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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorth Fork Trail Improvements - Signage . PATRICIA A. FINNEGAN TOWN ATTORNEY LORI M. HULSE ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY SCOTr A. RUSSELL Supervisor KIERAN M. CORCORAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1939 Facsimile (631) 765-6639 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATI'ORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 7,2007 Mr. Stephen Normandin, P.E. clo RBA Group 1 Huntington Quadrangle Suite 4C20 Melville, NY 11747 RE: North Fork Trail, Scenic Byway: Interpretage Signage & Facilities - PIN: 0758.90 Dear Mr. Normandin: I am enclosing your original Proposal to provide planning and design services, dated October 3, 2007, in connection with the referenced matter, which has been signed by Supervisor Russell. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, rI~~ Lynne Krauza Secretary to the Town Attorney Ilk Enclosure ./ cc: Ms. Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (w/encl.) Patricia A. Finnegan, Esq., Town Attorney (w/encl.) Mr. Neboysha R. Brashich, Southold Town Transportation Commission (w/encl.) :!RI3B ORIGINAL ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS October 3, 2007 Mr. Neboysha R. Brashich Chairman Southold Transportation Commission Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: The North Fork Trail, Scenic Byway: Interpretive Signage & Facilities - PIN: 0758.90 NY Route 25 and County Road 48, Town of Southold Dear Mr. Brashich: In response to our discussions at our scoping meeting with the Town on September 11, 2007, The RBA Group (RBA), in association with Lebowitz / Gould Design, Inc. (LGD), is pleased to submit for your review and approval our proposal to provide planning and design services for the North Fork Trail, Scenic Byway: Interpretive Signage & Facilities Project - PIN: 0758.90. UNDERSTANDING It is our understanding that the Town of Southold is seeking assistance in the planning, design and development of orientation and interpretive signage and facilities to be installed at various locations within the Town of Southold. These signs will be designed in accordance to the New York State Scenic Byways Sign Manual. In addition, the Town would like to locate three kiosks at key downtown locations in the Town of Southold to serve as information and orientation stands. Furthermore, the Town is looking for assistance in assessing the current Sign Code, which will include conducting a brief existing sign inventory of the NY25 and CR48 corridors to provide a general assessment and description of the existing conditions as well as providing suggestions to improve the Code and recommendations for a commercial way finding system. SCOPE OF SERVICES In accordance with these understandings, the following represents our proposed scope of services, which is separated into two phases, Phase I - Study and Master Plan and Phase II - Design and Contract Documents: 1 HUNTINGTON QUADRANGLE, SUITE 4c 20 NtYW York New Jersey fvfaryland MELVILLE, NY 11747 Georgia Tairl'an (631) 694-3131 Philippines PHASE I - STUDY AND MASTER PLAN 1. Assessment of Existing Conditions a) Provide an assessment of the Town of Southold's Sign Code, particularly issues regarding the proliferation of commercial signage along the Scenic Byway corridors (NY Route 25 and CR48). b) Conduct a limited existing sign inventory of the NY25 and CR48 corridors to provide a general assessment and description of the existing signage conditions and their conformance to the current sign code. c) Develop recommendations for revisions to the Town of Southold's Sign Code to mitigate the proliferation of commercial signage. d) Recommend a commercial way finding system and coordinate with the State sign system. 2. Conceptual Master Plan for Interpretive Signs, Kiosks and Facilities a) Determine potential locations for interpretive signs and kiosks by selecting a shortlist of priority sites based on proximity, significance, availability of interpretive content, and variety. For this task, it is assumed that the Town of Southold will coordinate with the community stakeholder organizations (historic, conservation, recreational, etc.) and request their preference listings for potential interpretive sign and kiosk locations. The Town shall pass this compiled list on to RBA. Subsequent to receiving the list, RBA will contact the respective organizations and request any available documentation at select sites that could be used as content for