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DATE.:r<illu.a:r:Y...+ 9, 1967
Appeal No. 1026
St. Agnes R.C. Church
Front Street
Greenport, New York 11944
at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on Thursday, January 19, 1967
was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your
( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property
OC ) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance
( ) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance
( )
the appeal
1. SPECIAL EXCEPI'ION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special eJOOeption ( ) be granted
) be denied pursuant to Article ............... Section ................ Subsection ................ paragraph
..... of the Zoning Ordinance, and the decision of the Building Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be
con!1rmed because 9: 00 P.M. (E. S. T.), Upon application of St. Agnes R.C. Church,
Front Street, Grdenport, New York, for a special exception in accordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 10, for permission to retain
the following off premises road signs: 1) a sign located on the north side North
Road, Greenpo~t, New York, bounded north by F.H.S. Land and Development Corp., east
by Benson Telsey, so~th by North Road, west by Benson Telsey-Property of the Villag'
of Greenport. 2) a sign located on the west side Main Road, Greenport, New York,
bounded north by Milton Renick-Others, east by Main Road, south by Albertson Lane,
west by A. Corazzini-E. Delay.
* * *
2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that ,-'
(a) Stri'Ct a.wllcation of the ordinance (would) (would not) 'Produi:e practical cillIiculties or unnecessary h~
(b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by aU properties aUke in the
inunediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because
(c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) ((Would not) change the character
of the district because
and thorefore, it was further determined that the reques ted variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and that the
previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) !be confirmed ( ) be reversed.
tJ~ c,. /S)~
Barbara C. Dittmann, Secretary
lAlla! Mot ice
8:50 P.M. (E.S.T... Upon application of Theodore Kloa.
Ma.1n aoad. PeCOll.1c:. Mew York. for a apec.1al exception in
accordance \IIi th tbe 2011.109 Or41Nu'lce, Art.1cle IV. Section 408,
sub..ct:ion (b), for pezmUa.1on to retain a ala wall sign.
LoClatlon of property: south a1de Main Road, l!'ec!Onic:. !Jew
York. bounlied north by Main Road. east by K. Konarllki. south
by E. Horton. w..t by B. H"irt.on.
9.00 P.M. (B.S.T..) Upon applicat10a of at.. Agne. a.c.
ChuClh. I'ront. Street, Greenport. lIew York. for a special
exception in accordance with the Zonin9 ~dilllnce. Article
III. SecUon 300, Sul:I.ecUon 10. Por permu8ion to reta1n
the follow1nq off premia.. road si911~l: 1) 81gn located on the
l1C'JC'th 8:1.de Mor1:h noad. Greeaport. lfew York. bounded north by
1'. H. S. Lane and neaelopment Corp.. east by llenaonTelaey. south
by Borth oad. we.t by hnson i'elsey- Property of the Villaqe
of lJreenport. 2) a a.1'1nloc:ated on the w.at aide Main Itoad,
Greenport. IIew York, boundeci DOX'th by Milton aeni.Ck-otherlil,
...t by .Main aoad. aO\lth by Alberteon Lane, ~~eat by
A. croullini- B. Delay.
9110 P.M. (B.S.T.), Upon appl1c:aUon of MattituCk ~cbant.
A..oc.. ~e Lane and Pike Street, Mattit,uck. hw Yorlt, for
a .pecial _cept..1on in accordance with the aoninq Ordinance.
Art,1Cle III, Section 300, Sw>sect,ioa 10, for I.'ltrmission to
retain the follow1D9 sign8t 1) <me road side 819ft 80uth 8ide
COWlty HiqUwillY 27. Matt:l.tuck. l!tew Yo:rlt, bo\lnded north by
County H1IJhway 27, east by Clara Reeve SW>., south b art,in
Sidolr. ",eat. by West~1a Road, 2) one direc:tlonallllL91' located
on the Storage Tank at Katt1tudc keakwater. Katt:lt,uCtt.
cordat'~c 'I the Zoning Ordinance-,
NOTICE OF HEARINGS Artict:lil~_ ..ection 300, Subsection 10,
PURSUANT to '-flectio~ 26"1 of the f?r IHIrnission to retain the following ;UFFOLK
Town Law ami tile provisions of the SIgns: 1) one. road side sign south side
amended BuiIdll1g Zone Ordina.nce of County Highway, 27, Mattituck, New W YORK
the Town of So~thold, SufIolk County, York, bounded north by County High-
New York, public hearings will be held way 27, by Clara Reeve Sub, south "b)'
by the Zvn ll:=: Board of Appeals cf Martin Sidor. west by Westphalia
the TO\\ll of Southold, at the Town Road; 2) .one directional sign located .
