HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeritage at Cutchogue - 1983 Petition Received at 10/23/07 Town Board meeting from Nancy Sawastyanowicz. Re: Cronn change of zone application Ms. Sawastsyanowicz said she presented this petition in 1983, but it was returned to her. She would like to present it again. This is the same property of ' The Heritage" condominiums. SC,^,;'" ' : I) [~-7 J .. .--- !(,.',e,:' ,.( . . .... To quote from dated September 14, . IfE- C' .eo. cA//N1e. ap ..fO//e---- the present Development Plan of The Town of SouthOld;9~~ 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land@- now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as pOssible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 aCE.e field just north of. Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ !l..~h_ang;~ rUEs C014'1ter _ t~ t.h~upresent d.evelopment plan.__ _ ___ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural l~~ds are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. "e call on The Southold Town Board to aid in t~i3 ]reservation. =;.7i~~:;e~ '1" Ilu.l< j), &.J;A..{T'- 2. ;;G ~1 I , ~1~r-y-- ~: ~.~~~:]) ci:~ C-~~Ll :: t:;L<~~:::;; ~-;: ~ ~~ 8. l:I~l)J/vX-dt.r''---t:.'L''- {(~u&J."- ,X,<.-<- IC7Z.c~? U- !.-'-c#(~J2--~__~~ ~/ 10. 11. 12/ ( 1). 14. 'lClJ... <7:/s-7f-//{. APR 4183 15. 16. T_ QIl'k Sall1ti.liI 7- - . .5.3.3 ~~ I I . -~:~-== ---::::---- --- ~ _m____.__ _ . . .. . the present Development Plan ot The Town 1978. page 12. article 1 & 2. ot Southold. To quote from dated September 14. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useag. should remain in such use tor as many years to come as pOssibl.....Major residential development should be directed to the south ot Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." Re. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft". a. 47 ac.!.e field just north o( Cutchogue. CO:1sideration ot such - !l__c_h_ang~ r~s cO'4,t;~F. ~~ ~J:1_~ pr~sent d~ve-!-opment plan._. _.__ Purthermore. we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be preserved as such. .,e call on The .~ 9C'~-5;1~(t-'JJ --"-- -- - - 17 o. l> 7B3 1. 2. J. ~ 7ff3 ~-t'L::J:l"::fA/.L J-y.t; n c7~g/). 6tuP~ tY ~,' \ ~ t:4 Ro ~ 1/11~~ t:.u i- :5 S- (~~ c ~ \) '\ v E' tv'! 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. ..-,.--- 10. 1,1. S€>0 cJ r N'.y: ~ i2. J. 4. S. 6. 1"_ , I. ~y- To quote from dated September 14, . . the present Development Plan of 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, . The Town of Southold, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as pOssible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a. 47acE.~ field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such a__~han&~ ~s COltl1te.r._"t~. th':.present d.eve,lopment plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid in t~i3 ]reservation. ;:-~/I!ii~L/ 2.0f~ ~ . ~4~~il fJ~ J. / 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. lJ. ~ 14. ~-:::~ (i) -. Q , . os' ~r<. J . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978. page 12. article 1 & 2. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as pOssible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft". a 47 acre field just north o( Cutchogue. Consideration of such a change runs COI~:ter to the present development plan. '_. . ..--- . -". _.. - +-_.- -- .-----..-- " . - _. --- -. '_. - ---- Furthermore. we believe that these prime agricultural l~~ds are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. ;,e call on Th.e 3outhold Town Board to aid 1" t~i3 Jreservation. 1. CI.-~iJ~ L~..-1'J-s '/ 00 ~ ~~rY-' s:? ,db-t..,{ 2. J. 4. 6. fJ9~ 8. ~. iO. J. 4. 5. er~i ~ 1'. /. {{ l ., _ )tJ.L.1~1-/ --.--. .~:-.. -- -~. t To quote from dated September 14, . - . the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 acr~ field just north of. Cutchogue. Consideration of such - !l..c..~~~_~s cOtm~~F. ~~ ~J:1_!upresent d..ev.e~opment plan.____ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be ;:reserved as such. ;ie call on 'l'~e 30uthold Town Board to aid t~ t~i3 ]reservation. 1. 2 307 ~U ~M-u -~ /'~~ ?~ ~ 7. 8. .., 70 iO. 1. 2. J. 4. S. 6. /kL P' 1'-0_ -, ~:.~.:=---- :'.....: p. 7 ~{/" &ry 3s~ S- " / t1JJ~_ lvlc.4c ,z {\\~S'-.. ~ ~ a , I, o - 73 cy 1(.) c. (5 :--.--------- .. . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound," Ne, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for . "Seacroft", a 47 acre field just north of. Cutchogue. CO:Jsideration of such , a change runs COIL,ter to the present development plan. I '_. . -- _. - . _.. --, '.'- - ---.- __ __, m_m_________ _ __._ "_. _ _ ._. _._.,__ . Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. lie call on The Southold Town Board to aid 1~ thi3 ]reservation. ]. 4. 9. [j,l~~ ,~. J7l~ 0L.":'.~,~ \..jJ.I \\.la.~_ ..lc-~__S~a..\.- ~ l~~ c '" .~ - (Jbaf; r2~ i:- ~~ &..LJ (O~ PO~ C"~~I\l- Y _ I d-..\S Tw . ReA So & l1'1~Crrl / O. 7 a . _ - . 4. (J/YI~-GL/l-/ 3, 10. 11. 14. :5. , .,. 2!w.' ", -. .1 -".: . . . ./ -dI-<. if) t J) Iv>.-,. _:..:; --- l80Y 34'---3 ~..~t )"1.....'0,:; '1J. \j . - I , . II ~.~J: "'It:;,..,",,,,=_':~-=,,.== -~.-:.__.-., -~_... To quote from dated September 14, . . the present Development Plan of 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, . The Town of Southold, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." Ne, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47acE~ field just north of_ Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ ~..<:..hang.e r~ns CO\~11teE_ t.?_~tl~present d~velopment plan.___ _ . Furthermore. we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid in t~i3 ]reservation. 