the interpretive signs. b) Review potential locations for the placement of three (3) informational kiosks in "downtown" areas and determine the information to be displayed on each. It is anticipated that the kiosks will be placed in the Hamlets of Mattituck and Southold as well as the Village of Greenport. c) Determine the locations for Scenic Byway "Welcome" signs. d) Develop a conceptual master plan locating all proposed interpretive signs, kiosks and "Welcome" signs. e) Outline the budget development based on proposed quantities and facilities. f) Design a scenic byway identifier logo for the North Fork Trail. g) Prepare preliminary (50%) design for one (1) proposed sample kiosk to be included in the report. h) Prepare preliminary (50%) design for one (1) proposed sample interpretive sign to be included in the report. !\i,~'i _' u/ !!RI3B_- iI _'is r: '0'/.1 ,i':_''';-:.:I/ J::'\ i i) Coordinate with NYSDOT and SCDPW for conceptual approval and to determine what, if any, permits would be necessary prior to the construction phase. 3. Summary Report a) The entire content of Phase I shall be documented in one written report. Anticipated sections to be included in the report are: . Review of sign code . Existing sign inventory . Recommended modifications to sign code . Commercial way finding system . Identification of interpretive signs, kiosks and welcome signs . Conceptual Master Plan . Recommended signage/kiosk content . Preliminary (50%) design of one sample kiosk . Preliminary (50%) design of one sample interpretive sign . Budgetary estimate for implementation 4. Meetings and Site Visits RBA/LGD staff will prepare for and attend the following meetings: a) One (1) kickoff meeting with the Town. b) Two (2) progress meetings with the Town. The purpose of Meeting #1 will be to review the existing conditions assessment and discuss the recommended shortlist of priority sites targeted for interpretive signage and kiosks. At Meeting #2, the Town will review and discuss their comments on the Conceptual Master Plan and Summary Report. c) Also, two (2) site visits of the corridors will be conducted: 1. Existing conditions assessment, 2. Locating interpretive signs and kiosks. PHASE II: DESIGN AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1. Design Development & Final Design a) Prepare preliminary (50%) and final (90%) design document submittals for three (3) proposed kiosks for Town review. b) Prepare preliminary (50%) and pre-final (90%) design documents submittals for a maximum of eight (8) individual interpretive signs, using content selected in Phase I, for Town review, and two (2) welcome signs. c) Develop the final design for a Scenic Byway map locating all proposed interpretive signs and kiosks. This map will be publicized and be available at the proposed kiosks. d) Prepare a construction cost estimate for both the preliminary and final design submittals. PU,;:''' 3 0/ 5 !!RI3Et,.. n _'/\ ( ;."i}l.hd/ N:.\ / e) Prepare for and attend two (2) progress meetings with the Town following the preliminary (50%) and final design (90%) submittals and will address all comments/revisions to the interpretive signs and kiosk content. Deliverables - RBA will provide: . One (1) copy of the Final Engineer's Estimate of Probable Construction Costs. . Five (5) sets of Contract Documents (Plans and Specifications) for Town use. 2. Contract Documents a) Advance the aforementioned Final Design Plans for the proposed kiosk, interpretive, and welcome signs into a complete set of 100% Construction Drawings and Specifications suitable for bidding purposes. Technical Assumptions: 1. Preliminary and final design includes three (3) kiosks, eight (8) interpretive signs, and two (2) welcome signs. 2. Preliminary and final design of commercial way-finding systems are not included as part of this proposal. 3. Kiosks and interpretive sign design will include content, photographs, etc. that are readily available from the Town and/ or community stakeholder organizations. The development of new graphics is not included. 4. Comment periods from the Town on the kiosk and interpretive sign design/ artwork will be limited to 50% and 90% submittals. 5. No construction administration inspection services are included as part of this proposal. As an optional service, RBA staff will make field visits to the site as directed by the Town to verify design initiatives during construction. Costs are not included for this optional service at this time. 6. No inter-agency review or coordination meetings nor the securing of any permits or approvals are included as part of this proposal. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: We estimate the cost for these services to be $45.000.00 (Forty-five thousand dollars and 00/100) for Phase I and $41.400.00 (Forty-one thousand four hundred dollars and 00/100) for Phase II and will be based on the attached Cost Proposal spreadsheets. We propose to invoice you on the basis of the attached terms and conditions. It is understood that Phase II will only commence after Town approval of Phase I and if additional funding is obtained from Federal and/or State governments. PU,:> ..j '-'/." !!RI3B_-- Oe}/," (0\"1,/" [I/'()'di g" i AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED: Should you find this proposal acceptable and wish to authorize us to proceed, we request you sign in the space provided below and return one copy for our files. We will not commence work without your written acceptance. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact us for further discussion. We appreciate the opportunity to place our staff at the disposal of the Town of Southold Transportation Commission. We look forward to the receipt of the notice to proceed with this work. Sincerely, ~A / David Lapping, Vice President Director of New York Operations Accepted: Town of South d 1bii~Htt DATE: II-~-o 1 By: TITLE: Supervisor Enclosures: Fee Proposal (3 pages) Terms and Conditions '! -_1 {\ ((h) ("I)...',' \'c.',' Ii /1''''0 > 0/5 I!RI3B_- Attachment - Fee Proposal TOWN OF SOUTHOLD The North Fork Trail, Scenic Byway: Interpretive Signage & Facilities Southold, NY i!RI3B~.y,~ FEE PROPOSAL SUMMARY Phase I Schematic Design Phase II Design TOTAL BilLABLE TOTAL lABOR HOURS RATE COST --- ---- - - STAFF TITLE Proiect Manager 28 12 40 $55.00 2,200.00 Sr. Landscape Architect 133 92 225 $45.00 10,125.00 -._-------~--" Engineer/Land Architect 110 92 202 $29.00 5,858.00 CADD 44 88 132 $24.00 3,168.00 LGD Proiect Manager 32 20 52 $68.00 3,536.00 '--- -_. LGD Graphic Designer 60 52 112 $45.00 5,040.00 -.----. LGD Diaital Artist 42 100 142 $30.00 4,260.00 --- TOTALS I 449 I 456 905 $34,187.00 Total Labor Cost by Task $17,907.00 $16,280.00 = $34,187.00 Multiplier 2.5 2.5 Subtotal by Phase $44, 767.50 $40, 700.00 = $85,467.50 Out of Pocket Expenses = $200.00 $700.00 $900.00 (Supplies/Mileage/Printing) Total by Phase $44,967.50 $41,400.00 = $86,367.50 SAY $45,000 $41,400 Phase I Phase II 10/4/2007 07218_ Cost proposal Rev 1 1. Assessment of ExisUno Conditions .. . v o u. ~~ 0. c'" . ~ b. <- o " . > ~ C Q 0; c . . Co .~ ~.2i g:!u .0 G::'1; v ,. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD The North Fork Trail, Scenic Byway: Interpretive Signage & Facilities Southold, NY ~ > . E ~o v~ c> 00 EQ E~ ov o c 00: C Q o;~ oc" .2:.2.8 !~~ e-gu f1..1 .. b. :!Rl3fL FEE PROPOSAL Phase I 2. ConceDtual Master Plan " d. .. f. -c c 0 ~.!!! ~~ Q 0 -~ ~ 3.s Q~ vo > ~~ 0 Co ~ o 0 u:e . m " ~ o <-.2 o~ c ~o e~ ~.. . g. b. " '- ~Sf ~ca ~~~ o o AttQchment - Fee ProposQI 3. Report 4. Meeting TOTAL HOURc BILLABLE n, RATE TOTAL LABOR COST ~ o ~ o '" .. c 0: o 0 OQ !E Q" . 0 ~" ~ c .2- lij o c ~ 0 ~O o .2 o _ C oQ cO; 00 :~ 00 ..I~ -c ~....IIII~ .5~~': E!!'f~ e = f-.2 tLcJ!I- ~~ , ST^FF TIT! E .e!PlI!~Lrv,'I~r:!i:lg~ $r._lJIr:!d~p_e~~ect l:...!!gir1~JLand_~it~_ .Qe,PD LGD Project Manaaer LGD G!!,p"hic Desianer 1..GP Oigi~LMi"!;L_" __ TOTALS Total Labor Cost by Task Multiplier Total by Task ,~= $113.00 2.5 $282.60 -~.- 2 $1,642.00 2.5 $4,805.00 1__1... _._____~2________..1.._ _~_"~_.~ 1 4 ____2:4__~_'1____.J__8 _..~"'_____..._u._ __ 12__ _.::1.2._ ____.__...__24_.____ __--.lQ 1. 24. 2 4 48 $326.00 2.5 $815.00 2 2 9 $551.00 2.5 $1,377.50 2 4 11 $2,034.00 2.5 $5,085.00 2 2 1 . 4 1 -_..._~ 48 44 4 $1,854.00 2.5 $4,635.00 $203.00 2.5 $507.50 __~.__"__2____ 4 . 2 4 . 2 . .. 10 $2,278.00 2.5 $5,696.00 $844.00 2.5 $2,110.00 $1,356.00 2.5 $3,390.00 1 2 _2..__ 2 _" ___~_~__"_."" __2~__~~___ _~.~_~I1__ ___.~~.&Q..~54:Q,QQ_ 4 2 24 12 133 ~--,--OQ. ,.----Ji~,~_~.OQ_ 2 __~__...__ ~~ ____~2_~,Q9_ ___J;~J~9,oo_ 6 16 44 ~~~QQ _l1...Qgl.OO 1 2 8 32 $68.00 $2176.00 4 2 60 $45.00 $2700.00 __ ..:l.L.~__ _____~___~_________~1g_ ~~~QQ__~.1...260,QQ. 2 8 1~ _. 34 $949.00 2.5 $2,372.50 1 . 12 26 30 $200.00 2.5 $500.00 4 $2,788.00 2.5 $8,970.00 8. 28 449 $17,907.00 $1,045.00 2.5 $2,612.50 $1,524.00 2.5 $3,810.00 $17,907.00 $44,767.50 Out of Pocket Expenses (Suppliesn.t~eageIPrtnting Expenses) = $200.00 TOTAL = $44,967.50 ISAV- $40.....00 I Q7218_CostproposaJRev1 Attachment - Fee Proposal TOWN OF SOUTHOLD The North Fork Trail, Scenic Byway: Interpretive Signage & Facilities Southold, NY i!RI3El- FEE PROPOSAL Phase II 1. Design Development & Final Design 2. CD o. I b. I c. I d. I e, ,., lIl5~NItI ,., .. TOTAL BILLABLE TOTAL LABOR "'- <Dc. .. 