HomeMy WebLinkAbout6055 Gerard P. Goehringer Ruth D. Oliva Michael A. Simon Leslie Kanes Weisman . Mailinli Address: Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road' PO. Box 1179 Southold. NY 11971-0959 Office Location: Town Annex /First Floor. North Fork Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold. NY 11971 . - . APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS James Dinizio. Jr.. Chairman http://southoldtown.northfork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809' Fax (631) 765-9064 RECEIVED 1~ ~;<<tEf'/'b'). ~~ $outhOld To~n Clerk FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF AUGUST 16, 2007 ZB File No. 6055 - ERIC and MARIA BUllS Property Location: 490 Aquaview Avenue, East Marion CTM 21-3-5 SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicant's property consists of 29,161 square feet with 169.84 feet along Aquaview Avenue and 184.52 feet along Circle Drive, a private right-of-way located on the west side of the property. The premises is improved with a single-family dwelling. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Zoning Code Sections 280-122A and 280-124, based on Zoning Code Interpretation ZBA #5038 in the Application of R. Walz, and the Building Inspector's April 3, 2007 Notice of Disapproval concerning proposed additions to the existing dwelling, which will be an increase in the degree of nonconformance when located at less than 40 feet from the code-required front lot line. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application has been referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning reply dated July 25, 2007 states that the application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on August 2, 2007at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the properly, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: The owner is proposing to enlarge the existing second story of his single-family home, and is requesting a variance for a dormer at 26 feet from Aquaview Avenue, a great room addition 31 feet from Aquaview Avenue, and variance of 11 '3Y2" from Circle Drive, a paper road, for a new addition. . page":2 - August 16, 2007 It ZB File No. 6066 - Eric and Man ulis CTM No. 21-3-5 . REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspections, the Board makes the following findings: 1. Grant of the variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The existing dwelling is situated on the applicant's property closer to the northerly front lot line adjacent to Aquaview Avenue than the other yards. Many of the homes in the area have been enlarged and upgraded in locations similar to this request. No undesirable change will result while maintaining the existing setbacks from Aquaview Avenue and the setback from the paper road (Circle Drive) will be reduced to 28' 8Y:. ". 2. The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method. feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. The applicants' existing home is now 24.2 feet and 23.5 feet from Aquaview Avenue. The present square footage of the first floor area of the home is approximately 1000 square feet, and the proposed construction will add 633 square feet. 3. The variance granted herein is not substantial and adds 633 sq. ft. to the coverage of the lot by building area, for a total coverage of the lot at 9%. 4. The difficulty is not self created and is related to the small size of the house. 5. No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. 6. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of additions, while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Oliva, seconded by Member Weisman, and duly carried, to GRANT the variance as applied for according to Drawing Page 1 dated 4/3/2007 and Drawing Pages 2-4 dated 3/7/07, prepared by Design Consultant Nancy Dwyer, and survey prepared August 30, 2006 by Joseph A. Ingegno, Land Surveyor. Any deviation from the variance given such as extensions, or demolitions which are not shown on the applicant's diagrams or survey site maps, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Di . io (Chair n), Oliva, Goehringer, and Weisman. (Member simiE'am;t.) This Resolution a duly ad t . (4"{)). 