Office, Main Road. Bout-hold, New York on the storage tank at Mattituck vhltney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says
on January 10. i:';J7. CJ~l [he foUowin- Breakwater. ~attituck, New Yar~,! the Editor f THE LONG ISLAND
a.ppeaL<,. bounded north by Breakwawr, east by ! ' 0
Mattituck Illlet. south by B. Kaplan I ATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news-
of 7~~b:;t~:'UJ\:'~:;;i~' C~~~l~ ~~~i~,a~~~-~ and others, west by Luthers Road; 3)
Mendow LanE, 2o~lU1old, New York, fm a sign located on the south side Main at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that
Road, Laurel, New York, bounded north . .,
a variance in 8ccordance \\-ith thr by Main Road, east by Frank Murphy. hlch the annexed IS a prmted copy, has been
Zoning O:rdiniiEcP. Article III. Sectio:l
306. for pernHssion to rea'"ce fr'ont se'.' south by Old Main Road-Nawrocki. 'd L I I d TIM tt't k W t h
"'est b Sh 11 0'1 C long S an rave er- a I uc a c -
back on a ~;id.e street. LOCR tion oi y e I o. /
property; southeast corner of Mil: 9:15 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application. k f /( ) ..d /~'. / / ;' ,
Creek Drive and Meadow Lane, South- of Frohnhoefer Electric Co., Inc.. Main 1 wee or .....L-_~...;............ ......{...,..~~/... wee~
old, New York bounded Horth by Mill Road, Southold, New York, for a special _ U;>
Creek Dri....e, east by D. Pursell. souLlI exception in accordance with the Zon- .)mmencing on the .........../...,;l........~........,
by Mill Creek, west by MeadO\\- Lane. ing Ordinance, Article IV, Section 408 ,.-~\
7:40 F. M. \E.S.T.J, upon applicatio:, SUbsect.ion (a). for permission to re: ....rJ-;{;e,"~:("...., J9.",C..,7.,
~fcEd;\al:i[~~;~. ~~i~~~~\~~t ~~:~: ~.a.~:ff:r...r;:.t t~t~~ :::::~.s~:~ (/ a:f . !-1:-' . .,' ~..
Matt.ituck, New York, Jar a vatianC2 i::1 ~Jt~lde M ~~~-,'s'R:~ (:l: / #/'tz... .~;l'
accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. - .~ - .'. --.--::-~' ,....................... t!::.<.c............:.. .~..(~.'./~:......-~.
Article IV, Section 404, for permission
to repl.JJ'e ~l non-conforming accessory
building. Location of property: souO! south by Charles Turner, D._LY,
side Mill Road. Mattituck, New York, A. Rotham.
bounded Horth by l'dill Road. east by 9:20 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon applicatIor.
Mill Road-Mattituck Creek, south bV of Steve J. Doroski, Middle Road. rn;;,efore me
Mattituck Holding Co.. wpst. by Matti. Southold, New. York, for a special ex-
tuck Holding Co. cept~on in acor~ance with tho::' Zoning... . .'Lt...';::!.......
7:50 P. M. (KS.T.>, upon application Ordmance, AlrtIcle IV, Section 408, ,..... ,
of Kake Bros. Garage. Inc., Traveler SubseCtJOll (b), for permission to retain I
Street, SouthoJd, New York, for a spe- on premises side wall signs. Location I. V' /'-'--
cial exception in accordance with the of property: south side Middle Road, I L" . . j .
Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section Southold, New York, bounded north . j.t /' /
408, Subsection la l, for permission to I by Middle Road, east by Bowery Lane, //./ -', ,tf.. t...(,2r::c:' --", -' '.
retain the following signs: 1) one on south by Railroad, west bv Gerald CaS€. .......... .~..i.;'.. .(,;,-;,. :........... ..... ~ ......<C.-.L'-.-..
premises ground sign with insufficient 9:30 P. M. (E.S.TJ. up~n application Notary Publ:1c
setback. Location of property: south of Ernest G. Radford, Main Road (Rt.
west corner of Traveler Street and 25), East Marion, New York. for a
Youngs Avenue, Southold, Ne\v York, special exception in accordance WiOl
bounded north by Traveler street, east. the Zpning Ordinance, Article IV, Sec-
by Youngs Avenue, .south by Leictt- tion 408, Subsection (a), for permission
Terp, west by H. W. Prince. 2) one off to retain two ground signs on premises
premises road side sign, located on the \'....ith insufficient setback and one with
property of the applicant on the north insufficient height from ground level
side Main Road. Southold, New York, Location of property: south side Main
bounded north by Long Island Rail- Road (Rt, 251, East. Marion, New York, :
road, east by Lieblein Bros., south by bOO north by Main Road, east by :
Main Road, west by Lieblein Bros. '. ~,-~ south by I
8;00 P. M. m.S.T.\, upon applicatioli . -Bro'Wrl...:\~2--.
of Reeve Lumber and Woodworkin~ ~
Co., Main Road, Mattituck. New York, 01' Ernest G. ltti1ord',~ g ,;_. 1
for a special exception in accordancc to,
ni;ad, (Rt. 251, East Marion. New York,
with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, -'or a special tlxception in accordance
Section' 408, Subsection (bJ, for pel'-
with th" Zoning Ordinance, Article
mission to retain a side wall sign. Lo- II S
cation of property south side Main .i. ection 300. Subsection 10. for per-
mission to retain the following off
Road, Mattituck, New York, bounded I .
')femIS?S signf:: 1) a sign on the prop-
north by Main Road, east by Matti-
:Hy of Armaroy, Inc., located on the
tuck Library, south by H. R. Reeve., th'd
west by Anna Glover.'" or ' Sl e Main Road, East 'Marion,
New York, bounded north bv Lon"
8:10 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application Island So d t b
' . un ,eas Y A. Birte~, soutl~
of Long Island Cauliflower Assoc., by Main Road, west by S. Rutkowski;
Marcy Avenue, Riverhead. New York, 2) a sign oh the property of Lester f.~:
for a special exception in accordance Toner, located on the south side Main
with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV,' Road, Greenport, New York, bounded
Section 408, Subsection (b), for per- north by Main Road, east bv R T
mission to retain a side wall sign. Lo- i D 'd
I a~l 5, south by Vernon Vail, ~west h~:
cation of property: north side Middle Mam street; 3) a. sign on the property
Road, Southold, New, York, bounded of A. straussner, located on the north
north by M. Dickerson, east by Youngsi side Mam Road, Greenport, Nev. York
Avenue, south by -Middle Road, west bounded north by J. B d'
bLo . . rnn1,e~by
y ng Island Cauliflower Assoc. I A Straussner' 0 th b M
. . ., 8 U Y am Road
8:20 P. M, (E.S.T'), upon applIcatIon: wpst by Kszymin k' '
of Long Isl:and Cauliflower Dist., Inc., t j' 9'45 P M S I. .
Main Road, Orient, New York, for a. i I . " (KS.T.), upon applicatIOn
special exception in accordance With!, of Frank M. urphy, Main Road, Matti.
the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Scc- I' tuck. New Yo~ f"f~.~.~.o:r,
tion ~O~, &ubsectio~ (b) and (c), for . jn;~._~-'*~~ f_ .: -~..'- ' . i-
permISSIon to retam more than one . ~ . ~~ '-l' -' -~. ~.
wall or ~oof Sig~. Location Of. property: .' './-'It,~;~t:_,:~_
south SIde Ma.m Road, Onent, New ~rnUSSIOn to retain an
York, bounded north by Main Road, on premises ground sign with insuffi-
east by Carl Sabine, south by John ,cient setback and height. from grountl
Droskoski Est., west by John Drosko- !level. Location of property: south side
ski Est, Main Road, Mattituck, New, York,
8:30 p, M. (E.S.TJ, upon application bounded north by Main Road, east by
of Long Island Cauliflower Dist.. Inc., Old Road, south by Old Road. west by
Horton Lane, Southold, New York, for F. & E, Murphy.
a special exception in accordance with 9:50 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application
the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Sec- lof The Sun Oil Company, OCeanside,!
