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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12522 P 248 1-1;) .r: r ;((r 37-/7-17 NY ODS . RUJUitllIId Sale Deed wilh CUYcnanlaplnsc Granlnr's Milo Individual or ClIl'l'nrllllOD fSinl1e Shttu (N'YRTU 80'12) . L"(IS.~IJJ.T \'OUR IA W\'Y.Il RIlf'ORI! SIGlmm THL~ INllTRIJME.'"T ,THIS INSTHt')IE.'T SHOULD BI! t'.~E11 B\'IA W\'ERS O~LY , . TIILllINDEN'ruKt;,niadclhelflJ1 day of 6ep~ .intheyear 2007 BETWEKN William E. Lehmann aDd Alice Lehmann residing at 730 Rahbit Lane, East Marion, New York 11939 " -.J'. - .: " Y~"U:l.lH'~ ';:,',H:) J ~ ."....lg:,t *0'- VI..:!. t.~~. ....1. ,0 :.:...q \'1::lc;t ".. i!:or .!:,; ~ "~l pai1y of 1M 1i..1 p:irl, anil' 'r) ._...... ;: Ii '''-':1 ''''9-''0 . "i,"rUUw ...... .0,1 ...... _ Wlliiam E:Lebmann'ani'-'.\liee LebmanlUiildlilg'atl730.Rihlii"t Uii'oll'Eiia Marlon, New York 11'3', pmty of the second part. WITNESSETIf, tbot the pany or the fil$\ pan. in co,""deralion of Ten Dollars and olher .aloable cunsidera.i"n paid by lhe pmty of the llCCOnd p:irl. dnc.< h=by gronland "''''a.. unlo the pany of the ..eond pan, the hei.. or sua:.."", and ...ign. of the pony or II.... second pan ro",.... AU. tho1 certl1in plul, p...... or """",lor Iond, with the buildings and impRlvcmclUS then:on """'led. ,~ua"'. lying oDd being in the at East Marion, Town of Soutbold, County of SutTolk and State of New York, more particularly described as Parcel I (Schedule A) and Pareel2(Schedule B) wbereby Parcell and Parcel 2 for building purposes are considered as one parcel; Granton' covenant for themselves, their suceesson and assigns that on the combined two parcels only one (I) dwelling may be erected. and that two parcels are subject to a Covenant reeurded with the SutTolk County Clerk on July 30, 2007, at L1ber D00012515 Page 723. TOGETHKR with all righl.litl~ lII1d in...",st, irony, oClhe pony ofllle filSt pari of. in and 10 any SIreCl. and I'OlIdA abutting lhe abuv.........ribcd p",misesto lhe ...nter lines th......r; TOGETIIEK with IIle oppu.,.,nanc:e.< and alllh. ..1Oll! and righll; or tht- pIIlly oflhe firsl pari in oDd to said premises; TO IIA VF. AND TO 1I01.D the p",mis.. berein gmnted unlo the pany...r Ih~ _'Ond pan, lbe bei.. or sueceo.<o.. lII1d a<signs of tho pmty oC the second pan ASD the pony oflhe lin.. pan covcnant< Ihalthe pony or the linn pon ha. nol done or .'Uffered anylbing whereby Ihc said premises ha.", heoon incumbered in ony way whalevcr. ~xcepl ..< arorcsoid, AND lhe p:irly or Ih. linn part in cumpliance wilh Sec.1iOll 13 OrlM Lien Law. covenonlS tholthe pony ohhe first pan will ......."..the ''ODliidcraliun Cor ,his .'Onvo:yuna: alld will holcJ lbe righllO ",...i... .ucb cunsidcrotion os Olrusl rund to be opplied fi..1 for the purpose of paying the Cosl or the improvementood will apply the sarne lim 10 Ihe poyment oC the COSl of Ihe improvemenl hefore u.