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),r day of Yrltuj, 1992,
Pond Lane, sogthold,
New York 11971,
residing at 1375 Ackerly
referred to as the Declarant.
WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner of certain real property
situate at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State
of New York, more particularly bounded and described as set forth
in Schedule "A" annexed hereto, and
WHEREAS, the Declarant has made application to the Planning
Board of the Town of Southold for approval to subdivide the said
real property into four (4) parcels, bounded and described as set
forth in Schedule "B" annexed hereto, and
WHEREAS, for and in consideration of the granting of said
approval, the Planning Board of the Town of Southold has deemed it
to be in the best interests of the Town of Southold and the owner
and prospective owners of said parcels that the within covenants
and restrictions be imposed on said parcels, and as a condition of
said approval said Planning Board has required that the within
Declaration be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office, and
WHEREAS, the Declarant has considered the foregoing and
determined that the same will be for the best interest of the
Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcels.
That the Declarant, for the purposes of carrying out the
intentions above expressed, does hereby make known, admit, publish,
covenant and agree that the said premises herein
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hereafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run
with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders
of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives,
distributees, successors and assigns, to wit:
1. That there shall be no further subdivision of any lot in
2. That the area on the subdivision map designated
"Conservation Easement" is designated as such to provide a.buffer
area between the proposed subdivision and the existing lot. That
this area shall remain in its natural state. That maintenance of
this natural vegetation shall be the only use or activity allowed.
3. That the use and development of the portion of Lot 1 that
is designated "Agricultural Reserve Easement Area" will forever be
restricted to some or all of the following:
a) Farming operations and activities (including soil
preparation, cultivation, fertilization, irrigation, pest control,
and drainage control) and any other normal and customary farming
operations; and the use of farm vehicles and equipment in
connection therewith, all as designed and intended to promote and
enhance agricultural production encompassing the production for
commercial purposes of field crops (including without limitation,
corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, hay, potatoes and dry beans);
fruits (including without limitation, apples, peaches, grapes,
cherries and berries); vegetables (including without limitation,
tomatoes, snap beans, cabbage, carrots, beets, cauliflower,
broccoli and onions); horticultural specialties (including without
limitation, nursery stock, ornamental shrubs and ornamental trees
. .
and flowers); and all other farm products;
b) Open fallow;
c) Operations encompassing livestock and livestock
products (including cattle, sheep, goats, horses and poultry) which
are found acceptable and reasonably necessary by the Planning Board
and which are sUbject to approval by the Planning Board;
d) Landscaped, wooded areas with lanes, walkways, foot
paths, ponds or brooks and recreational areas for compatible
recreational uses, which are found acceptable and reasonably
necessary by the Planning Board and which are subject to approval
by the Planning Board.
4. That the following shall be adhered to on the Agricultural
Reserve Easement Area for the purpose of maintaining said premises
in its current condition for continued agricultural production and
to prevent the degradation or loss of the aesthetic open space and
agricultural value of said premises:
a) If at any time the ownership of the area shall
change, or the use of the area shall be changed from the use
present at the time of subdivision approval, (horse farm) or any
sUbsequently approved use, to any other type of farm use in
accordance with this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions,
a conservation plan shall be developed by the Soil Conservation
Service for this particular property. The farming practices shall
then comply in all respects to this report, and shall remain in
compliance with all updates of the report.
The Planning Board
shall have the right to require updated reports when deemed
b) No regrading shall be conducted thereon; the natural
contours thereof shall remain generally undisturbed and no fill or
spoil shall be placed thereon.
c) No top soil, loam, sand, stone, gravel, rock or
minerals shall be excavated or removed therefrom or placed thereon.
d) Farming practices shall be such that erosion of the
land is minimized and is in accordance with the standards of the
Soil Conservation Management Plan, and nothing shall be permitted
to occur thereon which would result in increased erosion of said
e) No streets, roadways or other rights of way for non-
farming vehicular use shall be constructed of granted thereon.
f) Except as maybe required for reasons of irrigation,
drainage, sanitation or disease control, no trees, plants or other
vegetation located thereon, shall be killed destroyed, cut or
removed therefrom.
g) No dumping, placement, storage or burning of any
liquid or solid waste, garbage, ashes, sawdust, trash, rubbish,
refuse or other toxic, hazardous, obj ectionable, unsightly or
offensive material shall be permitted on or within the said
h) The said premises will forever be kept open and free
of all signs, bill boards or other forms of visual advertisement
or display.
