HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12517 P 813 NY003 ,Darpia end ask D«d with Cmsuat yelw Onuuh Ash !"dividuel «C«pxetlm (ai"tle Sheep (NYBTU t003) . ( CONSULT YOURWWYxRaEROREa1ONINOTHtSWfTRUMBMr-THIaiNSCRUMENTSHOULDaEUSBDBYLAWYCRSONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 3 l ~ day oY ~ JULY , in the year TWO THOUSAND AND SEVE i BETWEEN JESSICA Y. McCARTHY P.O. BOX 405, Shelter Island Heights, N.Y. 11965 PAY o[ the first pert, and +rwY Y°"/° ~u~ r ANN BATCHELOR, biW (y?~ ~f.'~!8,~ p atrV? 2 Gold Street, Apt 2103. •New 7~ofA0,~.N,~,YM•`•t1:00v3'8o~1 t't+e'.a MnnT party of the atxottd pan, WITNESSETH, that the parry of the f rat part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the atxxtnd pan, dos hereby grant and rdaeae unto the party of the stxand part, the !fairs or auccessots and assign of the petty of the second pan forever, ALLthstce:nainplot,piece orparcel otland,with thebuildingaend improvements thereon erected, situate, lying ~ba~ginthe Village of Grreport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as set forth in Schedule A attached. ~ Ta~tap SAID PREMISES intended to be and being the same as•conveyed to the xsianaGon Party of the First part by deed dated July 13, 2006 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on July 26, 2007 ~t:t• 1001 'in Liber 12461 at Page 124. SAID PREMISES also known as and by ntuaber 308 Wiggins Street, Green- ieC• 006.0 Part, New York. rtt 02.00 -O1p) 027. - 001 - TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in•and to any streets and roads abutting the abovadeacribed premisas to the center litres thereof TOGETHER with the appurtettsnces • and sll the eahta and righb of the pariy'of the first part in and to add premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD • the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the hefts or auwessors and assigns of the parry of , „ the second part forever. . ~ • ' ' . - AND the party of the first part covenann that the party of the fitatpart has not done or suffered anything whereby the said pranises have been irtcurnbered in any wsy whatever, except asaforesaid. AND the party of the fast pan, in compliance witb Section 13•ot the Lien Lew, covenants that the parry of the . fast pen will receive the consideration for this convoyanee and will hold the right to «aive such considcrntion n a tntat fiord to be applied fast for the purpose otpaying the cost of the improvement end will apply the same Cost to the payment of the wst of the improvement baforo thing any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. . The word "party" sha0 be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parry of the first pen has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. ' • 1H lRxaLNCE OR: ~ , e JESSICA MCCARTHY TITLE NUMBER:641-S•03396 SCHEDULE "A"DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the ~Ilage of Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: ~ BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Wiggins Street distant 113.55 feet westerly as measured along the northerly side of Wiggins Street from the comer formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Wiggins Street with the westerly side of Third Street; RUNNING THENCE North 