four foot jib piece of property situated between the highway and the creek. A motion made and carried that Lawyer Terry and President Tabor and Clerk McNulty meet with the Town Board at their next meeting . to confer with them relative to this matter. Meeting adjourned. . On motion these minutes approved. C.J. McNulty, Cler~ . . . . . . . Southold, New York June 29, 1933 A meeting of the Trustees of Southold Town held in the office of Terry & Hill, Southold on above date. Meeting called to order by President Tabor~ Tabor, Davis, Case, Horton, & McNulty. Also Terry. On mim motion the ordinance which is attached on the following page was unanimously adopted. Trustees present Lawyer George C. Moved and carried that copies of this ordinance be published for 2 weeks in the following press of Southold Town. The Suffolk Times, The Long Island Traveler and the Watchman and also three copies of the ordinance be placed in conspicious places in Southold To\m. On motion these minutes approved. Meeting adjourned. C.J.McNulty, Clerk fOn OP SOlJ'1'HOLl) '1'OWJf TRIISTEIS' OIDIlIAlC!. At a resular ..tlng of the '1'Oft '1'JowJtee. of tile 1'Oft of Scla.tho14. M;r held at SOIIthold, ... YON. OIl the 89th 4&1 of 11lD8. Itlll, ea .Uea tlnl, C8.l'J'le4, It .... ltES(Lm that the tl'Wlt... of the Town of 8ot&thold do ...It the tollowlng law and regulaUOIlII- SlC'l'IOH 1. It shall be UDlawtul tor any perIOD not a reald.nt or the Town ot Southold to take 8h1'1III,p tl'OlI the ....t." of Bl'WIh'. Creak! I.... Creek! Wllle'. Creek! Downs Creek; le.t Creek; l1elaond Creak; Corey Creek! Cedar Beeilah Creek; lIooIe Creek; .Too1ray Creek; Town Creek; .111 Creek; Long Creek! Bu.44& Pond; Dam Pond. tfatt1tuclt Creek! Go1da111th'. Creek; Squuh Creek; li1eJd1aa'. Creek and LUtte Creek. 01' other areeks 01' Inland .tere within the bounda of said Towuh1p. SIC'l'ION 2. PereoM ahall be .....d to be realdant: of the 'l'0lIIl of SOIIthold at any liven date dthla the _1111 or 1ibla &at Wbln he _11 have aetuall, and cClQ1JaUOUl;r realdecl wUhla the aU r.. top . perl_ of at lea.t .lx moab 1_41at.1)' PM114lII aeh ..... SBCIIOIf 3. J.rry pPOY1alea or thl. aot. to the ooatJ'U'Y notwlthatant1ns. shall not be d_d to prevent any pereon or pel'8OJll re.ld1ng w1th1n tha Town or SoIltho1d t1'Qlll ug11ng tor fllb for other than OODBel'Clal purpoee.. sECTION 4. All other frua1:ee.' Ian In regard 'to the taking ot IIh1'1Wl t'1'OIlI the _t8ra wlth1Jl the bounds or a14 Township are h.reby repealed. SECTION 5. Any "f101atlon or thl. act aball 1M -3.1t to a penalty of not 1e.s than 8S. nor !IIOre then $100. and ooet.. SBC'l'IOIl 6. 'lh1s act shall talIIe effect 1_41a1:e1)' upon 1ts publ1oat1on and postlns. /f-if:1:;/'#'A A~ { !own 'l'J'I1 or the 'lotm or Southoll!. r-~ . 1.1 Southold, New York Feb. 27, 1935 Heeting IOf L:e Town ~rustees held in the office of Terry & Hill at Southold on above date. Directors present: Tabor, Case, Horton, Davis & HcNulty. Lav~er George C. Terry was present also. Heeting called to order by Hr. Tabor. Organization of Trustees as follows: Fred Tabor - President C.J. McNulty - Clerk & Treas. Capt. Chas. E. Sproessing was present w~d presented an application in writing for permission to dredge a channel in Wickhams Creek Cutchogue Beginni:lg at Peconic Bay and extending up the vlest side of the Creek a distance of 300 Ft. Permission was granted and on motbn of Hr. Horton the resolution attached on preceeding page was adopted. Fee for said privilege to be $35.00 . Meeting adjourned. C.J.H. NcNulty, Clerk ... .-1 . _ ~___~_ _~___-r .--!- ~ . / / L -. i TELEPHONE: PECONIC 1.7 BOATS HAR~RED FOR SEASON I FROM BOATMAN'S HARBOR '- i " CAPT. CHAS. H. SPROESSIG / - "I '-"""'""",~'_J; MEALS AND HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS - FISHING AND PLEASURE PARTIES -: y BOAT .. WREN" - OTHER BOATS FOR HIRE To Trustees of the FLEETS NECK, CUTCHOGUE, L. I" N. Y., F..h9.!'i/:'>!'i , 193 Town of Southold L.I. Suffolk Co. N.Y. ~cmtleman I respectfully submit this application to the Trustees of Southold Township, Suffolk County, L.I. N. Y. State. For the permission tal Dredge out the channel of Wickhams Creek from the mouth of the creek and Peconic Bay for a distance of 300 feet on the west side of the creek and the Wickhal Property. Mr John Wickham has given his consent to dredge ~is point of pro, ~; erty and the shallow bar along the West side of the creek, The material to ' west be placed on the Wickham property to the,of the Creek. Trusting that you favor me with this permission. I remain. Respectfully ~a4 #- , " j . -" TELEPHONE PECONIC 187 I I"'RO'llt BOATWlAN'S HAIII~" PT. CHAS. H. SPROESSIG BOAT "WREN" S NECK. CUTCHOGUE. L. I.. N. Y.....m. mum..muu............192 ~ ~ , \ I " , t . ~ J k / I / ( ~ '. ~ I I ~Jwl7~d ,r " , , . RESOLUTION adopted at a meeting of the Town Trustees of the Town of Southold. Suffolk County. New