1 8. ~h~ !Cd ~.\2d, . ~ ~ (l , - 7/WJ- ___ ~ ( ~.Q,-~-~~ ~AN1 M~t'A L . IJ ~ ~c.Ji- ~V<"~ Cd M 9ou-H ~ 4. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. lJ. 14. d 111. _.~J SlwnA- /fd~ 4 / C U'TCJ! ':.I'" t:- twr71-rV~ '/ /;7- 12. 15. :rtl-c:.L Iv(a.i:;f,d-ru 1- UJ{ ~'. '.G-'~ f'f- ~y ! I 16. 11'. 1I~ ~:.-__~~=--=;=:~~-r'li_ _...,.-~..~".~ . > ~................,..._._-- To quote from dated September 14, . the present Development Plan of 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, . The Town of Southold, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." iie, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 acr.e field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such . _ <J...ch.ang;e runscOlt,""1ter. ~."-.. theE.~esent development plan.... Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid ir t"i3 ,"reservation. 6. :S 7. 7k--dt~~ ~~~.~uvt ~ 9 .{J , rJJ..u..v. /I ^ '. :;--~ .. I,. . ...._-....._....:::.~.""'_.~--,.._-,_.,...._.... 10.~ ~ ~!~:.~ ~ ,/}dLd>1 ;6/iljJ~ , . - / /Jz,,-~- ~5 1. 1J: --. rf. 2. 3. 12. 11 PI. Ct/Tcllo {Ie _~::14~~__ )ivt~ ~. 0lf~ J'i.ct. ~ . '0 7U.,~ ~u ~<...J)2 . (v~ ~ )J~vS' !. _____ ~- t.{...ld-&~L {.-- 1 i 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. fl .- Cr tA..t:i- ~. e. -"~.:.~,,::--_.- -~-.""'_.~ ------- . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." Ne, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft~, a 47 aCE~ field just north or Cutchogue. Consideration of such _. ~ _ _~h_an&e rul'ls CQUl'1ter. t'?. tl1_~ present d~velopment plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. ~e call on The Southold Town Board to aid in this ~reservation. -~-. >>~fJ. .:0 C~z',J~/ ~L,-,-- C.dJ,'J~ )1)j /I?~ ~~~cl!:Ll_. Sj/~ Ili~ hi. t1dMtJ~ - ;t;7;' /I1Jj- . tJ ' 3. D,Alli)/, . ;1JUVA- ~cl ~ ;uy , ._..__.____!M/I~ ~ ~ b f> <L ~~ f2~~ ~(~ 1. 6. 119)j-- . 4. 7. 8. II I> 12. t!' ""k/;jifA ~7 if/f);- j,ff . ( -- tlLd- . ') 9. 10. @. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18, ---~ _._-~-........."'~.. I I 11. ,~ To quote from dated September 14, . . the present Development Plan of The Town 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, of Southold, "Positive measures should be taken to assur~ that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a. 47acEe field just nortll. of_ Cutchogue. CO:'1sideration of such _ !l_.~h.ang~ r1l!ls cO',4,~eF. tE- t}l~_ present d.eve:J..opment plan... _n. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. ;,e call on The Southold Town Board to aid i.... t"i::; ]reservation. ,1. IJ 2/fH WIJ~r~ , 2. 7? ON 1$1, K;2 CTi J. AV&UA ~D/.-L.ElC. ,/1/1) f Ic0/~/.1'&-t.J S::-~L~!7f//,f~ , (;Vt'STC.('Ctk AVE lVTCI-/(}(f-V(; , /Jew StlrFo/...K. jt7rt . , 7. !!~J:" ~ 'iT '....t. ~.-,../J L, C:3~ A. /,. 8. u-I 9. ~~~_~~ S~ (eL ru-,,~-, 10. /~ ffr;-~' L4<.L; . '. 1-=-:_ _CV ~CL C(J 1.&..0 vG ~cR :::iz~ iJ~~ L.r 14. "'-/ #~ --PI tfu.../ ~,-f;. 4 "r <. ( )( J., , 15. . !~<- &-\ '" .' G: fl' " . I t6. , ----=,,,.:: h_:,::;'::,:'=-"::,, . ..- '--.", ---'---- --~--- To quote from dated September 14, . . the present Development Plan of 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, . The Town of Southold, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "SeacrOft", a. 47acr.e field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ fl...ch.aJ.l&e.rUllsc01mteE. t~ the .present d,evelopment plan.. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural la~ds are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid i.,., t"i3 ]reservation. -~,-,..--- -- "-". -".-.,. 1. 2. I ( ....... 'v J. ~~ A ttlJdM ~4. iY1,~,,~~~, 6. ~J 1/, /'ho-wo 7. II if 8. 9. 10. ~::t::C:(B 11 rJ'7(/-/() eel, 12. lJ. 14. 16.,OJ.~ 11. A I D' l- 4v:/It-J 18. .~.. /l1att. '1t{L--~ I To quat. from dated September 14, . . the present Dev.lopment Plan of The Town 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, of Southold. MPositiv. measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as pOssibl.....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Cong Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "SeacroftM, a. 47 acr~ field just north of_ Cutchogue. CO:1si.deration of such - !l__c_h_az:tg.!r~s co'm~~F_ ~~ !J:1.~_ pr!sent d_~ve;opment plan._. ____ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural l~~ds are a preci.ous, finite resource and should be preserved as such. ;,e callan The 3outhold Town Board to aid t~ t~i3 ]reservation. --.....-.- 1. 9. 2. ~, \1,~ ~W ,. rL-~ ~~ 4. ;hM7~ 6. rv~~IL~. Cl 7. p~ Jo...q....- 8. ~ 4-~_/J~ ~7~' '~ v{~~Z~ {lLr- (}:.t'.v........C . ~/..~ c;;;:;;p,,/>'I #) ~ ~ d ~:- - -,., -< ~ ...~ ( p (( , It ~ . 1/1~. V/y ~ 4' 10. J. ~J2J..\. \J~. CvtCh \) ~(; C2.... r;f .>?0:~ -p'p/~ i1. i2. 4. S. 6. , - ~~~ <J."-.~. '<"-' ~~d'&~ ... '/~~'-'. - - 1". ., ~..:.~--- ,=--, --~--......-.._ A___ _ ____._ ___ , 1\ To quote from dated September 14, . . the present Development Plan of The Town 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, of Southold, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e. the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a47 ac~.e field just north of. Cutchogue. CO:1sideration of such - ~..~t;.ang~ r~s cOtL:.teF. tc:...1;h~present ~eve:Lopment plan._ __.n Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be :;Jreserved as such. .,e call on The , Southold Town Board to aid in t~i3 ]reservation. 4. O'iZJ ~~ &.:3 -(!! \" sTIr tvaT,;JI-- Pw<€ ~u ;3 . i ~~ -- C? u~Htr '? {)c../L v .^-. 8. f~ ~'v( (c~ ~tf)o~ !..' .. .. '_'~':_-"-'b---- 10.~~ . 11._~~ ~'l.J:\ I 'f:,Ci- \ ~l F '3_~ ~ " c) ~t'o-.-.Q 12 1J. 14. f ~~~ 15. 11 t' ,. r~ ~ 16. 't' . f2.~ ~ M -I) /}}'/r /)'YJ J'.J~ ( (] i<.. CJ.