HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-70.-1-6
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'.Mt~.l. T... ,l...t.. I..r., Of Ita tb.. .qui..!... auee...or. 'ald
c......t.. cooditloa. ..d f..trlctioa. ahall bo blndl., UP08, Inuc. to
t~. ~...flt .r aDd ba an,ore..blo by tbo DICLAIAMT, Ita balr.,
..ceo...r. ... ...t.... ..r ownor o( anr portloA of tbo .'or...ld
."OIDAILI IOuI.Ma '.CTIO., thalr hair., auee...or. ... ...'9.0, aad
t'. To.. .f I.uthold, Ita .~cc...or. .nd ...19n., .n. tb. f.llur. or
..r .r t~. ror.,ol., to ..forc. an, of .ucb cow.nanta, cODdltion. .nd
r.atricti... .hall 1. 80 .w..t b. d....d a .alw.r .f tb. rl,bt to do
.. tall.r..ft.r.
I. WITII" ....IOr, tbl. ladentur. ba. b... ...aute. tb. da~ aad
..a, flr.t abo.. wrttt...
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o. tall. /..Jr~ day o~~t;-,h.JtI v' '.: 1"0, b.ror. .. p.r.on.ll, oa..
IIAAC IA1D"I.a, to .. _no.., who baln9 by.. duly .worn, did .apo..
and .ay tbat h. r..lde. at " Crow. Haat court, ".nh....t, _r 110)0,
tbat he 1. tbe lecr.tarr of IOUTHOLD VILLAS, INC., tbe aorporation
.e.crib.. In, aad which ...cutad the .bowe lnatru.eat, tbat h. kno.a
th. ...1 of ..id corporatlon, that the ...1 .rfl..d to .al' lnatru..nt
i. aMcb corporat. a.al, that it ..a ao .rfl.ed by order of tbe ao.rd
of Dlractor. of ..1d corporatton and th.t h. at9nad bi_ a..a tb.rato
br lika or'.r.
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THENCE north )0 d.q~. )1 ~inut.. 00 ..conde ...t .1onq
l..t ..ntioned land, 150.07 feell
THENCE south 7' deqre.. ., .1nut.. 10 ..cond. ..at alonq
l..t .e"tio~ land. .'4.11 f..t,
THeNCE aouth lJ daqr... 12 .inut.. 00 aecond. ..at alon9
t.at ..nttoned 1.nd, 1)1.0) f..t to land now or fo~cly
of ...<ion UR<j'
THENCE sout.h 17 degree. 20 .inute. 40 seconds veat alonq
lest ..ntloned l.nd. 11'.20 fast.
THENCE aouth lS deqreea II .1nutea 10 aeconds ..at along
lest ..ntloned lend. 124.54 fe.\ to lend now or fo~rly
of ~. Franker
TMtHCE 50Uth l' deqc... ], .1nutea )0 aecond. veat alon,
l.at ..ntloned land now or fo~rly of Jane Franke and
"..,.... rrenk.. 162.55 f..t,
TllEllCE .outh 60 de"r... 55 alnut.. 00 ..conds eut alOIl'l
lest ..n~loned lend. 112.'1 fast to the westerly .lde of
...In ,.,..s. et the point or piece of BEGINNING.
'a._ 1
THENCE South 72 d~r... l' _tRUC.. 10 ..cond. E..t
aloDQ the ~.nd. nov or tor..rl, or ku...ll Hann and Joan Hann
. d1atance of 184.03 f..~ to . point:
THENCE South '3 deor.e. 12 .tnut.. 00 ..conda Ea.t .
dlatance of ~JI.Ol feet to . point and th_ land noW or
tor..ell ot Harlon Kino:
THENCE SOU~ 11 degree. 20 .inut.. .0 ..conda w..t alono
the 1.nd. now or tor..rly of Harion kino a 41atancA of 11'.20
f..t to . point:
THKNCE South 7S degree. 3' .tRut.. 10 ..cond. E..t
diatance of IJ~.~t t..t to . aonu.ent and the land. now or
'or..c)y or Tho... Franke:
THKHC~ South 16 deoree. 3~ .tnut.. )0 ..cond. V.at
.long the land. now or tor..rly of Tho... Franke and land.
DOW or tora-rly of ~.n. Franke . Tho... Franke . di.tanca of
1'2.5~ t..t to . .onu..nt.
THENCE South 60 degr... ~5 .inut.. 00 ..cond. E..t ·
diet.nce or 1'~.6' re.t to the ...ter17 line of H.in ~o.d ao4
tbe point and plac. or IIGIHMING.
Coatala1nQ-'.Ol Acr...
