HomeMy WebLinkAbout5133 ~~ I ':J3od,; M/1:' //../ Jld- .:..J:}O-D_iftLI/lL '~~i _____ ____ IFf /( /~-_. -115('3 3-l}f ~/~O/o2 - ~ ~ #6 J~ M-l'lJl..e.ds "",.,e i":..a-,..-.__.f,,,_,,_~. p bAr.d.(Jn~ c{ ~ . . FORM NO.3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: March 21. 2002 TO: Peter Jacques Main Bayview Road Southold, NY 11971 Please take notice that your application dated February 3,2002 For permit to convert an existing storage building to a pool contractor business at Location of property: 13000 Route 25. Mattituck. NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 114 Block 11 Lot 12 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed conversion from an existing storage building to a pool contractor business use is not permitted pursuant to Article IX. Section 100-91. A pool contracter use is not permitted in the HB District. Furthermore. the proposed conversion is not permitted pursuant to Article IX. Section 100-91. which states. "No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the HB District unless the same conforms to the Bulk Schedule and Parking and Loading Schedule incorporated into this chapter bv reference. with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set forth herein in full." Bulk schedule requires a minimum of one use per 20.000 square feet. Plans note two uses on propertv measuring 21.780 square feet. , Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by tbe Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. .6 - I ~{U Ie II f v . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. / - f~t~ \ ~LLr:~n;;~:MERB J ()J-- l< 1 KENNETH L. EDWARDS ~ GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD CAGGIANO P.O. Box 1179 Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Jerry Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Appeals Board From: Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman, Planning BO~ Subject: Peter Jacques (Second Principal use in an HB zone) Appeal No. 5153 SCTM: 1000-114-11-12 Jj~j I 8 ~i30f- Z5A ~6f~ I&:C)u. ~20'ozP.1J6. . V () zf3/1 Date: June 18,2002 The Planning Board has reviewed this matter and offers the following comments: This applicant has not completed elements of a previously approved Site Plan dating back to 1993. Specifically, eight parking stalls have not been installed, as per the approved site plan. These spaces were adjacent to the storage building /office located behind the existing Church. The applicant has recently applied to the Planning Board to waive these spaces, and all new site plan requirements, in order to rent space in this garage/office to an unknown tenant, possibly a plumbing or electrical contractor. The pool company is no longer interested in this space. Since the future use is unknown, and possibly not allowed in the HB zone, the Planning Board is not in favor of a site plan waIVer. With regard to the issue of the two uses on this site, the Planning Board defers to the Zoning Board on issues pertaining to relief from the Bulk schedule. We are aware, however, of the broad implications of multiple uses in the HB zones, especially in providing adequate parking and circulation. ":'~f;,i, "~I ,~,~:,:,i,;<,' ~i~,;'t::: ~\ ~';;"':;~:~f,' j \ ,~, ~tt~i!';.: ," \;l;;,;'h~t ,oj".: r'il~' ':~:j',' , "."'-.. c'''' .",..;,'Ot ,'. I ,~:~,~.r ~,':.~;;,:'+ I. r:l;:~:: x.. ,.r~~>i^. ,k,"'"",J'fj "'<j,'t,;" """ ~f';';L:~ .,J\:~ ,;':;~"ri", ' .<::,,~f,,~,.',:J,l . 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SPt)C-E S I q \)( I q ., . , -=. <..0 5-?"'S-<H. H...1<..Jac.~\JtS '. " , 1 . ()~"-\Cr)H~L. F~r 'Ol~~e Us'e Only: Fee S. ! , ()c, /' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR M'.\ Y' (, \,., 1.. G L- (l en... DATE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR'S DECISION APPEALED: ... ...........................................1.. TO THE ZOrANG B~ARD OF APft~LS: I (We)?Q.,J.l!..Y....^A~.y.:4...~.Y.).~1..R..h.y.. :~.Q.~vt~ 0~.~.~~.~ur~~.tJ.:~~.,Q:~\1~:1l.:...............~~:..~.~~~~~~~.. (Tel # 7 b?J1~ \ ~1\.,\ ~6o,- HEREBY APPEAL THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR D,ATED IV~II.V.H'.!i...... .... .. WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED.:r..c/"'.b..