HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-08/23/1990 TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, i11, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Alber~ J. Krupski, Jr. John L. Bednoski, Jr. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 MINUTES AUGUST 23, 1990 PRESENT WERE: John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith, Vice-President Albert J. Krupski, Jr., Trustee John Bednoski, Jr., Trustee John B. Tuthill, Trustee Jill M. Thorp, Clerk WORKSESSION: 6:00 P.M. 7:15 P.M. Called meeting to order Pledge of Allegiance 7:19 P.M. A motion was made by JOHN BREDEMEYER and seconded by ALBERT KRUPSKI to go right into the Public Hearings. THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE SUFFOLK TIMES AND AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ORGANIZED AND BRIEF, FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESS, IF POSSIBLE. 7:23 p.m. - In the matter of the application of En-Consultants in behalf of THOMAS ZUKAS to construct a timber dock consisting of a 4' X 10' upland inclined ramp; 4' X 15' fixed elevated (3.5 above grade of marsh) walk; a 4' X 14' hinged ramp; a 6' X 20' float secured by (2) 8" diameter pilings. Location of property is Smith Drive South, Southold, NY on dredged canal off Goose Creek. MR. BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Is %here anyone here who wishes to speak against this application? MR. SMITH: I make a motion to close the hearing. MR. KRUPSKI: Second. I make a motion to approve. MR. SMITH: Second. Board of Trustees 2 August 23, 1990 MR. BREDEMEYER: In the matter of the application of En-Consultants in behalf of WILLIAM GRIFFO to construct (2) 50' low-profile timber groins. Groins will extend out from existing bulkhead. Other groins are located to east and west. Dominant littoral drift is from west to east. Length was selected as an intermediate between groins to west (40+') and to east (60+'). Groins are needed as beach has narrowed significantly in front of subject property, located on Basin Road, Southold, NY on Southold Bay. Is there any one here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Is there anyone here who wishes to speak against this application? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: I would like to make our comments. MR. BREDEMEYER: Yes, I see you have comments. MR. HOLZAPFEL: To mention them, so you are at least aware of them. I am not sure what he is trying to do... trying to protect the bulkhead. I don't know, I am just doing this in an environmental way more so... I mean in an engineering way. It is not my expertise at all. I am not sure if that is going to accomplish what he wants to do. You know that sand. I think he is going to be asked to fill in the low profile groin with sand. If you go down there you will find out there is just large pebbles. There is no sand on the beach in front of where he is at all. Interestedly enough the literal drift that is in there right now is opposite. The groins that are presently there are filled as you are looking out on the right hand side, not on the left hand. There is a horizontal distance of about two feet from one side to the other. It is opposite of what is called the dominate literal drift according to the diagram. My own opinion that it is a general trend, but it is opposite of right now. It is still fairly.., if you are looking out, the right hand of the groin. The left hand side has been scoured away. MR. BREDEMEYER: So you are saying here that the dominant littoral drift is from west to east? MR. HOLZAPFEL: Right. I think that is the normal way that it does move down there. I looked at the Peconic Bay survey and that is the way they have it based on the aerial photographs etc. etc... What I am saying is right now there is a different phenomenon taking place. MR. SMITH: It could have been done to this last storm we just had on Sunday. MR. HOLZAPFEL: What I am saying is that sand then is moving rather... MR. B~RDEMEYER: Fluid back and forth. MR. HOLZAPFEL: Right. That is something to be concerned with. Its purpose is really save the foot. You might want to think of revetments etc...verse what he wants to put in. It is something to be concerned with. I don't know. Personally, I think if he fills it with, it comes back in a year the sand is all going to go anyway. It might not accomplish. I don't know if that is your decision to deal with that question or you let him do what he wants. The area has already been impacted to the east and west. There already are jetties on both sides. The other question or point that I would just make, is the intermediate Board of Trustees 3 August 23, 1990 distance is obviously going to have a greater impact. If you pick fifty feet instead of ones to the west are forty feet the ones to the east are sixty feet. You might want to stay with the forty feet so it doesn't impact the western neighbor. They are all questions, I think, that you have to consider anlrway. And then it is up to you. MR. BREDEMEYER: O.K. Thank you. Any members of the Board wish to speak on this application? MR. SMITH: Yes, just that we went down there and we did look at it. We look at it in a group and at the time I felt we did not have a problem with it, providing he went with a low profile groin. We did all recognize that he does have a problem there. MR. BREDEMEYER: He is having...yea, the toe failure at that bulkhead now is... MR. SMITH: That bulkhead kicks in, its going to be more of environmental disaster there than him trying to save the beach with these groins. What we might suggest to him, if he gets these groins approved, that the next time they dredge out that basin, since they do maintenance dredge on that basin periodically they could take some of that spoil and deposit it along those beaches there where neighbors are having a problem. MR. HOLZAPFEL: I had talked to one of the neighbors about the thing and he said that the Trustees had turned that down in the later dredging. I wasn't sure about that. MR. SMITH: I don't believe we have ever turned that down. MR. HOLZAPFEL: Maybe put it on the other side, up land. MR. SMITH: I think that was DEC. MR. BREDEMEYER: John, when you were there, you said the material was very course. MR. HOLZAPFEL: In front of his bulkhead. MR. BREDEMEYER: Was it really, because when I went down on the beach it was relatively medium to ... it was fine sand, but it wasn't gravel. MR. HOLZAPFEL: There wasn't a lot of very fine sand. If you go down to the end, where the inlet is, you can see in there or a hundred and fifty yards is very, very clear. You have the open bay there. Again, an opinion is that when you do get those north winds coming down it is going to use that bulkhead as a battering ram and just scour in. Environmentally, I don't think it is going to make a major difference whether you put those or not, but what I am saying to... MR. BREDEMEYER: Practically. MR. HOLZAPFEL: Yes. MR. KRUPSKI: I still feel that we should have more documentation on the effects of this. To see whether toe failure is his problem and if this is the best way to go. MR. TUTHILL: My comment is that I don't see anything wrong in what he wants to do except I don't think he is going to get the results. MR. KRUPSKI: Why have somebody build something that is not going to serve his needs. MR. SMITH: We don't know that. MR. KRUPSKI: That is my whole point, why vote on something that we don't know about. Board of Trustees 4 August 23, 1990 MR. TUTHILL: If it is not going to do any harm, then what the heck. MR. BREDEMEYER: I will take a motion to close the hearing if we have no further comments on it. MR. SMITH: Second. VOTE OF THE BOARD: ALL AYES. MR. SMITH: I make a motion that we approve the two groins. MR. TUTHILL: I will second. ALL AYES MR. BREDEMEYER: Some discussion. I thought John Holzapfel's comments were very good in respect of the possibility of the literal drift being subject to being quite fluid both ways. Maybe the