HomeMy WebLinkAbout5145 t3&j_k::Llt/lu iLLitLI(;~_-lf! . 73ft/-. ~. :rttry J?Muj;n;~;;,3" Lo-l- /03/ foq l!~ /05 d'e.:z: '?fI-. OCL ~c: ~,.,;O'- /"'''';/:i'cc'-<.<-c: rr>vZ;.y_ ,,""'~ C' /C~ /:' _ 7 0/.;;..- )1'.. . ~->L,- . '-./ /!.<.-:--- A CL C ,A - .11/)4~~tf.~. - . -:fJ.S7t1s ~;' 7,:;l&i~.i~ '- aJ~ 'h ~ J:::~~~.; ;;;~r5-~~ ~ f'\8...h.2l0f)t"d(U ,~ '" "fit - ~:::>~.. .\..., PINE o ./- \ /y- -'" ~,-y~ ~ <' 'v. <: ./ ", '--6J" Y' - _ -TWM----~ [0 i TRE~ I A I PHAL T PA V'T { N 8J. 58' 401E nE- 183.~ 6 .39' 70' E 0 { { I r EXPANs!O Lfr..t. ~,AS NEj:ES iJRY W _/ <J {TEST I /:::? fHOLEr-, I i~ROJ~;D~ I CESSP(jJ~L(S / - ~ {/ .... \ /I / - 1/ /~ \ _/ Vi'PRop1SED \ I SEPTI~ TANK \ ~ \.--- \2 , \ ~ N W .:s 't '-J G' J [l I c-? U (/ {2! RD, , "II>' f? \ U/ 's- ' .1-( t'J/j" K}/ .... L. 15.2 FD CM 2. i 60' TO WELL 7 , >-.. 0 l; ..... O/hr---. Qi Z'~ C\j N/F KIRWIN RESIDENCE 57' TO CESSPOOL ~ N/F JONES RESIDENCE (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) 60' , <J TO CESSPOOLS l() ~, ~ . & < r---. "J " ..... C\j PROPOSED 2 BEDROOM RES FD STK \ \ I 14 / I , I t) {;:J fv L:1 .- EL. 14l :; IP 65,0\ ~ / EL. 12.6 1<' ROP. ARAG !<: '-<J 12 I / I . ~ ..... FM# 1179 FILED MARCH 28, 1935 TM 1000-138-02-003.005 FD STK EL. 1 .6 5 8 . 58' 40" W N/F NIXON ~'- ~..~ " ,'0 '--\ /;:/'- "" '-( GUARANTEED TO MARY KIRWIN o CESSPOOL 700' TO 11[['[ 90'ct '<t- 0) ....: <Q N/F LESORD RESIDENCE N/F CABRAL RESIDENCE WELL . WELL / ., 11' GUARANTEES INDICA TED HERE ON SHALL RUN ONL Y TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO 7HE nTLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. LENDING fNSTlTUTlON, IF USTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF mE LENDING INSTlTUTlON. GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDmONAL INSTlTUTlONS OR SU8SEOUENT OWNERS. UNAUTHORIZED AL TeRA nON OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A \I1OLA nON OF SECT10N 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STA 7E EDUCA nON LA w. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDeRED TO Bt: A VALID TRUE COPY. TE:ST HOLE: DA TA PERFORMED BY McDONALD GEOSCIENCE 02 DECEMBER, 2000 EXlSnNG GRADE DARK BROWN SIL TY LOAM OL l' PALE BROWN LOAMY SAND SM 3.5' PALE BROWN JiINE TO COARSE SAND sw 9.1' WAlER IN PALE BROWN FINE TO COARSE SAND SW 16' SURVEY OF P/O LOTS 103 & 104 IN MAP OF NASSAU FARMS SITUA TE CUTCHOGUE (PECON/C), TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUN TY, N. Y. SURVEYED FOR MARY KIRWIN FOR S.C.D.H.S. USE ONL Y SURVEYE:D 08 NOVEMBER, 2000 SCALE 1"=30' AREA= 14,174.227 SF OR 0.325 ACRES ZONED R-40 E:LEVA nON SOURCE SUFFOLK COUNTY EAST E:ND TOPO MAPS SURVEYED BY STANLEY J. ISAKSEN, JR. P. O. BOX 294 NEW SUlTOLK, NY 71956 637;-734-.5835 ./ 00C955 >"l-~ ',f;!,; .J., r"; I , i I t I I ! t I f t ; , , ! , I I i I I i 1 , ! 'j , I I I I j I , ! , I .L ,. " '-'.--~--, ,"'------ -',~,' 0 .-~..,.- . .- 1 Al't!i::, -r 1:1:: IE' $5;;', f<- .,,/ "8,' - 11';0 . 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',Ii --'-'I" f ,,;fr/i-/f- i /./~,.. /i 77. __ Iii I /{..:\:': /'r/ -It> P':' ./ J 4r!~;.. 1/ "." ;".:,.' "; .;1y~;'~' /'-.....~._., ,/' ",~ '. r-. . , vl"? ,'r)/ I.. l~' ,i if. ~ :In -iIAY, -0' ,.1' ..;.... :,:"/:'/, ".",.._.,~.~-,_.. ~~.._.--_.,-_.,. ".-- (;:;N"^'",-',' .---....._._....~....__~.~.O<___..... /.Z-1 .9'11/ /J,~I ~\ 1) ~ OIl ..J /37/,'il"" .l., .' ;" '.. .-f " J . :p '......- ::,.' /1.///..;- ....."\i if' V,(V~~'i..:s' &::1 .- ./ /,",^'f I I i , i i i , 1 . I 1 I fo ',', ,. ," .' '"""').' ,. " , , '... <Iff. ... *' ~~.I# -.....1107t.'!... . } SS: ~ :N'()'l'l REAlUNQ$ ," It _" !!l!I6i1lon 26'fi" tlie ' ';i'pj\'l1'fJlI'W~e'l\i'ill'lSl\jlltdf' '~":l.'