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Main Road .
P.O. Box W16
Southold. NY 11971
T1 TlI!IIiJI _ _1~iJ.-:--:
THIS DECLARATION made this /'i?7:Lday of /JT'Ie/L , 1991, by
SOUTHOLD VILLAS, INC., a New York corporation having its principal
place of business at 97 Crows Nest Court, Manhasset, N.Y. 11030,
hereinafter referred to as the DECLARANTS, as the owners of premises
' described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as
the PREMISES) desires to restrict the Use and enjoyment of said
~ PREMISES and has for such purposes determined to impose on said
( I PREMISES COvenants and restrictions and does hereby declare that said
'\?.... PREMISES shall be held and shall be conveyed subject to the following
;~. '~\covenants and restrictions;
1.. v;;:lH :)
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01. 00
~\o\ :ir\
DECLARANT has made application to the SUffolk County
Department of Health Services (hereinafter referred to as
the DEPARTMENT) for a permit to construct, approval of plans
or approval of a subdivision or development on the PREMISES.
As a condition for the approval of the DEPARTMENT, of such
application, the Declarant agrees that there shall be no
further division of the premises described herein and that
said premises Shall remain as eighteen lots, one of which
shall contain sixteen (16) condominium units.
As a condition of approval by the DEPARTMENT of the
subdivision or development application, the DECLARANT
covenan ts tha t there shall be no Conveyance of any plot
unless public water is extended thereto. This shall not
prevent a conveyance of. the entire subdivision SUbject to
this Covenant.
The DECLARANT, its successors and/or ass igns, Covenan t tha t
any areas delineated and designated as open space on the
SUbject parcel, as described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto,
shall remain as open space for the express purpose of
protecting the aquifer and water supply, and shall be kept
in its na tural sta te, excep ting only proper ty main tenance
activities, as may be appropriate. to effectuate the
foregoing purposes, without impairing the essential nature
and open character of the pr~mises.
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. .11349PG463
The DECLARANT, its SUccessor and/or assigns shall set forth
these covenants, agreements and declarations in any and all
leases to occupants, tenants and/or lessess of the
above-described property and shall, by their terms, subject
same to the COvenants and restrictions contained herein:
Failure of the DECLARANT, its successors and/or assigns to
so condition the leases shall not invalidate their automatic
Subjugation to the covenants and r~strictions.
4. All of the covenants and restrictions contained herein shall
be construed to be in addition to and not in derogation or
limitation Upon any prOViSions of local, state, and federal
laws, ordinances, and/or regulations in effect at ,the time
of execution of this agreement, or at the time such laws,
ordinances and/or regulations may thereafter be reVised,
amended, or promUlgated.
This document is made subject
required by law or by their
herein and they are deemed
made a part hereOf, as though
to the prOViSions of all laws
prOVisions to be incorporated
to be incorporated herein and
fully set forth.
6. The aforementioned Restrictive COvenants shall be
enforceable by the County of Suffolk, St,ilte of New York, by
injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or at
law. The failure of said agencies or the County of Suffolk
to enforce the same shall not be deemed to affect the
validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability
Whatsoever upon the County of SUffolk or any officer or
employee thereof.
7. These COvenants and restrictions shall run with the land and
shall be binding upon the DECLARANT, its successor and
assigns, and Upon all persons or entities claiming under
them, and may be terminate~, revoked or' amended by the owner
of the premises only with the written consent of the
r. ,:./.
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ALL '""' '0 "oto plo,. "0' 0 or po.. 01 of h'd. .t """, ,".,
and being in the Village and TOwn of Southold, County of puffolk
and State of New York, bounded and described aa fOllowa:
BEGINNING at a point On the westerly side of HSin Roa4 (N.Y.S.
,.". 25) ., 'h. ""h"',.rl, '.r'.r of ',od 00. or f.r.,rl, .f
J... Pr'.k. ..d Th.... Pr,ok.. S.td pot., or pl.,. of ..,t..t.,
being di:ltant 917 feet, 1II0re or less, SOutherly frolll thlt Corner
forllled by the interSection of the weaterly side of Hain Rq4d With
the SOutherly side at TUcker Lane;
'UNNINC THENC' So", 13 d',r... 00 .t.".. 00 "'ood. V", "0"
". ""orl, .tdo of Hot. 'o.d. 100 f." '0 "od '0' or fOr.,rl,
of Harguerite Young;
THENCE North 77 degrees 00 lIIinutea 00 seco~s West along last
aentioned land, 120 feet;
TRENCE SO", 21 d..r... 5' .t.".. 00 "'o'd. V", .'tll "0..