-c It () 9 V<-- ~ I;J U () /77i>JU tM... ~ Q -~:::~..:;.~=-_- ~~:'::',"'~:.ic ---._-- i I . . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as pOssible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." de, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 ac~_e field just north of_ Cutchogue. CO:1sideration of such _ !l__~~an~~ r~!ls con..,ter_ ~9__ tl1~present d~velopment plan.__ ____ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. "e call on The Southold Town Board to aid in t~i3 ]reservation. 1. 2. cd --- 35. d0~,,- aJ~ AAa/I.-;C My. I d il'1~ ..(7 1'1' wnrofr ). fl,<u~ 6M&"9 iht;/r,r~ ~ t'w;/,,{vo:{'u/ ~. t.t:,f'!!<:_. {r}-_~Y.:u l_l'Cs- - ~7u, ~</ C<tk k{, / / (j ~5 ~ ~ 7. 6. (I 8. 9. ,.,_...- - 10. 11. 12. 14. 1.5. 16. V- M-n~ qSS ~~. 7~ ~ [' I~_ L/~ ~ ,;V~/e( CL~ ~~ o //y~~ jl9j,\ / J ! .3 ,s- JL -:'Jt':, h. .. .__.. . "_.. - .-...,....~_.-._.. "___._ _.. e" ~'~._'____ To quote from dated September 14. . . the present Development Plan ot The Town 1978. page 12. article 1 & 2. ot Southold. .Po.itive measure. should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use tor as many years to come as pOs.ible....Major residential development should be directed to the south ot Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change trom residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft". a 47 ac.!~ tield just north o( Cutchogue. CO:1sideration of such _ il..cAang~_r~s cOIl.,~eF_ ~~ ~~.~__pr,!sent d_ev_e~opment plan._ _ _._. furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be ;reserved as such. IV, call on The 3outhold Town Board to aid t" t~i~ ]reservation. 1. Ti2M.~ iJrf)\d.Q., rO.{~Nf7~: lt4Jfk(pJlL~ 2__ (l ~ rJ J4oMM' hr/J1/1/1 ['/1 ('. J f] II X J n- ~('~ t: ~CuA"A.- r(fJo( 101')[.-27;<}- :: L~~ L \/~~QL'f~ 6. ~~ ~_ . -jJUl.A~ ~. 7. Jr!'~ 'iu<:J~ BSfAJ~~!/}A/e 8. 2... ~/'- ~L 9. LJ,_)J.._i~ ;<,rtJ~Fku a~. 10. ~ d1- 1!r1 ' 11. OJ;;, YlJ 1 f (i >>s:J ( (/ T r j-f 1)(; l./ r" ,IV .VII'!l') / 4. ~- ~ f2. ~ c..0 7/~ LL'~ ~~ ~ iiy1flJjrlY~~:A~~P Jt 'er ~~~ ~~/ w~ p~ ~~ 4u~ 1 .~ iJ. s. '6. ~'5 1/ 'frl.... "'., e, ----. -------. 1/ 17/ I L . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold. dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useag. should remain in such use for as many years to come as possibl.....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Rout. 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." 1. Ne. the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 ac~~ field just north o( Cutchogue. CO:1sideration of such _ !J.__c_h_ang~J~s cOtm~~.!_ ~~ ~~_~.pr~sent ~e~e~opment plCUl'_. ____ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be ~reserved as such. "e callan The Southold Town Board to aid i~ t~i3 ]raservation. ~ra ~~ Vv(!"'L ~ -- II P-J 2. ). 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. '2'~- 10. 11. J/CJJ 2- 12. 1). :4. 5. 6. To..... 7VJ.1}1~ j~ . ,r 11W~171! '(f If? "- .;, .... ~ _. ~ , t ... ~._=-.._- =_. ---- ~----"'--- , ~ LI To quote from dated September 14, . . the present Development Plan of The Town 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, of Southold, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacraft", a. 47ac::.r~ field just north of~ Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ a. .c1lan&e ruIlsco'l....rte.z::_!=~~~e.. pr~sent d~velopment plan... Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such, ',lie call on The Southold Town Board to aid in tri3 9reservation, 3. ~'l.75 1. 2. 6, 7. 8. '111M. \ ?,. _~;, ......~t.~, ~CO^"IC IJdJC: 10 Jl J.. iJ./~ .' , ~ /'/1" 1..1 .i.rY/'I1 rlfV'" ~A.. NOI-TIf 11. 6/::1: "to I'5/" li:.;: C"M'l" e " 12. B';- (1, ~^-' ~ ~ r rJ~ ~1P 13. ,~.L vl>'I.c).J (:> T .Nl1~ 1711 \... elL ~roJ,;jr . J'o </rll''-6 II Lj, I NY 14. v II /r 11 ~~ -..2' "'/ '~~14.u~, ~~, ~ ~.'~. I .'_ . ~Lf1<) /1< ~ /f-rAbv 1/>.",,,,.,,< ,~ J6~~ ~ RJ. J ~uj,,4~4U I ;J Y 15. 16. 17. I 18, ~..' ~'~-,!:':':~~"",-=-_.~_.._~~,~- To quote from dated September 14. . the present Development Plan of 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, . The Town of Southold. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacraft". a 47 aCEe field just north of. Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ !l..~~ang.!! r~s C0I1:!tE!r_ ~~_ th~n present d_eve!-opment plan._. ____. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be :;Jreserved as such. ;,e call on T~e Southold Town Board to aid in "\-0 ~ ... ..... ......., ~reser"ation. 12. (l~ m~L '1. 2. / ' ). 6. 7. 8. , -~--- 11. i). 14. 15. i6. -,- --~::".=~-'-~~:.-,::~"::. --~ -. - --'---,.--- ---'._- __t !1~ _. it, To quote from dated September 14, . . the present Development Plan ot The Town of Southold, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use tor as many years to come as pOssible....Major residential development should be directed to the south ot Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agric~ltural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 41ac.!.e field just north of_ Cutchogue. Consideration ot such fl.__~h.ang~ r~s C0l4'1teF_ ~~ t.1l'~__present d_eve:J,opment plan._____ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural l~~ds are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. ..8 call on The Southold Town Board to aid i,., t"i::; ]reser'lation. :-,.- -~,,~~ >, J."u,,/I 17// 2 . 6 ; 4-. 1. , 6. 8. ~-- '9. f6-t -.'-'- 10. ~j1.-t:rn L,_______ 11. ~ I --- ~~/J~a ~ 12. 1). 14. 15. O~ 16. '-t: S-~ ~ 17", ,r: g~~~., " " ~l?V~ __.Jl 1&\ ~., '~::.~.----::-:.::~-.::;.; ..n'.__ .___~.....~__..._.._-_ . . .. . the present Development Plan ot The Town of Southold, 1978, page 12, articl. 