limitation to forty feet where it is actually longer on one side.., that it be a longer groin than what is there. Maybe limiting them both to forty feet would be advisable. MR. SMITH: Well, they are low profile. MR. BREDEMEYER: O.K. A motion was made and seconded. MR. KRUPSKI: I am abstaining on this. Without knowing the consequences of where it is coming from, how can you vote on it. VOTE OF THE BOARD; AYES: BREDEMEYER, SMITH, BEDNOSKI, TUTHILL. Abstain: KRUPSKI MR. BREDEMEYER: In the matter of the application of J.M.O. Consulting in behalf of JOHI~ BRAIDER scheduled for 7:17 it is now 7:34. Application to construct approximately 354' of timber retaining wall above MHW Line. The southern most 215' will be backfilled with stone; the remaining 139' will be backfilled with clean sand which will be trucked in from an upland source. The applicant also proposes to construct a 6' X 14' float and a 6' X 36' float onto an existing dock. Project location: Gull Pond Lane on Gull Pond in Greenport, NY. Anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Anyone wishes to speak against this application? MR. GOLDMEN: My name is Rob Goldmen. I am representing the North Fork Environmental Council, Inc. I would like to read this statement into the record. The North Fork Environmental Council requests that the application be denied and that the applicant follow the recommendations of the Conservation Advisory Council. We are concerned that this application received a negative declaration under SEQRA. Due to the potential for disturbance to threatened or non-threatened species on site, and due to the belief that either a positive declaration or a conditioned negative declaration should have been issued. Gull Pond is a sheltered body of water and normally does not experience wave/tidal action necessitating such a large structure as proposed. Indeed, it is our understanding that if Gull Pond were to experience a stozm surge, wave energy would "bounce" off, therefore it makes more sense to re-vegetate currently eroded areas belonging to the applicant in order to absorb intermittent storm surges. We believe erosion control for this situation can be more effectively achieved through the use of plantings of spartina and other salt-tolerant vegetation native to the North Fork. Additionally, the upland portion of the applicant's property Board of Trustees 5 August 23, 1990 should be thoroughly evaluated to determine possible origins of erosion. If erosion is originating on the upland portion of the property, a planting scheme should be developed and implemented there also. We believe that this technique would not only be a benefit to the natural environment of Gull Pond but would also be much less expensive for the applicant. We would refer to the applicant the excellent publication; Lon~ Island Native Plants for Landscaping: A Source Book, to the Cooperative Extension Service, and of course, to the Trustees for assistance with this approach. MR. BREDEMEYER: Thank You. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak against this application? MR. HOLZAPFEL: I would like to bring our comments up again. I know you have them, but. MR. BREDEMEYER: Yes, if you would. MR. HOLZAPFEL: We had many of those things, comments, in looking at the application. The body of water is very shelltured. There is not much of fetch anyway, direction. There doesn't seem to be much erosion of ninety percent of the beach front. There is a very healthy spartina marsh in front of most of it. The only place seems to be slightly... MR. BREDEMEYER: The north side? MR. HOLZAPFEL: Actually where the dock is. Each side of the dock. MR. BREDEMEYER: O.K. MR. HOLZAPFEL: That might just be run off from the land itself. I am not really positive. MR. BREDEMEYER: I saw that. It was also scoured out on the north. MR. HOLZAPFEL: One of the neighbors said that he can remember the grass running all the way down through there very heavily. We just felt that there was no need for it. And again, you are giving up your high bank, etc. You can make a hundred paces for any one species, but you can talk about any one thing that needs a bank in the marsh. If you but a retaining wall/bulkhead in there, that is gone. That is just another three hundred feet or a hundred yards that have disappeared. A belted Kingfishers need banks to live in. I am not saying that they live there or anything else, but it is that kind of thing that you have to consider. There is lots of different species using that kind of environment. MR. BREDEMEYER: O.K. Thank you. Any members of the Board like to speak on behalf of this application? MR. SMITH: I would just like to say that in the past we have been discouraging bulkheads. Bulkheads is what is really predominant in Gull Pond. When people want to do this type of thing we have been encouraging what we call retaining walls, which are built above the high water mark so the spartina Flora could grow between the retaining wall and the high and low water mark. I think this is a case of what they are trying to do there. The rest of Gull Pond is bulkheads, which we try to discourage by our fee schedule and change it to a retaining wall type of thing. That is what this application is all about. Board of Trustees 6 August 23, 1990 MR. BREDEMEYER: This site has been heavily impacted through filling. I certainly wouldn't justify additionally impacting it. I don't know if the other members got a chance to see it. I went down to look at the site. I would only suggest to possibly, given the level of concern, that we might consider tabling it for further review in the field. I don't believe we could issue a conditioned negative declaration, because it is within the Peconic Bay Critical Environmental Area. Conditioned neg. decs. are a no no. I think we might take a look at it and maybe work with the applicant there. If we can soften this up a little more maybe it would be advisable. MR. KRUPSKI: I would go along tabling it and taking a closer look at it. One concern I do have that I just noticed on the map is that the purposed retaining wall seems to extend all the way to the dock in the right-of-way. There is two concerns, first of all the retaining wall in the right-of-way and second of all the dock in the right-of-way. MR. SMITH: Personally, I would like to table it for one month. I would like to meet with the applicant there to go over it. We do have jurisdiction within 75' of high water mark. I would like to find out what his plans are for behind this thing. Whether it is going to be pitched towards Gull Pond. Whether it is going with a swale to drain off. What kind of plantings he is going to put on it. MR. BREDEMEYER: That is probably a good idea. I will take a motion to close the hearing and then I will take a motion to table. MR. SMITH: So moved. MR. TUTHILL: Second. VOTE OF THE BOARD: ALL AYES. MR. HOLZAPFEL: John, can I make a note? If you do have the meeting just let us know? MR. SMITH: It will be during our next inspection tour. Why don't we schedule it for our first inspection, 8:00 in the morning or 8:30 by the time we get there? MR. BREDEMEYER: That sounds fine. O.K. A motion to table? MR. SMITH: So moved. MR. KRUPSKI: Second. VOTE OF THE BOARD: ALL AYES. MR. SMITH: We will table it and meet with the applicant on Tuesday, September 18th at 8:30 in the morning and we will vote on it at the next regular meeting on Thursday, September 27th providing all our questions are answered. MR. B~RDEMEYER: O.K. Motion of the Board? VOTE OF THE BOARD: ALL AYES MR. BREDEMEYER: The next hearing is in the matter of the application of Merlon Wiggin in behalf of PORT OF EGYPT scheduled for 7:18 p.m. and it is now 7:42 in the matter of Port of Egypt to erect a 25,440 sq. ft. boat storage building 35' in height - ridge, 45'; 212' in length; 120' in width. Property location: Rte 25, Southold, NY on Budd's Pond. Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Board of Trustees 7 August 23, 1990 MR. LIEBLEIN: Bill Lieblein, Greenport. One of the owners of Port of Egypt. We submitted, I believe this morning, a revised drawing of the drainage from the wash down area of the basin showing the addition of one more ring after the catch basin as we discussed in the past work sessions. If there are any questions on that. MR. BREDEMEYER: Just to inform everyone here the Trustees have reviewed this project some time ago. In updating our review after referral from the Planning Board we had indicated that we did not want to have any discharge from boat wash down facilities going through bulkhead and discharging into the boat basin. We had felt that current best management practices where to try to contain wash down on site, but we were very uncomfortable with just having a discharge pipe going to town waters from the wash down. This amendment that we received here reflects the addition of an additional drainage ring and removal of any discharge to surface waters. MR. SMITH: I see they have a sedimentation oil separation trap in there too. MR. LIEBLEIN: If I may elaborate? MR. SMITH: Please. MR. LIEBLEIN: Typically, when a boat is taken during the course of the season, when boats are taken out of the water, they are rinsed off with a garden hose just to get any salt off the boats, so if it is not used for a month, the salt is not acting on it. Primarily, in the fall when boats are hauled for winter storage, as I am sure most of you are aware, we use a high powered washer as opposed to the old days when we used a scrub brush. The purpose of that is to knock the slime off the bottom of the boat. The old wooden boats, when you did this you got an awful lot of bottom paint that would come loose. At the present time, not that much comes off, but some does come off. The purpose of this catch basin, of course, is to trap these toxic materials and they were periodically pumped out of this catch basin, which has a separator in it. Normally you are not looking at a tremendous volume of water, so that these three basins in normal instance should take care of any water that comes out of there. With these you are shooting water out of fifteen hundred pounds out of a hole in the end of it. The size of a little larger then a pencil point. There isn't a lot of volume, it is more under pressure. It should easily allow all these things to settle. We did add the additional ring as you requested. MR. BREDEMEYER: The plan here shows, it says install tied check valve manufactured red valve Co. Inc., Model TF2 going through the bulkhead seemingly coming through the drainage rings on the map here. MR. LIEBLEIN: The purpose of that, of course, is so that if you have a high tide the salt water doesn't back up into the system. All the system has to do is accommodate the water that is coming in from the business end if you will. If the salt water came in and filled it up and then you started washing boats as the tide was going out, there would be a greater chance of the fresh water actually going into the basin. Board of Trustees 8 August 23, 1990 MR. SMITH: We have put those in, Jay, I know with the Greenport Post Office. MR. BREDEMEYER: I just want to clarify this as to where the tide valve is plumed to as far as... MR. LIEBLEIN: It is in the discharge line that comes out of the third ring. The water would come from catch basin and as it gets up near the top then water would go over to the first ring. When that fills up to the second ring. When that fills up to the third, when that fills up it will then go out this discharge line and open check valve to get out. If you had a high tide, the tide is supposed to shut that check valve so the water doesn't come into these three rings. They are only taking care of water coming out. MR. SMITH: They usually have a float on them. MR. BREDEMEYER: I understand that, but I thought the sentiments of the Board were that we didn't want to discharge from the third ring. In other words we felt we... MR. LIEBLEIN: Then that is a misunderstanding on my part. MR. BREDEMEYER: O.K. I am sorry. I know the communication we had transmitted to Mr. Wiggin asked to show the drainage on site. I believe we had said the addition of the ring but that was a means of not eliminating any direct discharge. MR. LIEBLEIN: I take the blame for that. At our last meeting it was my understanding that if we put a third ring that would be satisfactory. MR. BREDEMEYER: It was the co~,,.unications. I think we were gearing it towards the additional capacity that would eliminate the need for any overflow. That was basically the comments from the Board had moved along those lines from the very beginning. MR. LIEBLEIN: I will have Merl Wiggin delete the overboard discharge. MR. BREDEMEYER: Does any other member of the Board have any questions of Mr. Lieblein? Is there anyone here who also wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Is there anyone here who wishes to speak against this application? ROBERT GOLDMEN: The last one you are right. It slipped my mind that that was in the Peconic CEA, so it would have to be a type one. My next statement talks about that. Again, I am Rob Goldmen representing the North Fork Environmental Council. The North Fork Environmental Council requests that the application of Port of Egypt for construction of a boat storage building, drainage system and parking lot improvements be denied by the Trustees. We respectfully remind the Trustees that this project is subject to pending litigation brought by Mssrs. Flynn and Weisman, Southold 2000, League of Women Voters, and NFEC against the Town Board. Indeed, it is this particular project that precipitated the legal action. If for no other reason than this, we believe that the application should be denied until Superior Court has rendered a decision. Furthermore, we believe that the application should be considered a Type I under SEQRA because it is within a Critical Environmental Area, namely the 500' area landward of Board of Trustees 9 August 23, 1990 Peconic Bay. This is a Suffolk County designated CEA. Type I actions carry with them the presumption of significance and should be the subject of a full environmental impact statement. We believe all reviewing agencies in the matter of this project have failed to take a hard look at the potential cumulative impacts of the project on Peconic Bay and Hashomomuck Pond. There are three other marina operations in the area plus a number of proposed residential subdivisions to the north. Hashomomuck is now closed to shellfishing. Logic and law dictates that a generic environmental impact statement be prepared for the whole area including the project site. The Trustees should act as Co-Lead Agency with the Planning Board in this effort. Finally, we respectfully remind the Trustees that the Town Board and the Waterfront Revitalization Committee are proceeding in the development of a Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan. This LWRP will meet and/or exceed the 44 criteria for coastal development issued by New York State on which the above mentioned law suit is based. It would be premature for the Trustees to approve this application before the LWRP is completed and implemented in the Town Code. MR. BREDEMEYER: O.K. Anyone else wish to speak? Mr. Flynn? MR. FLYNN: I am F.M. Flynn. Resident of the Town of Southold. I have some remarks to make. Apropos this situation, which I shall attempt to get through expeditiously as possibly. First, with respect to setbacks. This application provides for zero setbacks from the bulkhead line. The 3300 sq.ft, washing slab is clearly a structure. The Town Code clearly defines in plain English in Section 100-13 defining buildings and structures;"Any combination of materials for any construction except when entirely underground so as to permit the flagrant use of the ground above as if no building were present". Slab is 3300 sq.ft, in area, abuts the bulkhead and adds to the area of the storage building to a total of 28,600 