tion 408, Subsection (c), for permission New York, alc Sunoco Service Station, I
to ret.ain roof edge sign, Location of I West Front Street, Greenport, New
pI:Operty: west side of Horton Lane, f York, for ~ special ex~eption in, ac-I
Southold. New York, bounded north cordance WIth the Zomng Ordinance
by W, & J. Conway, east by Horton, Article IV, Section 408, SUbsection (a):
Lane, south by Sarah Guest-Rakowicz. I for permiSSion to retain a pole sign
west by Henry Jennings. I with in'sufficient setback from property
8:40 P. M. (KS.TJ, upon application line. Location of property: north side
of Ma.rian Council, Knights of Colum- Route 25, Greenport, New York, bound_
bus, Cutchogue, New York, for a spe- ed north by Village Property, east by
cial exception in accordance with thf' Frank Townsend, south by Main Road
ZOning Ordinance, Article III, Section (Rt. 25), west by Clifford Benjamin.
300, Subsection 10, for permission to Any person desiring to be heard on
retain an off premises road side sign the a.bove appIieations should appem'
on the property of Magdalene E1ak, at the time and place above specified.
located on the south side Main Road, DATED: JANUARY 5, 1967, I
Cutchogue. New York, bounded north BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD
by Main Road, east by S. L. Dickerson, TO\\TN BOARD OF APPEALS
south by New Suffolk A venue, west by
Dist. Line.
8:50 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application
of Theodore KIos, Main Road, Peconic,
New York, for a special exception in
accordance with the Zoning Ordinance,
Article IV, Section 408, Subsection (b),
for permission to retain a side wall
sign. Location of property: south side
Main Road, Peconic, New York, boUlld-j
ed north by Main Road, east by M.
Konarski, south aI?:d west by E. !lorton.
} 55:
this "''''', ,...'..1....".. day of
i':'!~;: hW!~~_
Notal, i'cL i;c'. "'~!~, c,f r,!r.w Vor"
Res,~:,;', III Sulll'iK Cuunty r
No. 52-3;:;,'ilUOU //
Commission Expires March 30, 19'~ / \..--
9:00 P. M. (E.S.T.J, upon apPlicatIOn'I"-
of St. Agnes R. C. Church, Front Street,
Greenport. New, York. for a special ex-
ception in accordance with the Zoning'
Ordinance, Article III, Sectton 300.1
Subsection 10, for permission to retain
the following off permises road signs: I
1) sign located on the north side North
Road, Greenport, New York, botUlded
north by 1". H. S. Land and Develop-
ment Corp,. east by Benson 'Telsey,
south by North Road, west by Benson
Telsey-Property of the V1llage of
Greenport. 2) a sign located on the
west side Main Road, Greenport, New
York, bounded north by Milton Ren- 'I
jek-others, east by Main Road. south
by Albertson Lane, west by A. Cor- i
Rzzini-E. DeLay. I
9:10 P. M. (E.S.TJ, upon application I
of Mattituck Merchants Assoc., Love;
Lane & Pike street, Mattituck, Ne,-.".
York. for a special exception in ac-
as. GREElfPORT. N. Y~ FRIDAY. JANUARY 13. 1967
I ..
New York, an JIlJIlW>ry 19, 1967, OA and Development Corp., east by
the tolloWing appeals: Bell80n Telrey, south by North .~.
7:30 P.M:. (E.s.T.), Upon appll- Road, lW""tby Benson Telrey-
cation of Robert AuJd, Mill Creek Pl'qperty of the Village of Green-
iDrlve, llollId Meadow Lane, South- port. 2) a sign located on tl>e
old, New York, for a varimce in west &I.de MaIn RQad, Greenport,
a.eoorda.nce rwlth the Zoning Or- New York, lbouinded north by Mil-
l dmance, Article llI, Beetion 306, ton Renlek~Others, east by Main
for a>ernlls.ion to reduce front RQad, south by Albertson Lane,
setba.ek on a &I.de street. Loea- _ by A. Corazzln.i-E. Delay.
tion of property: southesst rorner 9:10 P:M. iE.B.T,), Upon a,ppllca-
o~ Mill Creek Drive and Meadow tion of Mattituck Me.-chants As-
Lane, Southold, New York, bound- llOC., Love La.ne & Pike Street, Mat-
ed north by Mill Oreel< Drive, easttituck, N'etw York, for a 'lPCCial ex- . . . . . . .t.' . c'. \ . . . . . . . . . . . .. week~
by D. Burrell, south .by Mill Creek, c~i<m in aCiOOrdance with the " r'-,' ("....' i,
'West by MOOidow Lane. Zoning Ordinance, Article III, See- ng on the ...... \ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7:40 P:M. iE.S.T.), Upon appli- tlon. WO, Subsection 10, for per- I _ .