4- . J....: n _ j Q' '-100. In , mes Dinizio Jr., C airman ~~~~7' I. Approved for Filing S~wn~ 15u..-lIS ,I1/1~A <lro A6ku/V/EW /JVG, .FlJbi !-/,.;J!ID4 *'-H7f.:,cJI::i)) PI! 0/;9/'17 (3,Alb_T.t€-I.LC..r- _.)J~~K .M.) l"n..?J oJlII! /d-$.~ry:I<J,L!;:A!.L-- MtJdT. jIMJ-S.a&# ....)~></Ie-.() .3,1;'1/$7 ,,/../ .3 ~ :P=-k0i:5~ !l-DoiTft)ID'5 5A;;2 /pi) -j ;/;.A - ry51!J r2. Y-3..sf DoR./I1cL it'D'!! rTrv'u tUf!! /AXLEASG 'u:va-A/~ 17t (l.OlrJ-z- ') 07?O ../.;? <f rySI!> 0< If -f:o I . . Ps.I- f?j;;'/o7 It r!1f,jo7 .. ,,", . . LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 2007 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 280 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on THURSDAY. AUGUST 2. 2007: 11:10 a.m. ERIC and MARIA BULlS #6055. Request for a Variance under Sections 280-122A and 280-124, based on zoning Code Interpretation ZBA #5038 in the Application ofR. Walz, and the Building Inspector's april 3, 2007 Notice of Disapproval concerning proposed additions to the existing dwelling, which will be an increase in the degree of nonconformance when located at less than 40 feet from the code-required front lot line, at 490 Aquaview Avenue, East Marion; CTM 21-3-5. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular business hours and prior to the day of the hearing. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (631) 765-1809, or by email: Linda.Kowalski@Town.Southold.ny.us. Dated: June 28, 2007. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS JAMES DINIZIO, JR., CHAIRMAN By Linda Kowalski 54375 Main Road (Office Location) 53095 Main Road (Mailing Address) P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 #8453 STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Dina Mac Donald of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successively, mencin the 19th day of Julv.2007. Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this 2007 ~daYOfgJ11 ~Lf)Ufu CHRISTINA VOllNSKI NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. Cl.V06105050 Quollnecl \r. Suffolk county Commission i~xjJlre!i F+)btllCiry 28, 2008 ~ ~-) !? . . 15/l~"le>) ll& _lb1 ~~ yr?~ . ELll;' J;i.\eLA- "~rr~,, ,,,_ , " : 'lJ.~st:.-::f9!>,a:' "ari- ,:f',:':"ilttc,e;uti , _,' q On;280~:t5",~~sed~€ll1:::the '::'::~;'~ASE,,:,t~~~:~~::'~~~~e~;~~~~~~~ -;-.. -', "" _",," ,ariEince:_ u~der" ,^:_'"additioDs-and,'aIterations'to'th'~'existin'g-. 'Section; 289.1;t6B,,':based'-'<m'the:_Build: . -dw:eIling-which result' wouJd_change'the '~g :Inspec~~r's ,~une)7',_2007Notice. of conforming rear yard.ta a:nonconforln_ .~isappro:v_al con~erping_ ,Propos~d - ad- iog 'yard -for the. existing swimming pool dil-ions. and -alterati.o~s to, the" existing" construction, ,_at Ocean ,View Avenue, dwelling, which new:consthJction will Fishers Island; OM 9-11"3.1. be less than 75 feet from the,'bulkhead, _ ' 2:10 ,p.m. ALBER,T'R.'GREBE JR. cpncre~ewall,Jiprap6rsimHanaructure #6043. -Request 'for Variances" ,under adja~~~tO-~da'I'wat~r'bodY.(Ho.g.Neck Se,;tio.D' 280~n4,_ based,' o.n the,'Bllild_ ,Bay)....at:-275,'Waters"Edge..Way. South~ ing..Inspector's April 9,2007 Notice o.f 01d;;~~8~-5:58. ,_, , ,_ ' . Disapprqyal co.nceming proposed re- ..~' W:55i lr..m. ,PJ; ~GERA~_, HOLD- arrangement of lot lines for three exist- ~GS:'.1,:.I;;~' .(SEIF:ERT ,';c;:qJNSTRUC- ing nonc~nforming l().ts..-The rearrange_ ' t:i9:;,:Requ~~sts-;,for:'Nariances ~ent'of lat lines' will change,the size of ~S'.2~0i6~~m(f28Qj~ based nancanforrning-l()ts.laC3ted in :the- R40 ing:~s~toc~s:J~e, 4, 2007 -Low-,D~nsity '",Resi4en,tial' ,Zdne,: '_,and . ;of," "r:~yal,",_con- wilJ,c~l!~ge the_~s'l~':Oi'norii:o~forn:iing - nW~r"use ,::-lots,located in 'th'e_::R$ Resid~ntial and ~9".." _ ,- _.~~r;~ight, -timjte~ BusineS~f:T#!); Zone,:cDi,st;!cts., IS~,c~~f1rne,;:'"l:~a$ons.