York. at Southold. Haw York. on February 27th. 1;35. Reso1ution offered by Mr. Stewart W. Horton. WHERBAS:- Charles H. Sproessig a resident taxpayer of the Town of Southold having filed a written petition to the Trustees of the Town of Southold for permission to dredge out the channel of Wickhain's Creek from the lIIOuth of the creek for a distance of 300 feet from leconic Bey on the west side of the creek along the property of John Wickham and ora.. and WHEREAS:- the said John Wickham and ors. owners of said property having consented to S8llle. and WHBRW :- it is the op1nion of this Board that said dredging 11111 be beneficial to the surrounding property and to the Town of Southold. WHEREFORB. RBSOLVBD. that said petition be granted and that the Board of Trustees consent to the digging of said channel. Dated at Southold. New York. this 27th day of February. 1;35. .;V ~ ~CA4j Trustees f the Town of Southold. In Presance of:- ~;~ ~. r--- - - - '. r :i' , Ii1ft.tttlti'UOSca Dew YOJIk. oeto'bflllt ~~ 1938 '" tM ~ et tM l'own of' ~. C..q or Dun''' 5tato or ~ 1''''' :lent1.,...- ~ tm....lgned 1. 1:be _ld... of.' a ~ 1... daMd De~.. let, a:so Md __ b1 the '1:?wIteN of the 'i'o1m of SoutbNd _ n..'lJtlft n. 04II:IIlUn6 And ,\1e..~.. C. 1'...,. ot llIattlt'UOkt, 8uraJ1k 00-1In'1. I.Y.t 301I...lnt~ 1.04 ..... or tandUltll'leP the _tue or h1dtltuok (JPMk. He hall ........ tba I.ftteNat or _1c:l .UUtIIl1d.oP C. '''0 1n _1<1 1.... and t. .. tbe ~ ~ the'P8O.t. ~, to tbe ~t:JIUI ot eald 1.... JOU ... bU'._ MtUled tiJQ.t tbIt \IIltWal.'1*l dMlNe to .2u1lfNht the ~ to _tend tbS.. l_.~ to.. thAt !"t.I:rtheJ" period or ti... ,.... tlPIIiIlI ~ fint daQ7 or ~. lH&. Ve17 ~ JOUH. ~(j( ..". . , .~(). , , , Southold, New York Nov. 18, 1935 Meeting of the TOvn1 Trustees held in the Office of Terry & Hill Southold on above date. Meeting called to order by President Tabor. All directors present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. A motion made that according to the original lease granted to H.R. Conklin permission to plant oysters and claBS in 1.94 one and ninety four on hundreths acres in Mattituck Creek for a term of five years with privilege of renewing for next five years, that renewal of lease for five years to be granted to Albert W. Yo~ executor of the vdll of H.R. Collicling. Sub- letting of the lease not granted without the written consent of the TOvffi Trustees. Motion carried, Meeting adjourned. C. J. Hcnulty Clerk On Nov. 19, 1935 written permission by the Town Trustees was granted A. W. Young transfer to the Wm. H. and Harry Nasons of New Suffolk. Telephone Connections C. J. McNULTY & SON DEALERS IN LONG ISLAND PRODUCE Laurel. L. /.. N. y.----_____________h_19____ LV.L- z:L.. JI/l.Vk- :J~ 7 ~ J~ujS~~ rf J____'G r~~ t; ~ ~ Q.w.~ ~~'f. bL-~' c;N.R ~~ Cr ~r 1"1- ~ tk..~ L-{~ tJ:.. I~.R. ~,w~ ~l [),AV- ~ ~.'~V~lJL_ . t..~.cf~ ~"P,~.. tN.J< ~ IA/"</.J '>11~ au.d j/. f. m~' 1/b- S~c- 71'1. ':&fl ---. ---~.- -- ~f. - ~ ! ( rJ't' -v. . !/,j () ,; D " 4Rl -- , -.- To THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWII OF SOUTHOLD, We, the undersignEtd 01 Us&ns and taxpayers of MaUU..Jr.. lew York, h&reby p&tition the Board of Trustees of the Town 01 Southold n~ to sxtend th& leas& of Mattituok Cr&ek bottom to one Oarl W~~for ~other year, partioularly in view of the faat that his lease was gr~ted in the faoe of strong OppOSition to leasing ot any ~eek bottom to the ~al~ion of the publio, and Furthermore, lite 111'.e stl'..ngly opposed to gl'anting of any new leases, or the extension of any lease now in existenoe. --,c._..-'-j,t ~tfrz ,\ ~tfl~-"- ..~"~.. . . '. . ~ . '<>-. ' r ,;?~, ,~.. 7~~<<~ ~~{t!:~.~ /~~d9'~ tfP) '/{j /, /" \~ ' or ~ '88!A:~~~ d ~~~&aJ'k ~n-- J'4'~~ ~~~ ~. '. ~ (jP?t3J3. ~- c:~~~~ 'pHi.) ....... ... ,~/. f ,JI;L&v1'-.J PT. ,... ,'; _"/) / n 'C. AtoJl ,C;;-)L IJ I,-J, C/~1 " ~..~ ...u~~-:It.. l../'VVf)Io'l./ G fi ----. -rr l. , el.l. .1 LJ. .. * ' ~a...=U:. &-.:L (1. t-~ ..-.- -- I I i r : ~, :...,j I ~ To 'l'lr~ BOP..RD'JI THcr:lfJ:~. !l'WU'p 3~U!H"'LDI \fe. the 1Uldera1gned oUlseaa aud tsxp87ers at *ttl~ Bew York. be1'eb7 petition the Boa~ 61 'h'uehea of the fo.a CII SORboll. Dot to IIltt.. tbe ieaeeof IlattltwskCreelt \OUOII to 0" Oa1'1 Wool. 101' anoth.. 7fl6r. p&l'Uoalarl3' 10 ,,1.. ot the her that h18 lease wae grante4 10 tho taee ot strongoppcs1tion to leatJ1ft8 of .. Creek bOUom to the eel........ ., the ~l~. sn4 , . , . J'urthe1'm01'e. we !Ire etrcl!l8l:Y oppOSed .to gr~mt11) of tUl7 on 100.808. or the utenslc:n of tUl7 J.esse DO. 10 cistance. de:7:(~ ,O.c2 .~,K&?~ b...,..--,..~~..~ __ .. ,_ . ..... >__ _ ,~ ~!i.e-f /?-J~d~~/ , ~ ()9A~~i4 . ,f '-~JfY~'eja " .-' .~~ IJfair:.'a&=J3 ,~~ l.ztL.<< \ -,".\ ". r) r tf ...... . ~ , ~e;;-I ~.;:; ..~ U~e.~r -~ ( \,.' ~~-=~,~-~"-=="...- ---.