<ing any pon of the IOIaI or the .....,. lOr any mbcr purpose, The word .puny" ,hall be "'nSlrucd WI if il reod "ponies. whenever the sen.... oflhi. indenture so require.. IN WITNESS WHt:Kt:O.',lhc parly ofthelirst pun has duly ."".'U1A:d this deed tbe day and year lirstobove writ",n. IN PHF.llENCE ..', ~JdJ,..... r ~___ WllllamE:Leb~ .dlfJ.,~DJ Alice Lebmann SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or pareel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate,lying and being at East Marion, Town of South old, County ofSulTolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of a private road known as Rabbit Lane, distanl 690.28 feel CIISlerly from the comer funned by the intersection of the southerly side of Rabbit we with the easterly side of Bay A venue; THENCE along the southerly side of Rabbit Lane, North 51 degrees 24 minutes 40 seconds East, 60 feet to the westerly side of land now or fonnerly of Brown; THENCE along land of Brown, South 39 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds East, 116 feet to the northerly side of Gardiners Bay; THENCE along the ordinary high water mark ofGardiners Bay on a tie line bearing South 47 degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds West, 66.34 feet to the easterly side of land now or fonnerly of Cyriacks; THENCE along land now or fonnerly of Cyriacks, North 36 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds West, 120 feet to the southerly side of Rabbit Lane, to the point or place of BEGINNING. SCHEDULE B ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at East Marion, Town of South old, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Rabbit Lane, distant 685.33 feet easterly from the comer formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Bay Avenue with the northerly side of Rabbit Lane; THENCE along the easterly side ofland now or formerly ofRackett, North 34 degrees 12 minutes 40 seconds West, 152 feet to the southerly line of Marion Lake; TIIENCE along ~arion Lake North 60 degrees 14 minutes 30 seconds East, 104 feet to the westerly line ofland now or formerly of Brown; THENCE along land of Brown South 34 degrees 12 minutes 40 seconds East, 136 feet to the northerly side of Rabbit Lane; THENCE along the northerly side of Rabbit Lane South S 1 degrees 24 minutes 40 seconds West, 104 feet to the pOint or place of BEGINNING. U.<;EAOUI'OMUDG.IlE.VTFOIlM BFJ.lJM' WlTHIN NF.W l'OIlK STATI:'O.YLI', fo."1aleofNew\'urk,Counlyof Suffolk Iss.: On lhc ,i~y of $.- JfY.....",tcr in lhe year 2007 bcf<m: n... 1ho uruIenigncd. Jii:r.;anally Opjl<=d William E. Lehmann . personally known 10 "'" or proved 10 me on lh. ....i5 of !iaIilof""lory e\icIen<z to be Ihe individuaJ(.) whose 1IlII1I<lC.1 is (on:ISlIboaibed tOlhe wilhin insuument and ..knuwledged 10 me thai hoIshcIlhcy =1"" lhe :oamo in hillhor/dleit copacily(i.S). aJld dUll by hi5nN:r/lheir ,.;gllOlun:(sl on lhc in.'IlI1Imon~ dlO individualCs). or tho person upon behalf of which Ihe individuo1(.) ocrm. =Ied lhc ilWnUnCnL o;a Joe... ~ tZ.IL-- - . - C'HAfd..ES A. CUDD'I' NolaIy PublIC, State 01 New "llIIc No. 6872225 Cuallfllld In Sullolk Coull\y Comm/ulan Explru DecemllIr 3"1. ACmQM7i:1XlJU.NT FORM FIHI USB WlllIl,V New YORKSTATEONI.Y, I/U~ I"CNtSIdunibUr, "~IIN'.u~", CAnjfktwl SlaIeurlllew \'ork. COUDtyof 115.: On lhe day uf in lhc yeor bcfore me. lhc undmillned, pcrsonally oppcon:d !he .ub:;cribil!l: willlCSS tu!he fon:g\ling inSlrWtlcul. wilb whom I..