HomeMy WebLinkAboutSet of NYS DPW Maps:Acquisition of Property:Paul & Elizabeth Bedell & Antone & Katherine Skwara Surv~] no~ on ~ie at New Sta~a Depar~menl of PuNk tVod<s Dimrict O~ce No 10 located at B~by~on Mew York CC D L 167~ · Pi05 · ~ . MAP NO. 62 PARCEL NO. 58 Suffolk COUNTY SH~T 2 OF 2 SHEETS ,q ,. , c n-,~,uC~zng~ a~_d maintaining ~ecv or parcel o~ n~ooerty hereinafter designer.ed as oz. ~o!K ,. ~ Parcel ~io. 68, situate in tile southwesherl,~ ~n = the said division line, 50~ ..... ~n~= .... 8 -,~ ~!0-m.: aloRe the last-mentioned boundary~ 50.66 feet of the survey base lines established for the prooosed improvement of .... . . ~lgl,vay b,o. ~229 as shown on a map on file in th6 office of the State ,39.1z Beainnmng ~t Station "A' ~,+00, thence a. 6+00 ~ Station 2J!+0O.00,l ~=et to Station ~A" ~l! bearings referred to True Xorth my direction, liebropolitan Oistr ct p. ngineer. District Nc.lO i mrs is ~xccpt,_a [rom this appropriation ail the right, etle and interest, i{ an},', of the I. lnited States of Pursuant to statute set forth above, and in accordance with the official order of the superintendent of pubic ,x, or,.s, tbs above description and map are lk_e, y o~c,~.~ approved, and said description and the original tracing of this map are hereby officially filed in the o~ce' of the depa~~~rks. / D/rector, Bureau of' R~hts of Way .I have compared the foregmng copy of desc~ipaon and map ,x-ith the orig~na! the. reo[, as filed in the office of the deparn?aent of public works and 1 do hereby certify the same to be a true and correct cosy of said originaI and of Dl.ec m, Bureau of Rights of YVay Suffolk MAP .NO. o.,.~ - PARCEL NO. 7:.;; 71 'COUNTY** SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS Sp. rcey notes on file at N¢~z York State Department of ~*~%e&~ Dist~ic.t ONce No, t0 located at ETtFIoa , New York. TRN~ l CO L 992 P 470 · ' -- -- t,;e To'.,m of ~.outLo&*a · =4~-~ Parcels Fca. 70 s 71, - , follows: ..... - ...... ~ ..... of that rzgl~t b~ such ......... --bt az' usind ~},e said ..... ~" providzng tnb exercise -- -, .-- the accompanying map is a potion of ~ ~...== ~.-bl*~bed for ~he propc~ed improvement of the *~-~, Deb~rtment of E ~nrou~h 5t=t~on ~?~.~u = i~2o~25~_5!'~ ~, 600.00 Dfstrmt Engineer, D~stnct No. st~a.~ .m sta~te set forth above, and h accordance with eke o~ma ord=- ~ * - ...... j ...... ~n¢ Iore§omq cop} or oescnpuon amd map with the orfgina mereoz, as filed hn the o~ce .... : ......... or~-~nd !doherebvcerufvthesametobc=t.uea a - - .~ , " . · - and of ' ' ~ ' n ' cmre~ '-~Pz of sa~a ong~al ~.~ttituck-droen?ort~ ~ a .... ~ MAP NO. 6L PARCEL NO. 72 SHEET COUNTY 2 OF 2 SHEETS Suzwe¢ notes on file at New York State Department o[~ District ©~¢e No. 'tO located st Babylon . New York. TRN ~ CC D L 252S P 569 i F:~':rd~E;~ Z\:En"!'7 FuR ' ~ ;INAGE ~-^ . --~-, -',-ave de!zneaLea n~re~na~te~ ~e~c~ - in the To~m cf Southold . ~, -- x as follows. - ~ - hereinafger r2~i~ated as Parcel Lo~ 72, situate · or parer! of property County of ~/ffolk~ State of New York~ as shown on the acccmpany~g map and ae~crloe~ ....... c ~ ~,'n +he northv'es%; ~eglnnkng~at a point on the division line between the property of )~tone .... , . ~, ~.. P~ ~1 Bedeil (refuted ov;n~r; 158~ ro°t -to a pox~t on the aforesaid division - Bedell (reputed o:;ner) on the ~' division iine~ 66~ fee% to the poln~ of beginnLng~ = .. ~, ~ ~ ~ above desc;'ibed and 4efine~ ~ thence ~' 35D°19 ~-09" Beginner, S at Sta%ion 0+00, 739.12 ~ * to ~ation 281+00.00 S. 42°-25'-51'~ ~ o¥~,~0 feet Station=.M' I hereby certify that th~s is an accurate descrler:on and map made from an accurate survey prepared under my d~rection. Dat~ &., t9~7 Al H. Sari District E~fnear, District NEW YORK STATE DEPAkTMENT OF~ ~ DESCRiPTiON AND MAP FOR TNE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IRepufed Owner Si York pursuant to Section 30 of the kishway Lato There is excepted from ~Js aFpropriauon al! the right, title America m or to s~d properly. Pursuant ~o statute set forth a~ove, smd ~ accordmnce *dth ~ the above description and map ~e hereby o~dally approved; and said des~iption