~; t1i:~~~~\$~\ \i\Id~lil1f boUnty N'ewyOtk; "'l>~~jIF!!ii!ri'tirig~ '~\I"flieid'bY .' t~'~ISti!jig'ilO~r<! "f "'!'Peals of 'tlle:i'ow" bf BouthOlli; a~ the ':tOMOjIlce\~ain~:, SOuth- old~' ~ew'r~rk, ',bn ;:Fe9ru~ry" 19, 1970 011' *he.'followingappealsl 7:39 r.]\[. (EST), upon a!,pii- ~t~oiJ,:()fJo~eph and Mal:'Y Kir- ,;~hf~~:~~!~~k!t:f'$)~gjJj . ~~\iIi,~dl.iian<;e:With-thE(Zon~ :it& Qt!l;;"li.hce, 'Attleie Uf'SeC_ lion 303, ~:ahdArtiC1e 'X, ~tion lOOOA, for permission to set' bff Qne' 'ldt:'With - insufficient front.:. age on south side of Pine Tree Road. - Location of properly: 'Bay Avenue aild Pine 'Tree Road, eutCl1ogue;New York'MaP" N?~" 1179 Nassau Farins, Lot No,'s' 103; 104~" and' part of ;105. , ~:45 P. ~. (EST), uponap]lii' cation' of Martin .n, Michaels, _67 Park Avenue,New York" '~~,Y; alc William - Bruckner, 75 Renry' street, ,Brooklyn, N. Y. fora ,variance In' accordance' with' the' Zoning Ordinance. Article ro,' Sect~on, .307., for pennis.siOl}" 1:? l)uild Ilew' one ,~a~ily _ d\Ve,llipg with reduced sideyai-d I area. 'Lo- cation of property: private right- of-way ofl east side of West l'4ill Road, Mattituck, New York, bounded north by private road, ~t by_ W. ,E. Sander, south, by .M:'attituck Creek, west by C. W. Argentieri. Any 'person desiring to' be heard on the above applicatiohf' should appear at the time and place specified. DATEP: JANU~Y 22,1970 BY OEDER 01' THE SOU'l'HOtJ;l '!'OWN BOARD 01' APPEALS '\ IT-12 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK . , C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCl< WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ....{{;2d.1(..f?..""...(I./ week/-, a"- successively, commencing/ on the ...........).d.........'............ ~ i!. // , /7/. day of ...........".(..h,..,.17.:/.......,19,r...v.. mm........tiJ;{&ffdi;2'm 76 . /s Sworn to before me thiS ......... ....;......... day at ...~_c?da:........, 19.7tf. - " " ,,~ /: ' _ /J /) ,;:v;, .........L:ic:.:~.~.....!a<p.-<~,............ Notary Public / JiDEJF f',.wr}[ Not<-ny rl"'!"c ("Jl" I" ," Y k . "<~ ';;!>;,-; ,,'-'rc'/;';~y or, :;-')-:;:lr: COI]~m~ss:o,~1 !'xp,:,'c,,; I',';:' ch 30, 1971 . - . . ... FORM NO.3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: October 17.2001 TO: Gary Flanner Olsen AlC Kirwin PO Box 706 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Please take notice that your application dated October 17, 2001 For permit merger determination at Location of property 110 Pine Tree Road. Cutchogue County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 138 Block-1 Lot 3.5 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The subject lot has merged with adjacent lot to the east (SCTM # 1000-138-2-3.3) pursuant to Article II Section 100-25 which states: Merger. A nonconforming lot shall merge with an adjacent conforming or nonconforming lot which has been held in common ownership with the first lot at any time after Julv L 1983. An adiacent lot is one which abuts with the parcel for a common course offiftv (50) feet or more in distance. Nonconforming lots shall merge until the total lot size conforms to the current bulk sc e e Ulre '- CC: file, Z.B.A. . . , . APPLICATION FOR WAIVER UNOER ~TION y(LJ> AN'c( 1/19(0 J. 3.d-o ~/oO =# -//.c.~ _ ::7/-rJ 100-26 '.';. This review is for lots which have separate deeds recorded prior 'to 1983 and' undersized. A merger determination has been issued by the Town Building Inspector (copy attached). The zoning of my parcel is presently: R-4n The size requirement for this zone is: 4n,nnn square feet per parce I'. County Tax Map Parcel Nos: 1000 138 - 2 - 3.5 I (we), Mary Kirwin cant iguous lots shown on determination by the Board these parcels qualify for a Article II, Section 100-26 , as owners of the the attached deeds, request a review of Appeals to determine whether or not "w~iver" under the merger provisions of of the Southold Town Zoning Code. I hereby submit all of the following documents for reliance by the Town of Southold in making this review determination: 1. Copies of my recent tax b i 11 for both (a II) 10 t s . RECEIVED 2. Copies of deeds dated prior to June 30, 1983 for all lots. MAY 1 0 2002 J. Copies of current deeds of the parcels under review. 