1 & 2, To quote from dated September 14, MPositive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should r.main in such us. tor as many years to come as possibl.....Major residential development should b. directed to the south of Rout. 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." Ne, the undersigned, petition Th. Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "SeacroftM, a. 47 ac.!'~ field just north o( Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ ?-__cJ~.ang~. rlJ!1s cOIL:~e.!'_ ~~ t.tl.~.pr~sent d_ev.e~opment plan._ . __.. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. lie call on Ti'te 3outhold Town Board to aid t" t~i3 ]reservation. --L-L--<-. ~ y ~_"b_..._ 1. 2.L fl. J. )titw~ c!? ;Jd~ ~. k~ ~.~ .---.-...--,-...---.\../;::- ,,- n /CJ ~ ~. " ~ ;.,-C(. ffla.f/ luck N. '- , " o 6. 7. 8. 9. '3. S. 6. (7~- IU~ { ., .~ ._-._- -~. -.- -..----. '--=~- To quote from dated September 14, . . . . the present Development Plan ot 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, . The Town ot Southold, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use tor as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south ot Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing tor "Seacroft", a47 ac.!:.e field just north o( Cutchogue. CO:1sideration ot such _ ~..c..~ang.~r~s COIl,'lt.e.r_ ~~. ~~_~present d_eve~opment pl~._ _ ____ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be ~reserved as such. \~e call on The Southold Town Board to aid 1." t"i:; ]reservation. ;1. ~ 'r7d/~ -~ 6. # '1 /l. :f?c1 g.e~ ~-I~ -t' ,t'~~ ^~,IJ<'r :l4 ~ ~~ /~ ~'..'-- ~~ ---(\:!--" -- -- 9/{.. __' _ C~~ : 2. i J. 7. 8. 9. -.' - 10. 11. 12. lJ. 14. 15. 16. 7z lo..Tt ( 1-<<- at <- r ~_~J( - $.0 0 i-P.-uJ t'~ AI I 11-' I _.l 1&. ~. -~.:------ .-~- --.-' -,..~-_..- --~.- ~ .. To quote from dated September 14. . . . the present Development Plan of The 1978, page 12. article 1 & 2. Town of Southold. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ;~e. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft". a 47acEe field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ a..c}!_an~e runs cou.,ter_ t~ th~ pEesent d~ve:iopment plan. Furthermore. we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid ;" t"i3 ,",reservation. - 1. 11. ~ ~:r.. ...L~i (L&~"o ~y ~ .... e.M-;r ,71, f--- 12. 13. 14. _ /~/Il. MAR 3 flI83 l.- CteIIi s.,.,....11I 15. .&3/ ;> ~~--a../ 16. 17. 18. dated To quote from September 1!j., . . the present Development Plan of The 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, Town of Southold, , .. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft~', a !j.7acEe field just north or Cutchogue. Consideration of such ~__c_hang,e r~ns cOl1:,te.l:'.:t~...tJ:~_ pr~sent d.evelopment plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid in thi3 ~reservaticn. - -- 1.~!(~ -3~{dxkB-,"~~/Pd- C:.A7d-!~AP}A)';, 2.~~~~ /4(., ~. ;('y/ ]. ~ 6~ ;t~ }'uJ, /24. 0~~'LI h- ~ -"-'~ill~A'O~.J C~k~^, y<\''--( 6. rJ s-n - t )I. fI.3..!>- 7. ///1.35 < "" /; 18~,,-j)~ 15 ~CJ.RA.A: '" '....~._______ .~__.__.._:,.;.._, -.:.:...c,~--J _ 8. 9. _..-,'- 10. 11. 12 1!j.. I 15./ / 16. J..... 17. JL<tS(" ~ ~~~ 'f .v.~ ~ ax 1J p~ ~~A-: j/{- ,f 7; - ~~-(}~ 0/ . ~".-..) . To quote from dated September 14. .. . the present Development Plan of The 1978. page 12. article 1 & 2. Town of Southold. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacrof't". a' 47ac~e field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such '. ?-..c..llang;e. ~ns cOlmtez:'_to_...:th.~~r::E!sent dE!velopment plan. ._'.' Furthermore. we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be preserved as such. ~e call on The Southold Town Board to aid in t'" - .~ 9reservation. 1. - 8. j~4 ~ , .'__U.~_ ~ 2. ll' (>r ~l J. 4. 6. 7. 9. If 10. 11. 12. J We6e.YL- 1). j~ a-~ D~" 14. ~~ /~ I 15. AJ 1 16. 1.7. c) -4,4/ll ~8~..,cg~._/J!~_ now ~(jWolV.n,~ ('<~ hf'J- IiF J~ . cLio ~~-~~~ I , "*' ,c/ }0 q koe .:) . -.:::::. /0.. <;;7() I J J. jJo./.~' s-_Alt1A-L~~~1 cA ~ _._---_._--~-- . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold. dated September 14. 1978. page 12. article 1 & 2. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage ShOllld remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development s~ould be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting =.ong Island 30und." ,Je. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft". a 47 acre field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such :l..chang.e runs cO\L""1ter to. the present development plan.. i"urthenlOre. we be Ii eye that these prime agric ul tural lands are a )l'eC iOllS. :finite resource and should be preserved as such. ;,e call on The ,'~out.h"ld '1'o"'n Boa......-=! ~o al'd il'"'\ 4h-~_ '-,r--er"il"......'~l.-....., _ p \.: _ n ~ .I,. U v ....._ ."~ .....w ~.' t::.-::l , .;.l. '" v...... '-'''---'-~- .._- . _ ___ ..._d_~"~"_ ~ ..-------. -..~ th1 '"h1~w1 li..i4j!l-- D C.Jc.Lj,.D ~1f,J / {?tl Ft~fv~~/ fu-t-~7~ e 4J'fM.~ kke.---~-fU----- n~~ ~. ')ry{;~~:/!::~E~ 7.Ptt!L&L~ 6~:- _ :;-~~' -~->i_---P0@~- to. ~b.. '. ...-----~,.:~r:/ cY. 4t./"-~"~ (AA/C___ 'LJ..Lj' _____.__..____..__ _.L~ 2. 3. .~ b. 11. . 12. ~- ~,~ ~'~\~.~O/\'~l e ~ ~A.' ~ . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978. page 12. article 1 & 2. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft". a 47ac~~ field just north of_ Cutchogue. Consideration of such __ ~. .c:h.an~e rU1'lS cmmter. t~. th.eEE~sent d_evelopment plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southald Town Board to aid l~ t~i3 preservation. ~ .:I". .- ~cJt----JfYtJ , ..0- -.;; ...;~-_... L &Lf ~~; 2. m4.Aku - 'it ~..~,~/ ~ 'S ~ k1:u.