~ pcrson:IUy ""Iuain..... wIlo, being by "'" duly swum, did depose and ..y dUll ho4hcIlhcy ....,ide(S) in (iflhe plan uf",itllftct is in a at." ;II,:/udelhe SIre" aM''''''' 'lUmber, ifany, II...""",; 1ha/ hoIsheIlhcy knowCs) 10 be lhc indi\idual d.....ribcd in ond who ......u"'d lhc foreguinll insuuDlOD1; 1ha/ said subsc:ribing Wil""", wa, prcscnI and sow suid exc:<'U1C lbe """": and 111:11 said wiloess 01 lhc s:unc time subliL,;bcd hilillu:JMcir non..(s) as a wil.....lhcn:k. BAIIGAL~ " SAI.E DEF.D"'...'T5AroAL"GT OPA!ol1'I.'A ""'-1'1 lm.f:NU. William E. Lehmann and Allee Lehmann TO WIlliam E. Lehmann and Alice Lehmann FI/)F.I.1n' NATIONAl. TITLK . INSURANCE COMPANY i 11IC,"CW'M4nu '''!B c~g. Fidelity ..1!.)pt:-w' "-bn1Wto 1....~_".,,1IffrA'___ USEM:Jilo'OIf1.EDG.IIB.\T FQR.IIIlEUJWWlTIIIN NEW YORKSTAT1!O.\'I.Y: SlateurNcwYork,ClIUnlyof Suffolk . 115.: On~yof $.,Jc~kY' ;"I~ycui- 2007 before me, lhe undersignCd, pcn;onolly appc:ucd Alice Lehmann . I"'noJIllII\y kno\\lI 10 me or proved 10 me on the basis of s:uisfllClUry evidence 10 be lhe individunl(s/ whose nomo(s) is lore) .uh..:ribcd lU dlO within insu'Un1ell1 and ..knuwled&cd 10 me thaI hoIohohhcy cXCCUled lhe "'1lC in hWhorIlhcir c:lJlIcll)'(ic!c~ and lhot by hi5lhcrJtheir signaturc(s) 1111 lhc instrun...... lhc individual(sl or 111< pelllOll upon behalf of which lhe indi_idonICs! acted, ex lhc instnuncnl. {J)...J?..-~ 7 CHARLES R. CUUO' NDlluy Public, State 01 N No, 5872225 Qualified In Suffolk County Commll&ion Explnll December 31, 2OJ.Q. ACJiJV(JWlFJJrJlENT FURM FOIl USIl 0U1sI1J1i NEW YClRICST.47Ji Olo'l.Y: fo." D/SuI~", F"rwi,,, CiHlml ArinuaitJpll'lIl C4nl/lrrWJ . ....... ....... ..... .. ......... ....... .. ...... ... .1...: IC....,x.1t v..... .;r~ Stttt,. c....'Y. 1'M'it... or MlIRicipo/iI1J On Ihe day of in the year before me, lhe undcrsig""", personally oppe:ued pcn<UrUIlly koown 10 "'" or prov"" W me on lhc basis ur s:uisf....tllJ)' evidcrx:e 10 be lhe individual(s) whose nomc(5) is (orelsubscribcd 10 the within inslIumcnl and ..knowledged 10 n.. .ha1 hcIshcIlhcy executed lhc ,.,,,.. in hWhcrlthcir capacity(i..,~ thaI by hilllhcd lhcir signalW'e(.l vnlhe irwrumcm. Ihe individual(.I, or 1ho pcr.;on upon behalf uf which lhe individualla) lhe illllUllmcn.. and thlll.uch indi\idunl Illude such oppoor.mcc before lhc undersigned in Ihe (IIL,rn 1M dl)' orOlheT po/il;all suJKij,itinn QJIIIIl~ JA,,, or COIDllry or ,lIher pkNe 1M "'.kn'..../iJllllu.'1I1 M'4' ruknl~ DISTRICT 1000 & 1000 SIOtON 31 31 IlLOCK 17 18 Lor 17 16 COl:NTY OR TOWN Southold RECORDED'" RIiQUEST OF tldeUly Nallo.... TWc III5IU'I/II'" Company I/KJVRN RY MAIL TO C""'l"\e~ fH'u~ &.C? .., "4 oS ~ h ("(; t\' lW-e poe..O\l IS""1 ~\~rhPa.c91 N"f IIQOI ~ l!i " !i ! .. l!i w ~ .. rI! ~ III ~ ~ S .. . . ~. I ",.. ..:, '. \ Number of pages TORRENS f Serial II Certificale II Prior CIf'. II Deed . Mortgage Inslrumenl J Page I Filing Fee Handling 5...QlL .r TP-S84 Notation f' .1( fJ:PJ EA-S217 (County) EA-S217 (Stale) ~T.S.A. => Comm. of Ed. 5. ..!llL AffidaYil ..