cation of Edward Abitz, Mattitluck, illUssion to retain the fOllow,:,,!! ~c., . ~.. 19../_ \'0>.,
New York ale J. Riohard Hoimes ~. 1) one road sign SOUthSlde ~ '-.!.:~_____
Mill Rood, Mwttituek, New York; County HighWlaY 27, Mattituck, .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
for a variance in accordance with New York, bQundel(:l north iby Coun-. /::i (\ \
the Zoning OrdIDance, Article IV, ty Highway 27, east by Clara Reeve nlS ... -..>. . . . . . . f
Section 404, for pemnission to re- l3rub, south Iby Martin Sldor, west :f.. h.. 191,./'.. J
plaICe a npn-conforming aceemory Iby Wes1;phaJIa Road; 2) one dlrec- I ,
bUilding. Location Qf property: lti<ma!slgn located on the storage. . . ~. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ./. . .
south side Mill Road, Mattituck, tank. at Mattltmrek Breakrwater, , , ,1..._ ,/ . ( ,: ,,1/
New York, bounded north by Mill MattItuek, New York, 'bounded........ .'e'c-. Yo-'..'.. .... ... .,..:. ,:'" .
Road, east by Mill Road-Matti1luek north.by Breakwater, east by Mat- ,
Creek, .south by Mattituck Hold- tituck Inlet, SQuth by B. Kaplan
ing Co., west- by Mattituck Holding and othem, west by Luthers Road;
Co. 3) a sign located on tl>e south
7:60 P.M. ('E.s.T.), Upon appli- side Main Road, Laurel, ~ew York,
:cation of Koke Bros. Garage, Inc., bounded north by. Mam Road,
Traveler Street, Southold, New east by Frank Mw1I>hy, south by
York, for a l\PCCial eXC€J.ption in Old Main Road~awrockl, west by
accordaAce with the Zoning Or- Shell 011 Co. .
dlnance, Article IV, Se'ction 408, 9:15 P.M. (E.S.T.), Upon apph-
Subsection (a) for permission to catlQn or. F'rolmhoefer Electrlc Co.,
retain the follorwing signs: I) one liAc., Marn ROad,. Southold, N,,:w
on .premises ,grQund sign with in- York, for 'a ~pecial ex~tion l.D;
sufficient setback. Location of ~cordance ~lth the Zo~ng Or-
prqperty: south west corner of dmance. Artlde IV, 8ec0-o~ 408, m
Traveler Street and Youngs Ave- SUbsection (a), for permLSSIon tOll
nue, Southold, New York, bounded retarn. more t.han OAe ground SIgn )~
north by Traveler Street, east by WIth ~UlfflcIen~ setback: Loca-:q
Y!oungs Avenue, south by Leictt- tLOn of ,prqperty. .'3outh slde Mam liS
Terp, west by H. F. PrllllCC. 2) one Stree,t, Southold, ~ew York, 'bound- '1
off premises road side sign, located ed north by Main Road, east by q
on the proa>erty of the .appllcant on SooonY-Vacuwn-Purcell, south by 'I
the north side Main Road, South_Oharles Turner, west by D. A. u
old, New York, bounded north by Rotham. .. .
Long Island Ra.l1road, east by Lieb- 9;20 P.M. (E.s.T,), Upon apph- :1
rein Bro,s., ,"outh by Main ROllid, catiQn, of steve J Dor08kl, Middle l
, est by Lieblein Bros. Road, So',thol;d, New York, for a I
W special eXJCeptlOll Ul accordance
8:00 P.M. (E.B.T), upon appli- with the Zoning Or,dinance, Artl- ~
cahon of Reeve Lumber aoo Wood- ele IV, Section 408, Subsection (b), ,
'Worklng 00., Main Road, Math- for pennlssion to. retain side wall .