i) Temporary or permanent structures or buildings shall
not 'be placed or erected within or upon the said premises without
Planning Board approval. Structures (including, but not limited
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to fences) or buildings which are deemed reasonably necessary as
accessory buildings or structures for the utilization of the said
premises for bonafide agricultural production may be allowed,
subject to Planning Board approval.
j) Retail sales shall be restricted to the sale of items
produced on the property, and shall be subject to Planning Board
5. That the Declarant reserve the right to the exclusive use
and possession of the area known as the Agricultural Reserve
Easement Areas, to the extent not inconsistent with the covenants
and restrictions hereinabove set forth; and Declarant may exclude
the general public or any designated person or persons from the use
of or entry upon the said Agricultural Reserve Easement, except
that the town shall have the continuing right to inspect the said
area to the extent reasonably required to monitor compliance with
the covenants, terms and provisions have not been violated, such
inspection to be at reasonable times.
6. That these covenants and restrictions can be modified only
at the request of the then owner of the premises with the approval
of a majority of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, or its
successor body, after a pUblic hearing. Adjoining property owners
shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing, but their
consent to such modification shall not be required.
7. That in addition to the rights of other parties to enforce
the conditions and restrictions of these covenants, the Planning
Board shall also have the authority, through appropriate legal
action and after due notice to the Declarant, their heirs,
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executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors, and
assigns, to enforce the conditions and restrictions of these
8. That the within Declaration cannot be annulled, waived,
changed or modified, unless and until approved by a resolution of
a majority of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant above named has executed the
foregoing Declaration the day and year first above written.
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Pamela Hunt
On the,!}..a.... day of h(fu.t , 1992, before me personally
came PAMELA HUNT to me known~o be the individual described in
and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that
she executed same.
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Notary Public
NcOIy PWIic, Sate 01 New York
No.4924769 . Suflolk County
Oll....lwl<lll Elip/rM MardI 14. 1. zj
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All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the
building and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being
in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York,
bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the westeriy line of Ackerly Pond Lane
(formerly Bowery Lane) at the Southeasterly corner of the premises
herein conveyed and the Northeasterly corner of premises now or
formerly of John Swenkoski;
RUNNING from said point of beginning along said land of
Swenkoski and along land now or formerly of Florence M. . Terry,
South 21 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds West 1,022.53 feet to a
concrete monument and land now or formerly of Milton C. Case;
RUNNING thence along land last mentioned North 44 degrees 22
minutes 40 seconds West, 1,074.94 feet to land now or formerly of
John Diller Estate;
THENCE along land last mentioned, North 13 degrees 34 minutes
10 seconds East 625.07 feet to land now or formerly of Benjamin C.
Diller Estate;
THENCE along land last mentioned, two courses and distances
as follows:
1) South 45 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds East 127.32
2) North 36 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds East 95.53
feet to land now or formerly of Cronk;
THENCE along land mentioned and along land now or formerly of
Westphalia Corporation, two curses and distances as follows:
1) South 46 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds East 309.43
2) North 36 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds East 36.20
feet to land now or formerly of Camille Martin;
2 )
along land last mentioned, two courses and distances
South 53 degrees 58 minutes 50 seconds East 101.43
North 36 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds East 137.89
feet to the westerly line of Ackerly Pond Lane
(formerly Bowery Lane);
THENCE along said westerly line of Ackerly Pond Lane (formerly
Bowery Lane) South 48 degrees 51 minutes 40 seconds East, 290.69
feet to the point or place of BEGINNING.
SCTM# 1000 - 069.00 - 05.00 - 007.000
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H.D. REF. NO.: 90-430
Page.1 of 4
ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying
and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and
State of New York being bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly side of Bowe~ Lane
(Ackerly Pond Lane), said point being distant 990 feet
northwesterly from ,the northerly end of a tie line connecting the
southerly side of Bowery Lane with t::.e westelry side of Lower
Road; Theo.ce from said point of beginning which also marks the
division line between lands now or formerly of Swenkows;d and
premises hereiIIafter described, south 21 d..S'=...... 11 minu".." 00
seconds west, along said lands of Swenkowski and lands now or
form..,,1y of Edwin S;:ni~h,. 102::1.15 feet. t.o ... poin" ..nd lando now or
fo~erly of John Rastegar Assoc.; Thence along said lands north
44 des=eee 22 minut.eo 40 eecondo w=ot., 731.43 feet to a point;
Thence north 52 degrees 10 minutes east, 772.49 feet; Thence
north 36 degrees 3 minutes 40 secon<1s east, 145.::15 teet to the
southerly side of Bowery Lane; Thence along the southerly side of
aowery Lane, south 48 <1egrees 51 minutes 40 seconds east, 245.51
feet to the point or place of BEGINNI~G.