----.. '" .) ~' .;- -~'f- ~ --- --~ --= .., 'r I I '1'0 ',THE ISOlRD c)jl' 1'm,rS'1'EES. TOWN 011' SOU'fHOLD: We. the, undulitigned ciU.._ and taxpayers ot lIa'tMIl''':'. Bew York. hereby peUtio. the BGard ot b-ustee8 01 the !own at Southo14 not to srtend the 1ea8. of Jlattltuok Or.ek bottom to on. Carl Wood for another year.partioaluly in .,i.. of the faot that h1s leas. .ae granted in the tace ;of strong oppos1 tion to l8s.iUS of any Oreek ))oUom to the lIZ81u1oo of the pUblio. and .ll'l1rthermore. .e are etrclllgly opposed to grantillg of any De. lesses. or the extension ot any lease DO. io existenoe. , . I i f . cT' -0 ~~,I.-.-/ Cl'r .~.' h.~, ,d~ ,'J~/b ItlJd (Y. ~/ rY ~ 0t~ a,- }it - 'VI ~~ l), ...J 1/Jl' , e;;~,~' '. ~~~;y~ . ,'" ^, ~ fl;~(~: .-'...... ., , ~/ . ..,,;.' '" . v.. . ,., ""f ~ .-0 (,: .... fo.... ,,:, '" \ \ ~ -.-"""" I , iI GREENPORT. N. Y"_hJ)~~~~~_~:__~7..~__hI93 5 Description - Town to Geor~e J. Hardy Land under waters of" Jockey Creek, Southold. .:~ ~~ * ~fo * * * ~~ Beginning at a point on the easterly line of" Oak T,awn ATenUe where the present bulkhead on property of" said Geor~e J. Hardy ) meets said line of" Oak I,awn A'f'enue; runninr: thence northerl y along said easterly line of" Oak Lawn A'f'enue, 2~ feet; thence at a right angle easterly f"roPl last described line, 16 feet; thence on a def"lection of" 45 degrees to the ri~ht f"rom last described line, 18 f"eet; thence on a def"lection of" 50 de~rees to the lef"t f"rom last described line, 45 f"eet; thence on a def"lection of" 90 degrees to the right f"rom last described line, 28 f"eet, more or Jess, to the present northeasterly corner of" bulkhead on said property of" George J. Hardy; thence westerly alon~ said present bulkhead, 49.2 f"eet to an angle in said bulkhead; thence northwesterly alonr, , said bulkhead, 42.8 f"eet, more or less, to the point of" be~innin~. Containing about FiTe Hundredths (0.05) of" an acre. 0H1f.~'f':6 , To G. C. Terry, ~sq. ~ f':\p," j!!' {' r ~ .e;'" ...~:\ -- . ~, . .' ~ ;/ .' " - , \ --Lj&:~'8' .,~ r( A I \ . .joclc~r I!!-...... / /-- ..........3...{, ..... -,.- \ \ , 't, 1. ~ tJ Ii I~ l' '''''7 t... /'1 w;.j AVE _. FC TO TMB HONORABLB TOWN TRUSTRBS OF SOUTIlOLD TOWN, SUFFOLK COUIfl'Y, I! HE" YOBU- I, the Ulldera1gned, a r8llident .of the Town of Southold, Su1'folk Cciunty, New York, hereby petition you to lease to me lands under water tn lattitualt Creek, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Hew York, bere1Dlfter described, for a period of five (5) years at such rental.. you IIlBY agree is Just and equit- flIle for the purpose only as a cultivation, raising and hervesting of shell fish on said land. The premises which 1 wish to lea.e are described as followsl- ALL that land Ullder ntel'6 of llattituek Creek, in sud Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Hew YOrk, dNorlbed as follonl- Bounded Northerly by a Une running frOll low water mark on the westerly side of Ilattituek Creek to low water merk on the easterly side of Ilattituek CreeK which line is distant 800 feet south of the center point of the highway bridge crossing said Ilattituek Creek, on Old 11111 Road, and bounded Northerly by said Une 1\ above mentioned; Rasterly by low water mark of Ilatt! tuck Creek; Southerly by a line pare.llel with the Hortherly boundary Une herein mentioned and 000 feet southerly therefrom and Westerly by the ordinary Une of low water DIlrk of lJattl tuck Creek. The sai d strip of land being 600 feet in leoPh and ita width to extend from low water mark on the lIeat to said low water IlBrk on the lliast of sud Creek for its entire length. The Southerly boundary Une being approximetely opposite the north Una of Henry Hill's bathing beach. Dated at Ilattituck, Hew York, th1B seventh day of Ile.y, 1937. ,lLd., ~ ~ ,{ '(L.S.) - -~-~-- __________u___________ _____u_________ r ... tU--t ... 1'0". llaJ'''tbt N"r. '"'0 "'''a 'mil,>'1'l~t; Oi' 7RF. 'l'Q'Ml 0; SUO'flWW, III jo'J'OUI' 0 CIlll'J'Y. NI1'< YO.. .u._.. 1 _"'-, aPPll" fW . ~'ClAIl ., land ... ~.. .-. _ tM .., 814. ., Mal U_* GPMk, &"""'1"1 ,Npe", tbs.t X ... .... .... a. .. 014 lQ.U '......,. _4 1_ *",ttt of tb. Old MUl PJt...._,. tw the ,..,... of tlUbg &IlCl "",Sac the llI"4I"" ....plll 1M""..... ... ..l.U-. "beroon. SaY .ru' . ...tda tta. . u..t.ag .....""... lUi:ill1fNlt,() at tbe Sou...... 001'.'" of .. Old MiU dh.'. .. t_ ...t...q 'ld. of Old au ROlld OIl .. fi.lIUI'lr .1.. of *'Ut". O....lc aad hell ..14 J81At of ...d...... ""'Ilr-"", ....a.. HgHe" II ...-.... ...., &JAMiIC tbe.......17 aide of Old Jd.U i\.~ $Ill.! the ........1' 1SM of 1aad ot 0.... 3. i&UIJ>1ea, H hft, *__ ""*' U ~1IIIP".." . "lII7--tle "... . r.ft. th.... Sodb. .. _...., .. """*H ...., U f'M\. tn.qoe ~h n ......, . ....M. ''i..t 10 tMt, t~c. SftUl II ....... 61 ........ ...t . tile -?~n' 1_ a. .. .."llll~' tIbe.... .-a .....4 'QUl"""Md 11.... on . ..... .~ ....Sa 11 ........ It .....t.. tiN' .