tuck: New York, for a special ex- signs. iLocwtion of property: south I
oejptIon m accordance WIth the side Middle Road Southold New I
Zoning Ordln=.ee, Article IV, Sec- York 'l>Ounded n:".th by Mtddle
, tion .408, Subsootion (b), for per- iF!.<la<!, east by Bowery Lane, south 1:
. 1Il1l8810n to retam aside wall ,sign. 'by Railroad, west by Gerald Case. ! I
. LocatIon of p~rty. south Slde 9:30 P.M. (E.s.T,), UiPOn a,ppli-
. Mam Road, MattItuck, New York, cation of Ernest G. Radford, Main
'bounded north by Main Road, east Road (Ht. 26), East Marion, New
, by Mattituck Library, south by H. York, for a <;pecial exception in
; R. Reeve, west by Anna Glover. acoordance with tl>e Zoning Or-
I 8:10 P.M. (E.S.T.), Upon appli- <l.inance, Article IV, Section 400,
'cation of Long 1sland Cauliflower Subsection (a), for permission to
I Assoc., Marcy A velllue, RIverhead, retain two ground Signs on pre-
. New York, for a speclal ex~ion mLse.s ,with insuffi:cient ,!lCtback
! in accordance with the Zoning Or- and one ,with insufficient height
: dlnance, Article IV, Section 408, from :g1round level. Location of
Subsection ('b), for permission to property: south side Main Road
retain a side wall sign. Location (Rt. 25), East Marion. New York,
of property: north ,slde Middle Ibounded north by Main Road, east
Road, Southold, New York, bOUjIld- ,by W. WI. W",shburn-Gardner,
ed north <by M. Dickerson, e.."t south by LaI<e, west by Brooks-
by Youngs Avenue, south by Mid- Brown.
dle Road, west by Long Island 9: r
.....- --"..,._---- ,,----
f S8:
".,c ~,':. ~ , ... . . . . " being duly Sworn.
rinter and Publisher pf the SUFFOLK
rspaperpublished at Greenport. in said
~iCE:. of which the annexed is ~ printed
~d in the said Suffolk Weekly Times
,. .I
"..M. (E.S.T,>, UjpQn appli-
L ...... ....._ _.-"____. ,,~__
~u.wuJ.~' ~.
8:20 P.M. KS.T) , Upon appli-
ca.tiQIl of Long 1.land CaJUilllower
Di'St., Inc., Main Road, orient, New
York, for a speclJalexceptiQIl, in
accordance with the Zoning Or-
dinance, Article IV, Section 408,
Subsection (b) and (c), for per-
mission to retain more than one
Iwall or ,roof s~~n. Loca:tion of
iproperty: south sWe Main Road,
,orient, New York, bounded north
by Main Roa.d, east by Ca.rl Sa.bine,
south by John DrCl.koski Est., west
by John Droskoski Est.
8:30 P.M. (E.S:T), Upon appli-
.cation of Long Island Cauliflower
Di..t., Inc., Horton Lane, Southold,
New York, fora special exception
in 'aocorda,n,ce with the Zoning Or-
I dlnnace, Article IV, Seotlon 408,
SWOOectlon (c), for permi&slon to
,retain roof edge s~gn. Location 'Of
property:. west side Horton La.ne,
Southold, New York, bounded
north by W. & J. Conway, east by
Hortonl Lane, south by SaI'iah
Guest-Rakowi.cz, west by Henry
8:40 P.M. (E.S.T), Upon aJlllli-
,cation of Marian Council Knights
of Oolumbus, Cutchogue" flew
York, f,or a s,peci:al ex.c.eptfun in
,accordance witih the Zoning Or-
: dinance, Article ill, section 300,
Subse,ction 10, for ,pe,rmi&sion to re-
tain an 'Off premises road side
sign on the property of Ma.!ldalene
Elak loca:ted on the south side
M,m; Roa.d, CutChllll1Ue, New York,
bll1JiIlded north by Main Roa.d, ea"t
by S. L. Dickerson, south by New
Su~folk Avenue, wes,t .by Dtst.
8:50 P,M. (E:S.T), Upona.ppli-
cation of Theodore KIos, - Main
RoaJj, Peconic, New York, for a
,~pe:cial exceptLon in ,(1Jccordanc'e
,wi'th the Z.oning .ordinance, Article
IV, Section -408, Subsection (h), for
iP'ermis'3-ion to retain a side wall
sign. Location of prQ1)€rty: south
side Main iRoa.d, peconic, New
York, ,bounded north by Main
Road, east by M. Kona.rski, south
and west by E. Herton.