sq.ft. The entire slab is within the 75' set back area. Approximately 3550 sq.ft, of the storage building is within a 75' radius of the bulkhead. The motivation behind this application is sheer arrogance. Increased profitability for the owner is no basis for either a permit or a variance. Two, Pollution and Navigational safety: The Trustees objectives including the prevention of pollution and the preservation of navigational safety. The application states RE: Boat Storage Water slips 122 Existing dry storage 80 Proposed 152 354 This is at variance with the advertisement of the property and the North Fork Boat Yard. Where it states: Water slips 150 inside & and outside dry storage 130 proposed 152 Board of Trustees 10 August 23, 1990 432 The North Fork Environmental Council made a survey of the property and their findings were; Water slips 144 Dry Storage 125 proposed 152 421 The Coastal Management Plan requires you to consider all aspects of an application. The Port of Egypt plans some 420 boats from a site of 2 to 3 acres. The total boats in Budds Pond would constitute; Port of Egypt 420 Albertson 100+ Motel site 25+/- Ciccilino 25+/- Old Orig. Barge 25+/- Total 595 The total would be some 600 boats in a Budds Pond area of approximately 4.5 acres. The on water density is 133 boats per acre. The large proportion of these are small boats with the greatest potential from engine exhaust and the lack of marine heads. They are generally operated by those least experienced in boat operation and consiquently presents a great potential for hazard. No pump out station exists on Budd's Pond. In my opinion a survey by the Trustees of the number of boats using this area is all wrong. Three-Non conforming use and effect on other welfare: Existing structures, not only the proposed structures are non-conforming with respect at least with front and rear setbacks. The applications submitted to various agencies included an area of seven acres, which incorporated a motel site and a restaurant. Now this has metamorphosized, incidentally that would have represented a net are of 2.16 acres available to a marina operation on which he is intended to place 400+ boats. Now it is maintained by the elimination of the motel property and the total area involved is 4.96 acres or 216058 sq.ft. From this area has to be deducted the 80,000. sq.ft, which the Town requires for a restaurant site. The net area then available for marina use, even under these most favorable circumstances, there is a 136,058. sq.ft. Now according to the applicant, what do we have existing on the property? Shop & boat storage building Office and Shop Shed Existing slab Total We have a 29,260. sq.ft. 3,078. sq.ft. 18,052. sq.ft. 6,910. sq.ft. 41,100. sq.ft. The permitted coverage for the entire property at 30% is 40,817. sq.ft., so consequently this property is already over approved, without making any allowance for the expansion. Now consider parking; Boats 280 Employees 24 Board of Trustees 11 August 23, 1990 304 @350sq.ft. each =106,400. sq.ft. The total coverage, buildings and parking would be 147,500. sq.ft, or in excess of what is permitted in coverage for the entire property. This excludes the provision in the Town Code for 20% landscaping on the property. At present on these indication there is a shortage of 33 parking places for the present operation. What is proposed here? It is proposed that there is 28,600. sq.ft, of structures. At 30% coverage this requires 95,330. sq.ft, of site area or 2.19 acres in addition to what exist there today. Short fall in land area for this proposed operation is 2.19 acres. Parking requirements for new structure would be; Boats 152 Additional employees 4 Total 156 156 spaces at 350 sq.ft, requires 54,600.sq.ft. of parking. The maximum site coverage deficiency is 83,200. sq.ft, or 1.9 acres. This is the equivalent of a gift of 1.9 acres of land utility to the applicant. No allowance again has been made for the landscaping of 20% of area required of the ordinance. An attempt has been made to utilize 30,000.sq.ft. of property north of RTE 25 for parking. It is stated that this property would be one hundred car parking capacity. The frontage is three hundred feet and there is a fifteen foot landscaping requirement on the frontage, which would reduce the area to a 25,500. sq.ft. 25,500. sq.ft, divided by 350' per car = 73 cars. In addition, there is a requirement for internal landscaping within the parking area. In effect, this area would provide for, at the very most, parking for 70 cars. The shortage in parking for this proposed operation is 156 spaces and there is an existing shortage of the current operation of 33 spaces. You have a total of 129 parking spaces less than what would be required. The overall shortage in parking is at the very least 119 spaces or 41,650 sq.ft, or .96 acres. Property is deficient based on coverage 2.19 acres. Property is deficient based on parking .96 acres. Total deficiency as planned is 3.15 acres. Trustees are being asked to facilitate a permit which is the equivalent in land usage to 100% additional to the existing site area available. 4th and final con~,,ents I would like to make are with respect to public health and safety. Obviously, that is part of the objectives of the Trustees functions. Marina facilities are notorious hazards for fire and explosion. I provided the Town Board with several examples of this having occurred recently. Planned facility proposes a large storage building with fueled boats in close proximity to places of public assembly, notably restaurants and a motel, and to a public highway. Marina's in the area and the Port of Egypt have incorporated the public highway (Rte.25) into there operation. They use travel Board of Trustees 12 August 23, 1990 lifts, fork lifts to transport boats across the highway as well as transporting heavy equipment. Rte. 25 as you well know is a narrow, curving, heavily traveled State highway with no traffic controls, no side walks, no curbs, no designated driveways or no designated pedestrian crossings. This is an eminent danger to the public safety, health and welfare. People have been killed annually crossing Rte. 25 and fairly recently a person has been killed crossing Rte. 25 in approximately to the subject property. Yet it is proposed to install a parking lot on the north side of Rte. 25 with a capacity of 100 cars. I suggest that this application should be rejected summarily. If not at the very least in view of these facts that I have presented a detailed EIS is required for the entire operation. You cannot seyment on portion of this operation from its entirety. The accumulative effect of the entire operation has to be considered. Thank you. MR. BREDEMEYER: Mr. Flynn, I have a question. A lot of the information you speak to this Board really.., alright the goal of SEQRA is not to segment, but a lot of the things that you have addressed to the Board, the Board just does not deal with a regular basis. I am just wondering, did you properly address the Planning Board in these areas already? They would have to do with the site plan approval. MR. FLYNN: The site plan approval has not come up as yet. Perhaps the most egregious thing that I have experienced in some forty years of experience in this area is that the Town Planning Board issue a negative declaration on an operation of this size in part an obvious effect on the ecology. MR. BREDEMEYER: The Trustees I guess would have to be lumped in with that because we issued a neg. dec. and the Conservation Advisory Council didn't have a problem with it. MR. FLYNN: Perhaps the Conservation Advisory Council, with all due respect, the Trustees have not had the time to investigate this property and have been misled by some of the statements made with respect to this property. Everything I have had to say here has been factual and I am prepared to sit down with any and all of you and demonstrate all my calculations. MR. SMITH: I think your calculations are wrong with some of the dockage you have with the Ciccilinos and the Seafood Barge. MR. FLYNN: I took that from an aerial photograph. I said plus or minus. MR. SMITH: I think there is quite a bit minus. MR. FLYNN: But at any rate I think that it is not unreasonable for me to say in view of the density that exist in Bud's Pond and in view of its narrow configuration that it might be well advised to get an exact figure of the number of boats prepared to utilize that facility. I am prepared to hazard a guess that you will find many more than I have stated here. MR. SMITH: Thank you. MR. BREDEMEYER: Thank you. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak against this application? Board of Trustees 13 August 23, 1990 MR. HOLZAPFEL: We had some comments about it originally. Just to talk about...has drainage been addressed? It has been so long that this application has been around. MR. BREDEMEYER: There is containment for I believe 2" per hour rain fall. MR. HOLZAPFEL: And your normal rider on the pump out station on any marina that is applying. MR. BREDEMEYER: The DEC had issued a permit with their requirement with pump out already as a condition of their permit. Recently at the sanitation conference that I attended with the FDA people they are talking about one pump out per 300 boats, per small boats seems to be very adequate. They are even talking larger vessels that typically use the high dry facility. This is based on their experience. That is just one area of waste. Obviously there are concerns about other potential discharges. At least at this time now they really...FDA says that they are only concerned with the coliform discharging and one pump out per 300. I would think that with this facility being mandated to have a pump out with proper signage and accessibility and reasonable hours for a pump out, the sanitary waster problem wouldn't exist here. Any comments from the Trustees? Anyone else in this matter? Mr. Lieblein. MR. LIEBLEIN: I don't have any prepared statement. I tried to take a few notes while Mr. Flynn was speaking. I missed the very first meeting that Mr. Flynn spoke at, but I was at several of the others. I have heard his co~.uents at all of these hearings. Up until this time I really have not stood up and said anything. I would like to take the opotunity to do it now, if you would indulge me for a moment. First of all with regard tot he pump out station; whether this permit goes through or not we are going to put in a pump out station. We plan to put it near our gas facilities, since we provide all of the gas in the Budds Pond area. We are the only fuel facility. The only other fuel in the area, I believe, is Goldsmith's and maybe they have some down at Young's. Because we are open early in the morning, we have a lot of traffic from other marinas who come to our marina because they are on there way to go fishing or whatever. It is our intention to put a pump out station regardless of whether we get this permit or not. I would also like to say that I have never made any misleading statements to any of theses Boards. I have never tried to deceive any of the Boards. The statement that we have to count this concrete slab as part of ~he building, to me, is ludicrous. You can not approach with a heavy machine, the edge the bulkhead without having a concrete slab to drive. So, it just has to be there. One of the benefits of a building like this is that it provides increased access to the water for the future of the Township. It provides it in the least defensive way, because the boats are on a rack. They don't have bottom paint. In most cases they don't have bottom paint. In some cases you have a boat that switches from water to land and there is still bottom paint on Board of Trustees 14 August 23, 1990 it. If you look in my building, you will see boats with bottom paint on it. I wrote down that the pollution of a high and dry marina is minimal compared to an in water marina. There was a comment made about how many slips we advertise in some publication and I came across an add today in which it advertises that I sell imperial boats which is outdated. Sometimes things don't get changed in boating magazines and so on. If you count my slips, there are about fifteen slips in my marina which are not rented to anyone. Those slips are kept for the use of the high and dry boats. As you launch boats and people go out they need a place to tie up while they load there boats and when they come in they need a place to unload, clean up there boat and put it away. Those fifteen slips don't even count in there. I wish I had 125 spaces left in my inside building. I don't anymore. When they were carrying the racks outside which the permit if granted specifically states that I have to eliminate the outside racks that I have now. In regards to the parking which a big to due has been made about, we have applied and put in sufficient parking spots for the spaces that we have. Even though everyone knows that you don't need more then about a 1/2 a slip at the very most per boat. The Town last year, as a result of the meeting when we tried to have a get together with Mr. Flynn's group and the others to see if the marina people and Mr. Flynn's group could come up with a resolution to avoid the law suit, the Town said we are going to go out and do a survey. They did a survey and a result of the survey they found out that in most cases there is less then a third of the spaces. Hardly ever do you see 33% of the boats in a marina go out. Most of you have been on the water all of your lives and you have been in marinas all your lives and you know that I am speaking the truth. Even if we need more parking than we have, I don't ever want to have to use the parking that I am designating across the street. Recently, in a magazine I saw an advertisement. Someone is now commercially producing a rack that the customer drives his car on too, you put his boat in the water and you go over and pick the car up and you stick it where the boat was. When he comes in you get the car down and you go get the boat. They are doing it up in Lake George. It is all a function of how much land do you have. You are going vertical instead of staying in the water. If you want to provide the same slips in the water you got to destroy more wetland. There is somebody now producing a very nice looking rack that has been used and they chose a picture of a Mercedes going up to the third level. You might say, who is going to let their car do... there are most cars worth a lot less than the boats and certainly weigh a lot less then the boats. So moving a car is nothing. We do it all the time in the place when people park in the wrong place. I mentioned earlier, I wrote it the second time about the pump out station it was a requirement of the DEC permit which was granted to us in November of 88. With regard to our set backs on the water, we have already been granted a variance by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Numerous times it has been brought up that Board of Trustees 15 August 23, 1990 the motel property which belongs to C & L Realty was part of this application. It was never a part of this application. There was never any effort to deceive. It just isn't part of it. The slips that are owned by C & L Realty, they are sub-leased to Port of Egypt and we collect the money and turn around and pay it back and keep a percentage of it for doing that. Maybe in counting the slips that those extra, I think there is 16 or 18 slips there, were included in that. The Zoning Board of Appeals, before they granted their variance, carefully measured. They came down with tape measure. They measured the stoops on the restaurant. They measure every conceivable thing that was above ground level. As a result the size of the building was reduced, so that we would not even need a deminamous variance. It would be a thirty percent. That has all carefully been addressed. MR. BREDEMEYER: Excuse me. If I might interject. That would also include the concept of the wash down they had this point in front of them. MR. LEIBLIEN: They said that was not part of the building. Which is the first thing I wrote on the top of my page. I also wrote about the racks and parking. There is no deficiency in area in our projects. We are not asking for a gift of any kind in acreage. We just want to use the property that we have. There has been a mention at every one of these hearings that we have incorporated highway 25 into our business because we drive across the highway with our fork lifts or maybe with our truck and trailer. If we can't use the highway, then let's not let the A & P bring their food on. Lets not let Penny Lumber bring their stuff in and no plumbing parts for you (Henry Smith) because you are incorporating. It is ludicrous to even talk about this. If we were blocking the highway for long periods of time and holding up traffic, I could see there being a question. We just sit and wait until there is nobody coming and then we cross the highway with the fork lift or we drive out on the street and wait for our turn, drive out with truck, trailer and boat. It has been mentioned several times about the danger. Yes, you have to watch it when you cross the highway. There was a comment made about somebody was killed in the vicinity of our area. Maybe I missed it and I was at sea at the time 22 years ago, but I have lived in this town for 44 years and on that piece of property for 44 years and I don't remember anyone being killed there. Maybe I missed it. MR. SMITH: I think he is referring to that one that was killed that lived in the SEVEN SEAS when she was... MR. LIEBLEIN: When the old lady crossed the street to get her mail. MR. SMITH: Right. MR. LIEBLEIN: That is the one he is referring to and I forgot about that. I was wrong there. The last comment I have is that the flushing in Budds Pond is bad. You keep a boat at Willow Point, I believe. Did you use to? (directed to Henry Smith). MR. SMITH: I used to. MR. LIEBLEIN: Well anyway, anyone that has come in and out of Budds Pond as the tide goes through, knows that the tide runs Board of Trustees 16 August 23, 1990 through there at least 3 or 4 miles an hour. I know the customers that dock in front of my place, if the wind is just right, they have trouble backing in. They have to compensate for the wind and the tide that flows through there. In my opinion, that is about the best flushing that any marina in the area has. It is the most ideal site because there are no other residences in the area. It is the least impact of any place that there could be. If you can't develope a marina there, I don't see how you can develope it any where in the township. Thank you. MR. BREDEMEYER: I think Mr. Costello is next. There being no further comments I think we can rap it up. Can You make your comments in about a minute Mr. Flynn? MR. FLYNN: I presume so. In respect to pump out station; I think the faith in them is some what naive. I have been around marinas where people ...inquire as to when the pump out station is going to be available and take off and use a wide valve out in the bay rather then tie up their boats. MR. SMITH: That is the problem with the DEC. That is their problem. It is not the marina's problem for the pump out station. MR. FLYNN: It is a problem of pollution. MR. SMITH: It is a problem of pollution, but you can't blame that problem on any one marina. That is a DEC problem. MR. FLYNN: I don't blame it on any one marina. MR. SMITH: Or any marina in New York State. MR. FLYNN: Now with respect to the slab. I can see that the slab may very well be necessary for the operation, but by definition it is a structure and it should be set back from the bulkhead line. Now parking has no relation to the area required for marina use. It is obvious that the boat storage area required is far in excess of the area required to park cars. If you were to check in the Winter time at the Port of Egypt Marina you would find boats stored on the north side of Rt 25 and throughout the property including on the restaurant property. On the motel despite co~,.~,ents to the contrary, is incorporated in that 7 acre area that is part of the application. Further, in the advertisement that I previously mentioned the motel operation is listed as part of the Port of Egypt facilities as well as other, including stores and fishing facilities. Each one of which by the Town Code would require two acres. Essentially, that is what I can squeeze into a minute. Although, I presume I can go on for an hour. Thank you. MR. SMITH: Thank you. MR. COSTELLO: John Costello. I heard one comment on profitability. I hope that never becomes the criteria for anything in America. This place, I hope it stays profitable. My environmental concern is that has an existing marina has less environmental concerns than some of the needs of this town in the future. Some of the pristine areas that are undeveloped, I hope they remain undeveloped. I hope the areas are designated. The areas that are developed.., this one in particular because of the clay in that area, I am sure sewage is a problem in the area because there are many septic systems up there. You can Board of Trustees 17 August 23, 1990 see oozing through their bulkheads. It doesn't pollute the ground water. The environmental concern for this Board should probably be to try to protect the areas that are undeveloped. I also think that some of the comments made...there was a comment made approximately 25 boats being at the Original Seafood Barge. I was recently involved in that. My family is in there. I believe there is one boat there, not 25. It is an out board that some clammer is using unattended and without permission on the property. The Master Plan in Southold Town is going to allow somewhere in the future double in the population. I hope, more than likely, this board acco~,.~,odates some of the boats that will come with that increase in population. That is why I think that you have to designate environmental areas and areas that already have businesses, promote, try to keep profitable so they can control themselves. You can control them. The environmentalist programs can control them. They can handle the sewage. The regulation and the education of the people is this board's job. Thank you. MR. BREDEMEYER: Is there any further comments? I will close this hearing, if there be none. MR. SMITH: Jay, I would like to make some comments on this slab. MR. BREDEMEYER: Yes. MR. SMITH: With the discharge of washing the boats, that was designed by myself and you (Jay Bredemeyer) for minimizing that pollution. And as far as the building itself, it is containing all its own runoff by twelve dry wells. It has always been my understanding that this board, where there is an existing marina, that if they can utilize the space to expand that we would try to help them do that. As far as this particular area, it is an area of boat yards and I am sure it is going to continue to be an area of boat yards. As far as the flushing action, I think it is one of the better flushing actions of any boat yard in Southold. Because, it has an in and an out. It is not just a boat basin. It is in the creek. Personally, I think it is a good project. It is a good expansion for this particular piece of property. MR. KRUPSKI: First of all Mr. Flynn has thrown us a lot of numbers and I would like the chance to review some of those. I am not really familiar with a lot of the zoning requirements, such as parking. I don't believe this board is responsible for the number of parking spaces and their location. Are we? MR. SMITH: No. Our responsibility is environmental, Al. You know, whether this is a good project for the area environmentally. We don't have anything to do with parking, crossing the streets, landscaping or anything. MR. BREDEMEYER: Two codes, Chapter 32 and Chapter 97. Wetlands and Boats, Docks and Wharfs. That