HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12518 P 831 r/ / Fas ~W2•-IIu~,~m rd tiYe Dtd. rvY Cmeme ~pmv (i~aAc~s-lode' rc .elan ~ ~ X17 l~~r I CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRt1YENT-THIS INSTRUAAENT SHOULD BE USED BY UWYERa ONLY. THIS MllEN1'URE, made the 24w day of May, Two Thousand Seven BETWEEN VICTORIA HEANEY, as surviving tenant by the entirety, residing at 43 Washington Avenue, Gteenport, New York 11944, party of the first part, and MICHAEL A. Hf:AN1;Y, residing at 10 Tracy'1'errace, Brockport, New York 14420, JOANNE E. HEANEY, residing at 814 Plum Stnxt S. W., Vienna, Virginia 22180, MARK A. HEANEY, residing at I 1-101 West 54a' Avrnuc, Arvada, Colorado 80002, and BF.RNADETTE M. CRIMI, residing at 90 North Grrcn llolphin Drive, Cape lisle, plorida 33946, party of the second parr, WITNESS~TH, shat the party of the f first part, in considemtion of'fen Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, dots hereby gnrnt and release unto the patty of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL THAT CERTAIN plot, piece or parcel of land. with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of Grrrnport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Starr of Ncw York. known and designated as Lot No. 59 on "Map of Washington lieights, situate at Greenport, N.Y.". which said map is made by Otto W. Van 7'uyl, dated December 29, 1927, and is on file in the Otlicc of the Clerk of Suffolk County ag Map No. 651. Said lot is bounded on the north by Washington Avenue. easterly by Lot No. 60, westerly by Lot No. 58, and southerly partly by land now or formerly of Irving C. Wells and partly by land now or formerly of the Village of Greenport. BEAIG ANU INTENDI?D,TO BE the same pn:mixs conveyed to the party of the first part and Joseph Heaney by deed dated Junr 10, 1960 and recorded on June 27, 1960 in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk in Liber 4831, ldagc 141, by deed dated June 17, 1960 and recorded on 1we 27, 1960 in the Office of the Sutlblk County Clerk in I.ibcr 4831, Pagr 143, and by deed dated Junc 21, 1960 and rrcwrdcd on June 27, 1960 in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk in Liber 4831, Page 190. . RESERVING, 1•IUWEVI:R, a Icgal life estate in the above-described premises with the buildings and impmvementez thereon erected. in and to the party of the (first part. , I THE PART' OF THE FIRST PALZ"f IiERE13Y •RESERVES A SPECIAL POWER OF APPOINTMENT, exercisable as often as they may choose, ro change their remainderman as follows: TO or among any one or mom members of a class consisting of the parry of the first part's descendants, in any degree, whether presently living or bom hereafter, in such proportions and amounts, without regard to equality, outright or in trust, as the party of the first part may direct and appoint during her lifetime by properly written and acknowledged instrument, and recorded prior to death, making specific reference to this power of appointment. The party of the first part may not appoint themselves, their estate, their creditors or the creditors of their estate, ands any circumstances. 'TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein grnntal unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the parry of the first pan wvenants that the parry of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first pan, iir compliance with Section 13 of the Licn Law, covenants that the parry of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for U?e purpose of paying the cost ~ of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement ~ before using any pan of the total of the same for any other propose. The word "party" shall be conswed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. M WITNESS WHEREOF, the parry of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. M PRESENCE OF: • a VICTORIA HEANEY . STATE OF )\EW YOItIC) SY.: i couwTY or• surrol.lc> On the 24a' day of May, 2007, before mc, the undersigned, personally appeared Victoria Heaney personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (arc) subscribed to the within insttwncnt and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/chair capacity(ics), and that by his/herhtteir signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s). or the person upon kx;hall' of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. No ry blic tMU.IAM H. PRICE, JR. Notary Public, State of Naw York Na 4t344t)4t, Suffolk Coumy Term Expires February 2g, ypLo 1 2 • Number of pages / TORRENS 2007 ~9 ~ 04:13:13 PM Judlth R. Pascale • CLERK OF Serial # S1~Ol•K CO~V L D00012518 Cenificate # P 831 DTt 07-02099 Prior Ctf. # Decd /Mongage Instrument Detxl /Mortgage Taz Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fce ~ _ Mongage Amt. _ _ ~ 1. Basic Tax _ _ Hrndling 5• ~ 2. Additional Trx _ Tp_584 Sub'fotal _ - Notation SpccJAssit. I ` ur EA-52 17 (County) --~~J~~ _ Sub lbtal Spec. /Add. - EA-5217 (State) ~ _ ~ TOT. MTG. TAX - R.P.T.S.A. ~f Dual Town -Dual County - -e"-- - ~ 1•Irld forAppoinnncn~ Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 ~ Tn:nsfer Tax ~ ~ ~ • ~ Mansion Tax Af6drvit - • T The property covered by this mimguge is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge I5. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO _ _ ~ Other ]f NO. see a ro riatu tax drusc on Grond Towl• J~~i ~ PP P prgc # of this'inst~cgt. ,G~ • fool 07021738 iooi oozoo~oa,oo ooeooo 4 Dist. Se S Community Preservatioa Mad PT S Real ProP~Y ~CYYH A ~ Consideration Amount $ Tax Service ~ [WUL Agency ~ CPF e Due 5 i verification • - _ _ Improved ~ Vrcant Land ti Satisfactions/Discharges/Rclcnses List Properly Owners Mriling Address • RECORD & RETURN TO: 'fD f William H. Price, Jr., Esq. TD ~ P.O. Box 2065 ' Greenport, New York 11944 ~ ' 7 Title Cont an Information Co. Name Title q R Suffolk Count ~tecordin & Endorseanent P~ e This page forms part of the sttached deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF 1NSTRUI.9EN7~ Victoria Heaney 'the premises heroin is siwated in ' SUFFOLK COUNTY, NE~V YORK. TO In the Township of Routho 1 d - _ Michael A. Heaney, Joanne E. Heaney, In the VILLAGE Mark A. Heaney, and:.BSrnadette M. Critt~,HAMLETof_ Greenport BOXES 6 TFiRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRlN1'ED L~1 BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR'1~0 RECORDLVG OR FII.IKG. (over) i iiiiiii iii iiiii iiiii iiiii ilia iiiii iiiii iiiii iiii iiii SUFFOLK COUNTY CLFs'RK R$coRDS oFFlca RECORDING PAGB Type of Iaet^••^~*+ts D88DS/DDD Recorded: 08/20/2007 Number of Pagees 4 At: 04:13:13 PM Receipt Number 07-0077207 TRANSFER TAX NW~ER: 07-02099 LISER: D00012518 PAGB: 831 Districts Sections Blocks Lot: 1001 002.00 01.00 008.000 SSAMINBD AND CHARGED AB FOLLO~PS Desd Amouat: $0.00 Received the Folloxiag Feea For Above iastrsmseat Sxampt Exempt Page/Hiliag $12.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NYB SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO 8A-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiea $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO BCTN $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pras $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 TRAN888R TAY NW®ER: 07-02099 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INBTRDNSNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale Couaty Clerk, Suffolk Couaty .PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRRING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orpa.state.riy.