last mentioned land, 126.42 feet;
THENCE North 81 degreee 12 lIIinutes 20 seConds West along land now
or formerly of D~U81ae Peix and Willialll Crawford, along land now
or forlllerl1 of Anna Burnett and along land now or forlllerly of
FlOwer Hill BUilding Corp.; 540.46 feet;
THENCE North 12 degrees 50 minutes 10 seConds East along last
mentioned land, 28 feet;
THENCE North 75 degrees 43 m1nutea 10 seconda West along last
mentioned land, 895.92 feet to land now or formerly of Ann Diller
Helllblo and Thomas E. Hemblo;
T.ENCE N'r" 31 d',r... 01 .t.".. 50 "'o'd. E.., 01.., ,..,
lIIent10ned land, 700.83 feet to land now or forlllerly of RUssell
Hann and Joan Hann;
THENCE South 42 degrees 49 minutes 50 seConds East along last
lIIent10ned land 384.77 feet;
TUENCE North 30 degrees 37 minutes 00 seConds East along lost
lIIent10ned land, 150.07 feet;
."- .~ '..
~.'.. ,
. ,'~11349PC46~
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SCHEDULE A (continued)
THENCE South 72 degrees '46 minutes 10 seconds East alan~ last
mentioned land 474~11 feetl
THENCE South 73 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds East alan a last
mentioned land, 238.03 feet to land now or formerly of Marion
THENCE South 17 degrees 20 minutes 40 seConds West sla~B last
mentioned land, 119.20 feet;
THE~CE South 75 degrees 38 minutes 10 seConds East alang last
mentioned land, 124.54 feet to land now or formerly of Thomas
THENCE South 16 degrees 39 minutes 30 seConds West along last
mentioned land, now or formerly of Jane Franke and Thomas Franke,'
162.55. feee;
THENCE South 60 degrees 55 minutes 00 seConds East along last
.ontioned land, 182.68 teet to the westerly Bide of Hain Road, at
the POint or place of BEGINNING. ~
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In the matter of the application of 50UTHOLD VILLAS, INC.
The undersigned, THE NORTH FORK BANK & TR~ST CO., having its principal
office at 9025 Main Road, Mattituck, N.Y., as holder of a mortgage or
lien on premises described in Schedule "A" of Declaration annexed
hereto, hereby consents to the annexed covenants and'restrictions on
said premises.
)SS. :
On thlC-, -:f I^- day of ~ , 1991, before me personally came
~o~ 0... (.t'n~..~ I c.. Co , to me known, who being by me duly sworn
\d~d d~pose and say that roe resides at l'5 ctot"'.(k ~ I ~
~ I I'lA'\ , that he is the ~r\ JlU- rv~ i- of THE NORTH
,FORK BANK & TRUST CO., the corporation described in and which executed
the foregoing instrument; :h~t ~~ hRe~B the Beal Bf Bal. eecpecatisR;
that the Il.:. ' ~i~ ' .--' . that
' .
1t ae Be affiNed by order of the Board of irecto s of said
corporation, aRa that he signed hlS nam 'theret .
Public. SI.'401 New Vott
No, 62-4609272
au.IIIIlK/ln SuHolk CounlV
CommlNJOIl ~... 00L oJ I. IllS'
. .
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H . D. REF.. NO.
In the matter of the application of SOUTHOLD VILLAS, INC.
The undersigned, GEORGE WIESER, residing at ;1?i1.&//J/3 a. C!I..,), .0;<::. ,
~~~~~~ N.Y., as holder of a mortgage or lien on premises described in
SchedUle "A" of Declaration annexed hereto, hereby consents to the
annexed Covenants and restrictions 0 said premises.
)SS. :
On the /0 ;!/}jay of /'/;/'9<.../ , 1991, before me personally came
GEORGE WIESER, to me known {o be the individual described in and who
executed the foregoing instrument and' acknowledged that he executed
the same. "'J
NOI'ry Public. S",. at NOW Yorlr
/1<0 ~ ;'50631 Suffolk CauMVa
Torm E""".. M1Iy31 111~
'J'lr. !li./:rj
If any section, sUbsection, paragraph, t.l:llalls'e'; . ph ase or
provision of these COvenants and restrictions shall, by a
Court of competent r jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal,
unlaWful, invalid, or held to be unconstitutional, the same
shall not affect the va~idity of these covenants as a whole,
or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so
adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid or unconstitu_
9. Local Law '32-1980 The DECLARANT represents and warrants
that he has not Offered or given any gratUity to any
official, employee, or agent of Suffolk County, New York
State, or of any POlitical party, with the purpose or intent
of securing favorable treatment with respect to the
performance of an agreement, and that such person has read
and is familiar with the provisions of Local Law '32-1980.