88 degrees 22 minutes 30 seconds West along the northerly side of Wiggles Street, 52.50 feet deed (52.54 feet actual) to land now or formerly of Hamilton; THENCE along said lands, North 1 degree 37 minutes 30 seconds East 44 feet; I THENCE North 4 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds West, 89.72 feet; THENCE South 85 degrees 14 minutes 40 seconds East, 43.82 feet; THENCE South 6 degrees 10 minutes 20 seconds East, 139.33 feet to the northerly side of Wiggins Street, the point or place of BEGINNING. USEeaNOwiF~enrF.vrrronueFlowwmmvNewYoR[Sr~rsOnar. Usa.s~vowr~+teNrFOxnrerlowwmdvN~rYOxrSr~r>0n2r. State of New York, Couury of SUFFOLK } w: State of New York, Cowry of 1 D,~31 ~Y~ July, ~:N+Y~ 200 On toe day of ~ in the year . befog . ~ tgllOd, p epQwsd ~ before me, the edasr$nec~ PAY ePP~~ pasaugy maws m~me~ r m~.r/me on dte basis of s~ory personally known m me cr pmvad m me on the basis of sadsranory. evidnta a 6e dte hdividusl(s) whore tsvtte(a) is (ore) sttbmbed m the evidatoe m be dte individtal(a) whose tank(s) is (are) subaetbed m the within irauuntctt tad aeloawledged m the that hdsFtdthey axanmd the within itanuntax and acmawledged a me that heJshdthay exeamd ~:s srne in hisrhn/dtev cepadtY('ksb end dat by hisAlaltheir dgrtame(s)on same in hivheddtelr eapscity(iah std that by hitrber/Ltiev sigranae(s) or. the instnartent, the 'udm~al(sl a the penan upat behalf of which the the irumxrrQU, da iodivid<rl(al or de pasai upon beh~ of which ~e indivirhtsl(s)orcted, assured dte inmtustmt, kdividttal(s) ettod. exocouted the ittsatar><ru. NOTARY PUBL yoslt ~ ry P~ x.9237 ~ Q ~ ,t~ur~yrFot<uAOteUts ArntGwrmamnrFawrtast:~Ou~aElt2~YYatrSY,trraBV.r. /Ncw Yak SrrtuerrtrraS li7ursa (yeatSJ •ys t r t, (ow efSrarr w FarrSn Orasrol Aekaordrdjwrnr Crn~earr/ State of New York, Caunry of A,iol' s t) ss.: ~ ss.: /Cayrar Yaw wok Sara t:rwtrK ProNner a Mararpaltry/ On the day of i:: ~ Y~ before me, the wdersigned, personally appeared Oa the day of in the year beforo me, the wdentgned, personally appeared :he subscribing witness m the foregoing imtrument, vrith whom! stn personally acgwinted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose ud personally known m me or proved m me on the basis of sarisfae ary say thu helshehhey reside(s) in evidence m be rho individual(s) whose name(:) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged m me that helshNthey (i/rhrplacr o~raideaa 41a a cry. (nc/adr rha irmr andrrmr euarbu, t/ executed thasane in hisAser/their ¢apaeny(ies), that by hisTherl their e„y, rkr.mp; that hdshdthey know(s) signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalfofwhtch the individwl(s) acted, executed the instrument, and to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing tint such individwl made such appearance before the uttdersig:ted instrument; that said subscribing witness wu present and aw said in the execute the same; end that said witness at the same tune subscribed (/arrrr rkt e!ry a orkn poliNeal rubdlviiJoa and rhr trace o• counrr~ or his/her/dteir name(s) as a witness therca. orkop/aer rkr scknowredrnar war taken). I 6ARCAIN & SALE Dti6D wttn c°vr"""rs "o"aas atta+ra a •crs 10 O 1 ' 7rrt.ENo.vFrnarr• nncmtrltrm Lei-c-naa96 DtS'rRICr SEC'rtON 006.00 JESSICA Y. MCCARTHY Bt.OCtic 0np22700 TO LCoUNrvoaTOwNSUFFOLK/SHELTER ISALND ANN BATCHELOA eacoeocoerxcQucsrof Fldeliry Nadonal Tltk losuraoce Company of New York ' asrvarrerw~a m FIDELITYI`CATIONALTITLEIIVSURANCE STEPHEN M. RICHARDSON, ESQ. COMPANY OFN6wYORK 6302 ROUTE 25A '/"coY0R1nDlsis P.O. Box 958 , c~n:,astGFldaltry .SjiG.