<- :'Land~~ea:~sljoWn'::,~S:Atl:4\'\~it,h"__ao'-,exist~":,,, ~g~~,;bpflding;:pei: _ - ,ii1g~tt1~~n~f;~W~~~;iri~ie~sed:-j~;:,iSize~', ",th' 1, . " \)0- ", \ <"nael4itw~:ih::~,rr{,~xiS!i_n~':dWeUing'~Wi:U:'be' :om-~~~: ::m<:rea,~ed,1Ul:;siZ_e:;;~nd~.area '~sbdWn'~:__as efi;'I;~-i~~~~.:r-cbdhced~lniare~tO\69,428'f/~~'", ,~f,e,:~:}' _S~_~~':fe~t.:,J;.q91t'o.~iP:r~Rert>;::~uth' _e.et. ';: ,S~p~::o;f~\'~n!:le:"B; 'a_J;Ififi~~, ~~i1~::side, o~ ' FO~:Av~ue, ,-Flshers':IS'land;"CfM ,&2- 14,15, 16-,and nt' ,,' . no~'';'. CHius<JiRZADAS'606l: RequesLfor,a Variance' under 'Sections 28o.o122A and 280-124; based 'on Zoning, CQde InteIpreta:'tfon\ undi;m Z:BA '#5039 'in' .tbe'-..;pplication of'R. Walz, and"the B.u,ildmg; InSpef'tor's itimfJ3";.2007 No_~ '.tic,e,.,cif DisapP;;ov,81.,';conceming pro- ~~ '~~i!ioQS.to; ~e :~xisting dweJlin~:. ----- :to . . r:IFi4~i,~;j;,: "~ (~I:;~r"r ....-which.W.ill.be--an"incr.ea~i~.t~~~~:,:;:;;;;:::. ,feet.trom the tront ;:\i;\l-' ';" - -'.'AiIili.l,l_',. , ,'--J<::____,~~i'~ >P.f~~:'\Ylteri10eated<a-Mess-,.".~"',:r '11 ~ek Drive (a.k,a ' " -thail,::4tr~:f~Cffom..,,~fte code'-required Mi;ll'en~e'k R ,Southold; CTM 135. .:~:' LEGAL' NonCE frori't-'lti~i~!m;:,. at 490'~uaview Avenue, 3-42.3. '~':;",'_ _ . SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING East-Mari'()l1rCTM 21.3-5, 2.40 p.m. .~RK and PATRIeI;;\, BOARD OF APPEALS ."IU5" ,,:m. SPYRO AVDOULOS LAMPL #6062'"Request fm Vam"""s THURSDAY, AVGUST 2, 2007 -~ #6060,:,,-.I~:equest:, Jot.';a: Variance under under Sections)i12S0-116A(1), 280-122: :'-',' PUBLIC HEARINGS ':.;,";,:' se'~tion-QBO-1~;~A, b.a's-ed on the Build- ~80-124,- base~f,ih th~ Building Inspec~ . , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PuI:.,~ "orls,..meiid'd June 13, 2007 to,', June 5, 20~0*e of Disappwval :fuant to Section 267 af'the Town La-w.;-,:-' f'."_":pproia7~-chncerning pro- concerning:p#~_sed:additions and al- :..bd Chapter 2~0 (Zonmg), Code of th' " ,;~ .~sl~!i{~ltmtmns I~ Ihe t""ltonsto th~stUjg dwelling, d"ar- :!l'>Wn of Southold, thefollowmg pubI , '.. ,", ,!!>,l"idwelhng w,th a pwvedfm the!Jo~mg reas?nql) the ')ie.rings will be held by ,the SOUl'H, "",;setback ;~H"s-,than t~e c?de:cequued new ~~~truc~9,!W11J:be a~ mcrease m ihLD TO\\;N ,,'ZONlNG-BOARD 'Ql'" ,11)0 feet from the't~p'of,the 'bank,or", the,degree of Q'&cOl1fomuty when 10,. ;;i,'PPEALS"at. the:CraW;;'~Hall: 53095 ,. .'bluff'~djacerll'to th'e LOl;~ hland Soun",'; .'.cite~ l€ss thnh.I!" fe~l o;;".singje's>de ~ain Road, P.a. Box 1179, ~~u~hold, ,..~ ,at ?4985)'lq"h -R.oad, Greenport; CTM yard, and le":tJilln 35..feet lottota] sode ~ ' w;0):k,1.1J7.h0959,on.mURSDAY...". 44-1-5". . ',. .'. -.,,'::~n:ds;.~~d:(2):'j!l..~d'!itwns,,~nd ,"lteea- :2 '20~1~' -' '- - -.:", :,- " " :,: -, /:",~~..;,::,1;;OO,P~(I?A\{'ID:~H~RlrfAN:1f6~6.3'<,::~;'c,:,:tl,0!l~!;a~e,~:1t_p~lltred at'les~ 'tban lOt! :m;~~:t',J!iUGK:i:: ':.~ATAPJ:;)I:YIS'_~, ':::'~eqiIests"fon::YaT:rances::,l;ln(fer,;Sectiohs '"': "Ae,e'f ~om1J1~,1'iif af:ria:n:k qr bluff adja- ,!"I~)'#6047. Requ,''":fot;.,.. 280;Wand Z8?:12~, b"e:d on the Build:. :. .,,"', lo'th'fL?n~slana Sound. Lo,,~on ,~r~eC:~1_~_~~80}~,6,.b;,~te,~ ,:-':_ mg' Inspectors April .12, zq9?:. 'Not}c,e.""'-",':'Rf,'~~?,p~~!u'l~~rhe $trand (Lot 12/ 'at f.f:iPg~; !4~pectar's':;June: :~-4~, -'~. -of Disapp:roV~'l conter~,ing a:- propos-ed~__: :'-\\P:~~bl,~-"" ~~M~arm~), East Marion: 'eif":;!k~vic~~;:of,Disapproval,~ deck 'addlti.~J!:;: disapprov,ed for the,fol- . :';~'E:t~_.3~~2J1?;. _,{ So '':~Rlmi?,-g,\'-I?O.'l)1 ,,' .'..': !o~g..rea~?l1s::Cp;t~e ~e~k;wi!I.~~'_l~s~" ": '~:':'_:'--';:'::"'_'::',:''', ,:!> _2:55 p.m, res,erved 1rA~~t1:~ss:~t~~~. "~f}j~r-,JO:f~et:?n a;\ingle,Si?eya,r(r((2)'~h~e-,: '.. ;QL~~n~~QiC~StY~~r #6933). ':t]le:~:~hluff adJae ;de,ck ,wdLbec;]ess:;tha-n~35,feeqo~aJ':slde " '_, <~_"!,,\ _~, _3:1O-p.m. reserved .". d, and' (2) yatd .'~tbaGks; (lj'.ihe'deck ;Vill exc;ed' (CingulirtEMFfu carryover #5"26) ',n~e'cad~ " , 'the:c~d~ Ji."mii'atjO~_'o,f20%'lot..c_ov.cra:ge;,;' ,~,-,_~,':rsqe<~:6,a};{:('@.