) SS:
Isaac Saidmehr, Secretary
On the /r?'Qday of #,PRIL , 1991, before me personally came
' Isaac Saidmehr, to me known, who being by me dUly sworn did depose and
r say that he resides at 97 Crows Nest Court, Ilanhasset, NY 110301 that
,he is the Secretary of Southold Villas, Inc., the corpOration
I described in and which exeCuted the foregoing instrumentl that he
knows the seal of said corpOration I that the seal is affiXed to said
instrument ia Such corporate seall that it was so affixed by order of
the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his
name thereto by like order.. .
otary Public
NO 52~5U2 SUffOlX COUNTY 9
co/.U,iISSJON WIi!iS AUGUSr 31, 19~ I
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u olph H. Bruer, Esq
Edson and Bruer .
P.O. Box 1466, Main Road
Southo1d, New York
. .
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01. 00
. .
. .
THIS DOC'.'NT '."" 'h, D'CI""io, of CO""", ". """c"o"
made by SOUTHOLD VILLAS, INC.,.a New York corpOration having its
P'i,c'P" pl,c, of bO'i"" " 97 C,ow, N,., COO", ."ho"", H.,.
1"3', "'" "b,i". 27, 1991, ". "CO"" i, 'h, Soffol' COO",
Clerk's Office on March 15, 1991, in Liber 11232 at page 374.
NOH TH"'FO." D'clo"" h"'b. .O"f'" 'h, 'bo" ',cl'".,o", ,.
A. paragraph numbered "2" is hereby deleted.
D. """'Ph 'o.b"" '5' i, ""'" '0 'ob""o'.'h, w"" 'pobl'c
h"'i", i, pl,c, 'f 'h, wo". 'P"'i.'",. h"'i"., wh'ch 'PP",
tWice Within the paragraph.
C. SCh"ol. 'D' (O"C'ip.", 'f P'" of P"'i"'-'ff""bl' hoo,'"
section) attached hereto, is hereby added.
O. SCh"ol' 'c' (D',c"P'io, of P'" of P".i'"-co"o.,,,o. "C'i,,)
attached hereto, is hereby added.
E. Th. P""',ph, h"'i'b,'ow ('O.b'", "', '" , '1") 'holl b,
""', ,,' 'h", b, 'ff,c'i" "" " '0 'h" po",o, 'f 'h, 'obj,c.
p,oP"" """"" " 'h, S"DIVISION 'f """," (17) 'ffo"'bl,
"'" c"""i" '.0107 'c". '" ~'" P"'ico'",. "'C'ib,' "
Schedule "B" attached hereto:
8. No plantings shOwn on the approved
destroyed, cut, or removed, except
There shall be no construction of any kind Within the areas
"'i"",. " C""""'o, ""m"" a' 'h, 'ob"""" .op.
10. There shall be no further SUbdivision of any lot in
Landscape Plan shall be
as required for disease
.~I~\~'\ ~I j
~ ~
. .
C. The paragraph hereinbelow (numbered "II") shall be added, and shall
be effective only as to that portion of the sUbject property
designated as the sixteen (16) condominium unit SITE PLAN, containing
9.0103 acres and more particularly described in Schedule "C" attached
11. The following requirements shall be taken to insure that the
"open space & recreation areas" shown on the condominium
section of this map remain as Open space excluded from
future development:
a) A condominium-owners' association shall be formed to manage
all "open space & recreation areas".
b) Assessment of the "open space & recreation areas" shall be
based upon these areas being open space and/or recreational
areas. Such areas should be given a "zero" assessment and
the assessment records prepared both for the open space &
recreation areas and all the affected properties within the
condominium complex show that the value ~f these areas is
"reflected" on the tax rolls by adding the proportionate
share of the value of the common property to the value of
the remaining properties in the condominium complex.
c) The "open space & recreation areas" shall not be subdivided
in the future or used for commercial purposes.
d) The condominium-owners' association shall not use the "open
space & recreation areas" as collateral for improvements
within the condominium complex.
e) The condominium-owners' associqtion shall meet all
requirements and regulations of the State Attorney General's
f) These requirements are necessary not only to protect the
taxpayers of the Town of Southold but to preVent the county
from having to acquire the property as the result of failure
of the condominium_owners' association to pay the taxes on
the "open space & recreation area's" and put these areas up
for sale at an auction of tax delinquent parcels.
~." i."
" ~ ....
:':1'\ .
g) Dissolution of the condominium-owners' association shall be
prohibited without the approval of the Town Board or the
Planning Board of the Town of Southold.