__t-tolJ' toe te., to land bU'Mt... S1'li\nhcl .., thO ,....... of ~ "'GIm ot aena.ou to ........oa a. w.. .nd ~ R. Cealclhs,. (... 0WD0d .. 000... I. laUC1..). tMn.. aHag laat bOH.f.~ st-all"" _ 'be 'h'Uto.. of thO Twn of a..now .. "'1'1aoa G. \liblfa and ....., a. O"IrU"1l aDd new .....4 bJ G....o 3. JI.~' Sa .. .....b diNO'ton to ,.. Mt1u'tl1 bf.cbateP .rl&: .t *hlt1lOlc Cf'Mk ..... then" SA . MUtMI'17 41........... ,..11'..... .... ..... ~~ .,... Ml"1r or JlatUtwtl&: 'NOli to "hWO Pi, "''''-__ IlII1IlI"k Sa"....,. ,.. ..'0.11' 81de fit Old "U ",d at a ,.Jnt ...._s..t~ ID t... ..... .t ,___ ..,.. bO~,t..d'..Mn"F"" ~._ ..... .aU """'17 ItM of Olll'l 11111 R.... tie tbe pla.. of __~. I a..... at .,. ClIIlIl. ")lOB", to lna11c1 .. Wlk.... or tbe __ 'J'PO qtl CMRlatruotJ1oD .. 111 __ Sa ... _ J1Il'.,..t., Jut to t.. Bo""1 Of tbe P1'....t, ..,,1104 '.. .aSd lN1Jcb.ed to t treat" .,UIl eig1ltooa pal.mO .1'..... to tbe. ClUbs.. ,..t _nit . . oertlfloJilto trea 'lle JMlI'IICIIl 01' o...,..UOll. r...1a.b.1A<< .... OHOaotod J.wr.Ibo.Io aJillltl1 " htPD1...d t. tho TOtfD "a:-d. It ". oxpread7 \lDdwatOOd ..t:ld apottact tnat 1 anaU " entitled , ",",.".,_~:::.....~,_~~~.,.,.e,.,.,~.,____ to obarp tbe O"'I"lI 01' .~ .atoP. or "I\t. ot~ hillgbt unde~ 0," pIa..ong.". !'or b1r'e ../_ 0"'" trJl' IN. ptlrpo.. tlW wrual Wbal'taa- ctkal"goa, lIIlUCItl Ol~l"1lt.. an .~ .bI.11 not no.. au ~.nt PlIiIf' one ~:'ecI pOunda of 041"60 1044-'1 OJ" unl_'" or at ., optlcm I ., c~ II tht 'IItIa:Pta;?,e r.. of ca. Dolllu' tOP t.,.-.t,-l'OW- hour. tor ..ta not aoetHI1ng ttrt;y te.' in 18r&<<tb and OM DollAr and ~1.rty oenh pep t.ont,-.fo\l.lO tl.oW'. i":I.' '\)Oat. ..i::8(tC11fta fift)' teet 1n length aaa thA t tM'" X'M. ahlUl not ,.. lnONl6.ed w1 tbov;t the Cllln.:.ent of tbe '1'tNl\ 13eaH. I t'taPtb.er apo" tbiLt .. a cona1~tlon fof' tub ~8nt, 1 will qu1t-olal1Q to t be To<<m of SoutbeUl, the .Vip 01 It.nd M.ltllt:r-n,.. ,'6) reet 'llt14e em tbe w]ltW"1l4 lU\t' 1"1IIU\- ing '!)lick bet..en ~r!\.lbl UI:lfta to Old /!flll Roa4. '1'be aoutner17 u.a. of ...ld ..t,p _ '- apPl".~-"..:l... - .~...A_ ree; ..~ l'Ut..u lU6i 1'.., ....th of the e\Nth..est corn.. of t~ ,1d Mill. i.Jalrl atrip or .OV8Ilty-tlve (W>) IMt ot l4khftd DO to 'b. _t-c1a1JM4 to tho 'l'0I1l'i of Sc:mthold to be W\lnhlned at ell tt..a bJ the ~ 01' t\outhOld and t.l~. ua. ...eot to be Ual.ted to pl...su:re \>>oate 01113'. It 18 t\lM;.h8" lli<';'t'6ed that tli10 11.~)4 to t.bo 'i"O\?U of f>outbo14 Of. ;do ..".t,-the (ft) tMt .trlp abllll oontdn . ooyeAAnt tnat tbe Town will ..p add .vip and bulkbeAd in goo,! ;repAir _ Itw* ah.Ow.d \bAt ,.tlon ot t'lo 014 ~111 Hoad l'WU\ini; tlu'ouah WI pope..., .... be ean40Md III Q ~11c btgn.., ~ plght, tltl~ ana tnt.re.t t. 0. deeded to tll1d TOIfn b7 lll'i.ld 06ol'ge 1. /jaa,~.l.. .haU ..yen to uit.! George J'. liaugl.., bis he1r" Of' !le~l,;;fie who ebll11 tho.reupon 'oct eUtlod to r e-ent.. upon lu\lt) ppelll1nee un{~ l'opo..eu tnc __a I II I I ~~,~, r-,"~'o--"='~-I'--- " , ~---- r ,> ~~ orwa OJ!' L.UW UllDllIl WATER 'l'Ill TOlIN or l'>OU'l'IlOLIl -'1'0- Olloaol J. IJAUOL15 . TIllS lNDllJITURI _cle the 1~ de)' ot 1a1, Nine teen lIuadre4 8Ad tb1I'ty......A, '"',... TOliN 0' 1l0U'lIlOLIl. Count, or Suftolk IIld &Hte ot ... t...., br . -301'1\1 ot Ita dill, ale.Ud 'l'rwtt... lIIICl bl v1rtue ot Chape.r 016 of the an or Hew Ierk, .....ed 1A 111I, and P\II'lUUt to . vota bJ II -301'1t1 ! or ,the JIouod or '1'...t... ot aatd Ton or IautbOld. at. .etlnl held purell8llt to .tica ""1, 61vtlll to .tol Its ....1'8, OIl the 8th dllJ ot lay. 1"', Plrt, ot the f1l'st Plll'll, IlItld GiI.lIlllI J. ~0JJl5. of J1a'U1lv.ek, folra of Bouthold. Suffolk' CouIlt1, -.. YOrk, part)' of tbe aeCOlld, Psrt, WI'l'NiSbl:.'1'R, tbat tbe part, of tbe fbat part 1n conalderetlm or the eua ot OIib DV1J.AR dl.&~ pald to ..14 par" ot the rll'tlt part. betore tha dellyer, hereof, the recll1pt llberoot la beNb)' dl.&1r aOknowlactced, and tne erection of a bIollldleBcl IInd canYtl)'llDH ot certa1n prel'lllsea In tha Town of l:iouthOld, and pIlrauant to cond1t10l'la "et forth U1 a c.rtaln 1IpJi11 catlm _el. b1 George J. Haual.., ot IIIo.tUtuck, 11M fork, to the Town of L,0Uth01d, Ilutt':llk CouIlt" Ne. :COI'k, dated lIa.y 7th. lSl1', lIftd lIihlob 10 ade 8 part hereof, haa r.lealled lIftC1 doN hereby II'lIllt cd rela8&8 _to the 8a14 pertr of tne lIllCOOd part, hi. he1l'a and ..111'8 tOl'll1'lll'. aU ..t.... and landa uncIer ailtel' and rIght. 01' other lnterute therea, SWIll .. the 'l'CMl ot Southolel IlOqu1l'ecl and ROlf ho1clB bJ vll'1lv.e or IDJ Colonial Patent 01' otarhr. f!1tuate In the Town Of Southold, Count.. of Surto1k and State or Ne. YOl"Il. under water bnd below 1l1e;h water ark i i of lilattltl.lck Creek 01' Inlet, IIetUtuOlt, 10 eatd TOIn of SCllltnold. ad~oln1Dg the upland of to. 8ll1c1 Jlllrt, ot the ..cond part. and bOWlded and d8l10l'1.4 .. tollow.l- " JJl?OIlUllNG at to. SoIIthweGt comer or tile Old 1111 eltlat. OIl the 88Sterly ald. ot 014 Will load on the lI..tel'~ alde of WatUtuek ere. and fl'ca saId polnt of be&lnnlnl rutUI1Ila North 116 d8&J'.... 