HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-09/04/2007
Minutes of Meeting held
Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Ray Huntington Chris Baiz (left 7:34 p.m.)
John Sepenoski, Chairman Lillian Ball
Members Absent:
Michelle Zaloom Monica Harbes Eric Keil
Also present:
Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator
Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary
Al Krupski, Town Board Liaison
The meeting began at 7:16 p.m. with four LPC members present.
Adoption of Meeting Minutes:
Adoption of LPC meeting minutes not prepared in time for meeting.
The members entered into
SCTM #: 1000-122-7-8.8 Zoned: R-80
Location: 1150 Old Main Rd, Mattituck CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 47.80 acres (GIS 51.53 acres) Subdividable: Yes
Update re: Town Board executive session [executive session]
Not discussed as no quorum.
WESNOFSKE PROPERTY [executive session]
SCTM #: 1000-69-4-8.1 Zoned: A-C
Location: s/s CR 48, Peconic CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: ±8.235 acres PDR Acreage: ±7.19 acres
Update re: status of offer [executive session]
Mr. Wesnofske sent letter requesting an increase of offered purchase price. Melissa asked landowner
(or their attorney) to send letter with more details on the project, such as who is selling, what do they
intend to sell, status of subdivision/lot line change, right-of-way driveway issue resolved, etc.
Farmstand issue will need to be resolved once status letter is received from landowner.
SCTM #: 1000-95-4-6.1 Zoned: A-C
Location: 7990 Oregon Rd, Cutchogue CPF: No
Total Acreage: 7.0 acres (GIS 7.0 acres) Subdividable: Yes
Appraisal review (if appraisal submitted in time) [executive session]
Appraisal not received in time for meeting.
SCTM #: 1000-58-1-1 Zoned: R-80
Location: 5415 Soundview Ave CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 23.41 acres (GIS 23.48 acres) Subdividable: Yes
SCTM #: 1000-68-1-17.2 Zoned: R-80
Location: 4305 Soundview Ave CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 8.7 acres (GIS 8.7 acres) Subdividable: Yes
SCTM #: 1000-68-1-17.3 Zoned: R-80
Location: 4305 Soundview Ave CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: (GIS 25.7 acres) Subdividable: Yes
Updated re: status [executive session].
County prepared contract remains unsigned by seller pending status of additional requests made by
landowner. After a field inspection of the property with the County in regard to equestrian uses,
Melissa sent Town’s response to request letter to landowner’s attorney with copy to County.
SCTM #: 1000-31-11-6 Zoned: R-40
Location: Rt 25, East Marion (Marion Lake) CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: acres (GIS 2.0 acres) Subdividable: NZ
Inquiry from Town Engineer/Trustees.
Melissa Spiro told LPC that she had received an inquiry from Jamie Richter, Town Engineer and
Trustees. Jamies was contacted by State Department of Transportation (DOT). The DOT was
contacted by Patricia Moore (attorney for landowner). Ms. Moore asked State to remove drainage
going onto her clients’ property. Jamie and Trustees would like Town to preserve. Ms. Moore said her
clients are not interested in preservation and that property is worth one million dollars. LPC would be
interested in preservation, but at a bargain sale price.
General Land Preservation Items:
State Grant Proposal
Melissa explained problem of finding good projects for grant within grant time frame. She explained
that State appears to be saying that we can apply for project with a designated Ag Structure Area
within easement, but that she’s not sure if this will “pull down” our application. Melissa decided to try
this round by putting Demchak and Kauneckas (which has a designated Ag Structure Area) on grant.
Grant applicants are allowed three projects, but Town will only put two on as Town hasn’t a good third
project at this time.
Farmland Bond Proposal: Update
Wording of farmland bond proposal was adopted at last held Town Board meeting. Melissa explained
problem with bond wording as per her discussion with Assistant Town Attorney Kieran Corcoran. If
bond passes, funds will be able to be used to buy farmland and ag structures as intended and to re-
sell to a potential, eligible farmer. Buying house for non agricultural purposes may not be possible.
Other difficulties that may result from bond wording will need to be worked out in the future.
Draft Greenhouse Guidelines for Existing County Owned PDR: County requested comments
by 9/7/07
Melissa distributed draft of response to request from County to comment on greenhouse guidelines.
Draft consisted of factual differences between County proposed guidelines and adopted Town Code.
LPC members approved draft response and gave permission for Melissa to send response to Tom
Isles, Suffolk County Director of Planning.
Reese Management Plan (John Sepenoski)
Not discussed, lack of quorum to proceed.
Small Lot Policy Status (Ray Huntington)
Ray updated LPC members on his discussion with Supervisor Russell. Ray handed out suggested
new paragraph to be included in small lot policy. Ray to revise draft and to request Town Board work
session appointment for policy discussion.
Melissa Spiro’s status report [executive session re: status of offers
] Not prepared for meeting.
Next Regular Meeting:
Tuesday, September 18, 2007, at 7:00 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on in the Town
Hall Conference Room.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. by the three remaining members.
Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Committee Secretary