HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12517 P 259 ~ , NY IXB - RuNain a:W Sale ncal wish C'..reaaru a(a.:lq Cvaotui s Aru lydnidual uc 6,rperndw (SinpJe Sheetl IKYBTU A0U31 L'(h~TUl.7' YUUR I.A{YYY,R REYtIRM. SIC./\Ii~G 7711R 1\'S1'HlI}IF'.\"f -T1kL4 L~.4fRU?IF:}Mf ti11UU1.11 HN. liSk:U IIY IAN'1'FJCC U\I.\' TII[ti IMUF NTUKIs, maJr Ihr G ~ Jay of July , in the year 2007 • RF;T~1'EEN CAROLIN& LOSCSSN, ae Surviving Tenant by the Entirety, residing at 200 Sixth Street, P.0. Box 431, Laurel, New York 11948 p:ln}• of the fin? pan. auJ JAM88 D. LOSCIi;EN, residing at 15 Danes Street, Blue Point, New York 11715, se Truatea of the CAROLINE LOSCKEN FAMILY TRIIST dated the ` ~ day of July, 2007, piny of dtr secolul pan. W ITNFSSF;'fH, lhat the pang uF the first pun, hl ~YmsiJrralion of Ten Ikdlan:uul olhrr vuluablr cvtuidrlrtiun priJ by the piny of the srcrorHl port, does hereby Bmttt unJ rcleusr umo the patty of the srcuml pun, the brio: or tvcressun atul axeignz of Ills parry of the sccunJ pun f~ueYer, A,Ilro~ to a'n hu, pi~ti~c,r Irutitl of I:mJ with t~bl~tlJin • :uHl imjlnwenlhrtr~t CrrlcYrtl sllu:ltc, Ivlneurcl h i +in dK ~~~t o County of Su o It ~'nd Sc too [Vew or known atiU C)ee~nated ae Lots No. 34 and 35 on a certain map entitled •Subdiviaion Map Section One of Property of Oeorge I. Tuthill and others, situate at Laurel, Town of Southold, N. Y." surveyed March 28, 1928 by Otco w. Van Tuyl, Oceenport, N.Y., Surveyor, and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the 15"' day of January, 1929, as Map R 861. SAIa premises being known ae 200 Sixth street, Laurel, New York 17948. HSSNO AND INTHNDED TO 88 TH8 same premises conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed dated August 29, 1978, recorded in Liber 8489 page 163 in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August 30, 1978. i TU(:tTHF.K with alt right, title foul interest, if any. of Ihr piny of the Fn[ pan of, ilt:lnd to any slrcels unJ nuJarbuttillg du rhuvr~lezeribrd prcmizes w the center lines thrrcnl: TQ(:I:'1'll kK with tl,r appunenwrtxs andrll Ihr extrte and dghts of the p:lny of the find p:ut in and u, sail prcmiwl;'1'0 H,1VF: AND 7Y)11OLU the premises herein gntntrd unto Ihr piny of the snnnJ pan, the heirs ur xuccramrs anJ assigns of the puny of the sm,nJ pen forever. AMII the party of the first pen rnvenants Ilwt the puny of the tint pun has tttx done or suffcrcJ :tny7hing whereby dlr z:tiJ premiss hour been inwmbered in nn)• way whplevrr. rxrrpl as ufurcsuiJ. AAn lhr piny Pf IhC fuss IYJn, III C0111p11anlY R'llh $Mnun I3 of the L{Cn I.aW, Ca\'MatlLf the[ UIL` p:uty Pf IIIC fltsl pan wlll trcrivr the wruirkr:ltion forthtsamveyancr anJ will Iwld the right a, receive sorb ~vnsidrmtiun:u a ttu;n fund to be rpphed fin:t for the purpluce of prying the ~xutl of the improvr:ntrm anJ will apply the same Oust to the payment of the nut of the nnpmvrntrm before using any pan of the total of the same for any mhrr purpose. TM word "party" shill be cunstrueJ a{ if it rc;ul "paniri' w•hcnevcr the M'It%C of this irlJenturc 5n requires. LV N I'PKF_SS W IIEKEOF, the party of Ihr firs) pan has duly exceut~d this dttd the dry unJ year lust above writtru. Iv 1'Rk1F_~CF Ur: I~o•~ ~ ~ ~`i Carolitle Loachen ` U54ACWAY)117J7JG}/f:1TF'ON.11NFLf111'14m//.YNh.74'YMIA STA7l:'O.\'LI7 ~ Ux7!ACfixnw~FUGyfF.