4. Copy 0 f the current County Tax Map for my neighborhood. 50".1101" T~W!l Clerk 5. $150.00 application check which is .!!Q.l re fun'dab I e i f this waiver is denied. I understand that if an unfavorable waiver action is issued by the Town of Southold, that I reserve the right to file for Ii subdivision and, if necessary, area variances under the usual procedure. By making this application, I hold the Town of Southold free and harmless from any and all claims and liability resulting from the issuance of a waiver. Sworn 7th ~., 'Vh. I (Appii ant and Owner) Mary Kirwin (Applicant and Owner) 112 Notary GARY FLANNER OLSEN otary Public, St31e of New York No 020L2959600 Qualified in Suffolk CounV7~.7 Commission Expires March 30, ~\.7 A Waiver is hereby approved denied (delete appropriate action) based upon the above documentation. Issued by Reasons for application (to continue on next page). zbata . w1295 .. fit . r - . APPLICANT'S REASON #1: Applicant, Mary Kirwin is currently the owner of two (2) tax lots designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as 1000-138-2-3.3 and 3.5. Applicant. lives in her house on lot 3.3 which is approximately .45 acres and is a corner parcel having frontage on Skunk Lane and Pine Tree Road. Tax lot 3.5 is a vacant parcel upon which the applicant seeks to built a new home more suitable for her advancing .age. TAx'lot 3.5 has an area of 14,174.227 sq feet. Public water is nol'., on Pin" Tree Road. TAx,parcel 3..5 runs !:lorth to South across the easterly line of lot 3.3 and continues southerly-down the eastly side of tax lot 3.4 which also has a house. .;Tax ).ot 3..5: was in single and separate ownership' since before" July 1,1983 and was owned by appJ.icant's husband Joseph Kirwin. Tax lot 3'.3 was own~d' by Joseph Kirwin and the applicant Mary Kirwin. Joseph Kirwin died on 4/26/98 leaving everything to his wife Marfy Kirwin thus creating MERGER BY: DEATH. APPLICANT'S REASON #2: Applicant receives two (2) separate tax bills for lot 3.3 and 3.5. The house she is presently living in is a'two story house' andMrs~ Kirwin now seeks to build a smaller one story house on lot 3.5 which will be easier for her to manage. It is respectfully submitted that the Zoning Board of Appeals may waive the merger by death and recognize origirial lot line for the following reasons: ., 1. The waiver will not result in a sig~ificant increase in the density Of the neighb,orhood. 2. . The waiver wold recognize. a 'lot that is consistent with the size of .lots in that neighborhood. 3. The waiver will avoid economic hardship. 4. The natural detFils and character of the contours and slopes of the lot will not be significantly changed or altered in any manner, and therewill not be a substantial filling of land affecting nearby environmental or flood areas. (PLEASE USE AOQITIONAL SHEETS if needed.) \ \6" ~ ,,~,\t\\ ~tiJ~ ~~ J 5/1:;::. OFFICE OF BOARD OF APPEALS Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 . 765-1809 tel. t . 765-9064 ZBA fax. ****************..*********\..AAAAA~~AAAAAA"'4AAAAAAAAAAA~**"****************AAAAAAAAAAA4AAAA REPLY FORM tWJ >>fcLo1:i.o/ ::Ii. d.. Dated: Ifl-d..!?--~;).. 