In all other respects, the Covenants and Restrictions dated February
27, 1991 and recorded on March 15, 1991, in Liber 11232 at page 374,
are confirmed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant hereunto sets his hand and seal
this 12.- day of S~p-h-",/H; 1991.
) SS.: '
On the 12- day Of..g,p~lrt.o..-e.r , 1991, before me personally came
ISAAC SAIDMEHR, to me'known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose
and say that he resides at 97 Crows Nest Court, Manhasset, NY 11030;
that he is the Secretary of SOUTHOLD VILLAS, INC., the corporation
described in, and which executed the above instrument; that he knows
the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument
is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board
of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto
by like order.
Isaac Sa~dmehr, Secretary
F=:, '.
\.. ~
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ptf :"
C\-~ ;
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NOIBry Public, SIBle 01 New YOlk
No, 52~0465530, Suffolk COUnty
ComnHsslOn Expifes Mefch 3D, 19? :>
. ..'
(Description of Part of Premises-Affordable HOusing Section)
ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the bUildings and
improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being the the Village
and Town of Southold, County of SUffolk and State of New York, bounded
and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Main Road (N.y.S. Route
25) at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Jane Franke
and Thomas Franke. Said point or place of beginning being distant
917.00 feet, more or less, southerly from the corner formed by the
intersection of the westerly side of Main Road with the southerly side
of TUcker Lane;
THENCE South 13 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West aiong the Westerly
side of Main Road, 100.00 feet to land now or formerly of Marguerite
THENCE along said last mentioned land the following two (2) courses
and distances:
(1) North 77; degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, 120 feet;
(2) South 21 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds West, 126.42 feet, to land
now or formerly of Douglas peix and William crawfo{d;
THENCE North 81 degrees 12 minutes 20 seconds West along said land now
or formerly of Douglas peix and William Crawford, land now or formerly
of Anna Burnett and land now or formerly of Flower Hill BUilding Corp.
the following three (3) courses and distances:
(1) North 81 degrees 12 minutes 20 seconds West, 540.46 feet;
(2) North 12 degrees 50 minutes 10 seconds East, 28.00 feet;
(3) North 75 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds West, 168.41 feet, to land
now or formerly of Southold Villas, Inc.;
THENCE in a northeasterly direction,' along said land now or formerly
of Southold Villasi Inc., the fallowing three (3) courses and
(1) North 14 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds East, 314.64 feet;
(2) North 35 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds East, 145.00 feet;
(3) North 42 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds East, 169.80 feet to land
now or formerly of Russell Mann and Joan Mann;
THENCE along said last mentioned land the following two (2) courses
and distances:
(1) South 72 degrees 46 minutes 10 seconds East, 184.03 feet;
(2) South 73 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds East, 238.03 feet to land
now or formerly of Marion King;
~ Schedule .B. (continued)
. ~ THEN;E along said last mentioned land the following two (2) courses
and distances:
(1) South 17 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds West, 119.20 feet;
(2) South 75 degrees 38 minutes 10 seconds, 124.54 feet to land now or
formerly of 'Thomas Franke;
THENCE along said last mentioned land and along land now or formerly
of Jane Franke and Thomas Franke the following two (2) courses and
(1) South 16 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds West, 162.55 feet;
(2) South 60 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 182.68 feet to the
westerly side of Main Road, at the point or place of BEGINNING.
BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the easterly 9.0107 acres of the premises
described in SCHEDULE "A..
_.' 1" .~: '.l~
~1.....lIl' . .
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of premises-Condominium S19rf.~?I)!I.(~ J I
ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the bUildings and
improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being the the Village
and Town of Southold, County' of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded
and described as follows: _~
(Description of part
BEGINNING at a point at the southeasterly corner of the within
described premises. Said point or place of beginning being the
following five (5) courses and distances from a monument set on the
westerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) distant 1017.00 feet,
more or less, southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of
the Westerly side of Main Road with the southerly side of Tucker Lane:
(1) North 77 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, 120.00 feet;
(2) South 21 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds West, 126.42 feet;
(3) North 81 degrees 12 minutes 20 seconds West, 540.46 feet;
(4) North 12 degrees 50 minutes 10 seconds East, 28.00 feet;
(5) North 75 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds West, 168.41 feet;
RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning, along land now or
formerly of Flower Hill BUilding Corp., North 75 degrees 43 minutes 10
seconds West, 727.48 feet, to land now or formerly of Ann Diller
Hemblo and Thomas E. Hemblo;
THENCE North 31 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds East along last
mentioned land, 709.83 feet to land now or formerly of Russell Mann
and Joan Mann;
THENCE, along said last mentioned land, the following three (3)
COurses and distances:
(1) South 42 degrees 49 minutes 50 seconds East, 384.77 feet;
(2) North 30 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East, 150.07 feet;
(3) South 72 degrees 46 minutes 10 seconds East, 290.08 feet;
THENCE in a southwesterly direction-, along land now or formerly of
Southold Villas, Inc., the following three (3) COUrses and distances:
(1) South 42 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds West, 169,80 feet;
(2) South 35 degrees 43 minutes 50 seconds West, 145.00 feet;
(3) South 14 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds West, 314.64 feet to the
southeasterly corner of the within described premises and the point or
place of BEGINNING.
BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the westerly 9.0103 acres of the premises
described in SCHEDULE "A".
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~~dOlph H. Bruer. Esq
son and Bruer .
P.O. Box 1466. Main Road
Southold, New York 11971
~. '.
/t/ 1 1)
Ol'~()( NOW THEREFORE, the DECLARANT does hereby declare that the
aforesaid premises and every portion thereof is hereby held a~d
IO;{!. ..be conveyed subject to the conservation easements (described in
~ ~~ Schedules B, C & D attached hereto), conditions, covenants and
",'~~ 1"~~""t"Ili.tI.,~1~~"""~~."",~"",, ".; "" . I
restrictions hereinafter set forth:
1, ","'l,j'n')""J-;;l;'ii
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DECLARATION made this /,;) ~ay of ~~?~rv\k.. , 1991, by
SOUTHOLD VILLAS, INC., a New York corporation having its principal
place of business at 107 Firestone CirCle, North Hills, N.Y. 11576,
hereinafter referred to as "DECLARANT",
WHEREAS, DECLARANT is the owner in fee simple of a certain parcel
of land situate at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and
State of New York, described in SCHEDULE "A" attached hereto,
containing 9.0.1,07 acres, and designated on the SUffolk county Tax Map
as District 1000, Section 070, Block 01, and part of Lot 006.001;
being part of the same premises conveyed to DECLARANT by deed recorded
in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on October 16, 1986, in Liber
10146, at page 37, and referred to herein as the "PREMISES".
residential purposes and desires to
conservation easements,
to subdivide said premises for
subject said premises to certain
~-- I
j~ 1. No plantings shown on the approved Landscape Plan shall be
destroyed, cut, or removed, except as required for disease control.
2. There shall be no construction of any kind within the
designated conservation easements,
'. '. ECEIVED, .
.~ t::.::e- ~t
ill. REAl ESTATE o:..i.J
~ \ OCT 2R 1991
,'rz TR~N, SFER TAX 1-
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SOU180LD jrJ\'IN
, ." " #;il~-uOUr['0(('
. ~le "A" (continUed)
~NCE along said last mentioned land the following two (2) COurses
f/'and diStances:
~' " el) South 17 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds West, 119.20 feet;
,. (2) SOuth 75 degrees 38 minutes 10 seconds, 124.54 feet to land now or
formerly of Thomas Franke;
THENCE along said last mentioned land and along land now or formerly
of Jane Franke and Thomas Franke the following two (2) courses and
el) South 16 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds West, 162.55 feet;
(2) South 60 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 182.68 feet to the
westerly side of Main Road, at the point or place of BEGINNING.
; ,~ '
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w' Conservation
r -
Easement "A' (1.33167 ac.)