12 l81nutea t.t',t along the northerly alde ot Old iii 11 1 Roael aDd the sOlltller1r Uno of land of Oeorze J. laug1_. N t.at; tn_ae Iiorth 23 deare.., . lI1mae.. W..t aa t.et; th8Dee l>outh 1!6 GeIJ'8.., .. lII1mltea Weet. 16 r..t; __ae North U a....... . IIlnutea ll..at 10 feat; tbene. "oUth 60 cI........ .. a.te. lIe.t to the blalkbead 11M an noli utabl1abed; thlDO. alOll6 .ald bul~ line an a 00l.II'H or Hoz1h 31 dllveea. 54 llI1mltee Weat 8P!iI"OXlatel, lIOO t.et. to lend heretotore &J"lIftt.c1 bJ ~ - -Ii. the TJ.t... of thl TOIfn of bauthold w IIorl'1acm o. '.. aM lerilert I. ConIcl1ll&. (JIOW ClltRild ~ Oeorae J. 1aq1..) I thin.. al_ laDd bI...toroz-e SreAHd by the 1'ruate.. or ~ Tom or flouLhold to 1Iorr11101l o. 11Ma and lIorbert ll. Oaakl1ll& aDd IlOW ....4 by Geo.... J. 1Itma1.. 1ft a ...t..-l)> d1J"eoUoll to the 1l8wra1 b1abnt... Il8I'k or MaUlwOk Creek lilI1d than_ ln a .000000000l, cl1....1:1oo roUcwlna thl __ hi__,... a_ or MatUtuolt Croelt to IMre ..1d biabftt... IllU'Ic 1ftt.......U the e......~ .lde or Old .1111_ at . polnt &p/,1ll'Qlt1_ to11 to reat JIorth of th. P1aee or Mslna1na .nd cont1nu1as 1I014heJ'11 alO11& ea1d easte,.l)' 11M of Old 11111 Iloa4 to .. p1.aee of beg1l1A1ns. Sald prelll1eee IMina 8hOlm upon a IIllP 0.. lW'Vell118da by Otto II. Van '!'Wl, G....nport. low York. dated .., 17th, 1... IUh the Pl'1Ylleae of fUll111 1ft and INlldMU1JlI Oft the prea1a" hereln :, Il."lIIIt.d and ~.. the _1nta1A1D& .nd 1&8111& wd IllalIdlMcl 01'1 tbl prea1aea be...11l d.....1bed. lxoepUas and 1.......10& to the .ald Ton of SoIlthold the 1'1iht of ~nt.r- 1n& upon and \1&111& aU and ."...)' p.n of the abOVe ana"d pr81l18e. li.ll full)> lIS 1\8.1d TOlIn 01' the lJl11abUanta tbel'eOr 11I1_ Jaw doQe hlId th1e COI'IVIlJUoe not H8n 1184. _tn the eald 1N1l1led Weal... .MU ll8 Ilotually approprlated' and appl1ed to the benetlo1al .nJo~t or tbe ..ld lP'lID1:... hls hell'. aDd " II ua181lS, by ....1lOIl of the r111111& lft and areo1:101l or docke. bulkbe8d1l or other i! , Stru01:\U'fl1l thereon. And tboa. presente ure \IPOIl the expreaaed condltion that lf tbe 1I01d arantaa. b18 hlIlrb and lIIIs161U1. ahall not eUtla two )'88r. tI'OlII tba date hON- of. aetw 1y llPPl'OPI'laQ the abOVe &J'llR1:ed pNlll1... to bill benet1l11al enJoyment 111 r1111D& 1ft or by too flr.et;1QQ or . wllCbloa4. dock. or othllr' .truow.... thero.. QQ. tbell 'haae prellGl1ta IUld av...1th1D& herll1n conta1Aecl. .h1111 c..... '_ tem~1:il e.nd be "01'; WICi the lIa1d. prelll1sea &bore ganted lInd all lIlt.reet Md r'1sbt tbere1n ahall L~dlat.l1r"Yert to tbe ..ld Town of O<Ntbolc1. And the 881el. srentea doe8 ....reb)' coy_ot with the Bald party or the flr.t pI.rt tl\llt tbe Bald partJ or tb8 aeeond POrt. the 61'811te.. h1s hel... Md lUIIIlana. .111 not at taA1 t1llle malntaln. erect or pardt upon an,y PlU't or the pl'llllh.. above crlUlted. or on thll 1'1P1l1'lan 1'1,,1'11:8 1n II1d about thB .llIIe. a/11 alaughte,. hou"". BII11:h abop. rorgo. f'w>Daoe,- ate.. engine. braa. f"UIIdr)'. _11 01' other ll'On rolllKlJo:f, or any rUCtor1 tor the -raot\u'e or &un pOwder, &1ua. Vllrn1ah, V1t1'101, 1M 01' turptlAt1ne. or tor the tannlne; or preperlng of. IIklna. h1dC1a 01' lontbtll'. or any brewery. d18t1110I')', 01' aD)' othor 1'lIctor)' which .., be obJeotlo_bl.. 01' an1 obJaot101'18ble bulld.lng. or ror floats 01' otbllr place. tor the openlns of eeal10pe 01' Ofl!lt81'6. or for the lay1ns up of ~- _...".,.,.,~".~,~~:--~..""",,,- r -,~, -. ----------~ I ""1"-- I , -a. ..llop or .'el' boats. Ol' IIlU' other DOlC1oI.aa Ol' daDpl'Ol&ll t..... or buill... Ol' OO<ll&rl&t1oa ~~t""'b1 ,1.. liItld 1t 1& bIl'etIt lIIP. ,tilt thit ro....01nc cov_ute shall NIl wlt.b tbe Il....Olll'l1ftt.d F8Illlaea SAd 1'1lhte toreY8l'. AM. ..Ject to thit above ex..pUua. reaU'VaUOM and coveftcnt. that t.be aUd ~)' or tNl ae00n4 pert. hie l18lH and ..slpa. .... to bave IInd to bold \be above created p...sa.. witb tlle ~1I thitl'lNftto be101111111h to his llft4 tl181r on proper UN, beurlt and beboor rONI"... II Wl\l'llll5S IUIi.lJ&O', tbe sald 'lown or 5ot&tbolcl, party or the tlrllt part, ! baa la1 . vote or I/. _JOl'lt, or tbe a-.. or TIWta.. or 88J.d TC'Ml. CllU8ad lta earporate seal to be hertl.lllto artlxed, _ tb..a presents to be SUDaCl'lbed b, n -JOI'lS, 01' BlIld Bo8J'Cl or TN8'a.. l1li4 tbe .81d srent.. bIw aloo bIl'eunto lIat bls hul4 and ...1. 1ft duplicate. the dli\1 and. )'ear aret abOVe wr1ttu. ~) -- ~7r.~ , r~ i 7;t5:-~ V .--J~ 7~ (I..s. ) (T~ (I..s. ) (L.t>. ) ~/fI.U ~ As !NatHe or tIl. TOlIn or SO\Atllold. (I..s. ) ~JL-/Jl~ (LoS. ) r'""~T I) -11 ~r' . . . f' ,- -4- aTATi or lIlll'I Y \l\ti., SSe- cvum OF i.,Ul'I01.1. ~ , On tbla I~__ del or ..,. 