is the extent of our... MR. SMITH: We had a concern about the parking lot, we made it a impervious surface. We had concern about the rain running off the building. We had the dry wells put in and we had the wash down pit. We had a concern with the bottom paint being gone and we addressed that and we took care oX that. So, I think for what this board is responsible for, I think we have covered very well. Board of Trustees 18 August 23, 1990 MR. BREDEMEYER: Mr. Lieblein do you have shore side facility so that your patrons can use a toilet presently when they are launching their boat? MR. LIEBLEIN: Yes. I have a shore side facility inside the present storage building. There is an outside access door. All the customers are made aware that if they are going to be staying over night, we give them keys and the next season we change locks and give everybody new keys. So, only the new customers can use it. If you stay there for any period of time, there is a steady stream of people coming up and using that facility all hours of the day and night. Most people rather do that then use the facility that is on the boat. MR. BREDEMEYER: Did the DEC set up signage requirements for the pump out in their pe£mit. In other words as far as advertising hours of operation and making sure that it is available at most times. MR. LIEBLEIN: No. My proposal.., the logical thing is that our gas facility is open from 6:30 in the morning until 4 in the evening. We are going to have a pump out station there. If we could pump out somebodies boat while they are gassing up they are tied at one dock for two purposes, so it is the most efficient way to do it. MR. BREDEMEYER: Have you decided on a fee schedule for the pump out? MR. LIEBLEIN: NO. I spoke at great length with Roger...he is the host of Save the Bays. He built a pump out facility using an old propane tank and a vacuum pump. I went over to look at it. He conveniently sent me the plans. I in fact requested the plans back in March when I heard about it. I wanted to do something like that or just buy one mass produced and put it in there. What he did is he just raised the fee in his marina very slightly and just it is free. If I offer free pump out to people if they come into gas up if they are in my marina. If they are not my marina customer, they come in and buy my gas and get a free pump out that is just one more benefit. It doesn't cost that much. MR. SMITH: I know on Block Island they have like a privateer type of boat and they start out with a 55 gallon barrel inside the boat with one of these hand gusher pumps with a 1 1/2 suction on it and then they went around to the boats. Anyone who called on the radio, they came and pumped you out. The next year they switched to a 275 gallon barrel. Now they have on shore facility for what they consider what you can get to with 90% of the boats that come in there and if you can't they still have the ones that run out there. I think they have a minimal charge. At that time I think it was $5.00. They come right out to your mooring and pump you out and that was a very minimal charge, I thought. MR. LIEBLEIN: The Federal Government group that said that within a certain area in the marina...as a result of that the marinas in the area are doing a survey to see how many of the boats have porter potties and how many have heads that have overboard or don't have overboard and holding tanks. In a marina of our Board of Trustees 19 August 23, 1990 size, most boats are smaller and most of them have porter potties, they hardly ever use. They don't want to bother to have to dump the stuff. We allow them to dump their porter potties at our facility. MR. BREDEMEYER: That 1 per 300 figure that I spoke of earlier from FDA was boats with the heads on the boat. When you factor in the large percentage in the Budds Pond area that just don't have any toilets at all, a suitable size pump out here would handle the area with no problems. MR. KRUPSKI: I have a question for Henry, because he is probably the most familiar with marinas on the board. As far as hours of pump out stations, do you think 6:30 to 4:30 is adequate? Do you think it should be run later to facilitate greater convenience for boaters coming in late? MR. SMITH: I think with any boating business, probably on the weekends longer hours would be helpful as far as in the evenings. That would be up to Mr. Lieblein. I am mostly a transit boat. I run from one place to another and I usually gets there before noon. MR. KRUPSKI: O.K. That is what I am wondering. MR. SMITH: As far as fishermen and things like that, what they usually do is come out in the morning, they buy fuel. One guy runs over there and buys bait. One guy runs over there and get fuel. While they are fueling they can be pumping out at the same time, so it is no big thing that way. MR. BREDEMEYER: Every marina facility that I have questioned this summer, there have been three in the area, they have only had their pump outs used by two people. The boating community is just not making use of the facilities yet for what ever reason. MR. SMITH: You know if a person like Mr. Lieblein closes down at 4 O'clock in pumping gas and someone wants to buy gas later, he is not the only one to buy gas. Claudio's stays open late. Piccozzi stays open late. MR. LIEBLEIN: We are the earliest. MR. SMITH: Yea, one guy is early and one guy is late. You're not going to get anyone in Claudio's before 9 O'clock in the morning. One picks up the slack where the other one drops off. MR. KRUPSKI: Yea, yea. MR. LIEBLEIN: The real key to the pump out and with the heads on the boats, educating the boaters, the members of the local associations and industries are passing out pamphlets and other things by Save the Bays or whatever. We don't want the bay polluted. This is the cleanest the bay has ever been. All the people who are boaters know that the porgy fishing is the best that it has been in 15 years. If the weather would cooperate, it would be nice. We want to get our boaters educated and use our facilities and not dump over board, so we are passing these things out. There has got to be some penalties for people who get caught in doing the wrong thing. Using the wide valve, if they get caught there should be a pretty heavy penalty. MR. SMITH: I know I have friends that when they go to Block Island that is the first thing they do is get there head pumped out because then they know they are good for another week or two Board of Trustees 20 August 23, 1990 weeks. The reason it is done over there is because of the convenience of it. They make it very convenient. If somebody has got to pull up to a dock that is way back around or up some creek or some thing like that. They make it very inconvenient for the boating public. They are going to do other things. If they make it convenient people will use it. MR. BREDEMEYER: The Block Island situation was done specifically with an FDA assessment so that they continue their shell fishing. That is why they have done it in this fashion. MR. SMITH: I will tell you another thing that you see on boats today that you never use to see, is people carting garbage off. That is a big thing today, people take garbage off of boats. They don't throw it over board anymore. MR. BREDEMEYER: I guess it is time to bring the hearing to a conclusion. I will take a motion to close the hearing in the matter of Merlon Wiggin on behalf of Port of Egypt. MR. SMITH: So moved. MR. TUTHILL: Second. MR. BREDEMEYER: All in favor? VOTE OF THE BOARD: ALL AYES. MR. BREDEMEYER: What is the boards pleasure on this application. We have CAC approval. A pump out going in. The Zoning Board of Appeals has ruled on the lot coverage. MR. KRUPSKI: Do we have a pump out in our application? MR. SMITH: That is going to be one of our requirements regardless. MR. KRUPSKI: O.K. MR. SMITH: I make a motion that we approve this project as this plan is right here before us with the taking out of this tide check valve (overflow