{,'Appeals w.itl::,~ear a.U . "" ''"'. ',- , fProperty:-'_,_-. :~4l.t~e:sJle,~_!~:pr?E-osed:~"a~7.a_r:.d::Ot~r<: ,'P~r:~?~S~':6.i:;~i)_eIf:/ep~esentat!ves; desir" ..1~I~t:~'~ .i'~~~iY'<:-~~~:~_::sp~e;~_e9,~e~11eaJr~~".I~~;~'.e~),it~_e:":;:~1~1;~t'~?,f'H_'1~~~q?~~ eac~ hearmg, and/or f!li9~":',,,,:1: "t.!:~ .'" ,.,'- .'.. c\~:,~e.d ,~_s}ess',I!\.,').it,~t<;e Je,t,fro~: ,the'"," ,de~!&'!'~.;t:~\suJj,l1ltt wntten ,statemen" i:l. :1;0,05 a.m. D \:JrCI):ER, .. p!opertyJine and exceed'o'hecode hmi- before ..thf. ,ootlflu"on of each he".- ilii:lN PETERS. #6053. Reques" for a' tation of.20% lot coverage cOcation of . ing. Each hearing win not statt earlie, Jmaiic~'ti,nde?Se"i~ri;280:'J24: based Pmperty' 260 Founde" Path, Soulhnld; than designatedOabove. Files are avail- ~_;,}he \B~ilding Inspe€toI':S-, April' 23; .' 'CTM64-2-24. able '1for"i,e~ieW:' dU$g regular- busi- ~!wI!iJ'IP,P,e"P\D~~pp.t~va!;C~nCeIning 120 p.m. KATHERINE DANERl nesshou,..,~ iOTl!!l,l!I\~~t;,q.e ~F~r:O":;:'m~;'!\,,,,-!,Y,~~ell!,,,g,atless., ..#-,,02~.Request:fo, :::ana~ce.~ u.~der Se,- _ _ "h~r,'~~t J,LYo ave qUes "'ns, pTease :!o'a",~40'feel from the It'mrlot lme, at tiim,28(y. 28Q:lsB,D"F"ana 280-116' ,.,..;ro"not,.,1tii;,tta 0 "ouf office if1~eep Hole Drive, Mattiruek; CTM . bas.ed 0 . ding Inspector"-.'?c_ "., ,;' '. " jt Linda. _z <, ~tf26'! .to~~('3:1 ~'~~~' ':of, 'Oisap'p~?~~k{:~.:\~ ' - _ -" , ' .. ': ',: ~_eJi9e. ::~f)(l7~,co~~e,rn'ing-i~~,__-<,j,: "Ges:,'u:'lclt.<T, BectiO:Q '280~:,~~,~,: ,pr;_~ppi~ s,: after de~o'liii~nrot:', :.,""~ __' '~~~~~..;: a~~~, .,;!;~;~~:~~~i!:~:~ ::<~,~;.. . waliki ~ad~'1'[':-:-ing;_,b~i]diir~:j:-'propose~'_ "with,~:~,a::\singl~'...,- -;":~~;;i __ ' oadtt~be''LJ:icati'o~)' ,t#hr:;, "';,:Si,d_;_~,y~~~~'iq"!I~~;:t~ilIi:I:S. -fe~t.,cJe,ss;_.tli'an~ ::/~~';>;'~5' ' ~ad, (Mailing Address) . with' ':'3'5'Jeet:td.t~'[;~d,e__ya,rd$;1~ssr~":V:5'_f~e~ L'~.};~:t(.:~,~~_ _ ~"" _,;_> , po. Box 11'79 e,;aS".:an,acce to the ' fromlhe ,an accessory" ".~....' '''''':;'{''o'''-' , '~.:',f iSputhofd, NY 1197-1-0959 i, ':'~=~~;:~i~{' ",~ :~~~X'845nNI>19 ' . , . ?Pl~;;;d't':jh~~T mm'mu fioiiilh~~il e p;;p?ity ilt ,phhiQri~9~a-fl,IQ~~.:.occi.i~iedll: ~ __<~,iri,e~~nd:With a_he{g:h<~_~xctiedinfth'e/2i_: ,'; __libn~tbe etfeclliv.e!dattl ,oLibis ;j. ",:fi>Oode_' limitatiriniL'0catldni'of-Prdp'er_ r;;Iil?EMa.Jta~-y:e~terI!:a:h~l.!idence.; ,1 ':tY'::2OQ P~ivatec Road, #1-7;::or.~Terry;J~ath " . ,-'liiJ~~~'"~g;~,~S~cf;~;!,ui~y,me~!\,, -.~ ,;,:ex-trAdin~"'e'as~e~')t"lof!:pptp,,-'Nineola " "t~~MK~~'_:t:I9i~::1?,U~!~'~~'_i,~~~,,~rec~~d ,..., ~~a,~!.M~t'Wu~~;_,c;;rM'J21,-6~~_4:., ,. HJ65 ~d~~: ~j}~F~PH ~l:~~f -~,[I~ ,~~ '; ,,',.':': ',-J~1Q iP.rn. ,RIC:HA;W: }~d ~1';T~ :;~Tfl~raer:-r::1_tij.iP~~ment .. ~IN~EI:-J:::~~~2:,Req~~st Jar, a'yan- ~ ...!'-Ql',;p!'!,Q_~JP-~!G<l~~~'l'~con~_.. .._ . an.~ :tlAd,et:Sj::~tlQri.~~,O-')J(jB_;;b~sed':on _ .: e~~~~ilJ~~';;:~T~~~t "ay 44,~~; . k;i!,:and'.sto[!1:g~,~s,tructure ",,~1,.d_w~wn8 : ,1iip~; ',side wop,erty, liJ1~' A1sa,- .,;:'~:the'-.exis i~y,e~:f.;: g,!lrea-willinqease,'-\Yith_ '::_*for'1he? .,S~~1, ~~&.e:'to:{ecr~~~jon.:~pa~<}}4~i-ij)p;;~ifl' " Atc; ,_ ,,' gulfed .. . e.ogk'~\,T1$WJ~(, .ea'd;'lit,'_~:~~5.Pi.n:e> 9i~z.~\y" . e'ek),cCiJtchogue; - ., ,.'. Ou'-Ld, 1:2. t f;:~ ,~,~r:l1?;a..rri,;:_'E~C :and'"~RrA."~U_ :_i~i,lS.t~tR--e,quejt'!.l?TJ~Y~an\O~;,u_nder 'reetitMs'~~2~ 'a-nrl'.28.o~124;"'based .~n zoomg; 'c:ode--I^n~erp~e,tatio'(ZBA :l?i938'm:tDe'AppHca-tiOfl:of:R. Walz..andi. -:: the BuIIQU,g, Ins!!".tor. April 3, .2llQ7 '!Notice, of DisaoofOval, Cnnt"Pnm.:... -,,;.;.... fi . FORM NO.3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: April 3, 2007 TO: Nancy Dwyer for E & M Bulis Design Consulting Inc. Miller Place, NY 11764 Please take notice that your application dated March 28, 2007 ;, ;;(P~5 For additions to an existing single familv dwelling at Location of property 490 Aquaview Ave, E. Marion, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section n Block.J.. Lot.2 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction, on