and the orig~aI tracing of this map are hereby o~cml!,' filed in the o~ce of the dcpa~e~ . . deemed of the Cf ~her_o=, as filed hn the o~ce I have compared the foregoing copy of description and map with the cngknal ' ~ ~ m h%~ dc~a, mane of ~and i do hereby ccrn[y the sine [o be a true and correct copy of smd ori mat and of the whole ~ereofi Matti~uek-~raenPo~c, Psrt~ I ~3~ SH 8~29 - , MAP NO. 65 PARCEL NO. 7-3 ' Suffolk COUNTY SHEET 2 OB2' SHEETS Survey notes on file at New York State DeperUnem of p~bRc Works Distfic~ Office No. I0 lo~ted ~ Babylon , New York CC L P ~% pEFJIANENT EAS~E~ FOB- DRAINAGE A permanent easement to be exercised in, on and ever the proper~y above delineated and here- inafter des6ribed for the purpese of ~on~tructing, r~oonatructing, amd maintaing %hereon_a flraivige pipe line and drainage ditch together with appur~enances, in and to all that ~ie~or' · parcel of prepsr~y hereinafter designated as Parcel Ho 73, situate in the Town of Sout~old, Count of Smffolk~ ~cate of New York, as shown on the acccmpanyin~ map and described as follows: · e the following two courses and distances, in succ~ession Beginning at a point whmch Ii ~s - 1fn~ for the pro,need improvement of the Ma~t~,~uck~-no_~o,- l~port~ Par~s 1 & 3, State Highway No..o~.. ~ ['..~%~e~,~_~,, .~'~ ~,0+ feet to a point *n the '~, 379.08 feet to the point of beginnxngltnence ~. o~ -~ ~- -, ~ - Richmond Creek; thence ~rrtherly along said westerly westerlY'ordinarY high water line of : westerly, measured at right angles, oint O feet distant 0~dinmry high water line ~O~_ feet to ~sPbeingSs.oo_l?_09. W, 379.O8 feet tong, thence N.O 19 previeusly described Richmond C~eek; thence 09" E. 5&+_ feet to a ~theas~erly, alo~ said ~ortheas~erly ord~a~ hi~ water A~n , / z ; .... o %he o~r of ~he prop~y d~sori~ed above, and such o~her~s ~c~essors BEn. VINO, h~ever, ~ .... --~din~ ~he tmrcise of that ri~ by Or as~s, the ~ 0f us~g the ~a pro~r~y~ ~--17.. o~; ~v~nt the user and e~rclse of ~he ea~e~nt ~i~ts as above desc~%ed and def~. ~e above mention "k" ~vey base line, as sh~n on ~e accomp~yi~ map is a po~i~ of the s~vey base !in~s established for the proposed ~prov~ent of the B~ttituck-G~o~, ! R 3, State Highway No. 8229 as sh~n on a ~p ~$ile in the office of the S~a%e De~ent of ~blic Works and being desc~bed as follows: Beginning at Station 273+60.88, thence N. 35°-19'-09'' E, -A-~O+00, ~9.12 feet t~ Station 281+00.00. B~ginning at Station 275+00= Station "A" ~+00; thence g. "A" 6+00. Ail bearings referred to True North. through Station 275+00~S~ation ~2°-25'-51" E, 600.00 feet to ,,ti my direction. I hereby certify that this is a~ acct.drate description and map made from an accurate survey prepared und~ District Engineer. District No, NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DESCRIPTION AND MAP FOuR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY MATTITUCK-GREENPOHT, PARTS 1 & 3-, SH. KO 8229, SUFFOLK COUNTY 10~al tree = Hap Ho, 65 0.o71+ Acre Parcel N0. 73 3,10o} Sq. -.-~. {Repufed Owner } PORTION OF RICHI40~ CREEK {UNKNOWN OWNER) Description and map of property in and $o which ~m easement as hereinabove defined, is deemed necessary by the superintendent of poblic ~orks te be acquired 5y appropriation ~ia the -~ms of the p~op!e~ of the s~ate of New York for p~poses connected with the highly sys~ of ~he sta$~ of New York p~n~ ~o ~ion 30 of ghe Hi.way Law. - ~e is =cepted [rom ~s appropSafion ~1 ~e dgh~ rifle ~d ~t~est, if ~y, of ~e ~ted Smt~ ~e~ ~ or to s~d pro~. Pursuit m s~mte set ~o~h ~ove, ~d ~ ac~r~ce ~th ~e offiaal ord~ of ~e mp~t~dmt pubBc wor~, ~e ~ove des~ip~an ~d map ~e h~eby offidally approved: ~d sad des~iption ~d ~e o~9~ trac~9 o~ ~is aap ~e h~eby offid~ly filed ~ the office of ~e dep~mt,9[ public works. Dat~ ~']~7 3/ 19~7 ~'~:'~':-' ' ': : ..... ' Dke~o~, Bureau o[ ~ph~ o[ Way I have compared the foregoing copy oi description and map with the original thereof, as flied in the office of the department of public works and I do hereby certibj the same to be a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof. Director, Bureau of Ri§hts of Way r