0 0055- "'.. s", "C ~ t:' ~ .. ~ c CD'- ~:; ..b IU, ~.2 HOURS RATE COST .. 0> '" <<l CD>U) ~~ ~~ <D ~ ..1;i .5._ .sl,~ .. 0 :fj'" ~ - !!E E <D 0 ~:;; 0>- .5ce-o o <D =cS2 -~ ~ <D ..!! II 1!!1ii eCiiCD,g -<> ~~ ...:; .. 0 "'c. ... ~ a.c....Gl .5-' U) ii: u:-=3: LL u STAFF TITLE Project Manager 1 1 1 1 6 'I 2 12 $55.00 660.00 ~I,andscape -!\.':cl!itect ~ ----1~ --.1Il__:4 16 10 32 92 $45.00 4,140.00 Engineer/Land Architect 12 20 16 20 24 92 $29.00 2,668.00 CADD 18 38 8 24 88 $24.00 2,112.00 LGD Project Manager 2 4 2 4 6 2 20 $68.00 1,360.00 -- LGD Graphic Designer 12 16 4 12 8 52 $45.00 2,340.00 LGD!.al Artist 20 48 12 12 8 100 $30.00 3,000.00 TOTALS n 145 47 65 22 100 356 $16,280.00 Total Labor Cost by Task Multiplier Total by Task $2,651.00 2.5 $6,627,50 $4,789.00 2.5 $11,972.50 $1,567.00 2.5 $3,917.50 $2,527.00 2.5 $6,317.50 $1,188.00 2.5 $2,970.00 $3,558.00 2.5 $8,895.00 $16,280.00 $40,700.00 Out of Pocket Expenses (SuppliesIMileage/Prinling Expenses) = $700 TOTAL = $41,400.00 ISAY= $41,400.00 I 1014/2007 07218_ Cost proposal Rev 1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.0 Tennination: This agreement can be tenninated by either party ooly upon written notice of seven (7) calendar days. In the event of termination of this contract the Consultant shall be paid for all services rendered to the effective date of written notice of termination. at contract rates plus other applicable expenses. CUENT shall be entitled to copies of all design documents, to the extent completed at the effective date of termination. 20 Ownership of Documents: All docwnents prepared by the Consultant pursuant to this agreement including sketches, design reports, drawings, CADD and/or computer design files and specifications are instruments of service in respect to the subject project As such, the originals of all such docwnents shall be retained by and remain the property of the CONSULTANT. The CUENT shall be entitled to copies of all such docwnents produced by the CONSULTANT for the subject project It is understood and the parties agree that the CUENT shall not use or reuse said documents or information contained therein for additions or modifications to the subject project for other projects, or for completion of this project by another design professional,. except by prior written agreement between the parties hereto and with appropriate compensation to the CONSULTANT for such use or reuse. Any such use or reuse by the CUENT shall be at the CUENT's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the CONSULTANT. Further, the CUENT sball defend, indemnify and hold harmless the CONSULTANT, its officers, associates, servants, employees, consultants and agents, from and against any and all claims, demands, damages, losses or expenses of whatever kind or nature, including attorney's fees, arising out off or claimed to arise out of any such unauthorized use or reuse of said documents or information 3.0 Insurance: At all times during the terms of this Agreement the CONSULT ANT shall maintain, at its own cost and expense, insurance coverage as protection from claims filed against CONSULT ANT as follows: eWorkers Compensation (as required by law) .General Liability (to person or property) eAutomobile liability (to person or property) eProfessional liability (errors and omissions) Insurance shall be written by a company or companies licensed to do business in the State of New York At the request of the CliENT, CONSULTANT sball provide appropriate certificates thereof. In the event a claim against the CONSULTANT is brought alleging errors or omissions by the CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT is found NOT to be legally libel, then CUENT shall pay all oosts incurred by CONSULTANT in defending itself against such claim. 3.1 CONSULTANT's professional services shall be performed. findings obtained, and recommendations prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either express or implied The CONSULTANT assumes no responsibility for interpretations made by others of the intent of CONSULTANT's professional services, findings and recommendations in connection with the CONSULTANTs services required by this Agreement 3.2 It is understood and agreed that the CONSULTANT shall not be held responsible for any inaccurades in any materials, data or records as provided to the CONSULTANT by the CUENT, which have been prepared by any other person, firm or agency and on which CONSULTANT in its professional judgment has relied andf or utilized in the performance of the CONSULTANT's services. 