this non-conforming 29.161 square foot, corner parcel in the R-40 District, is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 280-122A which states: "Nothing in this article shall be deemed to prevent the remodeling, reconstruction or enlargement of a non-conforming building containing a conforming use, provided that such action does not create any new non-conformance or increase the degree of non-conformance with regard to the regulations pertaining to such buildings." The existing single- familv dwelling, on this corner lot. notes a front yard setback from AQuaview Ave. of24-3.5' feet. The proposed dormer addition (@.approx. 26') & wing addition (@ approx. 31 ') will result in an increase in nonconformity. Pursuant to the interpretation in Walz (#5039), such additions and alterations will thus constitute an increase in the degree of nonconformance. Also. the addition is not permitted pursuant to Article XX III. Section 280-124. which states that non-conforming lots, measuring between 20,000 square feet and 39,999 square feet in size, require a minimum front vard setback of 40' feet. The site plan indicates the proposed addition (deck included) will measure 28-8.5' from Circle Dr. /7 l:tw-U. eJL ( Authorized Signature -, Fee: $ &tft) ~ NrOfficeffie~ry Filed By;---)t\ _ ~ Date Assigned/Assignment No. Office Notes: Parcel House No. '190 Street Aau/wleuJ SCTM 1000 Section.;1/ BlockO 3 Lot(s) 05' /hie. Hamlet ~t I.AMeI()~ Lot Size &1,11&> / S.,...Zone I (WE) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BillLDING INSPECTOR -j DATED: ftPte/L ,:<). 200/ , Applicant/Owner(s): eRI C- ql tAil-telA f:3vl..J 5 Mailing Address: Telephone: 350 7~" 5f. ;)()I.C,,5f...1:;Q7 A-pr ~E. +-!olDo/GeIJ f:JJ 1 0,0'30 NOTE: In addition to the above please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney, agent, architect, builder, contract vendee, etc. and name of person who agent represents: Authorized Representative: }JAJ.,Jc.y bwyl!fk. for <Xl Owner, or ( ) Other: Address: PO. 130~ IIP32 /.AIlA..eJept..MJ.e J 1JY Il7bY. Telephone: 631 - 1/iilt '739- '1M 7 Please check box to specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to, from the above names: o Applicant/Owner(s) )i(Authorized Representative 0 Other Name/Address: . WHEREBY THE BillLDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED 7'-.3.07 FOR: Pn1'1<J(./A C!-o,vK..uA./ ):!:Building Permit o Certificate of Occupancy 0 Pre-Certificate of Occupancy o Change of Use o Permit for As-Built Construction OOther: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article Xx. III Section 280- / OJ. 'f Subsection Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: }If..A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. o A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. o Interpretation of the Town Code, Article Section ~ 0 Rev~rsal r Other \!:Ii" A prior ap'peal as ~as not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal ~~ No. ~ea I l/9? (Please be sure to research before completing this question or call our office to (!7 assist you.). . . ZBA File # Name of Owner: REASONS FOR APPEAL (additional sheets mav be used with DreDarer's sie:nature): AREA VARIANCE REASONS: (1) An undesirable change will not be prodnced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties if granted, because: , /He p/20p~SI!!D P-OD1POJJ /)es/~JJ /.5 ~/,v6 U//{Hi/lJ 1H~ C-1-I/.ueM!{1i?Je of j7.1e ~/SriNG fl!!.eSlfJe/Ju (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: 0/= me ioCl4-tj~tJ OF tHE t:xisf/tJG HOOSE ! IJ JetE LA11~tJ fb me lZ-l?t;tJl/Z13D ~tzope;e.tY sef15Aek-s. (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: me P/20fJOSED A-f:>O/f70tJ /5 G~DI/Ml-Y t;;e.tri!J6 fV(2fHeJ:L -p,zol.A THe f.;-ee:er (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: mE size Pj= 1J-IE; pRop--SeT) Gfr?(/c-fvlee Is JAINI/lAI/4..