1I:Sf)[l.M._ TO: G~~,~, {!f) \ (11. ~;11 M Your application is incomplete for the reasons noted below. M It is requested that the following be forwarded as soon as possible (within about 7 days, if feasible). The advertising deadline is 22 days before the meeting date and the information is necessary for review and advertising purposes. You may forward the information by fax at 765- 9064, however, please send the original by mail. Thank you. ( ) The appeal was not filed within 60 days of the decision of the Building Inspector. ~ Missing information - please see missing information checked below. Please submit all the documentation, together with information noted below. If you have any questions, please call us at 765-1809. Thank you. Information requested: r" Notice of Disapproval issued by the Building Inspector after his/her review of this particufa~projectmap. C4\d.~ Z:8A a~ CUtd Ur\4.~ v.-..~#-/3J'-I (oUJ:::ild ~ -/1-70 +0 ~k"i(Lui.u) ( ) Check payable to the Town of Southold totaling $ ( ) Signature and notary public information are needed. ( ) An original and six prints of the map were not included. (Preparer's name and date of preparation to be shown.) ( ) Setbacks must be shown for the subject building to all property lines, with preparer's name. ( ) Six (6) sets of a diagram showing the doors, number of stories, and average height (from natural grade). ( ) Ownership Search back to April 23, 1957for the subject parcel and all adjoining parcels, certified by a title insurance company, and insuring the Town for $25,000. ( ) Copies of all current deeds and tax bills of the parcels back to _' ~ Other: 1111 I, fWld br", tIbY7 f::. a. mOf >;J ~ +0 ~ eX etJ..-e W ~ ~ 06 f} ~ ~~ LLH:t:J.. .-up cLa.!I d ;tltaJI.uJ. . (Pi ,J o.:J:taLNcL -# 13/4-). ~~ rtOv.Nk--~~. fYlorJ~ ~. 6r,c): J -.#-; 3/lf- W i'fi f/lu) Ik1 p. \ I,"~ ,- 1'~1~ "J ~~~'f .cJ 1)/\ P. / ~~ OFFICE OF . BOARD OF APPEALr Southold Town Hall 53095 MaIn Road Southold, NY 11971 . 765.1809 tel. t . 765.9064 ZBA fax. ******************J.J."J.AAA*********AAU.U."A,U....U.U.AAAAAU.""~"...*******U,...............U.J.J.......A'"A... UJ..u.........."... Fay 13+77/;;).... Dated: b Id. f /OL- TO: Gt1r~ flaMer O/5et"1, Es-Q' Re: !t1. kirwJt; 1/;-102 , {)4: Your application is incomplete for the reasons noted below. (!~ p. ~-) ('>i It is requested that the fOllowing be forwarded as soon as possible (within about 7 days, if ;6~Sible). The advertising deadline is 22 days before the meeting date and the information is necessary for review and advertising purposes. You may forward the information by fax at 765- 9064, however, please send the original by mail. Thank you. REPLY FORM ( ) The appeal was not filed within 60 days of the decision of the Building Inspector. ) Missing information - please see missing information checked below. Please submit all the documentation, together with information noted below. If you have any questions, please call us at 765-1809. Thank you. Information reauested: '7 p r i f\ "]:; D -F ( ) Notice of Disapproval issued by the Building Inspector after his/her review of this particular project map. ( ) Check payable to the Town of South old totaling $ ( ) Signature and notary public information are needed. ( ) An original and six prints of the map were not included. (Preparer's name and date of preparation to be shown.) ( ) Setbacks must be shown for the subject building to all property lines, with preparer's name. ( ) Six (6) sets of a diagram showing the doors, number of stories, and average height (from natural grade). ( ) Ownership Search back to April 23, 1957 for the subject parcel and all adjoining parcels, certified by a title insurance company, and insuring the Town for $25,000. ( ) Copies of all current deeds and tax bills of the parcels back to _' ~Other: FYtCLf 1JR.. .sk~ 5h~u)11'l5 LouJ-iDM oP 13Ll i LD i f\~ ~) eN the.. W-ouse PCle.. Ti 0 fJ cf' J1-.i~ PrDpe-r-!:f ') -k> s kouJ seJb o..cks -to ProfOseot 1'c11V,'dif1_J'" line... 1h.uK tj ~u .