-- .... .--.....---
Schedule B
Page 2 of 4
ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying
and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and
State of New York, being bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the southwesteJ:'ly side of BoweJ:'Y Lane
(Ackerly ~ond Lane), said point being distant 1235.S1 feet
northwesterly from the northerly end of a tie line connecting the
southerly side of Bowery Lane with the westerly side of Lower
Road; Thence from 'said point of beginning, south 36 degrees 3
minutes 40 seconds west, 145.95 feet; Thence south 52 deqrees 10
minutes west, 772.49 feet to a point and lands now or formerly of
John Rastegar Assoc.; Thence along said lands, north 44 deqrees
22 minutes 40 seconds west, 343.42 feet to lands now or formerly
of Christian Frederick. Baiz, III; Thence north 33 dQ9"r.."" 34
minutes 10 seconds east, 244.61 feet to a point; Thence south SO
degrees 25 minutes 50 second.. Qag~, 414.16 feee1 Thence nor~h 52
degrees 10 minutes east, 487.35 feet) Thence north 36 degrees 3
minutes 30 sQcond.. Qast 145.16 fcce ~o the eou~hwe5terly side ot
Bowery Lane; Thence along the southwesterly side of Bowery Lane,
oouth 48 desree.. 51 lninuto," 40 eeconds east, 1:5.015 reet to the
point OJ;' place of BEGINNING.
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Schedule B
Page 3 of 4
ALL that.:eertain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying
and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and
State of New York, being bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly side of Bowery Lane,
said point being. distant 1250.57 feet northwesterly from the tie
line connecting the southerly side of Bowery Lane with the
westerly side of Lower Road; Thence south 36" degrees 3 minutes 40
seconds west, 141: 37 feet; Thence south 52 degrees 10 minutes
west, 487.35 feet; Tehcne north 50 degrees 25 minutes 50 seconds
west, 414.16 feet to lands now or formerly of Christian Frederick
Baiz III; Thence along said lands, north 33 degrees 34 minutes 10
seconds east, 230.00 feet to a point; Thence south 50 degrees 25
minutes 50 seconds east, 473.95 feet; Thence north 52 degrees 10
minutes east, 254.19 feet; Thence north 36 degrees 3 minutes 40
seconds east, 140.58 feet to the southwesterly sid.. of Bowery
Lanei Thence along the southwesterly side of Bowery Lane, south
48 degrees 51 minutes 40 secondg "ag~, 15.06 fee~ eo ~he poin~ or
place of BEGINNING.
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Schedule B
Page 4 of 4
ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lyinS
and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and
State of New York, being bounded and described as follows:
BBGINNING at a point on the southwesterly side of Bowery Lane,
(Ackerly Pond Lane), said point being distant 1265.63 feet
northwesterly from the tie line connecting the southerly side of
Bowery Lane with the westerly side of Lower Road; Thence from
said point of beginning, south 36 degrees 3 minutes 40 seconds
west, 140.58 feet; Thence south 52 degrees 10 minutes west,
254.19 feet to a ,point; Thence north 50 degrees 25 minutes 50
seconds west, 473.95 feet to lands now or formerly of Christian
Frederick Bai2:"III; Thence along said landSl north 33 degrees 34
minutes 10 seconds east, 150.00 feet to a point; Thence south 45
degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds Qas~, 127.32 feet; Thence north 36
degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds east, 95.53 feet to lands now or
fo~rly of Cornell; Thenoe along BaLd lands, south 46 degrees 27
minutes eaSlt, along said lands of Cornell and lands now or
formerly of Wright, 309.43 feet; Thence /:llong land::s of w..-ight,
north 36 degrees 3 minutes 40 seconds east, 36.20 feet to lands
now en: fo=erly of Marvi.n; Thence along saJ.~ lands 1 Bouth !5 J
degrees 58 minutes 50 seconds east, 101.43 feet; Thence still
along lands or Marvin, north 36 degrees 3 minutes 40 seconds
east, 137.89 feet to the southwesterly aide of Bowery Lane;
Thence along the southwesterly side of Eowery Lane, south 48
degrees 51 minutes 40 seconds east, 15.06 feet to the point or
place of BEGINNING.