HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12519 P 426 /~~i / ~ VY OM - Regain onJ Sale Oced wish Coreoant ~ain+l Granlurs Mu IidiviJud w Cnrpnraim (Single Sheet) (NYATU Am') /nr L~~ CUVSULT YOUa I.AWYRa BRF(IRE SIC\71VC Tt115 LNSI'RU)IrNr-THLS 1\41'RU)1ENr SIIOUI~t bP. I1.4RD by I.AWYRR.S O\I.\' THIS INDENTURE, made the 23rd day of August , in the year 2007 Bh"1'W EIiN -1 EDWARD MOCKLER III and TARA HARTIGAN ~Nt*p~/ '111741 ~ItfocKta'1 2 Wendy Court Mt. Sinai, New York 11766 pant of the first part, and GAIL MEYER 310 Hontlngtoo Boulevard Peeonlc, New York 11958 party of the acrnnd pan, W rrNFSSETH, that the puny of the fins part, in mtutidcmtion of Tcn Del lars and other valuahk consideration paid by the parry of the xteoml pan, dtxx hereby grant and release unto the party of the s+xond part, the heirs ur st+aeswrrs wul assign. of the party of the second pan forever, ALL that tt~rulin pltq, piax tK par~rl of land, with the huilding~ and impmvcnttmts thcnxm wcettd, situate, lying :utd bring in dtc Description attached hereto as Schedule A snd made a part hereof District: 1000; 121.00; 03.00; 005.003 SAID PREMISES known as 4220 Souod Avenue, Mattituck, New York 11952 BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the partles of the first part by deed dated April I5, 2002 and recorded In the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk io Libcr 12182 paage 796 on Apri! 26, 2002. TOGETHER with all right, title snd interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any strtxtc and roads abutting the above-descriltcd premises to the center iincs thern+f;'1'OGF.THER with the appuru: uances and ail the cslate and rights of the party of the first part inrnd to said premises: TO HAYR AND TO HOLD the promises herein granted error the party of the second port, the heirs or successors and ttssigtts of the p:aty of the second pan forever. AND rite party of du: fits[ part covcrunu that the pony of the first pnn has ntq dortc or sufftasd anything whereby the v:tiJ premises have born incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. ANU the party of the first pan. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lim law, covcnancs that tlu parry of the first pan will receitw the rnnsiderstioo for this wnvcyancc and will hold the right to receive such cY+nxidcrrtitm ax a trt~t fund m be applied first fix the purpose of paying the cast of the impmvcmcnt and will apply the same finY to thr payrtu:nt of the cost of tlw impmvcmcnt before using any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be conatmcd ns if it reed "parties" whenever the sense of this intlcnwrc so requires: IN W 1'PNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first pan has duly executed this decd ~ da and yr fin:[ above written. IT tneraatice or: k ED D KLER III OA ~r, ' ~ TIW No: RH07301aM SCHEDULE A -DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattitudc, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Sound Avenue distant 920.75 feet southeasterly from the extreme southeasterly end of a curve which connects the easterly side of Farrnveu Road and the southerly side of Sound Avenue; • RUNNING THENCE along the southerly side of Sound Avenue North 85 degrees 56 minutes 20 seconds East, 25.4 feet to land now or formerly of Edward W. Moclerk, III: THENCE along said land the following two (2) courses and distances: ~ .1. South 14 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds East, 156.00 feet; 2. North 84 degrees 25 minutes 40 seconds East, 252.25 feet i to land now or formerly of Davidson; THENCE along said land the following two (2) curses snd distances: 1. South 23 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds East, 84.37 feet; 2. South 66 degrees 14 minutes 30 seconds West, 292.04 feet; THENCE North 14 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds West, 330.00 feet to the southerly side of Sound . Avenue at the point or place of BEGINNING. Certlflcate