HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-110.-8-32.1 \ ID. '8' ~. \ T Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 October 22, 1987 John Wickham Private Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 Re: Property at New Suffolk Dear Mr. Wickham: Following your meeting with Ms. Scopaz, the Planning Board reviewed your proposal for your family's property at New Suffolk. The Board agreed that you may submit the application as a lot-line change. Indicate on the survey only those lands affected by the lot-line change. Enclosed is an application which can be filled out and returned with the surveys so the Board may proceed on this matter. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, . &n<..ruJcl &~) QA. r;rc BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEMORMlDUM Valerie Scopaz Town Pl . w~~r'tl~ ~ /3, /7'7"1 r.#~r__~A>fit,L<r/L~-~ 7f' ~ ~ r~' ,. '" JY"_~ '''r/,,~,--L. ! . Itp'pm)It~/< ~T tI M<-' (~/v .# p/~~ s.< ~ ~ ~~ /00 . -r:-c<- ~.<4- tz y. J,4>>-- ~ r"'?&- n-t-..... ~.d /i~ r..../~ 4-"'- C ~;~ Le-. ;<l", ,A-~.,.;L.c<..~e ~ ~d<"" ~'d..L~~ '1 ~ 1'6,h ~~'" ,cu/ ,tw. /V"jd~.~'-< .k ~"'uL /h> Nr'1l.h>-" do /"'"- ~ /''' (,..{. v''''''- /"-" I"'""'if(~ AJ~~br)' .~.. r"F' ~ )l wWJ.~ttt:e r-a A",,' 'JM "'.,{~u:. /k ,.J..L~ ( c-' L,.~t.I....'-1 1 >~' ..FILE TO: FROM: RE: DATE: ,!Jt- ~... ~t. r'":~;''''' ..~ ~":d tiki l""".,4y 1 #~ r T /-u .- ./.w~~ ~ . /..u'/"/':5 .I""' ',i~ ". A .... ,,'" hoC!' ,&te.~.,d... r - 7/ /",~ . ) v'. /c.-fJ-a...-' j:, -t 1yJ.'l-fl \--1:0 r /..v~. ~.uI, ~ . -. ~'~:l>~,f;'; , 'N ' .--- j:::t'....."" ';.,' . " I'. ">(1('1(: '. '.' -';~ ~^t Co(.I;\;~, \,., OJ:;' '" 0ffr--. '- r- I', O'--!. <:: - .~ / "',--' / '- -.:..~~ ~ , .~ ~ ~'-z . /~:-'v>'hI'~?:,) .",.. l.' 'J ~ I .~ Iv. >-.. 0 . . '<^'-., . "'V.~. .... ~'\...v.' ~ '--~ ~ ;~....~ ". ; > ,"'. '<J I .' , i I. /' / . :h I I , I I .'0',"\' -', .~' ", 'i;,;UAI2^NT"Ef:D TtI TICO!? Tr TL_t;...S'1J~~~~]~~~C: 0, "AS~S.uQVeXEp;' .:-:'-'- ",ULY23.i985 ,~( 5)'1!"20DcI2IClLVAl"j TUYL. j:::C~ '\ \. (f"'~'/ ) , ,,- ': "---"7------ -- --- I ..;...._ I' .. .. c? 'V' ___ I t'/" " .: I ...;.... J "'- '. . ,., . <!! ... .~ """-l> :;.."-.." . , ..I . ___,__._... i ._______.__,_,.__~ .l:.!.f.lAND~UQVEYQ!25 . '1'.",' ,',. , , , I ii', " ':QD:rS 01 this survey map not beIrIng I the lam.! surveyor"s Inked 8M1 or ,~;~, smbossedsealshallnotbeo",.'h I'd ~~;, ...."~!. to be .!l valid true copy." -':~l ..II Guarantees Indicatedhereanlhdrun '~'.~~'~:.'I only to the person for whom the 1UI'Wf', ,,-:' is prepared, and on his behltf to the.....; . I ,title company. govwnmenl8l...." and , lending institution listed hIrwon 8nd ! I to the assignees of the lending....... J lution. Guarantees are not ,.......... i to additional institutions or ~~____.! . ~,._--. 'o'l'II"lers-:--'-~"'--- ---~-- t'e" .":UIl'l1 altefet;on Of addition c ,.~ ,.:~v is l1 violation of ...t>:,w' 1209 of the New Xodt SMa i'("";;-lli~'n Law. , . ,r-T ; c.:'- N rY-.r;)'I- N'V' -~c.""-,L,l "--'../"'1 ."'1:. , III \ ' l 'Ii " , , ..~~ .. ..'-, r" .,,-..,: - ".".-. HAP l,j ~'...:.-~:-:::.:_ '-C. .___ 5Ur2!JEYET2.......~~:; "::- ~ I'-'-'-~ l~, 1 I" I ',\ /1)' (-", ..., :'.' J...) r--l Ll\.\/\.' '-_1<.. =1:i-\~ AT' .. . C'f .,..r_...... I' H;c:~,'./ .:.;vt-.v,-,.<- 1'0\--';:", .:JF SOUTHG:..D, ~\{, J --""-'~- t\;/,t::- et?~ "'k~ . ....J< .1" i. ~ ~ '.'11 ,~ ~ I" I I: . I i, I I~ '----~~ . IOQS"~. . ,/< . "-..... ~. -- . i: , I , I I ,~", I " ,(. "<-~~(" 'i\. I, ~~ _~~~_. . ,~~~;~, --- . (~/t't:;. (() ..~. '. /i'c ''<J 0 '" - .~ {p. ---.. . '.; '';1: l /P" ~'X' . . 'j;~~i: A 6" 0 ..' . . ':7\'. ~ /..f; !/ ':h; jtflJif .... ..~...- ~-t~~I.S< . ~---""........ - I ____ 68 '. !I, -.............. ~OC)& ~ c9 d' ------- '-" . ~ . ~ t ~'?oc>. ~ > ~CP~J ...$/,". . . ..................' I C) ~ ~ i ". Y:- :.1 .............. ~ \ - r I, J! "- . . . ", t,.., ,-- SCALE-100 -I AQE:J>i'I05SAC.; o'~rr2rlI;rPTPE . .... , , I I I' I I SUFE (.0, Tt'\'l< MAP J?ATA.; 19_QQ...:JJ.O. 8_ ~;:: -- --------- I' .::-.'-",:, ------ , , \"~: \~~; I I I I I I \ I !