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~ O CT. SYY18 Ctede r REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT tiTATE OF NEW YORK CZ. Dtete Deed Rtetwrded 0 V ~ STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SIRIYICEs ~ RP - 5217 C9. Book G. Pepe ~o [y~ L ' •'P vwn w. m PROPERTY INFORMATION +•hw~+rl 43 I Washington Avenue I l~ lm¦r atNlm¦ rertrMYi /Southold ~ I T:r- Bert 1T19dd I o,oe L Buyr N.m. Y o ne E. I Heaney I Mark A. I r f~ .r' rear ¦¦rr 7.Tr tndt¦tewhyhMG~TrBmentoWten Bernadette M. lama q ahr th¦n htMr ¦ddns w basso d leant l_ Heane V I V i r+nr i s I Adhee¦ WT r rerrNWt 1 43 Washington Avenue I Greenport IN Y) 119441 ~i,~}7~ii i Ir i non ar ktirau Ura mmhr d A¦r¦rnwr 1 ~ tDrdl a Prl d ¦ t'm'rll Clr¦eA r ar¦Y eppltr. Roa p¦reeb 1rWMr¦d m th¦ d¦ed I I ¦ of Punk oR Rrt d ¦ Perosl ~ Bo¦rd •Atlr MtlrarM Eder ? S De¦d ¦a. Sutdidebn Approau ar Apuvad to Tnrhr ? Prv.rtY I 50 1 x I 13 5 I oR I I ee P«al Appravad kr SWmwion uilh hlp PraWd¦d ? IIIarRrR atRN Kri a e.uv I Heaney I Victoria I !rte wTxuriaav¦x. rr ~ asl r I r~ I 7. Clr¦rJr tlr eo¦ belay rMdr mmt ¦x«¦lNy drramr the ue¦ d tM praprty ¦t tM tirr d e¦Y: lyt¦ck tlr ho¦e¦ hebrc r arY eppllr a OwrrND TYW b CorrdarrrYdun ? A Orr F¦nely RrNenW I E AprcrWr¦I 1 l:arraourdty SaMro 0. slew CorrenroLm m Vr¦am Lard ? B Z Family R¦Ydra¦I 1° Cannrreiel J InduYdel 7tM. Prop¦rty l«atM rrithn r ABriaitrN Diydct ? C RaWreW W«m land G Apranem K~ Poblk SeMr ,e0. Buyer rwirsd ¦ dudaun nobm iellntirn ? D ~ Vrant lard H EmerWrrrm I Aautantart L Farrt tha er propry 4 w n Apioltr¦I Olndet BALE INFORMATION A. t7rat arr a man d arr rrrdNarr r ¦PP4+bt¦ m order. SaN Comma Dam I N /A/ / I A Sao Batarerr MI¦avq « Fomrr Rel¦tn¦¦ -mow B trl¦ Bannrr Re44W Cmrprriss «Parurr¦ In Buairrx C One d tha m+Y+r+ 6 oleo • Sour 7L Gp d s¦Y / TrwNr I 5 / a~/~' / 07 I U flay.. «sd.r u Oovrmr¦nt APenay «tamm~p trrhuuon .toner Car rer g Ord Type n« Waurly a arq¦in ¦M Sria (Spwily aeload F SW d r,.mrr a Ley flan Fes trderea 18p¦eYy BNaaA Ftdl s¦1¦ Prlr I 0 0 0 I G SipdBrm ChmBe h PrapertY BeBnr TarDle sour ¦rd Sek tMl ! ! • H Se4r d BWnw is hrJitded N SaN Prka IFuN SYe Pdrr Ne taal emaun pad br tlr proWrty iaAdinB par¦on¦I property. 1 X qlw Unuud Fedor AQrtirrB Sete Prka ISIt¦aIN Bebw1 Thk p¦ym¦at mry b n dr farm d rah, ayrr Praperry «paaa¦. a pr¦ ee¦rarptlon d 1 Harr moitaap.e«ayrrebepakr.l MrrrowdmNarrr/rhoNdoar¦mara. Life Estate and Special Power 11. krdkat¦ are vehr d p¦r¦aW orowtybrleawr,yr.¦.r I , n ~ o , ll l of AvPOintment ASSESSMENT INFORAUITKIN -Date should rofkln tM latest Final Apeasntent Roll and Tr Bill ta. Yr d Aarerrr Rd iarrt ,edldl tmorrrBrt takes n. Totr Ama¦e¦d VWr Id V perrl¦ N wreMl 1 ; ; . ~ ; R . n n I ,a. aaa.ty taer 12 •1 0 I-U ts. ears 06bia1 hrnre I Greenport l E0. Tr May k¦nlBl¦rl¦) I Roo klwNrw p moo flan lac. ¦tl¦eh eMd umb addMlaW ldentllMrlW 1 1000-002.00-01.00-008.000 l I I l 1 I I CERTKICATIDN . 1 artay dmt aB d the iker d bdorsOtlns emoted m thh tarry arc true and oetreet tm the 6ea d my toorkrypc end bdld) and 1 urrderateed W W tkr m¦ickgt d • wlBlul Bke rydwed d maul M hereto trBl retidne toe m tlr a[artdrrr d the etteml hw tel¦tls n the molds; sod GgeK d hLe ltutrtotted~ ~ B YER BUYER'S ATTORNEY e.r 0 Mi h 1 A. can 7 Anne E ~ 67 Price William H.r Jr. rk 1~`"'"~d"Rey Berns e~te M Cr i 1Ae`""'r "r`"""` ~ 631 1 477-1016 10 I Tracv Terrace ¦rr¦r rare et¦at was tnrtat¦etb - ¦r.mae turtrrr rttrrrr Brockport I NY I 14420 OMrtaaM nATt armor AFIIFg NEW YORK S'fATE o COPY Victor ra HealTl6y r