HomeMy WebLinkAbout5050 Family /¢u�uzSe r✓ c� /a5 ma.� iCoad APPEALS BOARD MFMBERSW' XCO • Southold Town Hall �y 53095 Main Road Gerard R Goehringer,Chairman i2 P.O. Box 1179 Lydia A.Tor tora � Southold,New York 11971-0959 George Horning ZBA Fax(631) 765-9064 Ruth D.Oliva # Telephone(631)765-1809 Vincent Oriando http:ilsoutholdtownnorthfork.net BOARD OF APPF,ALS TOWN OF,SOUTHOLD LQM F-MQ TO: Michael Verity, Principal Building Inspector Building Department FROM: Jerry Goehringer, Chairman Board of Appeals TServil DATE: May 29, 2002SUBJECT: Laurel School Buildings 1 Ae League) This will confirm that Stephen R. Angel, Esq. Chas contacted our Department about re-occupying the above premia for school purposes, for up to 54 children in two buildings. In reviewing the Certificate of OcC panty issued by the Education Department, University of the State of New York for the school, it Is the position of this Department that oceup ncy by day students is a permitted use and a Special Exception is not necessary under the Zoning Code. Although there may be different license requirements for a "day care center,' it would fall under the same category under zoning for the school's C.O. and which it has been qualified for. We are furnishing a copy of this determination to Mr. Angst for his update and pisimanent file. cc: Stephen R. Angel, Esq. ` ESSEKS, HEFTER & ANGEL / COUNSELORS AT LAW \• IOB EAST MAIN STREET P. 0 Box 279 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901-0279 WILLIAM W. ESSEKS (631)369-1700 WATER MILL OFFICE MARCIAZ. HEFTER MONTAUK HIGHWAY STEPHEN R ANGEL TELECOPIER NUMBER (631)369-2065 P. O. Box 570 JANE ANN R. KRATZ WATER MILL, N.Y. 11976 .JOHN M.WAGNER (631) 726-6633 WILLIAM POWER MALONEY CARMELA M. DI TALIA May 22, 2002 ANTHONY C. PASCA NICA B. STRUNK Mr. Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold 53095 Main Street Southold,New York 11971 - Via Fax 765-9044 & Mail Dear Mr. Goehringer: In response to your inquiry dated May 20, 2002, I have ascertained the following: 1'._The maximum number anticipated by the Family Service League is 54 children in the two buildings during the school year. There may less. Also, if a summer program is run at,tbe Laurel School, there may be up to 40 children for such a program. 2. A copy of the existing C.O. is attached. According'to Mike Englehardt, the business manager for the Mattituck-Cutchogue Union Free School District, this is the only C.O. issued for the Laurel School. You will note that it was issued by the New York State Education Department. There is no maximum number of students provided for in the C.O. During the period of time that the School was operated by the Mattituck-Cutchogue School District, it was used for kindergarten and had approximately 120 students. Prior thereto, when it was used by the Laurel District(K- 6), the occupancy was higher. I hope that the above answers your questions. Ve truly yours, EPYN R. ANG SRA:Iac Enc. ; cc: Mr. Larry Daniels Mr. Michael Englehardt .......... WAKC41141 Et.519 ML- Olt", At4 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY VALID FOR FACILITY DISTRICT 581012020000-0016 MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE UFSD LAUREL COMMON SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT MAIN ROAD MR . DWAYNE R . ADSITT LAUREL N Y 11948 PO BOX 1438 MATTITUCK N Y 119522328 DATE EXPIRES: 030102 'OBTAIN FIRE SAFETY REPORT FROM DISTRICT OFFICE THIS CERTIFICATE-VOIDS ANY PREVIOUSLY ISSUED ............. P*, u* 4. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS �OSQFf CO a rq Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman AZQo Gyp 53095 Main Road Lydia A.Tortora CI* P.O. Box 1179 \'V J George Horning . Southold,New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 Vincent Orlando X01 �►� Telephone(631) 765-1809 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 20, 2002 By Fax 369-2065 Stephen R. Angel, Esq. Esseks Hefter& Angel 108 East Main Street P.O. Box 279 Riverhead, NY 11901-0279 Re: Family Service League—Proposed Lease for Day Care Center Dear Mr. Angel: Please furnish the following information to our Department for consideration before Wednesday, May 22nd: a) maximum number of students b) number of students under existing C.O. (with copy of most recent C.O. for the Laurel School building). Thank you. Very truly yours, Gerard P. Goehringer Chairman 216 ESSEKS, HEFTER & ANGEL COUNSELORS AT LAW 106 EAST MAIN STREET P. 0. BOX 279 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901-0279 WILLIAM W. ESSEKS (631)369-1700 WATER MILL OFFICE MARCIA Z HEFTER MONTAUK HIGHWAY STEPHEN R ANGEL TELECOPIER NUMBER (631) 369-2065 P. 0. BOX 570 JANE ANN R. KRATZ WATER MILL, N.Y. 11976 JOHN M.WAGNER (631) 726-6633 WILLIAM POWER MALONEY CARMELA M. DI TALIA May 15, 2002 ANTHONY C. PASCA NICA B STRUNK r Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 - HAND DELIVERED Re: Family Service League- Special Exception Application Dear Mr. Goehringer: We are the attorneys for Family Service League. On behalf of our client, we enclose the following documents in support of an application for a special exception approval to operate a day care center, which is included in the zoning code's definition of"nursery school" at the Laurel School: 1. original and six copies of application; 2. original and six copies of transactional disclosure form; 3. original and six copies of environmental assessment form; 4. seven copies of plans prepared by WSJS Architects, which include a plot plan, upper level floor plan, and lower level floor plan; 5. seven prints of a survey; 6. seven copies of the certificate of occupancy issued to the school; 7. designation of me as applicant's agent. On behalf of applicant, we withdraw the previously filed variance application (No. 5050), and request that the fee previously paid be applied to this application. I As soon as we receive the signed copy of the lease between the Mattituck- Cutchogue Union Free School District and Family Service League, we will supply you with a copy. ESSEKS, HEFTER & ANGEL COUNSELORS AT LAW May 15, 2002 Page 2 Before you consider this application, however, I respectfully ask that you determine whether or not a special exception is necessary in this case, given the fact that applicant intends to continue the educational use at the Laurel School. The Family Service League plans to begin operation of this day care center by the Fall of this year. As a result, it is imperative that we are heard as soon as possible. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Res ectfully yours, SRA:mb (rE1PCHV'NNANGEL Enc. cc : Family Service League bP�fD MON' K PP�� OZS��IC� M 56 .1 A °2 N6g �s� G CD �N 0 J N O �M N�KfO o5 F IEL D �9 IMISCIIV O�QEo R. W Fe9�w. o N 0 J ' 1 Q W N J J 0 lL Z 9 SjJ�U1�p1NG - m PV LAUREL, TC^N OF 5OU7HOLI�) CESSPOOL 5U F F O L K C O U N 7 N 9 'C I O K Sj pP a PS MA wq k Fa ®CESSPOOL POOLS ` SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBER OE55 � OP�� PLAN S DaZVE X10 --''3� 1000- 12500-0100-004001 5g 9 SPNo wzsj���S�R �� SURVEYED AUG . 20, 1997 REVISED AUG . 26, 1997 ,... zo. F o0 5 W' IaoU 56 P P GUARANTEED T0: Zo moo FtPF��pP "' S`OPVN�SE�� MATTITUCK CUTCHOGUE UNION FREE +5.fi rn �P`Mz - SCH-OOL DISTRICT It S � � F OP'GE�� O• .�0 f111 J o 0 J COSPOu�y (� n N NOTES: -Q �• ��i (�i ��10NS�aOM OWNEPI J s n� /E�O�j x w x x x = -CHAIN -LI-NK FENCE m u AREA =8 . 7070 ACRES ZOP Of WP`s N n aES PIN1N vv G1f�A J� D SN GON -N •� �EMENZ wE..� 0 6, 3Q .�o ENO F W~ 1 M 0 OEWPIK NO FEW fOJN O�NG SZ EO.6 ... G�P55 "Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey map bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a violation of section 7209, sub-division 2, of the New York State Education Law. " "Only copacs from the original o-f this survey marked with an original of the land surveyor 's stamped seal shall be considered to be valid true copies" "Certifications indicated hereon signify that this survey was prepared in accordance with the ex- isting Code of Practice for Land Surveys adopted GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "=50 ' by the New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors. Said certifications shall run only N . Y . S . LIC . N0 . 50202 tothe person for whom the survey is prepared, and on his behalf to the title company, gov2rnmen- JOHN D. -EHL-ERS LAND DIJRV_EYDR tal agency and lending institution listed hereon, and 6 EAST MAIN STREET 0 50 100 150 to the assignees of the lending institution. Certifica- RIVERHEAD, N . Y . 11901 tions are not transferable to additional institutions or subsequent owners" 369-8288 Fax 369-6287 i i PLAYING FIELDS. \ N WA PIC. .Oi\ y c; tl• , �p a y v \ //�� 1 STORY MA50t•�tY )i,`�, ry , AGANT) Gt wB f 1� I. f �m CCNG. BLOCK ,. � ��� q 75•_: NEW `(OR< AVE., HUNTINCvTON, N.Y, �T©tZAGE BLDG. \ , FAR<I NC7 REaL I R.EMENTS: ✓ W."V.04. �' 1 '��'_ 2 5FACE5 PER CLASSROOM= N:4V f.M. 4 CLASSROOMS X 2 5PAGE5 = 5 5PAGE5 REQUIRED I.ADMIN. 5TAAFF = 15PAGE REOUIRIM-D - - - _ i - • - TOTAL REQU!RED q .� + _* TOTAL PROVIDED - 11 A E \` STUD-NT PROP-OFF (OFF 51'i':) = 11 SPACES PROM bED. ARCH I TE(STU?E INTERIOR:':;) SQL ANN I NCS aTw,cTu�s \ THES7 PLANS ARS AN INSTR T-�,T rROFrR A OF 5ER'/tG': MO AIZ THE' CA"un 14.• q 07 THE' AR HMCCT. I!JrRINGENE*1T5 KILL``C PROSCCMD. THE CONTRACTOR 514ALL VE'Rt7YALL =IELD CONDITIONS AND BE Rf<5PON5IVL- FOR FIELD FIT AK-) ' i sr�ancae may' 7JANT Z ti I 5gALLC MMArX ICS N F3!-HAL!'Or THE l ia+a Rxr g s� G0'4TRAGTOR FOR ANY ERROR OR - _ .."1CGLCG7 ON His PAF2T. Tt 1 s "BTA LALAMr PP CERT. NO. PROP05ED ALTERATIONS TO THE: 00L LAUF %EL 50H fi'OFC 5'RK�EN 61 "�`°T. '� " FRANKLIN RD., SOUTHOLD, NY DRAWINC7 TITLE p 1Q� #4"LO AN , F"ll --- DRAWN BY DRAWIN& NUM5ER J.V. L O T . 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