pipe) and with three rings as submitted and that they will be an approved pump out facility at this marina before such time that this building can get occupancy. MR. TUTHILL: I'll second. MR. BREDEMEYER: Vote of the Board? VOTE OF THE BOARD; ALL AYES. A motion was make be ALBERT KRUPSKI and seconded by JOH~ BREDEMEYER to go back on to the regular and.agenda after taking a five minute recess. From this point on John Tuthill was absent due to illness. III. AMENDMENTS/WAIVERS/CHANGES: 1. HENRY RAYNOR: Applicant is combining an 11 lot subdivision to make two lots and is requesting a waiver to build on the two lots. Location: Peconic Bay Blvd. Laurel. A motion was made by JOHN BREDEMEYER and seconded by JOHN BEDNOSKI to deny a waiver application and request a full application with a wet land line flagged, incorporated and 1' or 2' contours. (Board feels that there will be no problem, but would like a full application). ALL AYES. Board of Trustees 21 August 23, 1990 2. JOHN & GRACE FIORE: Request waiver to construct a deck around house; 14.8' at widest point and 3.8' at narrowest point. Location Cedar Beach Road, Southold. A Motion was made by JOHN BREDEMEYER and seconded by ALBERT KRUPSKI to approve this application. ALL AYES. 3. ROBERT THOMAS: Request waiver to place 3' gravel path on right-of-way to water. Location: Stillwater Avenue, Cutchoque. A motion was made by JOH~ BREDEMEYER and seconded by JOH~ BEDNOSKI to deny waiver and request a full application with a licensed survey showing the 3' of gravel along the flagged boundary established by the Trustees on their field inspection. Vote of the Board; Ayes: Bredemeyer, Smith, Bednoski, Tuthill. Abstain: Krupski. 4. MILLAZZO PROPERTY: Request waiver to construct addition to an existing dwelling. Location: 9 Island view Lane, Conklin Point, Greenport. A motion was made by JOHN BREDEMEYER and seconded by ALBERT KRUPSKI to deny the request for a waiver and request a full application showing the survey of the property with a plan for runoff containment during construction. ALL AYES. 5. FRANK & SANDRA CURRAN: Request waiver to construct an accessory building behind existing bulkhead as per survey. Location: 780 Haywaters Road, Cutchogue. A motion was made by JOHN BREDEMEYER and seconded by JOHN BEDNOSKI to deny waiver and request a full application. ALL AYES. 6. Glenn Just in behalf CHARLES BLEIFELD request amendment to permit 93741 to construct one family dwelling with garage, pool with associated terracing, timber retaining wall and covered pergola as shown on survey. Location: Orchard Lane, adjacent to Cedar Beach Harbor, Southold. After a discussion a motion was made by JOHN BREDEMEYER and seconded by HENRY SMITH to table this subject to a receipt of a full application and all Board members inspecting the site. ALL AYES. 7. (off agenda item) EDGAR JOHN - request a waiver to construct a one family dwelling. Mattituck. A motion was made by ALBERT KRUPSKI and seconded by JOHN BREDEMEYER to grant a waiver subject to no activity any further seaward then the existing boat house. ALL AYES. ASSESSMENTS/ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATIONS: 1. EUGENE PERINO: To construct steps, ramp and dock on property leading to Marion Lake. Location: 820 Trumans Path, East Marion. A motion was made by HENRY SMITH and seconded by JOHN BREDEMEYER to grant a negative declaration. ALL AYES. Board of Trustees 22 August 23, 1990 2. Glenn Just on behalf of HOWARD LUDECKER to construct 56' of timber bulkheading, a 2' return at the western end, a 4' return at the eastern end and to backfill structure with approx. 25 c.y. of clean sand which shall be trucked in from an upland source. All proposed activities shall take place landward of the MHW LINE. Location: ROW off Main Bayview, Southold. A motion was made by JOH~ BREDEMEYER and seconded by JOH~ BEDNOSKI to grant a negative declaration with the request a 5' gravel buffer and to swale. ALL AYES. 3. Proper-T Services on behalf of ANTE GRGAS to replace and extend existing open pile walkway, hinged ramp, and floating dock. Install piles to secure floating dock. Location: Holbrook Lane, Mattituck. A motion was made by JOHN BREDEMEYER and seconded by ALBERT KRUPSKI to grant a negative declaration. ALL AYES. 4. Glenn Just on behalf of ROBERT PATTERSON to construct two guest rooms, gravel path and to install one additional 6' drywell at existing sanitary system. Proposed guest rooms shall be serviced by existing sanitary system. There shall be minimal regrading involved with project and no fill shall be trucked in. Location: Crescent Avenue, Fishers Island. A motion was made by JOHN BREDEMEYER and seconded by JOHN BEDNOSKI to grant a negative declaration with a request to meet the request of the C.A.C. ALL AYES. 5. Glenn Just on behalf of RICHARD OLIVERI to construct a single family residence, sanitary system, decking, to install a 12' culvert under existing dirt drive, to cover existing dirt drive. Proposed residence shall be located 75' from freshwater wetlands line as flagged by Steven Sandford, D.E.C., decking 67' and sanitary system 101' A continuous line of staked hay bales shall be installed landward of the wetlands line prior to and during all phases of construction. Location: Crescent Avenue, Fishers Island. A motion was made by JOHN BREDEMEYER and seconded by ABLERT KRUPSKI to grant a negative declaration. ALL AYES. 6. Costello Marine on behalf of JOSEPH & MARTHA JANOWICZ to construct 4' X 100' wood access walkway, 4' X 40' timber catwalk dock, 3' X 20' aluminum ramp, 8' X 24' timber float dock with (2) 2-pile support dolphins and (2) 2-pile mooring dolphins. Location: Cox Neck Road, Mattituck. A motion was made by JOH~ BEDNOSKI and seconded by JOHN BREDEMEYER to grant a negative declaration. ALL AYES. VI. EXTENSIONS: NONE VII. RESOLUTIONS: 1. Set date for Public Hearings for September 27, 1990. Board of Trustees 23 August 23, 1990 A motion was made by JOHN BREDEMEYER and seconded by ALBERT KRUPSKI to schedule public hearings. ALL AYES. 2. WILLIAM RILEY: Board to table action on this project. A motion was made by JOHN BRRDEMEYER and seconded by ALBERT KRUPSKI to table all action until D.E.C. makes a decision. AYES. ALL 3. DAVID AND JOYCE CORCORAN: Request to trim Phragmites back to the original territory. Location: 2460 Mill Road, Peconic. A motion was made by JOHN BEDNOSKI and seconded by JOHN BREDEMEYER to approve request to trim Phragmites. ALL AYES. 4. Accept Bruce Anderson's reports on Barry Savits, Fields at Mattituck and his time sheet. A motion was made by HENRY SMITH and seconded by JOHN BREDEMEYER to accept reports. ALL AYES. 5. (Off agenda item) BRIM - Fishers Island - no need to vote it is non-jurisdiction. VIII. MOORINGS: 1. HELENE HORNE request mooring in Richmond Creek for a 16' Duran, Aluminum (offshore Stake). A motion was made by HENRY SMITH and seconded by JOHN BREDEMEYER to approve mooring. ALL AYES. 2. STUART WECHSLER request mooring in Mattituck Creek (Howards Branch) for a 27' Sea Ram (Mushroom). A motion was made by JOHN BREDEMEYER and seconded by ALBERT KRUPSKI to table approval until location can be worked out. ALL AYES. 3. VICTOR A. CARUSO request mooring in Town Creek for a 19' Hurly Sail Boat (mushroom). A motion was made by HENRY SMITH and seconded by JOHN BREDEMEYER to approve mooring subject to Henry Smith approving location at the time of installing mooring. ALL AYES. 4. RICHARD R. PRIETO request mooring in Corey Creek for a 22' pearson-Ensign Sail Boat (mushroom). A motion was made by HENRY SMITH and seconded by JOHN BREDEMEYER to approve mooring. ALL AYES. 5. WILLIAM SNOW/MARK WEINROD request mooring Stake #NR35 in Narrow River, Orient for a 7 foot row boat. A motion was made by JOHN BREDEMEYER and seconded by ALBERT KRUPSKI to approve mooring. ALL AYES. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Motion to adjourn: JOHN BRRDEMEYER Seconded: A~BERT KRUPSK1 R~s~pect ful 1 y .~ bmit t ed, ~lll M. ~horp, Clerk ALL AYES.