-. (5) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( )Yes, or ~o. This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. Check this box ( ) IF A USE VARIANCE IS BEING REQUESTED, AND PLEASE COMPLETE THE ATTACHED USE VARIANCE SHEET: (Please be sure to consult your attor ey.) ~- a . ,,1110 Sworn to befo7 me thiS 0( day of Mil '- .20 07 . j{~W~ Notary Public ~EN W. BOERGESSON '-,PubJJc.SIat!cI"-~o-( No.Ol"^.... ,~.".. CuaI~~ """"",,180 ,.___~.~_In .?t--:!oll< Ce"n',/ I '~-:""J 'if IS / (J 1 . } I . .' Page 3 013 - Appeal Application : ~ ~ "'. 8 >Jj',,:, 4f- bvS3 Part B: REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE (If requested): For Each and Every Permitted Use under the Zoning Regulations for the Particular District Where the Project is Located (please consult your attorney before completing): 1. Applicant cannot realize a reasonable return for each and every permitted use under the zoning regulations for the particular district where the property is located. demonstrated by competent financial evidence. The applicant CANNOT realize a REASONABLE RETURN because: (describe on a separate sheet). we eJc/SflNG f!oVSE j~ (JutS/DE OF me {2etvvl/eleD Sl?ra~ 2. The alleged hardship relating to the property Is unique because: IT 15 A PI2E. (3\/STIJJ6 CO/..h';>/J7'o/V_ 3. The alleged hardship does not apply to a substantial portion of the district or neighborhood because: /He ,4tJ?L.E- 01' 1l-Nz HOVSE wNe)eE /J-Ie p~poS~ A4)DIj1oJV WI /.-l.. ~e. 6~/J/:)u~'-i Get's 1'=V,RfH~~ j=-1eoM iH~ sfli!&f 4. The request will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood because: me pt<Opp514) bE:s./(';.!J j 5 Co~SIS f1'+1J1 1b f1H:- ~~ OF J7-I€ rvejt:./-II3oI!:./-IooO. 5. The alleged hardship has not been self-created because: . ~Jk!..~ 17-Ie eJe/sT/tJ6 )../o()Se Is out 0/= 17-/1!! l2!?avl;ee1) 5E!1'-' S. 6. This is the minimum relief necessary. while at the same time preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety and welfare of the community. (Please explain on a separate sheet il necessary.) 7. The spirit of the ordinance will be observed. public safety and welfare will be secured. and substantial justice will be done because: (Please explain on a separale sheet il necessary.) ( ) Check this box and complete PART A. Questions on previous page to apply AREA V ARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorney.) Otherwise. please proceed to the slanature and notary area below. Sworn to before me this ;:<.N-O ~ay of ...f.v:I.f,.y......... 2007. /-~W.~ (Notary Public) I\ARCN W. BOERGESSON NcWy PublIc, Sta\O 01 Now Yo(c< No. 01804842180 ,~~-~~~!~~ec;/ 3 ,) Pi ZBA App 9/30/02 . (Jtfc1 -2/- 3-r OWNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD aOPERTy"RECORD CARD . ;t1-32... STREET o VILLAGE DISTRICT SUB. LOT Ma......;a G. F@RMER OWNER Ct"i ,1" --',,,-' ,(. '. . , lV..-' -:;: ~' )tsr:... N '1 E .'f; ,j" W " ~"'~ ~J{ 'X~/'~;l - ACREAGE ,SOO TYPE OF BUILDING II,L. Sc A<i IIn} t;) vI- .2-1 () SEAS. ~ VL. S " '. " (. j FARM COM,M. IND. CB. I MISe. dAd. h"lB. J( 1: nYl. '/ J; ld IIht6w: To !fvf,j-'f/tb" 4t., n 'If ..,' D I> 0 IMP. TOTAL DATE LAND , j I ': '''~' C) 2.000 4300 6300 . 5 (~ OD 5900 / BELOW botlx NEW 300 NORMAL ABOVE (fJ (1 (> , /2, ~., >It J1 0 :)0 , Farm Acre Value Per Acre Value /" A' , <,c:' TillabJe J Tillable 2 Tillable, 3 Woodland Swampland Brushland,.,... ...,/- ~use PI~ Total ... ~ -" ..3 I.c. 41- r \' /0/ ''f tL Jf t' 'rl . , 1.0' t.. oc K, j IA. Bldg. I "',0' \ ~ 34-7l.., JYundation };.^::'-' Bath I .::: ~ S>':j, 'c'" '" l./" 2,.J . " ~y .~ :xtension " I Basement Fi/ !- Floors C ~ t< Ii Y , ..' {,~' " r.... :xtension / f 'j f Li "- Ext. Walls Interiar Finish di ~ j " ./ :; -,;-' 3$7 Lv' .,...G ''ui' " , i!' ., 6 ",' '- ..-. .. .... L :xtension Fire Place .[ F "" Hem l1(l';'//[ f S ." 12, 'l-Z7 7 ~24 ~ ,2S- <1'" Porch Attic _ .\.'1, \2. ~ S = ':,1) :;'e4 ~ C- ('C; ( ~ 200 Porch Raoms 1 st Floor , Rooms 2nd Floor 3reezeway Patio ::;0 rage Driveway t. l n . ~". , ,- f\ ~q(""'" 4 , J. B. ~2S; ---...' - j .. v ;1 ~ , ! . ',~(~ I" u/' ',., i!' ',' .' .-/ " ~ y~ ..., /...:, 'f....l _'";; ,5;:' -~. . ". ~ . . sQ\l~O ~(-3--~ -~ ---... , , . -~ /;1~ t2y OL/- d =0:-1 ~ J.