9:00 P.M. (E.8.T), Upon appli-
ca.tion of 'St. AgIlClS R. C. Church,
Front street, Greenport, New York,
for a spec~al exception in accord-
ance wih the Zonilng Ot1dinance,
Aorticle Ill, .Section 300, subsectien
10, for permiss.ion to retain the
following off premises road signs:
11 ,.ign located en the north side
North Road, Green,port, New York,
blJUin,ded north by F .H.S. Land I
Notice of Hearings
Pursuant to Section 267 af the
Town Law and the previsiens of
the amended Building Zone Or-
dinanee of the Tewn of Southold,
Suffolk Ceunty, New York, publlc
hearings will be held by
the Zening Board of AppealS
,of the Tewn of Southo.1d, at the
i Town Office, Main Road, Southeld,
ca'g.(; ! J!lI'nest:. U'. ..t(,a,QIlOTa ft~.l1-
cy, ,_..ill Road, (Rt.25), East
Marion, New Yo:rk, for a special
exc"IPtion in ac.corcla.nce with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Sec-
tlQIl 300, Subsection 10, fer per-
mission to retain the following
Qff premises sign'S: 1) ,a sign on
"he property of Armaroy, Inc., lo-
cated on the north side Main
Rea.d, East Marion, New Yerk,
bounded north by Long Island
Sound, east by A. Birten, south
by Ma.ln Road, we.t by S. Rut-
kowski; 2) a sign on the property
of Lester & Toner, located on the
sooth side Ma.Ln Roa.d, Greenport,
New York, .boUlll<ied north by Main
Road, east by R. L. Davids, south
by Vernan Vail, we.t by Main
Street; 31 a sign on the property
of A. Straussner, looated on the
north side Main Roa.d, Gree:nport,
New York, bounded north ,by J.
iBa:andi, east by A. Straussner,
south by Ma.in Road, we.t by
9:45 P.M. (E.S.T,l, Upon appli-
cati<m of Frank Murphy, Main
Road, Ma.ttituck, New York, for a.
special exc~tion inaocor1dance
with the Zoning Ordinance, Arti-
cle III, Section 300, Subsection 8,
for permission to .retain an on
premises ground 'Sign with insuf-
ficiEIrt setback and height from
ground level. Location of prop-
erty: south side Main Road, Mat-
tituck, New Y.ork, bounded north
by Main Road, east by Old RO:JJd,
south by Old Roa.d, west by F. &
E. Murphy.
9:50 P.M. GE.8.T,l, Upon a.ppli-
cation of The Sun Oil Company,
OCean.s.Lde, New York, alc Sunoco
Service statton, West Front street,
Greenport, New York, for a. special
exce,ption in :ac:cordance with the
Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Sec-
tio.n 40~, SlUb&ection (a1, for per-
mission to retain a pole sign with
insuftHcient '&e,tback from property
l~niC. Location of property: north
,side Route ,25, Greenport, New
Y,ork, ,bounded north by Villa4?;e
Pro.perty, ea,gt by Fr,a.nk Town-
send, south by Main Roa.d (Rt. 25),
west by Clifford Benjamin.
Any person desiring to be 'heard
on the .above a,pplications should
"<l\pear ,at the time and p1a.ce
aibove specified.
FI/... k IN Du}>I...'c", ~
wITh Le'lel- OfecNsClv1
~Q"",\ i,.,rvD Qw,\/cfL..
fro Fe,,<--rull... Chv,LCl"\.
o ,/YU) J--v ~
DATE _1~J.i..~/L6
I, (We) ..St_....AgJlea....R..c........Ch=cb.... ............._.._.....of ...............................................,Er..QJl.t ...s.t.L..................._....................._....._..
Name street and Number
hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPE:ALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the
for the convenience and information of the thousands of tourists who
use them to learn our Schedule of Masses and other Devotions. They are
helpful visitors to our area and we think we owe them this courtesy.
The signs have been there for many years and thera is nothing in my
files to indicate who the owners of the property might be. However I
will investigate this question and will forward you the letters of per-
mission which I am sure will be forthcoming.
.it: ~ R.i!... ~
Sworn to this _......._1..&::..__. day of _..$:._~L.,......._., 19.....6...(..............
NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York
Suffolk County No. 52-8192600
Commission Expires March 30, 19"
_l~-':~r.,.~:":40'''Jr "..l'',o......-'t.''T',' .