~ 4frVMJPJ'rrJ., W'of-LWU \ \ , I' , , 8. " " --- ,I I, 9. y'p-~".-"-_ 10. . Wrnr~ flO &itl KeJ rtI, DWIJ1> b ~IC{) 18. -'-'~. .. . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~ve. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 acre field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such ~"chang.e runs counter to, the present d~velapment plan.. ?urthermare, we believe that these prime agricultural l~~ds are a ~recious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. "e call on The Southold Town Board to aid in thi3 )reservatior.. -""""--.--. ..._-_..__..~~-_....,_..- - - - :. f,/11~ 1da \) ~MJ) , ~#fJ~' . 2 '_221voJ~ l3.Ajk~ '- Z ,; J! ~ A471 .~{i1w-1:~~:::_._--~---------_._- ::~~--~ ~ () ~ 'f:.u/ ~ A.,~_..__ _ '___"'__''''____''_''__'_" ). ~"~d_'______ ---u---- 12. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. . . 17. f(~ a!t::~~_) 18.........~#.~ ~~~ ... ~- To quote from dated September 14, . . the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47ac!,~ field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such ~_ a..c.~ang.:er~lls cOIUlte!,. t~_ the__pr~sent deve~opment plan. H___,_ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid i."" t"i3 .?reser'lation. 1. ,r ~~ ;:3 ~ dJl :: rzi/l~d~~n%'~~' ~.~-~. 6. / uJ II t-..... '" . ~~. /Aifdt;.tndZV ~ I ~ 1/ _ (I r 3)-- 16. 17. LlC[! ~ ~q5' 18., ~~;__;__..=;::___:..S. . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 acre field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ !1.c.han~e runs COll..,ter. to_ the J?r'esent development plan. Purthermore. we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a p!~cious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid in t"iG "reservation. /' II ;r- 1. l../~ J~~' .~h.h ~ ~ /..9.. ~~~. ,~~ ~t'<9. U~..1_..~ ~ ~ ~....( iFJ. ~'~..~~.__.(k~ ~ 7?-:Y. 6. 0 ~ 7. 11. 12. tJ...L. l).W 14. ~ 15. (vI 16. ~J~ t: ~ 17. .QL. ~ 18'.rJflUu,{) P1f'~~ ?Jl~ "'N\..a...;.Q.j) ~~, (1*!J~ )1 ~ ~ 'n.\A. ~~~:;CA-G' 11)/ . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a.47 ac.!'~ field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such a__c.h_an~e runs cOlmter_:t:.~ th.e PEesent development plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a should be preserved as such. We call on The in this )reservation. /tJ~,i2J 9. 0- 10. 11. 12. 1J. 14. 15. 16. 17. I( , , ! I f , , ~-~~_. . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore' abutting ::'ong Island Sound." ive, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disap~rove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 acr~e field just north of Cutchogue. CO:'lsideration of such _, D."ch~an~e runs cou::.ter to, the present development plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. ~e call on The 3outhold Town Board to aid i,~ t"'l.:; ~'Teservatior.. (J~ }j. 1~ ?J ITrJ-~ 0--0 ~,~~i /fqJ~ 2. 3. I' 4. 117 I _'0~ C,^~ '35s-1o~v..oC)d 't)r', Mo.'\--\',I'\.\",\C W'iSJ S-A.JL ~~ Nij,ttks ~::;JLiju.cK;;!fjl? ~/t:A~,~.~_~..- ___,_..:2.Jl.JJ..~ '~~ 10. t;(~~~ ~ II Ih:_ rJ1Q~k .-It" ".=.. (-vii:. -.......~__. =11. _~ .-:' . 12. 6. 8. 9. . 1). 14. ~~ /J~fMd j~ ( 0;,:/~fJJ;~~A 15. 16. ,~~ ~~~ YC7v(;~~ 1\ 17. iJ f' 18. ~~. . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 acr.e field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such a. .c.hang.e runs cOlmteF. to. th~ _~!esent d.evelopment plan.. furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. ~e call on T~e 30uthald Town Board to aid t~ thi8 ?reservation. ~~~?JfiI~ ~ L ~~... ~_~wZ&._ ~', I: ,Ii n6i Q ,0 . ~cL1L~_..,~_.if'-~~---=- 3. I I / I II " T. , .J. / ' / I ., , . f\ t1 ({ 10. 11. 12. 1J. 14. '/ 15. ~,~ '~ ~ ~-\- ~~f/Jt/I~~/:i/~t:;% J;JJ~-/ e. . ... . ___!?~/~q~~ //f3s-' __. 16. 17. 18. . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold. dated September 14. 1978. page 12. article 1 & 2. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning ch~~ge from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacraft". a 47 acr_e field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ a..c}'!_an~e runs con::.ter _ tel. the PE'esent development plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be preserved as such. "e call on The Southold Town Board to aid in thi3 ~re3ervati0n. 1. - -~ ~ - ~ II 4. 6. 12. , \ 9. .,;;" 10. 11. lJ. 14. 15. 16. 11. 18, ,..~ II ot '\ 'r "l.l)O 11 e ute\-, D Ci \J. t:.,. . . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a. 47ac.-!'~ field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ ?-. .c:.ha~g.e.. r~s cOI4"1teE. ~~. t}1':.EEesent d.eve.~opment plan...._. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southo Town Board to aid lr t~i3 )reservation. 1. --. 2. ). r ' ~5~._. I~. ~.. 1l~ ~ ~~--~-~.~~ ~.:. 4~.N7~ hi: d t~cYJ'U Ai' f,~ /13 tf Y J (p I (F.~~) -y,} ,. /1 95- f ;. ~~rn,~ ~'~ IItJS_ _.~J)~~~/)Itf, 10. ~~ ~~ ~~kk~ 11. t\ G ~~ '- 1:, uk (j 15:-it;. -- 1~,- ~ L /)t!a/Z :: 2:~.~~~ " ~~"'~G.'."'__",_~,_""';"'~..:...-.~~~_~~_ \S"~ 12. 1), , , ~ (]2; . ~.......d-- ~ ~ . ! I I .__ i .~ . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 1~, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to cdme as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a. 47 acre field just north of_ Cutchogue. Consideration of such ~l.s.h.8.J!.&e runs COUJTte.r. t~. the_pr~sent d.ev,:~opment plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southald Town Board to aid in this ?reservation. 1. ?I Ctddo~iu\ Yr 2. 6. 7. , 8. 12. 1J. 1~. 15. 18~ ~x?1~/J~t,.__.. I I 1'7~ . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a. 47ac!,~ field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ ?-. _c_~an€ieJ~s COlll1teI:. ~~_t~e!'E~sent d.eve:lopment plan._ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural l~~ds are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to ai t~i3 ?reservation. 1. r 2. / - /~;;- ~---'--?'-el- -' '/ 3. ~r -1.0. 11. ~- ...-/ '(SJ AJ. , Ild.g r A/w.- ~(,lf(o.U?, (' ~'''~, Ju /11/) J I q 36- )1 ){~G(c/~ /Ill!, /Ic;\-d-. -~...~~,-_. ",;';;','; 15. 16. i1\ .. . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 aCE~ field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such ~ !l__ch_an~e runs C()lC):t;e.:t"_t~ thl:!_~:t"ese!lt d.evelopment plan.___ __._ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid i.n t"i.3 ]reserv'ltion. yo "'-- ~~ofCt.- h- st. ?..'-~. __ .~~ (; '3!1- ~. (#.go. .1~~L_.______.n~ r1..!, l/ld6f;:W:l 6. 7i.~~ ~1/~ YAI2<4!frA _;~f:/g~=~ . ~p4M~w ,u ....._~~._. ___..JJ~'wI...,. ~. / 0 - , C<...--- k--. 2. ?~ Su.. , )""'7~;:J I 9. 11. ~~k L~ 14. ~ !5.'J(~~h~LJ f~ &L/. 16.~~~~) YL\~~~ ~::~~ ~1~~~_ b__._..__. ...__ ~ ~ D Y-~' H~ ~ --frJ~ @1E ~~ I I):; ~::.:~ 1 . _-. W " . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47ac_r~ field just nort_h of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ 8. ..~h_anl!!.e r~s cOI4.""1t'eF_ i:~_ the..EFesent d_evelopment plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a ~recious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid i,., t"is ]reserY8.tion. _u 9. 2. 1. J. !+. , () . ~, ( . 8. - -_.-._---._-~-,.".,~--- 10 12. (lM.b~ ----- 13. 1\ 14. 'r 15. I t 16. .1f:.~0t:.. 18. If] , ',-i-J ~ur:-. - A~ l7AA~ ,,~-~ ~ __~I -flI.. ___ \ \ 17~ \\ 5t/lk~~.{ht~ . . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold. dated September 14. 1978. page 12. article 1 & 2. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." de. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft". a. 47 ac~r~ field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ a..c.h.ang.e r~nSCOll.,te.r -l;(). the .e.~esent d.eve:i.opment plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid i~ this 9reservation. .- 1. ~4W1~~ 2. ~~~ :::;no- J.~ .-.-h--- ~ j){vn4Jt~ ('"j'" 7. . ~) 32.-. /).'1 ([5.~&~;'1" A , 4. .~~ 4,,< ~T~~ fJ. 6. 8. 4.-.., C /l11f11</ iM\w _{___(l\~i(~t_____._..___hl (b0lrL ,k L')~O Id. e t:, ~&eAzMt ... SD IfrJ ~ 9. 15. #- eM.j,; ~, X ~nd; A..... 11. 12. 1J. 14. 16. 17~ 18, '-- c-;~'; . . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold. dated September 1~. 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a ~7ac.r.e field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such .. !l.c}larl~~ runs COll11ter_ ~~. th~.eEesent d.eve:!opment plan.. Furthermore. we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be preserved as such. ~e call on The Southold Town Board to aid i., t"L:J :;reservation. WJ!---. O. ~ .----.-___.______1~ J.H_. \' ..~f..-.-~.-.-.- . -: ~ . / ~7~~ " 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. J ( ~ 7. 1/ { .~I'~ I ..A.4-Ut.rr,(7 yf .?:... (\. CV', .b~_~.t:>_,&~~_._.'" \.-. ' Q..\ 8. ~e,J' ~,~ (' J 10. 1. I. 12. 0 ~ 1). yv cLt:tZi.lL._?nJA:)nn1 ~ II ;J/l L4 1/ yt-?1"Yr " II 1~. , I 15. 16. 17. ! 1 18. . . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold. dated September 14. 1978. page 12. article 1 & 2. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft". a. 47 acre field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _, a, .c.h_ang.e. r~nscou.:.ter. t()_ thep,resent d~velopment plan... Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a ~recious. finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid ;'" t"i3 ]reservatior.. - 1. if /J1/Jf/ /lJ e ~ () d I~O. /j~ /t'& e n--fcLrg4-~ v<:o-9 v ' 2. 00. // b G.-c ~~~6 ~~ r - !L}/:;;-_ &k~7z, ~. ~f/ &Z~ -/~. y. {.~ J. 4. 8. 9. 10. ..,-- ~--_...__.._- 11. 12. 1 __OJ 'la/I ~~<)!~t2qC &xcA-o, , my 1tIaIVED. dl ~1183 14.-~~ 15. 16. 17. I...... ~.L (__11.11. 18. ... ., . . the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold. 1978. page 12. article 1 & 2. To quote from dated September 14. "positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Song Island Sound." .ve. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft". a 47 acre field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such <J...ch_an~e runs con..'1ter to. the ilE"esent development plan. Furthermore. we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a preclous. finite resource and should be preserved as such. "e call on The Southold Town Board to aid ;1" t"i:> .~re5ervation. -- 1. 71 L{) ~ _ '11d~_.__~_~__~djJ~ ~._~-_._---- . d~ c:.. 2. ). 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. ..- ~ 10. 12. 1). 14. 15. 16. I 11. 18. _~ _.~3E" . f , To quote from dated September 14, . IQ.' If ~ ~y;j6me J9~ the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, ~ r .... "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacraft", a. 47ac_r~ field just nort.l1.ot Cutchogue. Consideration of such ._ !l._c};a':lg.~...r~s CO~l.J:~e.r_ t~. tl!~ pr~sent. d.eve:i.opment plano_ ..__... Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid in thi3 preservation. '-1' \\ .y~ / '-/ ,;-: '::7 1. f I. _'!'-- ~e..?/f~ 2. . "f!hq(k~l' 11t Kr yj , . f) J (/ 1/ 3. [~l.f1 r2e.f~~ . . ~'~f~__~{LkM-Cu42(4/f 6. ~V1-G<-- '/V tL'l---J.. C .~kZ'- r {I :/ 7, / :faile, <iz&,"'af . ji<,a&~. 7~ _ 8.,~~-:Z_ t(_~ )}Ltk_ H(' ~~~ '::.. ~<&~~.:-_!t._ __ 2U:.d U~ . (~-y~- 1'1/) /J ? c/ -+... Il{ ~ I .5-~", Ll".(...-l..c-/i-c:'~ \\,~l A~ \J\~,",,,~ ~]X--X \$ \.S~ ~ /'l"-. . \ rt_A" / ~... d...f,y ~ l.l . H ,L J. 13. 1:1..,.k &. ~ )'k:z;tL~c 4 J "j} \) ;-" 1 . c ~ ')J-;rd r; ~ c..lt-____ f ..'- 15. ~~'))~,;.J'QO j' ~J\C'~ 16. . '-Y-ti~ ~ c ~--0 I ~)CvJ.. c( :: ~i:f::p~ ~~ '.-- ~":"":::':'...- :.:::.::;.... ~. J?V' II I ~~ 10. 