~«./' ww.N..raawr..rtan,t,+wru.. Wading River; N.Y. 11792 . W u LL 0 • `s s W to U N C O W u • ,n t C ' 1 2 • RECORDED Numlx:r of pages 2007 Rug 14 10:06:32 RM TORRENS Judith R. Pascale CLERIC OF Serial # SUF>:OLK COUNTY L D00012517 Certificate # P 813 DTi 07-01350 Prior Ctf. # I Dad / Mortgage Instrutncnt Deed / Mortgage Tax Suunp Recording !Filing Stamps 3 PEes Page /Filing Fee y _ Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax Handling 5• ~ 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation SpccJAssit. - or EA-52 17 (County) S Sub Total Spec. /Add. EA-5217 (State) ~ ~ TOT. MTG. TAX :j/~j~ Uual Tirwn _ Durl County R.P.T.S.A. ITrldfirrAppuimmcnt Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 ~ ~ Traasfcr Tax ACtidavit • • Mansion Tax _ ~0 The property rnvered by this mtutgage is Certified Copy to will be impnwed by u one ur two NYS Surch:uge I5. W family dwelling only. Sub Tuutl YES or NO Other _ Grand Total ~ y if NO. sec appropriate tax clause on page # of this instru t 4 Dist.loo QT024576 loos ooeoo ozoo oz7ool. )O1 S Commnalty Preservatloa Faad Real Property Rip A Consideration Amount $ O Tax Service - Agency 4-AtN~-0 CPF Tax Due $ ~.fi.,.85lL.Al Verification Improved x Vacant Land 6 Satisfactions/Dischatyycs/Releases Liar Pmpeny Owners Mailing Addmss RECORD & RETURN TO• TD TD STEPHEN M: RICHARDSON, ESQ. i 6302 Route 25A TD P.O. Hox 958 waainy River, N.Y. 11792 7 Title Com an Information Gr. Name Title # 641- - s Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached anRCnrN k SAT.F. UF.Ffl made by: (5PL'CIFY TYPIi OI~ INSTRUMfiNT) JESSICA Y. McCARTHY The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of ANN SATCHELOR In the VILLAGE ,/~a^LYXb or HAMLLiT of ~ ~ BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IA' BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RIiCORDING OR FILING. (over) i iiiiiii iiii iiiii ii~~i iii~~ iiiii ii~ii ~iui iiiii iiii iii i iiiiii iiiii ii~i~ iii iiii SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Iaatrumaat: DEEDS/DDD Rocorded: 08/14/2007 Number of Pagae: 4 At: 10:06:32 A1S Receipt Number s 07-0074731 TRANSFER TAX NU~ER: 07-01350 LIBER: D00012517 FAGS: 813 District: Sectioa: Blocks Lot: 1001 006.00 01.D0 017.001 8XAISINED AND CHARGED AS 80LLOiPB Deed Amounts $491,500.00 Received the 8ollowiag Feae For Above Iastrumeat 8xempt Exeaq~t Page/Filiag $12.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHC3 $15.00 NO 8A-CTY $5.00 NO 8A-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTN $0.00 NO Traasfer tax $1,970.00 NO Comm.Pree $6,850.00 NO Feea Paid $8,971.00 TRANSFER TAX NO]038R: 07-01350 THIS PAQB IS A PART OF TS8 INSTRDNBrI'P THIS IS NOT A BILL Sudith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk Couaty ' PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http9/ www.orpa.IttBte.