."'...... ... ;It'l'>-~~,
."'A~<~ ,:
...).'" '" .....;., ,,' ,4
Apdl 11, 1969
Rev. Virgil Powers, Pastor
St. Agne. R.C. Church
Front & 6th Street
Greenport, L.I., New York 11944
Dear Sirl
I am writing about the two "off premises" roadside signs
which St. Agne. Church has out side of the Gre.nport village
11mit8 and within the Town of Southold jurisdiction.
One sign is on the north
about opposite Queen. Lane -
and partly on private land.
side of the North Road (Cr27)
partly in the bed of the road
This sign is now fallen over and
The other sign is located on the northerly side of the Main
Road, east of Albertson Lane, Arshamomaque.
Both 8igns are now in violation of the Town Sign Ordinance.
As there have been some chal\ges in administration of your
church you may not be fulili.r with the history of these signs,
and what has happened in the past.
originally the Board of Appeals granted a .pecial exception
(special penit) for these signs quite a few years ago when they
were qrantiDg large siBe "off premises" signs.
Since that t1me the Board has reduced the size of "off premises"
sign. and the land ownership has changed al.o.
On January 19, 1967 the Board of Appeals held a hearing for
the church i:O reaew the peraU. for th..e .off pr_1.... .igns
but the church failed to g.t letters of permi..ion from the new
, .
laneS ownen to _1Du1D the.e aip. OD theu property.
Thia mattex baa been beleS open by the BOIU:eS of Appeal. to
",1ve the church an opportun1ty to aecuxe the requ1xeeS letters of
con.ent. Thia baa been long_ than evex 91ven an appl1c:ant and
they w111 ba.. to act to clO8e thia _ttex out to protect the
Town 1n SOIIIIlI pend1Dg court c.....
W111 you k1ndly g1ve thia matter your attenUon and secure
the xequueeS lettex8 of couent and subD1t the. to the B08xd .0
they can cOlllPlete the rece..ed beax11l9 and make the1x decia10n
to renew the pe~1t ox not.
If you do not need ox want the .19D8 any longer, we would
apprec1ate theu X8lllOVal.
May we bear fxOlll you.. to your dec:ia10n 1ft tIl1s mattex a.
800ft .s pas1ble.
Yours truly,
Q;j()ul/ud/lk>t.l/ '1(
Howard Teuy { -
Bu11d1ftq Inspector
Date. ......... .1>.~.Qtl.b\!~. .la...... 19.66.
TO St..J.ples. .a.:t:.Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(owner ar authOTized agent af awner)
.h'oRt. .8t.,. . Gr.eenpor.t, . .L. I.. , . N . y.. . .
(address af awner or autharlzed agent af awner)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists a viaiatian af:
Zoning Ordinance
Art III see 300 . sub .10.............
Other Applicable Laws, Ordinances ar Regulations . .N...Y .P.anal. LaW. see 1423
at premises hereinafter described in that... .YOur. . "oft. .premise.!'. . . rQa4. .$11.\.. . . . .
(state character af violatian)
signa. mus.t . b.e . reappro:v:ed. .b1. Board. .of. AppeaJ.s. or. r.emo.ye4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
in vialation of .Ar-t.llI. .aec. .300. sub. J.O .Bu11d,1ng . zone. oN-oRanoe. -&. Penal. Law
(State sectian ar paragraph of applicable law, OTdinance ar regulatian)
YOU ARE THEREFORE DIRECTED AND ORDERED ta camply with the law and ta
remedy the canditians abave mentianed forthwith in ar befare the .... ..~~............
day af ........ Dee.emb.er. . . . . .. . .. 19. .66.
The premises to which this ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION refers are situated at
N.S.llorth. Road .&:. If/W. .Ha.1n. Road,..... .Caunty af Suffalk, New York.
Failure ta remedy the conditions afaresaidand to comply with the applicable pravisions
of law may constitute an affense punishable by fine ar imprisonment or both.
... notice dated April l~, 1966
..... ................. "'~':'~~+',^''IIO'''' .\.,......
Building Inspectar
'Okf tl ~J.- E aj~tuv S!fotu'5
fX\.. Q." l\l'~ '" - '(\t\ ell') <0.-' G ><:>..1<' _ a r' S ho v>-> 0'1 <7 7 '-' e...