~TFW7JIB)ll1N"f{muAtVl71'YOIfA57"TEOXLI:• tiwlrufNrwl'rxit,CouMyrd Suffolk }xs.: tiwkrdNCwYork,Cuuntyof }ss.: I On thr ~ Jay of July in thr year 2007 On the day of in the year brGae mr,ittu,:-unkni~nrd. perxuWlly nppr:ued bcfarc mc, thr Wdenigtfal. peaundlY uppeattd prt~Y •r~~"WF3~7 + wed W me ++n Ux ba.+iti ul• s~tisfaruuy prrxaWlly known w me ur pnnrd w me on thr basis of xttisttatury evidcrue to b: d+r hu)ividuul s) whuw twnMsl Is (arc) wlueribetl w the evukrux w br Urn iralividuW(x) wtuva: unntr(s) is (arc) svbscribs•J w thr within instromcnt utd :tckwwhd&•J w me that hdxM~dtey exr•~vted within insvuutrm Wd xkrow•kdgcd w me drat hrJzftrJUfry rxr:uteJ tltc same in hisAwddteir sapaxityfkx), anti Wu by lus/hcrMtrtr dlc xumc in his/tnrhheir cupucity(iesA and that by hiVltcthlteir xig)Wwrc(sl tm Ittc trt~tmment, the individual(s), to the prrsMt upml sigtrtturc(s) un the ituwrtnn4 Ute irafividtul(.rl. or the person apart 6rlstlf of which the indixidu;tl(s) uaYeJ, cxsruad tltc instmnw•m. behalf of which the italividu:d(x) ueted. exsctrteJ du: Iltsvument. M~SUIed~Nw1YA Notary Public Na0I61505g112 OttrOfbd b Stdfolt Caaeh 61toa'sdn Frllnt NN !,1014 AeAnrns7J7K:.VrvTFrxell F'rM Ux6WmIrv/1eN•}•uffASr.+re fJxu:• ,ICA7riWLElx;Bltvrfnxurult U~FOfll~ux;NR. vYUxeJ7a]EUNLr: 1NM' Y~Y) SrbAVYhfwx n'fWeAArbWrfrJrnaear Cmtfk,ur) 1[hrr,+fxwrr rw Fixrix. GnwrdAr[m+wfdrne.r Lintfirwr! tilutr of [\rw 1Yrrk, l:tmnty of } tix• ..................................................}ss.: fCrwykrr Venw rich S/Jrr. CVlWlry, I•NrWY wMaanywW.) On du: duy of in Utr ytvr bcforc tne, tla: Waknigt+ed, persumtlly appatttd On du: duy of in 1hL• year befurc me, the utukrsigncd, personally appcand thr su~ribing witness to dlr fnrc(Seng inauumrnt, wilt wlgm 1 um petxrWlly acyuuiru~vL wla+. b+ing by ntc duly rwom, did tkpose Wul personrlly known to me or pmvcd w me +m the husis of sutisfauuy say thu h,~sheJdtey nxitkys) in eridet+a to be the individuttl(sl winrsr ttantc(al ix (arc) suhxfihrd u+thr within inswnamt and txkrgwkdgs•J to me dot hrJShddxy exr~vtd fijrln•ry4axrfnridrurrisinucAy.ixlurlydm.rrrcrfmtdsrrrerfwnfher, t~~~inhislhrrhheircofwcity(irs).thutbyhisAxdtllcirsi~naturc(s) rfrmv, rM..rn: that lu/slw/dny knw•(xl on the inswtnro4 the individu:dtsl, ur Iltr )xvson upon belWltof whtctt the intlivkW.i1(s) octtd. cxauad the insvutrcnt. ant dw atxh individual w R the IlrtlYidtlul d1.XTibed in and who rxecvted Ilte fi%Cguing nudr sucft uPPeat:ufcr 6efarc the undersigned in dx inswmem: that said subaribint wiutrss wai prtaent and saw Bahl execute dte sumo; and duo xWd wiuteax ut dte same time subscribed (butrtlhere)ywnd~rr)xditu•a)sulsfitirinnanddarrrarenrcrwntryur his/Itedtltrir natttr(sl us u wiwetti dWreto. nrlter plae thr acbgwleJFxwu roc trdnml• IIAar:AIN a tiALF DEaU ' rnuanrnwKts iu:rnsnrwmr~s,un TmeNa. l Dts-txtf'r 1000 • SECTION 126 Caroline I.oachm, tsa Stsrvi Dwct: 1 viag Yenant Lor 12,1 by the llntiraty CoufcnroaTOwN Suffolk -ro Jataea G. Loechen. ae rruaeae of the Catroliae Loaehen Fatah cruse dated the itiscoxoeuAritL'du)sruv y FWaity ~utkrtud Tltk Irwttvnce (:ampany of \ew York day of July. 2007 ir).~uxxerwvLru FInF.I.PI'Y NATtUVAI. TITLE IntiUNA\CE Da~•[dow Davldow Siegel & Stcrn,l.l.l' (:0A1PA~1• uY Nt:w VANS One Suffolk Square - Suttc 330 1 nrwNwm,log 1601 Vetcrnnd ~'lemorlal Highway m'rieGdr Firlelif lslandia, New Vork 11749 Y r,.s,.x.wa..rrrrre.....