HomeMy WebLinkAboutEast End Demand Analysis by LIRR Mar-98 - .- East End Demand Analysis Marketing Research Department MTA - Long Island Rail Road March 1998 EAST END DEMAND ANALYSIS BA.tKCROUND & OBJECTIVES: The L1RR will be introducing the new fleet and new Bi-Level Parlor car service, for the East End travelers. The objectives of the research were to: . Assess potential changes in travel patterns from New York City to the East End, as a result of the introduction of the new fleet. . Examine the overall consumer appeal for new Initiatives Including the new Bi-Level Parlor Car service and a conceptual Premium Parlor Car service. . Evaluate which programs would have the greatest business potential. 1 EAST END DEMAND ANALYSIS. M_EtHODOLOCY: · . Phase I: Oualitative Research: FocuS groups were conducted with each study segment (Coach, Parlor, Bus and Automobile). · I!base_lI: OuantJ.tative ReSearch: A comprehensive telephone survey was conducted, including conjoint trade-off analysis which was used to reveal customers' preferences for potential changes. Customers were asked to rate different service scenarios, based on the following variables: · Le.a9ttLQE.TriD;. · Irif} CQu,venle.o"e /Tr:rms.fer;. · /;lddnl. FriCl~p~M. Deoarture: . erfcing: · Di.$c.ount sea$on.Tickets.;, · Ticket Buyina ootioOs;' 2 m < -n - Z C - Z m ):I Ut ... m 2 C C m s: 3:- z c 3:- z 3:- r- -< Ut - Ut EAST END DEMAND ANALYSIS East_En_d TraJlel Patterns: . Few travelers from New York City to the East End use one mode of transportation exclusively. - Train customers are the most loyal - Automobile Travelers also use the L1RR - Bus Travelers also drive to the East End . Coach and parlor customers tend to travel from the office, while Automobile and BUS travelers are more likely to leave from home. 3 EAST END DEMAND ANALYSIS East_End_TravelPatt~ros CContdJ: I!erceived Benefit of Most olten_Used Made: . Train: Avoiding Traffic Having Less stress and Hassle Able TO sleep/Read/Relax . BUS: Convenience (Pickup and Discharge stoPS) Comfortable and Relaxing . AutomObile: Convenience (Point to Point) Set own Schedule 4 EAST END DEMAND ANALYSIS N.ew-Bi-.:-Leyel Coaches: . More than 8 in 10 East End travelers, across all segments expressed favorable comments about the new bi-levels. . The majority of East End travelers, more than 7 in 10, indicate they would be highly likely (43% extremely, 29% very likely) to take the new L1RR Bi-Levels to the East End from New York City. . Parlor Car and Coach customers indicate a very high likelihood (over 80%) to continue taking the L1RR when the new Bi-Levels are put in service. Maciel Simula~ions: . Express service to the East End has the greatest impact on the demand for L1RR trips followed closely by single seat service from penn Station. 5