1111." ber\N'e .. peraona1l1 ... II rUD TAWIl. of Onent, .... fOl'kJ C&i..l1..H6 J. MelIU1.'1'l', or WatUtuok, "w\IOl'k; lIATllAJI PAVlS, of oouthold, lfew York; end StlllllAltT VI. IIORTON, or CutcllOSue" lie. ,\ Ii fOrk, aU 1a tho Town or Soutbold, CcMnty or B\attolk _el 8tat. ot' New fOl'k~ all ,. , i! pel'8Ona11, IcnnD to lie, who bo1Al -1 .. dllly .wom. BlIyeral1, 1IIII.1d thllt the)' i I ,...lded 1ft tbe Town or Soutb:lld, CoIm" or Sutrolk IIld Stat. of I.. XOl'jt, and 'I II ..... ...... of tbe Boai'd or '1'NIIHea or M14 Town of lSouihOld and CVDllUtut1 II a _JOI'l'1 of __ ....; ;tat tM;r IIAft 'Jaw corporate nal of ea1d Town of I Soutbold; tbat tbe eeal atrlxed to __ fOl'elJj1ag ln8t1'_nt ... euch OClI'po...te Ileal; tbat lt ... ottlud tbeNUnto bl( OI'der ot the !bird of 'l'Nat..a of allld TOlIn of Sollthold and ttat _lib OM of tlwlll 81pd bl8 n_ tbeNto e. a Ii truat.. -, the Ilk. 0I'd.... (~ Ii ,; ~f,. IlotllJ')' Publlc, Surt'. Co., N.J. STATi or 1lJOf. tOOl, 8S:. COUlfl'lC OP ,>UWOl.l. -.. 14. /? - <la,y ot lay, un, be tore lie peroonalll( Ontble c... lIiOilGl> J. NAUOJ.B5, ot' lettltuck, Suffolk Countl(, ... YOI'lt, peroonaUl Imown to .. and Known to .. to Ill! tbe SAIlt.. neud ln tbe tore,golni ln- atl'llMnt and UOf1ol'lbed tbaroln. and be duly aokllowlodpcl to _ thllt be exe- cuted the _e. ~ rP ;?t. 7( Notal')' Publlc, t.Co., N.Y. I. i , ' --------- .- - -- ----- -------~_.. -,-=:'~~ - -------- ---........... ~- ; ;' ~ TJilI.HPDONH RlvaRHIliAD 8130 . . . JOHN D. HALLOCK ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK January 13th 1938 To the Town Board of the Town of Southold Attention of Russell Davison, Clerk. Southold, N. Y. Honorable Sirs:- I ~ I am informed that there is a proposed plan to construct a bridge across the Channel of creek, sometimes called Corey's Creek, at South Harbor, Town of Southold, N. Y. I would advise that Mrs. Lillian Hallock, owner of property on and under said creek, objects to the placing of any obstruction across or in the waters of said creek, which would interfere with free and unobstructed passage by boat of any size type or draft to and from Little Peconic Bay and her said property. Respectfully yours, ~1:>~ ~ v. '. ~ , r ;. \...........--"..,)-" >-~~. "'\l ~ ",. - --_...~ -~ j . . . SOUTH OLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE RUSSELL L. DAVISON. CLERK REGISTRAR 0,. VITAl. STATISTICS Board of i'0W1l~1'I1.t.ea. i'OiIIn of BoullhU, .New York Gentlemen: BOUT HOLD. N. Y. January 25, 19;)8 " ~ ... ~_1PA"'t.i.QS Q~ _,~. ~91l,,~olQ 'lawn Board, whioh was held at the offioe of Supervisor 3. Wentworth Horton at Greenport on Friday. January 21st, the enolosed letter from 1~. John D. Hallook, referring to a plan of Mr. Cedtio Wiokham, of Mattituok. for development of his - - properties at South Harbor, Southold, was read before the Board. It developed during the meeting that Mr. Wiokham planned to meet with your Board, and to ask oertain permissions from the Trustees. The T~/n Clerk was aooordingly direoted to forward the enolosed letter to you, so that it could be read at your meeting. Yours very truly. \ U(oZ,)j~ "\ Town Clerk. ---------- -_..~-- -~----------- ---- - - -------- -- --- SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK SOUTHOLD, Suffolk Co., N. Y.. . ~.1.1. . . . 1937 . ~(I?,.. 't. .:2ua!7.". g.. .j2Mj?p/.<:?..~ ..<;...IlJ~"~'i.:l~....~~...~ ~ - We credit $. . ..1/.0. . . .. . . . .to your account No... j!'?/'~. . . . . . We enclose our check for $. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . charging same to your account No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balance, $ .. /.~. ~ ..:?~.... RENSSELAER G. TER}kJ ~r r-~~ ~- ~- - ~-~- - - cd Ci/ ,~ ~ ~t4~ r,/ ~ ~f -- ~&? t#~d /;1' '71/(}- -?Y~?6'Y _ - -- ~cW/I/~~ a/Ud.:~*~~/ t:dvJnnv ~ ' , W~ ;;d- ~ ~~.~:r--t ~~ ~~ /~ 4/ JJ'~" ~ ~ ~ '/'A,kJ r7t- AL ~. eLl--~1h+JA- ~tUed A4 a-f MA-I- ,,6- _~ ~~ r:i~~ atu ,t- ~ '" ~ .;" ~ f'" L':" 1--~ nJ. ~~7 ~~. ~. . :7i!v ~ ~ 7 ?~~7~ ---J: 4 ~ ~ h11 f. '-'7 ~ - J_.;'..,..... ;l~ "-~!J. 'hr ~---: _c.__., JI,.t:.. ~. -'-_.~-'---------~.__._----""--""-'-'--'~'------+-" :J......~'" .:z..~.,.,,~ 'f d, Vnv-n.- ~ ~ r- MASON'S BOAT YARD NEW SUFFOLK. L. I.. N. Y. PHONE PECONIC 72 Febru~ry 2eJ, 193eJ. Mr.Chas.McNulty, Laurel,Ii.I.N.Y. Dear Mr.McNulty:- Enclosed please find check for $~O.OO Covering Lease of Oyster grounds at Mattituck Creek. Very truly yours. /ftIL #-~ ~~,_~~~"c="",__,.-_ ----- "- _dr I , , C'l. I. CIWU.IlS J. I/o.NULTY. or Laur.1. Town or Southo1d. Surro1k County. Ne. York. one or the Town Truate.e or the Town or Southo1d and the C1.rk or sald Board or Tru.tee. DO CIlR'lIPr that at a l18.t1l1& or the fom Truet... or the .ald Town or Southo1d held at the orfice or Oeorge C. Tar..,. Town Attorney, at Southo1d, Sutrvlk County, IIew York, on JanlW')' 28th, 111M. the to11o.11l& Jnle",u Nina pJ'...nt;.. 