~~ Reg. Copy Other s.r- Lf. _ 4 Dis,rielO' Real 10 Property Tax Service Agency VerifiClllion Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Sub Total Sub Total Grand Total t~@-' {/J&,... 1700 017000 1800 016000 6 SalisfaclionlDischargeslRelease USI Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Rlverbead, NY 11901 7 Co. Name nUcll RECORDED 2007 Sep 13 01:59:04 PH Judith A. Pascale ClERK OF SlFFOlK COOIlTY L 000012522 P 248 DJI 07-04739 Recording I Filing Stamps Mongage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub TOlal Spec. I As.,it. or / Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appoinlmenl_ Transfer Tax 9' _ Mansion Tax ~ _ The property coveted by lIlis molgage is or will be improyed by a one or (wo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriute lax elauile on page /I of lIlis i ~m fJ:. 5 Communlt Preservation Fund Considenllion Amount $ ,." () CPF Tax Due Vacanl Land /D TO TO TO Title Company Information II Suffolk Count Recording & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pun of lIle allllChed DEED made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF fNSTRUMENT) SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Thwnship of Southold In the VILLAGE 01 HAMLET of East Marlon BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (oyer) \Villiam E. Lehmann and Alice Lehmann TO The premisis herein is situated in William E. Lehmann and Alice Lehmann 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 11111 11111111 111111111111 111111111 1111 SUFFOLK COUN'rY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Xnstrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 5 Receipt Number : 07-0086016 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-04739 Recorded: At: 09/13/2007 01:59:04 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012522 248 District: 1000 Section: Block: 03100 1700 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 017000 Deed AIIIount: Received the Following Fees For Above Xnstrument Ex_pt Ex_pt Page/Piling $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $50.00 NO SeTH $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CQIIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $180.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-04739 THXS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:/I or PHONE (518) 473-7222 81 ,~f ,8',9 I C2. Dote lIeId Recorded ptt l~:? p 7 I J ~ OIy y- 'ft C3. _ .~ r; )... , C4. Pos.1 ,;)., PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR COUNl;Y.USE ONLY Cl. SWIS Code REAL PROPERTY lRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAl. PROPSITY SERVICES RP - 5217 11'-&,J.17111,JIfII 1.=, 725 Rabbit "Lane 11IlIIUNAMt 1I111t'" ....... RAR~ MIITinn a.., 0It 10lNN y...- 1J.~ 2. Buyer N.... I.phmJlnn LAIr NAMII ICQIIPAIrlIY tJi'liaftl V. 'PdlI~ Lehmann LAIT,..,..,COMfi'A,'\It' Alice folllTNMA 3. T.. Indlcete w...... uur. T.. BIll ... Ia bo urIC I _ns V_thlnbu...-__...-.offormt. _.. LAa'..AII'Ir/OOlD'....'l' FAST NAIl[ PO Box 734 '""WKr NUllII&...."d)lIllHr NANlI East Marion CITV 011 TOWN ..