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~ O eT srv~ toes REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT - / arAre oP NEw raluc fi. D.:. Dw.N Roeordod w O, STATE BOMD ~ R[AL PIIOPERrY SEI11RCi6 • r RP - 5217 C7. Book G. Papw ` ~ J atmn w. irr PROPERTY INFORMATION ~•P'Op'rh L'inR I Wi aaine Crrac* 1 ImYan a sr I Greenport I 111944 I ry s wr« I BATCHELOR I ANN I Wma un"whir , ~i r .w I ear I L To krmnY whro Nwro Tax Sib w b tb Wt SYlkq r a1Mr den brryr ad0rar W bosom d forme 1 ~ r~i xi r I rwr 1 Addrar I I I I I -b7Ml1 arart rwre rna• rAn r. a. endbm ter rwrabar a Aaaaaarrwrt loner r P.rt a. ParaNl tabek r tlrr ~pM RoY t~ uwmlar..a on role awd I 1 . - I • of Parpls DR ? Pan a a ParnN ~ Plrarinp Boud wiN whd'wibri AurhodtY ExWa ? _ a wtrm.bbrl AppMN w R.qubad tr rrrrdar ? a P+epartY r we X I oorx I oR Ii•~~ . 1 4 I aC. Pan:al AFVrot'd for SubdxMkn rMh Mp Prwirrd ? at:. asNrr I MC~RTHY I JESSICA Y. I wan. ~1A I I I uar rcar~w rw: awe 7. f:lrack ter box babes wAlall swat aoereatalY d"olhaa the up d tM ProPart? at ter ebna d nlc ClraNr ter boaaa below a drr apP1Y: L OwrwNrip Typo b CwrdwNrdtm ? A tMa Family RaYdrrVN E AyrkulturN 1 fommurritr Sarvke a ww f:onwruaion an Vaearo land ? 8 2 ar a Famlry tbaidemW F Commarobl J InduNrbl t0A RapanY Laved wiMb an AprkuOurN DWrW ? C RapdrNN Vaeam land C Aparmrnt K Pubie Sarvtw 105. SuYar raraivad • dladowua nodoe Indr~inS ? p Non•Rri41nW Vaard 4nd H EnrdNnnrnt / AmwamarR 1. ForeN lhN tM proprty b 4i an AprkNbrol DbMu SALE INFORMATION 1a tlraek err «mor d tlrro aorrdilbrr M appScNda b tranbr. 71. Sab Corteraet Dm I 710 / 07 I A Sab Ssnaaan RobrNm «F«mar RNathw B Sab BNVraan Rabrd Companba « Panrrro in wdrrr C On d dr Suvan b aba . SNbr 12 Dale a Sab / TeanNar I / 1 / 07 I D Sar« «sew b Dea.rrolrn ApwKr «L«rNnO aw9triori tlswr I4r y"• E Dead TVPa net WertsMy «wryNn end Bala ISPar+N Sabwl F !iW d FraNOnN « ear rliarr Faa HWrr1 tSPadly Below) ta. FwB flab vela. I - 4 . 9. 2 , 5, 0 , 0 . 0 ~ 11 I c B? rJrana~ M PratrarlY Satwaen Taxabb wuua and SW D.t H dWo a ar.bw b hdudad o SNO Pdeo ~ a ~ 1 Odrr UnwuN FaCmra ARaoYnS SNs Prba ISpseRy Babwl (Full Sab Prlee b Ills IOIN amoum paid tar dr propsrry IndWinp panMN prgrrly. Thb paynrro mp/ 4• in dr Ipm d Caah. Oihar propaNy «poodA or IIr aawmption d J Nona manOgn «otlrr ablipnlar.l Ptnaa roved r IM nwwt wf1aN doax amaura. 11. ilNalo tlr ..Yr d Paraernl I 0_ 0 0 1 prwprp Mbrdad b tM aab • ASSESSMENT INFORMATION • Dau ahoukl rotlset ttr West Rnd AtaswrlelR Roll and Tell Bill 70. rar d Ataarrlwrl ReS kanr I 0 . 7 I ,z row a..naw vakr br a p.mNa in a.narl L - 4 0 0 ~ 0 I wtdeh tdarordow eNawr a ! a la hW arM Cbr 19. Bahod pabkt wmo L..~ + I a0. Tax Map MarNSarIN / IIaB ldaaal.rp) W moro flies lover, altaeh Nrr wkh additlorrl IdrrttSarlall I TO.QI.;._OOb 00; m nn; m~ pnT 1 1 1 I I I CERTIFICATK)N 1 tetYy Marl aB d the keen d IwformWlao ewered m Wb f«r aro tawe aM earaeat lee llr brwl d aoy koerbdae awd heSeQ awd 1 awdwalaM thY the prklaS a rq wBtlb1 IYare Natamer d.Neabd M knees wBl airJtcl an b ter pmNriooa d Ike oeool hr rakWre b eke tsotlaR am ISIq{ d Skit lopnooewuc B YER BUYER'S ATf01WEY 07 RICHARDSON 1 STEPHEN M. aaawrlas N BAT R nre wrruri 2 Gold St. AIPt 2103 631 1929-3632 rta¢rr.evl sralarwrwrtaawr .ISa000a reuwbrwrrirrw New York I N.Y. 110038 arrarorw rt~n mean SELLER NEW YORK STATE COPY ~ ~ ~~IG~ I'[ -31-07 . abw J ICA Y. CARTHY~