~ DS _ _______________1 W I a t W Q LL O yW 7 Q 1 W I V 6< W W WyQ W G 1 i 1 2 1 Number of pages RECORDED 2007 Rug 09 10:45:27 RM 7udith A. Pascale This document will be public • n.~c ~ record. Please remove all ~0U' co~v L D00012517 Social Security Numbers P 259 prior to recording. DTtt o7-oo~t Dced /Mortgage ]nstrutnent Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording / Filittg Stamps 3 FBSS Page /Filing Fce Mortgage Amt 1. Basic Tax Handling 5• ~ 2. Additional'Ih:t TP-584 5 ~ Sub Total SpecJAsait Notarion or EA-52 17 (County) Sub Totnl 5pcc. /Add. _ EA-5217 (State} _ 7,~~ TOT. MTG. TAX R.P.T.S.A. ~ ~ Dual Town _ Dual County , Held for Appointment Comm. of Ed. S. 00 Transfer Tax _ Affidavit • • Mansion 75x The property covered by lttia mortgage is ~ Certified Copy or will be improved by s one or two NYS 5urcltarge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total y~ or NO Other 1~9 0 Grand 7bta1 0 If NO, see appropriate tax clause on ,_I~ pageAt~f is instrument 4 Dist. 1000 Section 126 Black I I..ot 12!1 YY~~ 5 Commtiaity Presesvation P1sad 0702 171 loo0 12eoo oloa oi2ool -o- Real Property Consideration Amount $ Tax Service P T 5 Agency RDHO A CPF Tax Due S -a- ~ Verification UL-07 ' Improved G Satisfacti~~._-- .ddrcss RECORD do RETURN TO: Vacant Land Davidov Davidov Siegal 6 Stern. LLF ~ One Suffolk Square -Suite 330 1601 Veterans 1lmorial Highway TD Islandia. Hov York 11749 TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 'Lytle Com an Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Name www.suffolkcounryny.gov/clerk Tirle x 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pert of the attached Ott made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF WSTRUMENT) Caroline Loschan. as Survivinte Tenant The premises herein is situated in . by the tdntirety SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO Ia the TOWN of Southold JAoes G. I.oschan, as Trustee of the in the Vll1.AGE Caryo~line I.osehen Family Trust dated the or HAMLBT of Laurel X65 6 THRI~I{ MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. i i I I IIIIIII IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII I IIIIII VIII VIII IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Iastrumant: DBEDS/DDD Recorded: Oa/09/x007 Number of Pageac 3 Ats 10:45ca7 AN Rsceipt Number 07-0073x53 TRANSFBR TAX NUNIDER: 07-00931 LI88R: D00012517 PAGB: 259 Districts 9ectionc Block: Lots 1000 1x6.00 01.00 01x.001 BXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLO~PS Deed Amouat: $0.00 Received the Following Feas For Above Iastrumeat 8xempt 8xempt Page/Filiag $9.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 NO COS $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STAYS $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Traasfer tax $0.00 NO Co~.Pres $0.00 NO Faee Paid $149.00 TRAN3F8R TA8 NtTI®8Rs 07-00931 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TH8 ZNSTRUl~NT THIS IS NOT A HILL Judith A. Pascale Couaty Clerk, Suffolk Couaty I PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY JVHEN WRITING ON FORM - INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.arpa.atate.ny.ua or PHONE (518) 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~ l st Coe SC~7 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT SUTE OF NEW rOR% C2. Dab Daad Raewtkd ~ BTATE WARD OF REAL PROPEIRY 6ERVICES ~~C~ .r RP - 5217 a. apdh 11~5,1,~ct,. P.a.