'red Tabor, Ohal....n; BIIIIIOJUS Dean; lathan DaYl., Ste.art l'i. Horton and Char1ea J. IlcIfu11;Y. Secretary. upon tbe appU.. cation or Cew'loli. fllokhalll, or IIattltuok, lie. YOrk. It we. yoted by the frueteea to IJ'I.Ilt sald "10khu1 pel'llllaalon to lNild a brldge fro. hla maln 11111d property at Sciuth Harbor. neer Southo1d. 10 sald Town. east or the Town Hlghway crosa11l& an 8I'IIl or the creek rrOlll hls prOpeR, on the north to hls property on tbe south Ihloh sbutta on 'eoonlc Ele7. pU.. tor -.port ot .. the bridle are to be spaced so a. not to obstruct DBvlptlon or _11 boats, II l81so to provlde a 11tt 1n the brldge ror p&e.eae or ...ta on e.l1 boats It requested. II -',I Clerk or rd ot TNatees Town ot SoUthold. Suffolk Coun N.Y. c ,. -- f I,: T --.., -._~--~.- RALPH W. STERLING STERLING'S STANDARD SEEDS VEGETABLE AND FLOWER PLANTS STRAWBERRY PLANTS ASPARAGUS ROOTS NURSERY STOCK CUT FLOWERS IR CATALOGUE TELEPHONE PECONIC 55 Cutchogue, L. 1., N. Y.,..u..J,I~r.C::Al7.tA.L ...193 8 },'r. Char Ie s :McNul ty Laurel L.I. Dear 'Mr. Nulty; As Secretary of the Town Trustees of Southold Town,L.I. I am writing you,asking you to get the consent of your Boar4 for the digging out of the shore along Baldwin Creek at Peconic L.I. I think James Rambo has given you a map or sketch of the propsed dredging. I want to carry a 25 ft. channel along a line from the ~ptermost point just south of the old bridge along the whole lengIf"c: of the meadow as far to the south as I own.Wx. S.W.Horton probably knows where my south line is as he was there when we established it with Vr. Glover and 'Mr. Billard. Yours very trulYjp ~ IY ~ ---"".~:: Non.ber 9, 1945' 1Ir. Stewart Vi. Horton Cutchogue New York Dear 111'. Horton. There will be a meeting ot the Southold Town Trustees at the Town Clerk's Office, Southold1 New York, at 1.30 P.II., Tuesday, New_ber 13th, 1'.:'45' by order ot ~ Preaident, 1Ir. Emaonl'l Deen. The purpose ot W.....et1ng is toorpni" the Board ot Trustees for the ensuing year and to take up such other matters as may cOIle before the meeting. Cordially y-ours, ~ Alvah B. Go dsmlth Secretary ~c: ,r. '~~'()rge G. T(~?!'J'Y ~.'!'. J""hn ""e:'::-llty !' "'. "'red T" hc,r j,Tl'. >'(,on S J,'2.:i roti~e 0.: -,'r.:;et: (:t; se,y:t t,,,:,, :<'.pr--,rl 1.' ery " ~ ~Ovv ~~ ~~~a-. J.~ ~ . 'T~T~ !Y. -~, /J ~J cZ:t/ j,' 3,!) (PI ~, F~~ ~':;/UdTr , ,C0~.T~~~if:~A;, I ~CL ~~ I rJ-T~-,~ol ' ~~~~~OJ:; ~ ~~~ , I U~~~Oc- ~7~c.ev.~~ ' .~. o---~. I . . i ! 6 January 8, 1946 Mr. Fred Tabor Orient Long Island Dear Mr. Tabor: There will be a meeting of the Town Trustees on Wednesday! January 16th, 1946 at 1:30 P.M. at the Town clerk's Office in Southold for the purpose of considering applications tor grants and such other business as may come betore the meeting. Cordially yours, Alvah B. Goldsmith Mr. George C. Terry Mr. stewart W. Horton Mr. John McNulty Mr. ElIIIlons Dean I Jull' 't 1946 Hr. ElI1Illons D~an Greenport Ne~:j' York Dear JIr. Deana , ~ There ,,;ill be a meeting ot the Tovn Truste.. on Saturday, Jl.:1y 13th, 1946 at 1130 P.M. at the Town Clerk's Office in Southold. It is very important that you attend. Cordially yours, Alvah B. Goldsmith Mr. John McNulty, Laurel New York Mr. Ge'1rge C. TerrY7 Southold, Net'" York Lyle F. Tu thi11, Orlent, Net" York 1 l . ; , October 11, 1946 Ifr. ~ons Dean Greenport New York Dear Mr. Deanl There w111 be . meeting ot the Town Trustees on Thursday, October 17th, 1946 at 1130 P.M. at the Town Clerk's Office in Southold. . Cordially yours, Alvah B. Goldsmith Lyle F. T1) thill George C. Terry John McNulty ~ . . ~ ~ ~ i 11 ,.. r ( --- :"'::'=-2,:~"",<'~"",,~o~-~r~=_<_~,,~~-"".~~~cc . OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NORMAN E. KLIPP SUPERVISOR TELEPH C N E GREENPORT sso GREENPORT N. Y. ____uJanuary 16, 1948 . ,. _ hhm......ummm...__hn...m...uumm...______m c Southo1d Town Board of Trustees Mr. Emmons Dean, Chairman Greenport, Bew York Dear EmIIons: In aooordance with our recent conversation, I am enclosing herewUh a copy of the comments made by the state Auditors to the Board of Trustees. I would request that your Board be guided by these comments in any future transactions. I recently received a check from your Board transferring your account to me. Would you be so kind as to give me some sort of a statement showing from what source this money was obt ained. Thanking you, I am NEK:tl Enclosure Yours very tru~~ q~ C" ~~-W Norman E. Klipp Supervisor -- . ~'..",...,,,,-"~_._._'- c....,~:".:._c'.," ":"::":"'C-':'=--'!"~"<'?"~.<. OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NORMAN E. KLIPP SUPERVISOR TELEPHO N E GREENPORT 550 GREENPORT, N. Y.... Board of Trustees ~hapter 615 of the Laws of 1893 created the Board of Trustees of the Town of southold and empowered such Board to manage and dispose of the common lands and lands under water belonging to said town. The records do not indicate that there were any financial transactions during the years 1945 and 1946. As of December 31, 1946, there was a balance of $1,521.26 to the credit of the Board of Trustees in the southold Savings Bank. Section 3 of the above chapter provides that it shall be the duty of the Board to pay to the Supervisor, at the first meeting in each year of the Town Board, all moneys which shall have come to their hands in the exercise of their trust. In view of this requirement of law, such balance should be paid to the Supervisor. Section 2 of this chapter requires that all conveyances, leases, permits, agreements and other writings be in duplicate, and that one of such duplicates should be filed in the office of the Town Clerk and recorded by the Town Clerk in a book separate from all other records. No sUCh records were available in the Town Clerk's Office. Whether or not there are any financial transactions during a fiscal year, the Board should file an annual financial state- ment in the Office of the Town Clerk, as provided by Section 3 of the above chapter. .. ----- -...-- .- --'--_.._---- -"'-:~ ...~ ---dc/(tlJ/ 11 y. }'(.'~~cdl 7, I?'/f 'J/1,. Jh~">ff t' Nell ~~, ( ~j~_ I -?2A<j _ ~ d-</V ., . . ~~ 111, kIll.' - . ~"-'/ ~ CL ^~~~ duJ I-'~_ Af-J ~.tL9~/ A~Z'~ ~~ l ~ Air ~eh~ . i ,/ ~ ~'l. b7 (1-i~c" /u//If~U'd ~:ff) · ( wLl. A-c~.<U.:.:t A/,y ~a:t"" J Fe!, I ~ J -/JA-J tit-( T ~ 71 ~~":L L<-rJ! ~u-J I ..tI,..<UJ)" ;t; J~I t;/'J </ f' . . ~ ~C€~ (J/-4A/J;t;t CU/-6?~. . {/-"'I":~ /t'~/~ . a~1 gs.~JL/j . ~ . . T..A-p C.(./CAAA..-(A ~ cJ c1.uJ / ..Jl.jt1/N~~ Z;~~~ ( , ~ ~ " . . D:..POJIT:3..~ .we: 4./.,;COID '::' .P.W J..n ~2, lc;,22 " " April 1, 1926 June 23, 1926 JOC. 2, 1930 l:.arch 9, 1931 April 1, 1931 April 9, 1931 July 1, 1931 ~ust 1, Ij31 ..uc_l 1:;, 1)32 '".ril 1, 1932 ...:>V. 26, 1932 .Joe. 10, 1932 OQt. Ii ~732 .,.rL.. ,1;)33 j~:J.lj; g3~ Jan, 1931+ Dec. ~..., 1934 Oet.~, 1931l Jan.. Ii 1935' .~c:-' , 1935' Jan. ';:'t 1936 Jau. , 1937 June 11, 1938 .. i'c>h. 2Jl. 1933 A~)r:U 2'", 19~8 I Ap'll Ii 1930 He. 91 93 F(.;~. 2, 1939 I :"~ 'J. ?1 19.39 .rtu:'. l.2 , 19/-lQ J c..~. 12, 1)li{, Jan. 7,19'(3 Jan. 7, 19'+L J:....- .;"r1J ,~"' '. r 'Pl1 ~,"''' ,j.............u ..,~'\. 1922 D03cri~t1on ~t'f' .v"-... ..t Da:!.ance 1n ban:!: ~ ., 61.~ St~~~ey Corvtn - grant '~dr ~t~r ct ~tQrl1LJ C~. 2;.00 I~,,,Gr"'$t to D..to Int, 'ro;;t to Coate J. Ii J. Elsvorth Oyster Co. 1<3 ",.)ntl... rental ur.der wCltur at !:.tll Croek ~.. a. COnkline, Co. y-eulJ ror... Ul'lJer vater at lr.attituck Creek Chas. L. ~proo:ssi...: - DrtJl.o..;e in .:1cl.:ha:: Creok Int~rest to date Jolmson .Jr~~o Il Piper - D~g1.~ 1" Orient Interl.st to dato (;J,rl ..ood - 1 year 10....'0 ..m:,.,.'lt ..:a........ ~ l'""tti~~c.l:: Cr. L. ... Conkling - fiClnt fo:. 19.32 I~,~urost to date Ho"'r1111on ..... winOll ..:l. Cor'tl1.~ - ~raA. t.:> il1'('~e .. Lt. Conk11~1Z to.' 1)33 Intcr~~t to datu Intorest to loilt.e ~.. '. ~tt~l~~ ... Jr, l'ltH't..lflS~ 011 >> Medea .... '.. ~...:;l1..... ...0... 1934 Intvr~c~ t.o date t.. .'t. COl"..tl1..:; . ")1' 1935 Interest to Qate Int~ro~t tv Jato CLarlo3 Sl;rauss1A.g A. . ::aunb ll., . l:&son h. '3l:stort:: a. 1 ;.son R. ... ':ttlrllIti fl. t.. D...s!'OJtl Inter:'s~ w,J., ~'" I'1t r"l:;t to :1.... . ~ P~3C77 I t.Nst t. ~~ .JG. a)G.4 t In,,()rtl~t to .tc ..1 t..dra1lll iotal ,,)op.)si h , ....- - - Jl~l)9.61 llt,.03 2.3 .ltj 50.00 f 5'0.00 22.00 '~J. '>6 35.00 3.90 50. VO 50.00 Ilt-.20 lOO.')() ""^ . '^ " .vv 11..32 11.35 ;0. ~:O ~o .00 17.83 50.00 16.67 5'.68 35.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 40.00 50.00 15.00 !to .00 61~. 21 17.27 50.00 21".61 SO.OO 210,07 1;59.67 --~~ -.~~,.- - - .-'.'--'-~,,- . RENSSELAER G. TERRY, JR. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW SDUTHDLD, N. Y. ~. ~ d. 4'~ ~o.< ~~ ?~/;K,k/,~ S~~r ~: -r-M-- ~ ~44~. V~~.44 ~ ~~/~~~~ r 1 ~,t::..~ c:- ~ /~.... ?;' -../ ~ ~ ~ t.-4 _?O . ~ . ;~ ~ w--V ~ a.-7 ~/-Z- /'--- ~ ~ lI.,.. 44 G a.-,. c;.('~~ ~ ,~>"'......~c -.~.?.t: ;;-;J .~ .~u-~. -o/V1/Y? ~~ Y---... A 2_?:Jh- Also to: Lyle Tuthill Harry Mason .T 0)>>. McNulty R.G. Terry Ralph Booth November 1, 1949 Mr. !tr.mlons Dean Greenport, NeY York Dear Mr. Dean: Please be advised that there w111 be a meeting of the Town Board of ?rustees on Satarday November " 1~+9 at 1:00 p.m. at the Town Clerkl s Office, SOuth old, New York. Si.ncerely, Al vall B. Goldsmith A;ZH~~. . '.,' /r'. ':jlI i \ Also to: , ,.,~ --:::-- ---- Lyle 'l'uthill Frank S. Da't'lson J aim LclJul ty ~-l.G. ~erry, Jr. - }.lov1n Council ,Jornan ICli~)p - Supervisor ilalph 300th - 'fawn Clerk November 13, 1951 Mr. El!lIllons Dean Ifreonport, Hew York Dear Mr. Deana Please be advised that there will be a meeting or the flIIIfn Board ot Trustees on Sat- urdBYt li'ovembe1' 17, 195J. at law p.m. a.t the Town clerk'. ottice, southold, He'li! York. Sincerely, .A1Yah B. GoldSJll1 th 1 I I I: ~i_ ~ .L- ~L