( -cJ -{p -.2/ -J. - 1 (;U-3-9 tL/ -.3 - P JI -.3 - b d--I 3-1 oJ! 3-1(> "" ~><l'""" IlIot,,,,. Un. -, - LlNlESS -, - DRUN OTHER'IS., All llo~tlotr""lIn. -, '" 'IT~IN PROPERTIES -, - TIl( FOLLOWINC IIoI...lo<llliot<1cTl... s.c~OClL , OtSHlICTS' NOTICE. ~; '" :;OIER no 8 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK CD I ~ -, _.llI''''''''l''' " HrDR...r WWlfNtNCl;, Al !'RATON, ~ALE OR ., -, - LICHT .. IUU no {.: no - ...._...IIl....'..l.... ,- ., DlSTF/5VTIONOfANYPI)flTlJNOfT/fE ~ ~ Rea Property Tax Service Agency ~ ., - n - ..e..UII:[ ~= ;!.fFOlKCCUlTrTAX r.!APlSPROI6TED ~ "STEUTE" II1HOU1IRITTENPERWlSSICtlOFTI-( " . COU"ltyCenterRiv~HY11901 -" . no lIE..... PRa>f:RTr TAX SEllVQ: ICHlty. 1II SC.l,LfIN ffiT' U " .. .. A P / o. m I , J BUILDING PERMIT.LICATION CHECKLIST Do yoy have or need th~ 0\I{ing. before applying? . _ , V BoardofHeal",,"' ~,"'D'qrt'~1 4 sets of Building Plans f Planning Board approval Survey Check Septic Form NYS.D.E.C. Trustees Contact: Mailto tJAt,X'f Dl)J,/~ TOWN OF SOUmOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www.northfork.net/Southold/ . . '. PERMIT NO. Examined .20_ Approved _ 20_ Di"pp;ovedak Ij!/' /0 Phone 731 - 4& 17 Expiration 20_ Building Inspector "f\R 1 [)roo APPLICA nON FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date MMe-Uf 7 INSTRUCTIONS .2001 a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location oflot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and watervvays. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. Ifno zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY:tv1ADE to the Building Department for the issuance ofa Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of South old, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. '-'l name, if a corporation) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Dt;B6,J~ eleiG ~ tAMZtA (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer t?:,~}US Name of owner of premises (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. I. Location of land on whi91 proposed work will be done: MVA-Vi~ AUe House Number Street l?A0f MAr2-fOtJ Hamlet County Tax Map No, 1000 Section Subdivision .;1/ Block Filed Map No, 03 (Name) Lot Lot 05 . . 2. r~Jlosed construction: esi DI2Nce b. Intended use and occupancy ~ifJt.W t-AAJ "'I rZlCSi b~tJaZ X Alteration 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building Repair Removal Demolition Addition Other Work (Description) 4. Estimated Cost Fee 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units If garage, number of cars (To be paid on filing this application) Number of dwelling units on each floor 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. if 40 14/' 31 1_ -2 ,- 7. DimensIOns of existing structures, If any' Front . - Rear to? Height O)~ '- /., . Number of Stories 1;.'2- /ill 1//' Dimensions of same str}'ct)J!e with alterations or additions: Front lCT -...,.. Depth ~o?1-~'Height ~;;)'-&," Number of Stories ",.110' .,"/" 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front a<Y"" - Rear c.<'"O - Depth Height ;?.;;J'-h t, Number of Stories / Vz. /(,7';''/ ' Rear Depth .;Jq..'- If" Rear {.lj!.<j" /Vi!- ;;;,p- 'I " 9. Size oflot: Front /;;;7. tJo ' Depth / f-,/S,9 , 10. Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES )( NO_ 13. Wiil iot be re.graded? YES X NO_Will excess fiil be removed from premises? YES_ NO_ 14. Names of Owner of premises BilL-iS Address Phone No. Name of Architect (.M;e.~ rvrnl ~L Address Phone No Name of Contractor ~_, D. Address Phone No. 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet ofa tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? 'YES_NO ~ . IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAYBE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? . YES_ NO X . IF YES, D.E.e. PERMITS MAYBE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. l1f17Kt-It'D 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SSe COUNTY OF ) /Jf}fJ6~ [;<</1/1::1:.