THENCE along said Lot 117, along Lot 116, and through Lots 113~ 112,
'11 and '10, shown on said above referenced map, the fOllowing five (5)
courses and distances:
(1) North 16 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds East, 120.00 feet;
(2) North 73 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds West, 125.59 feet;
(3) North 17 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds East 109.61 feet;
~4) North 73 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds West, 137.08 feet;
(5) North 72 degrees 46 minutes 10 seconds West 195.65 feet to a
'W1r.~~~~tI~~~.N:<j~~~,~"~'~W ,or f,orme,r7l",~t, ,SouthOld Villas, Inc.;
THENCE along said'other land now or formerly of Southold Villas, Inc.,
North 42 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds East, 27.54 feet to land now or
formerly of Russell Mann & Joan Mann;
THENCE along said last mentioned land the following two (2) courses
and distances:
(1) South 72 degrees 46 minutes lQ seconds East, 184.01 feet;
(2) South 73 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds East 238.03 feet to land
now or formerly of Marion King;
THENCE along said, last mentioned land, and along lands now or formerly
of Thomas Franke, and lands now or formerly of Jane Franke and Thomas
Franke the following four (4) courses and distances:
(1) South 17 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds West, 119.20 feet;
(2) South 75 degrees 38 mi~utes 10 seconds East, 124.54 feet;
(3) South 16 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds West, 162.55 feet;
(4) South 60 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 102.6B feet to the
westerly '1,i?~O!,Ma'\RRo~~",(N.~, e ),at the point or place of
BEGINNING .'1,' h.r.... L.,.f"\'~"INA~~' '", ,I'", '
~LL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and
'being the the Village and Town of Southold, County of SUffolk and
State of New York, shown and designated as 'Conservation Easement-A'
on a certain map entitled "preliminary Plan Map of Southold Villas at
SOUthOld, Town of Southold, SUffolk County, N.Y.", made by Peconic
Surveyors & Engineers, P.c., Southold, NY, last dated 1/16/91, being
more particularly bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route
25) at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Jane Franke
and Thomas Franke. Said point or place of beginning being distant
917.00 feet, more or less, southerly trom the COrner formed by the
1ntersect10nof"the' Westerly side of Main Road with the southerly side
of TUcker Lane;
RUNNING THENCE along the northerly line of a proposed 50' right of
way, deSignated as 'Orchar~Lane' on the abovereferenced map, the
follOwing two (2) Courses and distances:
(1) North 77 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, 260.00 feet;
(2) thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a
radius of 371.46 feet, a distance of 19.01 feet to the southeasterly
Corner of Lot '17, as shown on said abovereferenced map;
..j.... ,
"'~~'f3bU C)iJ~ .'
~ Conservation Easement "B" (1.41740 ac.)
~ "
~~':1J!l' '
~~" '
that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and
being the the Village and Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and
State of New York, uhown and designated as "conservation Easement-B"
on a certain map entitled "preliminary Plan Map of Southold Villas at
SOUthold, Town of Southold, Suffolk county, N.Y.", made by Peconic
Surveyors & Engineers, P.C., Southold, NY, last dated 1/16/91, being
more particularly bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Main Road (N.V.S. Route
25) at the northeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Marguerite
Young. Said point or place of beginning being distant 1017.00 feet,
more or less, southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of
the westerly side of Main Road with the southerly side of Tucker Lane;
THENCE along saj.(l last mentioned laM the following two (2) courses
and distances: ," ,
(1) North 77 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, 120.00 feet;
(2) South 21 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds West, 126.42 feet, to land
now or formerly of Douglas Peix and William Crawford;
THENCE along said last mentioned land, land now or formerly of Anna
Burnett and land now or formerly of Flower Hill Building corp., North
81 degrees 12 minutes 20 seconds West, 429.07 feet to the easterly
side of a proposed 50' right of way, shown and designated on the
abovereferenced map as "Blossom La."
THENCE along the easterly line of the said "Blossom La." and along the
southerly line of "Orchard Lane", shown on said map, the following
four (4) courses and distances:
(1) North 14 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds East, 152.34 feet;
(2) thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a
radius of 25.00 feet, a distance of 39.27 feet;
(3) South 75 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds East, 65.15 feet;
(4) thence along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a
radius of 369,79 feet, a distance of 77.63 feet to the northwesterly
:>iII""'''''''co'rne'r;'''ot$Qtl''''~\''':shown on saiQ map',.-!, f, ,
THENCE along said Lot '2 and along Lot '3 shown on said map the
fOllOWing three (3) courses and distanQes:
(1) South 02 degrees 13 minutes 15 seconds West,
(2) South 81 degrees 12 minutes 20 seconds East,
(3) North 21 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds East,
southerly line of said "Orchard Lane";
feet to
THENCE along the southerly line of said "Orchard Lane", the following
two (2) courses and distances:
(~) South 77 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, 188.39;
(2) thence along the arc of a CUrve bearing to the right having a
radius of 25.00 f~et, a distance of 39.27 feet to the we~'erly side of
Maln Road (N.Y.S. Route 251;
THENCE along the westerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) South 13
degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, 25.00 feet to the poine or place
.A.J"UVI.r '-'Uti
.. .
ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lYing and
being the the Village and Town of Southold, County of suffolk and
State of New York, shown and designated as "conservation Easement-C"
on a Certain map entitled .preliminary Plan Map of SouthOld Villas at
SouthOld, TOWn of Southold, Suffolk County, N.V.., made by Peconic
Surveyors & Engineers, P.C., Southold, NY, last dated 1/16/91, being
more particularly bounded and described as follows:
Conservation Easement "C" (.16727 ac.)