11. 12. 1<<>>1. " APR 11183 9: IS #7k-- T... CIetti So.AtL;lcI ....,.~~...~'~ I~~ ~~ I ~ .. . t To quote fro~ dated September 14, . ' . the present Development Plan ot The 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, Town of Southold. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use tor as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south ot Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a, 47 acre field just north o( Cutchogue. CO:1.sideration ot such ,_ !J.. .~I';.ang~., rlp-s c0l4,~eF. ~~ ~tl,~. present, d.eve!opment plan '_. ,_._ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. i,e call on The Southold Town Board to aid iM t~i3 ]reservation. 7. ~)u{),) Jl"Lf (k-a(j ~ .J fCi-?2J:;~ / ? ~ / If /P, / . ~--d!. /z< ~ j(/,:: / GZt: ~.;;C ;-u...R' lJ {~iJ'UW'I C~ ~ ni1i4: ,/ -V? I S 6,-<--<--~L_[~ lz. if. . I \ .1tUa ,/ c ('1 (<J /1/~( ..:u2-' 1.J,,/-/~ J-A./o~u.i./2~ I). ~ I) .,2, fY~ , L ,~.~ b. , , I . ). Wv:n~CJ . , ~ ';:' ~..~.,.~_~,::_.~. L 6. Q )?t J, ! r'i' ~ ~ 8 " ',i . . . ~ J\JWI." ~fJ\~ \'1>,\ A>-A.:A'.Q~L"\ ~.e( ~d~_"Q'L~~~>'Nrff 47- . &t<;~ h.-v 10. JJiQ...,/ rJ, ? /~' ~ c~ -1~ ~./ /(<:;'71 S 1). ~,~' 14. ( ~ ' 15 ."1it/ .1/ -,n/. /I <? .c.' ' ') ~ . /J j -'-rF .~ .~~I~--:-~t d~tf,yiLfkL/(_1:L/f k' fiL, ~~ . 16. .sit' u?~.,{_..J . IV.> K/ r!n;;-j'~If/6, ~... . ' LL~ '-hu..-t-c";'1: ( {J 0/ ~ I? ' 0-7( aZ:t. C'f.0/!. f' , "' )) 7 ,,{' /} z' ') >., '7//./_ ~~ZZz /.,_','"",'.~,',:.~.7...,P,?, · __-t&'Z'!f:f!:l 7//....". ! Of" r-t /9:- /' ~ . . j i _._._.._...,~"---"~'.------- ~-- To quote from dated September 14, . . . the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 ac_r.e field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ a__c}~,an~e rU!ls cOlmter, to_ the_E.I:'esent development plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. "e call on The Southold Town Board to aid i,., t"i3 ]reservation. Vu.w (I, llt-v; f~ 11. V fr} /Aho~~' -~'V _ ///- Cj t~JJ~_._ ___._._.___.._ )\\.m.dJ,/\) .\,) . /JtJ~ ()/U "-10/ !Z-/c'/ 17 " ." /7;,~ ~j'~ , 1. 2. J. 4. 6. 7. '71/ C(/tl{;..l? s.f';.bT / ' rza. t:; .-' 8. 9. ..._~ 10. ~ I~t: " . / r I ' B,'. "~ G4( eJA. 12. ~ dl- ~~/ 1J. ;6~\ ~-1> ,,-j-~~ h 14. AI)LP}"U ,-;I ~{ 1/ 15. _~~ 16. C J f;-~ 17. :2> iJ d . ~. c-f" L.?~ 1&.~~ &(~/ ;;:rr~~ (j;yt'~J)~ Z -.;7 cJ C ~ .~ L--~ c"Lr:---t ~ p /-n~ cL -~R -uir;u je .-1 - '1 :,y (I Li-^U!./ .} \. 0i!~ .1 ,- L -) 1 -~~~~.:;;;~ ______, / ,0..-<-c----f!? / b'/----:7 ./ " ~c-r ". ~r-' L v;/ dtvt.--fA,.C. "'G/ . . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold. dated September 14. 1978. page 12. article 1 & 2. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft". a. 47acE~ field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ a..c}l.an&i! r~!lscol1nt~r:_ E~ ~he_pr~se!l"t d_eve!opmen"t plan._______ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. fini"te resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid in this preservation. S~-L ~ ~(j~-h4l ".dlG.- &--k.J,awt~ .U 0~fd{r7JC >'Iv: /V/;S- 6l~z-c.-V /'/ //7'[/ ~ l1-ew -/. 1.J 2. (!. J'~~~~l(k~_ ~. .~1)~n ~\\&\\ ~ :. J?,~~f.Jzr: . 7lr:JJtU<. 17,&. ~-d~~"~ 4~ ~I\,- /l--{! 8. ~ p.f/'~ c;'"""".'F'J.~ 9. ~ J~\ '~-o~ - -e4--C~---~~ .sY. V,;tc.--~ &.. - - II }v( lI~~'b 1/9 II? 7 / I(q~,--} /1 fS d/ 11. 12. 1). 14. (~' 15. ~\- 16. 17. /1 '3/ , ; I I 1 To quote from dated September 1~, .. . the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." We, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacraft", a- 47ac:!~ field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _. a ..c,hang,e r~s cQunteE. t..o__ ttl~ pr~sent d~ve}opment plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid in this ?reservation. 2. (S ). ;J 7~_ {}. /4,,~. _,. 4. ,11 ~.{4~~ C.' {.~~, -1,_ .--rt- ~'. 7;;:j~-~~L~-- _7. ~dti-/o/')~~ :: ~ ~::L .j. . . ""'. : . - -_...__2.__ '/ -~ 10. "~_+~~! fiai-'-'~/) ).~ .0-~ (J 15. .~--- A'Ut,-II/}'Jt.J-C7U C (dZM "1'" -"- ~ C1tiu,'r" <7 -r / lA_~-:!~J::~Y" , t~~ --.-.- ~~ ~-- ;, (!M5t~I~ 7 / 11. 12. <' -- c' '-/t'::) _L--1J..e /.../uu C' (j cz... Y f /, '7 1). 1~. 16. 17.. 18. I 1 . . . To quote from the present Development Plan ot The Town of Southold, dated September 14, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as pOssible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 aC"r~ field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such __ a__c..h"an~e runs C011..te"r" to_ttl~Jl.E~sent d"evelo:pment plan." Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural l~~ds are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on Tne Southold Town Board to aid in t~i3 9reservation. I'Po ~~ ~ 2. '. ~Mu-'!J e;:*~-&:?~; ~ ,~/I,~ -d 9 ~ ~,~ ~ . ~ ;? u. ~ '" X I?,. /",.-.J.!:' d r-..cd C. k ~f- // ?V15 ~':~;1~~:~'~/~=;!!:::!~~~--- '-;, V /:: ~1/ C4 ~~t/' //9J~ , : {'(, ;.J, )L/ ~J/~o<.u jacbA1 ~~... II :3J~ I ( Cf S-Y J. ~. / :J. , , . , '. o. 1. 2. J. 'L ,. 5. , ,,' . I . II ~. '._..A"~ 'lO:=...._,.._...._.~ _.._... ~....I- 7&....; I I . . . To quote from the present Development Plan of The Town of Southold. dated September 1~. 1978. page 12. article 1 & 2. "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as pOssible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e. the undersigned. petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacraft". a ~7 aCEe field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such _, !l,_c_han~e runs cOllnt~.I'_ t~ th.~_Jl~!!sent d.evelopment plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be preserved as such. We call on The Southold Town Board to aid i~ t~is 9reservation. :7 _ a /?~ y/ /ttdvV' (/~;tJ~ 13/X I/r(' s~~~ vJdr &o~c1~y.v~,Jf"L .v~'CiH. --~Lf~l / ~. ,"7:) . (}~ ~A..