- being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual gning contfact) above named, (S)He is the r;./:3/~)J~ (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perfonn or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this day of 20_ Notary Public Signature of Applicant '~--(k',,-~~(r~). . (-J:-A.-- ~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 3~f~~~ (j STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING July 25,2007 Town of Southold ZBA 53085 Main Rd., P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Sir: AUG - 1 2007 THOMAS ISlES, AICP DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s) submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision oflocal determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Applicant( s) Grebe Reinken Dickerson Bulis Dey Planitzer Seifert Avdoulos Girzadas Lampl Casey Very truly yours, Thomas Isles, AICP Director of Planning S/sTheodore R. Klein Senior Planner TRK:cc LOCATION H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. - 4TH FLOOR 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY . MAILING ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6100 HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788-0099 Municipal File Number(s) 6043 6052 6053 6055 6056 6057 6059 6060 6061 6062 6064 . (631) 853-5190 TELECOPIER (631) 853-4044 -----= ------~ ------ ~ 8 '"Cl o ~ ,...:j :;:d o E; I I I I I 1,,,,-,,,, 1. "--,.-L~~~_.____..___._._ ...---- ---- -- -- ------------- : ..' .. 4\~,08' \ I \ \ ::<:CJ1 Zo o ~~ t::) ;J>M Ul ::0 0- -t;:l ::ox 0>-'1 r- MO t::)>-rJ ::0::;: -;J> r;3--< \ . , .' z 0 N , 0 0 0 0 = ~ ~ . .~ ~\ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I \ .. ...~~9~]A VIEW A VE1NTTE ~~. UJ S 8.3'10'10" [ -- - ~ I WOOo STAKf . .... ~~ fCXl ~-~ ~()1 eN - '"""" CONC. MON. I ~' tl ~ . z ~ ) 527' 2 STORY FR,M.t( HOUSE Cl)HC. <"~ v.lALlS ~._~-. ~~ W3j 'I; ". /C'J~- \! '- "& -.."'" "'b~!f L:ij./tS"'\z; \Ifi~ '--;l-a}N(; L.-I ~ll S 89'26'40" W I I i i I I N/O/F VINCENT C GEROS'A VINCENT Ii. GEROSA MARIA G, BULlS ERIC J. BULlS RUDOLF J. BULlS ~I :-Ji 127.00' I --"- -----------_._._~~~ ~ --:~T- : I I , 1 :.(/11 I < , ~~. .. --'-'~'-' . . (170' DEED) 169.84' ';n WOOD ~lA:';f ROOF OVrRhN~G J~2 ,J' l:'l:-- 10 ~(j) I~ o 1.O o f~'~ ,~ ~ ,,"'C "0 ':,20 .. 1 4:> .00' \ \ N/O/r;,aOS,4\ II CD" , ll'1 [.10 1,4 I. = f'l "" o :t: ~ -l ::to ~>: r/, co c~ ..., :t " '" "l co ~ to ~ (J1 ~ 1.O o fO\.l,oO """ SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUATED AT EAST MARION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-21-03-05 SCALE 1 "=.30' AUGUST 30, 2006 AREA = 29,161.34 sq. ti. 0.669 oe. NQ'[!{ DEED REFERENCES ARE TO DEED USER 7747 PAGE 484. "", 0 Pi:-'- ?"'; d:C-(po5'6 PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE. WITH THE MINIMUM ST~(WmS FnR ffiLf SlJ AS ESTMU$HfD BY THE 1~.LALS. AND AP D AND ADOPTED rOR SUCH uS( ff1 THE NE OR\< STArr lMO TillE ASSOCIATION Lic_ No_ 491168 uNAVfH()fijZEO AUERATION OR ADOInON '0 THIS SUfNlY IS A W>lATlON Of SECTION 7209 Of n-if l\EW YORK ST A TF [.DlJCATlON LA" COPIES Of HilS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING Tt1E LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SE,t,l OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHAll ~ 8€ CONSIDERED TO Bf. .1\ VAllO TRUE COPY I I Joseph A. Ingegno Land Surveyor CERTIfICATIONS lNOICATlD HlRlON Sl-W..l RUN ONly TO THE PERSON rOR WHOW THE S\JRV[Y (,; PRePARED. AND ON HIS BEJiALF ro THl rnu: COMPANY, COI/ERNWENTAL AGfNCY ANO LENDI"K> INsmiJTlON UST(D HtR[ON, AND TO ~~ .\SSlGNfES Of lHt: LEND-IN(; lN511-- TI.;!lON CERTlF'CATlnW,:, ARE 001 TRAN5ffJ~...BtJ: fitJe Surveys - Subdivisions - Site Plorns - Construction Ld)'OUt PHONE (631)727-2090 Fax (631)727-1727 -.JNG NJDRf3S P.O. Box 1931 Rfverheoo. New Yor\ , 1901-0965 THE EXISTENCE or RIGHTS or WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS or RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. omcrs LOCATED AT 322 ROANOKE ^VENUE RMRHEAD. New Yorl<. 1 ;901 26- 298