BEGINNING at a point, Which point is the following three (3) courses
and distances from the intersection of the Westerly side of Main Road
with the northeasterly corner of land nQw or formerly of Marguerite
Young: o!:....; :." '. . ,. :';:'~,:'.,~;.j";;;i.'k~ ',' I
(1) North 77 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, 120.00 feet;
(2) South 21 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds West, 126.42 feet;
(3) North 81 degrees 12 minutes 20 seconds West, 479.30 feet to the
southeasterly corner of Lot '3 and the westerly side of a proposed 50'
right of way ("Blossom La."), as shown and designated on the
abovereferenced map, and the true point of BEGINNING;
RUNNING THENCE from said point of beginning and along land now or
formerly of FlOwer Hill Building Corp.:
(1) North 81 degrees 12 minutes 20 seconds West, 61.16 feet;
(2) North 12 degrees 50 minutes 10 seconds East, 28.00 feet;
(3) North 75 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds West, 168.41 feet, to other
land now or formerly of Southold Villas, Inc.;
THENCE in a northeasterly direction, along said other land now or
formerly of SOUthold Villas, Inc., NOrth 14 degrees 16 minutes 50
~econds East, 25.00 feet, to a pOint;
"'KI"i,,"':\'H,EUC.e,j,t!lo.,l\l.110,t'thqa~terlY direction and through Lots '5, 14 & . 3, as
shown on said map, North 75 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds East, 230.00
feet to the westerly side of "BlOssom La.", as shown on said map;
THENCE along the Westerly side of "BlOssom La.", South 14 degrees 16
minutes 50 seconds West, 47.14 feet to the point or place of
'._~ . -.-~
. .,~. ~'-'-".-... '.'
year first above written.
indenture has been executed the day and
) SS.:
On the I::L day of 5'Rplerr. 6--~ V ,1991, before me personally came
ISAAC SAIDMEHR, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose
and say thClt IHI rel,lldes ,at J.07F~,r~,Il.tone Circle, North Hills,. NY
115761 that he is the secretary of SOUTHOLD VILLAS, INC., the
corporation described in, and which executed the above instrument,
that he knows the seal of said corpOration 1 that the seal affixed to
said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by
order of the Board of Directors of sa' orporation and that he signed
his name thereto by like order.
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Notary Public. SI818 of New YOItt
No. 62-0465530. Suffolk County
CQmmlulon Expire, March 30. 19'7 '3
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Rudolph H. Bruer, Esq.
Edson and Bruer
P.O. Box 1466, Main
Southold, Ne~ York
.~. , . I ,
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AI.L u,.t certain plot. piece or paccel 01 land, vith lbe
bUIldlnga and i_proveMenta th_r*on erected, aituate, lyinq
and bcinq in the Villaq. and Town of Southold. County of
Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and de.crl~d ..
~[C1NNJNC at . point on th~ ~sterly side of HAln ~o.d
.H.Y.S. Route 2S) at the southe..tcrly corner of land now
or for~rly of Jane Franke and Thomas rrankr. Said point
or place of beginninq being distant '17.00 feet. ~re or
l~.s. .outherly 'rOM the corner tormed by the lnter.ftction
of lh. westerly aido of ~in R~d with the southerly aid.
of Tuc:kl"r lAne:
.ntNeE .outh 1~ degr... 00 .lout.. 00 second. weat alonq
the veaterly aide of H_ln Ro.d, 100 feet to land now or
for-erly of ~r9uerit. Young.
THENCE north " deqr~.s 00 Minutes 00 seconds weat alonq
l.st ..ntioned l.nd. 120 feetl
THENCE south 21 deqr... 56 .inute. 00 seconds weat still
.lonq 1.at .entioned l.nd. 12'.42 feet;
THeNCE north I' deqreea 12 .Inute. 20 seconds we.t .lonq
land now or for~rly 01 Douqla. Pelx and Willi.. Crawford.
alonq land now or for~rly of Anna Burnett and 410ng land
hOW or forMerly of Flower Hill Bul1dinq corp.. 540.4' feet:
THENCE north 12 deqr~. 50 .inutes 10 seconds ea.t alonq last
~ntio~ land. 28.00 feet:
THCtfCE north l~ df"()re-. 4) Minutes 10 seconds west along l.at
~nt.onrd land. B9~.'2 feet to land now or for~rly 01 Ann
Oil1_r H~.blo .nd Th~. E. Hcmblol
THENCE north )1 deqr~. 01 Minute. 50 second. east alon9 last
"".nt.orK.~ 1.00 109.8) fe~t to land now or fonncrly of Ruasell
tt.lnn anti JOoln Kann:
THENCE south 42..deqrees 4' ,dnutes 50 se-conda ea.t along laat
..ntioned land. l84.71 feet:
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