<..J.. h' -z. . /tv~4~,",- fz-~__ Lt\.. ^ - / /~U'< )7. -C-' If'1. :/'/ c.- //;tC/ / ~- I , '(/-1 (II/)(;:: /1/1 / I r~ fL( ./'aA tAli r7'./R~/J . ~7jf;;~~ (14J-, '!'1~ fkt;~,< . /!(tt.-~1t--. (/YYz- .. / '. V 3yc( -k ~~4 i~-C . ~\~ 'II ~ t' j ~~..__.~ tl-,\ '7<. l---..:-rr # IVk...r A s: tJ ~--7 .~ 'W~~~ ~~d I '7 v '. ,. Q~ I~ /<ij;;~O r- . ~ u~. Y-vlhf-if. .,i')I'(drc~.R I7l) - 1. 2. ). 4. 6. 7. . L~,';i./ ~I~/ / .7' / /, /"' /' / '7'?5.//,/ ' -I ,.../ (.....: ! 1:.,,/ .- . . -'IU./-~C---_._- /, - I 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. lJ. 1~. i5. i6. i7. i8. I ! To quote from dated September 14, . . . the present Development Plan of The 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, Town of Southold, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." Ne, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47ac.!".e field just north of_ Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ ~_.c:..~ang~r~s COtL,~e.r_ ~~ t.h..~_ pr~sent d.eve:J.opment plan._____ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a I precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. ;,e call on The . 3outhold Town Board to &p.d i,., t"i3 ]reservation. -~-.--'-- ~ E, V ~ i 2. p' 0 C-- ~--- D-...-- J. 0 4. : 6. '7. 1"-'- , O. 'l;; ~:Ji:::li1~ lo.t4/ ~ _ ~ L_.fi j L4J i)/Jlfl/lLU1-1J--- 12 c---..V ." ..4 ~ . " ..Yt-,-<-<-~J/J. ~./u~. ::: ~~~>, J\.lL;~ ~ I 15. .c~/) 16. 11~ ~. _ 1. ~ 0J:..v.. t1AA.../ ~,_."~~[+'~--:~:,==L _~ A. L.--t J C . (U.s r~, h---A r7J.~ "-- ~Z: <..-?~~~ ltudJf du ~ WG .(), , , t<...-.~ "1 -~ -~ I; , t/_I To quote from dated September 14, . . . the present Development Plan ot The 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, Town of Southold, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a. 47 aCEe field just north or Cutchogue. Consideration of such _ !l_.c:..h.~~ r~s cO'_~,te_r_ t~_ ~l1.~__present d_e~~~opment plan.______ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious, finite resource and should be preserved as such. ..e call on The Southold Town Board to aid 1'" t"i3 9reservation. i 1. ! SOli I hog;. '1J.FJ-' i J. 1 ! 4. ~-}4L.~~il=-____f. 1 (~ 8. ClA1:~~__Jh-4~ , i6 \ . j 7. , 9. _.' - // 14. tri c~~ ~_ ~l Q ILL O~ctZ-<l )' K, f 1'1',\ 4-vr<;+ . C)t~ 4~ J~ IS! _ ((~ NY rLC*"C~jLu I /J.Y. /11 Ifl / f 7'-1.(,/C' tv / //;//~ / 15. 16. ~_ ___~__'.__~':;~h_-:-=--:_:~:::'"l'C~;~ --'--. J 11:~_ '. I> ~ .' II, . ' . To quote from the present Development Plan ot The Town ot Southold. dated September 14. 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, "Positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use tor as many years to come as pOssible....Major residential development should be directed to the south ot Route 25. and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting Long Island Sound." ~e. the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing tor "Seacroft", a, 41, aCEe field just north of. Cutchogue. Consideration of such - ~..c..h_ang~r~s CO~l"'ltl!r. ~c:.. t.l1,~" present ~~ve~opment plan... , ____ Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be preserved as such. ..e call on The Southold Town Board to aid i~ t~i3 ]reservation. -~'-"-~~n~HAcP -/~~()\~. ~'<. 1\ ~'l , 2. a~",- \J.) ~ \~_ Y\..PI'I,l( ::~j'<<l:~"4~- d~7U- ~/ ;'/::~- 'lJy-~,~,__~~ d~ " -L{ "L 8. /i /1_ A ..., ''';f' ~Ur/YlJ./L'Y1,~ 'f--1'.l.f.Ullod 0. ~h\.".I.' 2,' . , JtJ~.I..L~,4iiL___ 10. DlI'1~.?t11u !/;J/7m"j/~ }, !) 11. ./I'~A /j/} n~~_$/rUd/ '<Y~-c_-t:;;/ /, V ~/ I .L ' . Cu:t:cAOji {f( IU r Y r U!3._~_~_ (uft!.htJI}LV? IU y. 1/9,?,5 ~ f)). 'f ;}; d,~r::/ 6/(-' j.t, L/ / ~ )/. 6. / 7. h , '-.) , / / ?~d- 12. 1). 14. 1S. 1f, __ =."'1lt::'... .--:.=-:-:==;; :'/ "'C: c~. ~ ?/Y. II ~rfL //: i j~li To quote from dated September 14, . . the present Development ?lan of The Town of Southold, 1978, page 12, article 1 & 2, ,.. . . "positive measures should be taken to assure that land now in agricultural useage should remain in such use for as many years to come as possible....Major residential development should be directed to the south of Route 25, and along a narrow strip on the north shore abutting ::'ong Island Sound." ~e, the undersigned, petition The Southold Town Board to disapprove of a zoning change from residential-agricultural to multiple housing for "Seacroft", a 47 acre field just north of Cutchogue. Consideration of such 0. dchang:e runs con:lter to the present d~v~~opment plan. Furthermore, we believe that these prime agricultural lands are a precious. finite resource and should be preserved as ~'uch. ,'Ie call on The Southold Town Board to aid ;n t"13 .:;reservativrl. ", _'__'.~ .+_._. ___ ._ . r~L ....-- - 1. ~J ~&;;~- ~_:.__ ~~~~/I1jia.Q,WA- f 7CC' r~~~ 5c,u,it,c/! t~((/ '/' _I'. )- 'Jl ~ /:" / J . /. (> c., /I/'if' C./. y -1/// ./V '-' ~,---- .'::...L_-r--Uf./J_L<:..L_. t1:!t.i4!'1fI.- _:L.. .0.4-'rt! << . .' ,- /. // / . - '1. /) '. . ~ i).t- '. -If-, 11.---1- /J +. /iWIVkf/tt~_L~c._ 4d1!~!?-'a", t2~ f_lAALA,.,cx....fI 6. / If. d /ijUrJ ;0-r-/P.fO J )kz;::~(., 71/1' /I~~. 7 J V /-? 'I J L. -) (. i . . _ ! -) I" 'l.{,--"--". ;/v---..c. 1 .)<<7'<'j \ - lc_ '-, (j. \ f .' , "1 ).~ -. .-.-;?;;L'-T~-f 'J --.-----++ - 8. -r' ~ / ?J~_!! 9_~-'i,___,____._._._._ ,. (~..!4..:. _ ~~/'l7/ 10. G(;\~c;;:vJ e'r\ C tv f II 9't,</ __._.",___ 11. 7 r DIYWiJf) G '=3l:::.tU O/~ .M.711 ( '.' .../~~} -<i. ~. ~~e?5f~"'~_~/Y ~~ L/ ," 1/ ~t.~t-a~. {p~ tJtl.-<.<-ZlL.:d/fff' /11-1 '~/~7 /1 /2 I I' '/( U'2.-<..R{I.) ~ r..:. 17 . diifIf. . )f::{. 1 / /f.s / [/' S'F 'i),.41V'J * ;;7-' ~-;1?" 1_-'U'e'#'&';1 Q IJ tt-<.f 3 G' 7 . .~~__/- iff 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. J/ 7 jb