of Ttk .r, . t USFACNAON'IFJXi.NlirYIFrIRN BEfAWW71Yll.VNP.N'}(1R/iJTATRON/.r: U.SI?ACANORYFJ1GAf6V!'F(kEHNt.7pWW/Ill/.VNF.R'tYIRKSTA7F(J.VL}:• SutlcttfNewYork.l:ounlyof Suffolk StateofYewYork,(:ouatyuf )ss. On the 23 day of August in the year 2007 On the day of in the year before mc. the undersigned, ptx:wndly • arcd 6cfon: mc, the unrkrsigncrl, personally appeared Edward Mockler 111 and Tara Hartigaa perst+nally known W me err pro~rd to rtre on Ute basis of xatisfactory personally known w me w vod w me un the kris of sttivfat++r evidence m be the individual(st whose name(alu (arc) aubscribcd to the evidrnoe to ba the individual(s) whose name(s) is (arc) subscribed to Ih~ within inswmatt and acknuwkdgal to me that hdxtk/dwy exa'utcd within i,txurrmcnt and acknowlalgcd m me Ihu hdshchhcy cxecutn the Brune in hislherRhe'v capacity(ies), and that by his/herVthrir the same in hisAteddtev capaciry(ies). and that by his/)tedthci x' S the ' tnCnt. IhC Ildlvldaal(x), W Iltt person Upon signature(s) M the instnunent, the individaillc), or the prraon upon 6th f wh' the t iv' etc YtaU6g,~!ment. 6chalf u[ which the individual(s) scrcd. exccuocd the inatrumcnt. ~l `r Dank! M.peMe,Jr. Nary publk:,S'fete of New Yb111; ptlail'fled In Delaware Cotmhl NQ p1-PE4771887 AcxA»~ps~li~~trg181MSrArsONLV: Ace;,wlwipax:,uFxIFnRASIrIxUSr:OUrvneNtwlultrS7AraOxLt: I r one Srburtbtrx mar Arlrro++Qrdanrmr Crrry'(rrarcl IOrr v/Srun ur Frniyr CerrralArbx+wlrJxrrw Crn)Fawre) State of Vcw York, Coumy of I ss ) I (C.wp(rre Vrrurr aid/ Shirr. CrrWry. Pnn~rrr rw Mrniaipuliny On the day of in the year I+eforc Ina. the undersigned, pcr.Rnnally appcWal On dte day of in tfie yar before me, the undersigned. ptxxonally appeared the subscribing witnlesx to the foregoing instrument, with whom 1 am perxutally acyuaiated. who being by me duly sworn. slid depoau and personally krwwn to me or proved ro me on dr basis of satisfactar say that hdshddtcy reside(s) in cvklena W be the individual(s) whose name(x) is fart) whs~rihal W tb within iacwmcnt and acknnwlalgod u} me that hdshc/thry cx~tiuu'r (((rht plan of rcridmn is v; a c)ty. include rbe srtrrtand Brener number, ~ same in hisAterhltcir Lapacity(ies), thm by hisAied their sipnvurc(s !fans. rherrnn: thrt hclxhc/thcy know(s) on Iha inswment. the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of whirl the individual(s) acterl, exenutd the insauntertt, and that such indi~tidua to be the individual desmbcd in and who executed the foregoing mwk ?uch appetuance before the urderxigncd in the insuumrnt: dru said wbscrib)ng witness was pastor aml saw said execute the some: and That said witness m the same time subscribed (Insert the cirv or rubrr pnlirunl sulxlieisirm and the Buret or rnuntry o his/Itcrhhcir name(s) ax a witnterut dtcreto. other plan rlnr ar4nnn'(rdgmnu R1Rr mkex). BARGAIN & SALE DEED rmacxnrr~rrs raMlQf arrP7Ur'a AC15 TnzErVa Commonwealth Land #RH0730104 DLSI•RILT 1000 SrcrloN 121.00 EDWARD MOCKLER 111 and Bwcl: U3.00 TARA HARTIGAP) 1.0i 005.003 COl1AT5'ORTOWN $aff0lk/SoathOld TO GAIL MEYER RECWtt)l.'D ATREQUETIOF Advantage T'Ittk Ageory, enc. RF.7URN 8}'MA270 W V a a 8 W Q a~ O LL W a rn W _ • •~~J RECORDEp Number of pages 2007 pua 27 11:28:33 R11 Judith p, pastale aERK of This document will be public ~OLX COUt1T5+ record. Please remove all L D00012519 Social Security Numbers p a26 are a7-ozsss prior to recording. i Deed /Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording / FRing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fee 1 Mortgage Amt. _ i 1. Basic Tax Handling 5• ~ 2. Additional Tax Th_S~ Sub Total _ Notation SpecJAssit. or ~ EA-5217 (County) Sub Total Spec. /Add. _ ~ EA-5217 (State) TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town ~ Dual County _ R.P.T.S.A. ~ Held for Appointment Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 4 ~ Transfer Tax Affidavit • • Mansion Tax _ Certified Co The property covered by this mortgage is PY or wilt be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO Other I'-~ Grand Total If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page a of thi strumen . 