\3.}f.'~. FOR: ( ) Permit to Build (V) Permit for Occupancy ( ) Permit to Use ( ) Permit for As.Bullt ( ) Other: . 1. Location of Property .\.2>..~~.~....~~.:.~.S...t..lY.bJJ.lJ:..y..(I..~,tt.Y.; Zone 8..13... District 1000 Section.\.l :~...Block.l.I... Lot(s)....j.L............ ..Current Owner..'ri.d.~c.v .V.~.$...... 2. Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article. S~ction. Subsection and paragraph of. Zoning Or.qnance by numbers. Do not quote the law.) Article .j.>.<.. Section 100- ..:1.J....Sub.Sectlon .............. 3. Type of Appeal. Appeal is made herewith for: ( ) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A Variance due to lack of access as required by New York Town Law Chap. 62. Cons. Laws Art. 16. Section 280.A. ( ) Interpretation of Article I..X..... Section 100- ....9..1.......... ( ) Reversal or Other: ................................................................................................ 4. Previous Appeal. A previous appeal (has) (has not) been made wltl;1 respect to this property or with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector (Appeal tf.t:1k'?.Year lU.1.). 8nH"1.(" REASONS FOR APPEAL (Additional sheets may be used with applicant's sianature): AREA VARIANCE REASONS: (1) An undesfrablec.hange will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to n,..tby properties. If granted. because: (2) The benefit sougnt by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to PUfSUe, other than an area variance. because: (3) The amount of relief req""",tedis not substantial because: (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or Impact on the physical or environmental conditions in ne neighborhood or district because: (5) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( ) Yes. or (-1 No. This is the MINIMUM thqt is n~'cessary and adequate. and at the same time preserve and protect the character of th.. neighborhood and the health. safety. and welfare of the community. ( ) Check this box If USE VAldANCE STAND Sworn to before me this ~ dayof...~.....200">;o eA-L. (Signature of Appell or A orized Agent) (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) ,-~ ZRA / JOYCE M. WILKINS Notary Public. Statr;, of New York No. 4952246. Suffolk County Term Expires June 12. ~Oo.:l ,// I . . ~-",:J.rcL L), 2 Fichael verity southold Town Building Dept. ~ ':',i'" 5 "'''1 (, 11~? ~c ~ Renting of U '6 Replying to 30tiee of Disapproval Narch 21, 2002 re: uremises 13000 Rt. 25, Mattituck, N.~. ~he building is over 50 years old. we renovated the building in :992 with heat, toilet, new electric insullation, wells, roof, 6cc. Approved by the Planning Board 100-42-A. Ve rented to Terrence O'Shea, Sound ~venue, Fattituck for office and Art Studio from 1993 to 199'::. We rented to Crystal Clear Window C:eaning Corp. for office, storage and p&rking of cars and vans from June 2000 to se',)t. 2001. At present the building is vacant. we are renting it to Long ~sland Fiberglass swimming Fools for office, storage "nd -;larking service vehicle s. (see" tt8.ched T,6 tter of Intention). Building Dept. had me apply for permit which was disapproved Oil Hareh 21, 2002. A swimming pool company is a service use and allowed in Hal",}et Business - Article =X 100-90. one '.1.seoer 20,000 So. Ft. in ;.:ramlet Business is not written in the j'01'1l1 Code and therefore is not used, accordir.s to the'oning Boarti. The only reason that we approached the Building Dept. about "[Jis matter is because when vIe rented tile front build:.ng to a church, the churc1c received a violation from the Builciin" De-ot. to the effect that Eouses of 1,'iorship are not permitted in Ramlet :s;siness zones. The church had to hire a lawyer, pat !,coore, to sGraibhten ou,;; the matter after many threats and discussions. We are attempting to resolve this matter without going thru the zoning Board of Appeals process which takes up too much of Iown Business time and paperwork and will keep the building unrented for another 6 monti1s. please reply. yours t:>:'uly, Peter ~;... ,Jacques 765-1033