3.3 limitation of liability: To the fullest extent permitted by law, Client expressly agrees to limit any and all claims of Client. including, but not limited to, claims alleging negligence, breach of contract, or breach of warranty against Consultant, for all losses of any kind, including economic loss, to an amount not to exceed the total fee paid under this agreement or $50,(00, whichever 15 greater. -~,.,;.~~~ "Client" <<) C-c>+t-- A. f<u..Sfe.. ( / 5 ~.f2J"'(/; 5 "'1 By: Title: 4.0 Disagreement Disagreement(s) between the parties to this Agreement concerning disputes, questions, or other matters relating to and resulting from the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be decided by arbitration if both parties consent In the event it becomes apparent that said disagreement(s) cannot be reconciled. the parties at that time may mutually consent to arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution. Such arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, which are then current in effect and shall be venued in New York. In the event the parties do not consent to arbitration, they may pursue a resolution of the disagreernenl(s) through any available legal recourse. A written request for arbitration shall be made to the other party within a reasonable time after the occurrence causing the disagreement(s) between the parties. In the event of an arbitration, any resulting decision rendered by the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding. If an award is rendered, judgement may be entered upon such award in any court of competent jurisdiction. 5.0 Delay: The CONSULTANT will not be liable for any delay in the performance of its obligations hereunder or of any damages suffered by reason of such delay, when such delay is directly or indirectly caused by, or in any manner arises from fires, floods, accidents, riots, acts of God,. war, governmental interferences or embargoes, strikes, labor difficulties, shortage of labor, fuel, power, materials or supplies, transportation delays, or any other causes beyond its control 6.0 Successors and Assigns: Each party to this Agreement binds themselves, their partners, sua:essors, heirs and assigns to the terms of this Agreement This Agreement cannot be assigned by either party without the prior written consent of the other party. 7.0 No Third Party Beneficiaries: The Agreement gives no rights or benefits to anyone other than Client and Consultant and does not create any third party beneficiaries to the Agreement. 8.0 Mutual Negoliation: Client expressly agrees that all provisions of the Agreement, including the clause limiting the liability of Consultant, were mutually negotiated. But for the inclusion of the limitation of liability clause in the Agreement. the Consultant's compensation for services would otherwise be greater andf or the Consultant would not have entered into the Agreement 9.0 The Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between CONSULTANT and CliENT and supersedes all prior written or oral understandings. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified, or canceled by a duly executed written instrument The failure of either party to insist upon strict adherence to any term of this Agreement on any occasion shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of the right to insist upon strict adherence to that term or any other term of this Agreement on any other occasion. This Agreement shall be governed and construed and obligations of the parties hereto shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the State of New York. The signators below hereby certify that they are duly authorized to bind their respective firms to the terms hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement as the day and year first above written. '~f'~ By: ))11"" 1.1'lQ~,,,)(, \JIlt ~~t'>\~":'\ Title: 1)\Ul~ nr N,' (Rt~"illlll) Consultant shall submit invoices on a monthly basis in accordance with percentage of services rendered during the period being invoiced. Payment shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days of date of invoice. Any such obligation of client not paid within (45) days of date of invoice shall be subjeclto interest at (1 %) one pen:ent per month until paid in full Z:\Marketing\PROPOSAL \2007-22 O7218-Southold Scenic 'Byway\Fee Negotiations\07218 Terms and Conditions.doc