(~~ l,yJ - arottr ar. ~r, PROiERTY INFORMATION t. ~l 200 I Sizth Street I mrrurnea rMr L Laurel' I I 11948 I L1M1 a aced wl~Gr arw« s•~~ I Jaws G. Loachen. as Trustee of the Caroline Lostben Family ?rust I Noma IM wwr/car"ear ravel mart[ I I I IMrNMi/~wrY k INy/t 1 Tax tndxae rdrr Mum Tax Bib e" ro b salt wrla a am al.n hqr edaae la hcrom a+ard l 1iO~eII I C81O1 i n- I P.O. Boz 431 r""e ~ 200 Sizth Street I Laurel I B. Y 111948 I TE+ InaraaaatlvQrrw~ err I w aced • hrdeer ale nurrlhr d Afeawrrlad 1 ~ IOIdY ~ Prt d . Preeh arA ~ Mry rPPl1r Roll peroer tralydarnd on tlr dead I I / d Pargle OR Pen d. Parcel IA fLnninp Bond adtll SuhBvhkn Autlwdtr Eade ? a Dad L I X I I I I a BuhSvidon Approval ws RetlWred rr Tnplr ? 3 4 B~ reoxr race and ~ ¢ Pawl Approved Ir Srddwid°n avhh hrp Prwibd ? a s.wr I I.osthen. Surviving Tenant by the Entirety Caroline I Wm dear wr/ xats l I I r rwr/wrr~ar ram xarlr T. area Ma tlm wow vellkh newt eavatap daraibee the tw a tM w°PMr d dle thn. d ww rJreeh are Mar wow r tMy apgr: a owrladdp Type Y cortdanhllum ? A On Famih/ Reaideaid E ABirprurd 1 Community Sewleo a New Caaantlbn an Vrant lard ? B 2 or B Redly Raldamkl P ~ Comnlnoid J ~ In3mdd taA Proprry heard aiNn en Apdpevel DWdd ? C Raaiderltrel Vend land (i Apnpnaa K PuMk &wiu 1pa Burr leoeivod a d4doare rctia irgWlhq D NpNWramial Vwrd land H Elrnailarpv / Amuwllac 1. Forea dat tM propeWa r an Aprieuhural Ofrkt ? SALE INFORMATION to aredl rr «Iaae d ehue eocdlllaw r ePPieehr d trelldr: 17. sw Candace Dar I B/S / / J A sat Betwrn Rerrivw « Fonder Raladr.. B Seb Baueaon Rdetad Corrlprliee « Partpn in Budnwa C One d dr Buy«a h ako • Bever 7z. Der d BW / Trwfer I 07 / O~a / 07 I D Bupr «Sear r tlovrlrrrlt AtNrx.Y «4ndnp IrlWtlrkn ?1°d' Der vat Iti Deed Type rlal Wamnty « BrpoN and Sar ISpaeih Mlorvl F Ser a Freellopl « las dram Fm Imror lslxaxh Bdowl 17. Fdl Bda Prb I 0. 11 tl I G SipNBnnt Chang in Raparty Baween Taruhr Statw erd Selo tram ~ ~ ~ H Set a awuw¦ r IrxAldea In SW Prke (Full Set Pdes k lM tohl em«aa paid for iM pmperry IrrJUdinB paropl pmpMy. 1 ON« Unueud Fea«a Aiaainp SW Pdoe Ispadh Below) TA's oarmw mcy t» in tla rrrll d eetll. other property a Booda, a pr aarrgian of J None morlSeyee «ahr aAlpaiop.l P4aee roard ro tlro naroA alrore OWW amomr. te. hldWte dr rehr d penaW I 0. 0 , 0 I Conveyance into a Trust Prepoty hxirdad r tlla ear ASSESSMENT INFORMATON - Dad ahouW rolled the tract Final Auasamant Roll and Tsx BIII to Yar d ArerwnaM RN ham I 0 .7 I n. row A.ew.d vdw to r preen rl a.rleMl I- 4 6 0 0 I vddeh hharmtlal dean ~ ~ to Praperlr aw 21 , 1.01-LJ to saAaol Drbkt Noma I 19attittLCt I m. Tr Map ldelltMrW / RoY WmdRMd Bl mad Men lat. atreh dead edtll eddltlelW Iderdner{dl I 1000-126~.00-01•.00-012L001 I I I I I I I CEHTIFIG4TON 1 eenlly 1M V d the Dena d ilasdha eaered m thh f«m ere date ad sorted[ 1 W the hat d mT lotoakdBe and hlhA ad 1 uadenterd the Blr rrrMrtR d eqr arlNyl hdp Mdeoent d oearld huY berate veil eahjatl or ro the praahilM d dr Dead bar rehalae r (Ae aehhri cad Nhgt d retie IeW VOem~ aWFA BUYER'S ATTORNEY D Glass I Martin S. e ale°allPa Mir Wr NaYL apt Nar e G. Loaf ~ ae Trustee 1 I Danes Street (631) I 234-3030 axt.Aare snarlwawluleun ....oooc Isenlarleeala Blue Point I !iY I 11715 ante Iowa elate xcm SELLER NCW YORK S'fAT~ pla{~ar ' ~,7~ j~ COPY I:itOllIIS~1.OSCheR Mn T