- ....DpertY S... J'tONI....r Ixl ""'"" I OR I '.-aw,' ..;) 5""1 I N H'';; I 1J.2J2 COnly...... of 0 _ _ _1lIey oppIy: 4A.P1onnlnglloonlw;th_~Exloro 0 .. Subdivision ApptOvll W8I Flaquiml far Tr..... 0 IC. ',reel ApprCMld for Subdi",isIon with Map Pravidld 0 4.1ncI_ tho numb.. of-....... _....-.- on tho_ {)O..;ll , of "reDl. ORD Plrt of . Plircel ........ Nomo Lehmann LAlT NMII!' COWA.'ft' I William E. .......... Lehmann ..A&T u.~ I CO\,tMN't I Alice "IIl$T~ 7. Check 1M boa below which mast KCWMII'Y desarIbR th. UN of the PfOINrIy .t the time of ....: 13. Full Sale Plica , ,,0,0,01 , , . IFuU 5411, Pricao ill the lOCal .mourN: PIId 'Of dlo propurty indudJng ~I'IONI property. This Plvment m.., be in the farm of ClM. 0Ih., pIOplnV or goodI. 01' the lIIumption of moftglg. or other obllgatlanL) PIHM ~nd 'aIM ftHIrIIl whoJ,e do"'r .mount. _.... _ below _ they oppIy: a. ONntrIhip Type III Condominium Ii ~ Agricullul'Il I ~ CommunllY SllYice .. New Consb'ucdan an VMal"l1 Llind t= Comrwllli.l J IndusllLll lOA. Property I.acMtd wilhJn In Agrlaultunlll:ktrir.t G Ap'rtmIflE K Public Service' '" Buy. received. diIcIosure ngrice inclcaaing II Enlet1l.l"ment I Amusemenl L Fora. lhat tM propeny III" an Aorlellnllral Diltric;C 1&. CMaIr. OM" 1lIOII' of III.. cordIIonI_...... to Irllllfw: Saki BetMen RelBtives or Formar Rai'all..... Sale Between ReI3lCld Compllnles or P.rtr\ert In 8uainou One of d1e Buyers II also . Sollar 8uyor or Seller II Govemrnenl Agency or Lunding Institution Coed Type not W.rl'll'llY or a.ullin end SaJe (Specify Balow) Sale of Fractional or LAss thin Fee InEOtOII 15pacjfy BIlow) S1gnlflc:anc Chang_ ., Property BeIwnn Taqbl'e SlatUlond Sale OllIe Sale of Bull,... I. Included in S.1e Price Othor UrlulUQf Faam.. Arfectinu Silo Prica ISpectfy BelOW) None o o o o A~ 0.. _'. "_tIal R 2 or 3 Femily RnidenLl.1 C ReslCllnllll VIGlInlllnd D Nan-Raidenlial V.Clnlllnd I SALE INFORMAllON I 11. su. Contnct D.te 12. o.r. 01 SaI., Tr.nsfer Lj,1 I a I loj,.. 'i 'i. I ?nQ7 - I O"A v.c 14.1nd_.........._ I 0 I __Intho_. ~1I,1I ASSESSMENT INFORMAllON - Doto .hould ,.floct Iho lalOll Fin.1 As_men! Roll and To. Bm ,1. Year of " RoI from --.. I - - I which ..4\.... tfan taaII LJ.b..I.,4:1 17. Totel Aueued V.I... (of aD p~.1n If..... ; j .K 1.0.01 , 10. "'-v c:Iua ~-u It._OOI_No';''1 ~~~\ 20. T.. Mop_1a11 Ro.-.rfol C...-o lIuln_..ll....__._' I_I SCTM# 1000-]]-17-17 I SCTM' 1000-31-18-16 I CERTIFICATION I I -uy IIoul odl or... - of Inf......don .......1 em th.. ronn ... _ oad -.wi '0> tho ...... ur my _1Idp ond ...tiofI.... I .............. Ihol tho 1IIIIki... "'''1 wlllfLll ....... _'Ill or -.IaI tad bonlo .w oubJo<l me Ie ... """Wnoo.r Iho _I low _.. Ie Ole _. ud IIUag or _ insIruaIndo. BUYER'S AnDRNEY ~ ~ ~_ BUYER ~:~~1f:=:1 q.l/-o1 ,... DAft Alice Lehmann Cuddy .....-. Charles R. FJlllliIAMI' 730 Rabbit Lane iTIIKT IllAIIt wtm lAW 631 369-8200 1ITRBi1_1I ....COOI! 1ft ffIHOh! MJMIIER East Marion QT(0Il~ NY 11939 "COIl[ ITA,. ()p~'~~--' w~e~i 2 . . 1/ .NI!.:, -( AA. 1.1..: I{ -CJ c:e' nn NEW YORK STATE COpy