4 Dist. 07025801 1000 12 ioo 0300 005003 )5.003 5 Community Preservation Fund Real Propert P T S atsitters 'on Amount $ TaxServke R~pq A Agency -ItU CPF Tax Due S Verification i Improve ~ 6 Satis ons/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Ad ress RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant La~ j GARY OLSEN, ESQ. ~ 32495 Main Road ~ PO Box 706 Cutchoguc, NY l 1935 TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co. Name www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk ~ Title e B Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached DEED • made by; (SPECIFYTYPE OF INSfRUMENi) Fnweltn MnCKi F.R iii and The premises herein is situated in TA AHARTIGAN SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of SOIITHOi.n rell MFVFR In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of MATTITI i(`K BOXES 6 THRU B MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over I1111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII illllIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 Iilll IIIII IIII IIII SIIFFOLK COIINTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Inetrumeat: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 08/27/2007 Number o! Pages: 4 At: i1e28:33 AEA ' Receipt Number r 07-0079594 TRANSFER TAX NII148ER: 07-02553 LIBER: D00012519 PAGE: 426 District: 8ectioa: Block: Lot: 1000 121.00 03.00 005.003 ESANSNED AND CHARGED AS FOLL09P3 Deed Amouat: $550,000.00 Received the Folloaiag Fees For Above Iaetrumeat 8xempt 8xempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NYS BRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATE 575.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copiee $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTEQ $0.00 NO Traaefer tax $2,200.00 NO Comm.Prea $8,000.00 NO Feea Paid $10,352.00 TRANSFER TA8 NO'l~BR: 07-02553 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TH8 INSTRUNSN'P THIS IS NOT A BILL c'~ Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County _ _ PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM - - INSTRUCTIONS: http:!/ www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 1 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C7. SWIS Codw J • ~ / STATE OF NEW YORII C2. Data Dead Raeordad STATE BOARD OF REAL rROPERTY 6911Mr:6 a. eaah ~ ' G. ~B• ` RP - 5217 arrrt ar. ~m PROPERTY WFORMATION Aap.gr I ~d ~ ._I eTIreR 9s,~ an rata s a. Bay« w~ wrwurer rraare I wow 1 1 Tea prtllreu when paw Taa BW w b h ewe BBYnB tl alhw tltin hrreer edtlroM NI toltom d fmrd I wr wow r weraxv I wore 1 Addnea I I I I I r ~ •ro anon ram ante moe a bdiae. w memw a Aaaaaamem ? IOriy r Part d a rareaB tar.eh +ISr applr• RA pereW aarrel«red on tb dwd I ~ r of rarew DR Part d a Pareal M RemYq Bperd wih SrrhdWelan Audwdry EtiW B. Deed a& Subdirhlm gpprwel wr Regrrped prr Trwrafr rrepnry ~X ~J oR I•~~..,9. ~ I .c. rant Aowam p,r sapeM.lo„ wmr M.p Frawea sw a B.B.r ~ r I ~Ltrr.~.r~GL/ T"" ~ G/LGt+ I Nam. I I rA.riu.. r~ieav rwr T. Careen lh. tea habw adrkh moat aawratNy daaarm..llra um d w property eS Nn Wna d aW: fJwA flr poae bNOw r tlrF i~pK + OwnwaNp Typo h Corzkndniw A On Fwrily Raepfereil H AprkupurY 1 Canwaily Sells A New C«ruurtbrr an Vwara lard B T «a FwriM Reahamiel F ~ CanzrraniN J prduwril toA rroparN Loaud wahh an Apliaheal Ohala C Rmiderr6al Varem lend G Apenmwa K~ PuWk Sarvlq tl& Bay« tanned a dadawn rrpb pdarYq ? I) Non•RNidamial Vecra land H Fipnairenem / Amummam L Forat oat da praprry h h en ArdaJaeel Dieaiw SALE INFORMATION f6.Oraep an «nm d Nwr earrdMar asappBaahh m matelot. 71. fah Oontreet Dem A SW Betenwr Raledwr «Fombr RehWw q B $ele Between Ralwd Cemparrie «Para«a an BWrrw p C Ono d da Buy«s 4 aba z Sell« tr. Deb d Bw J Trenr« I / / ti3 L I O Bay« a s.r.r h cowrmrra Apwwy « tarrNlq arrelartlon 1raN aeY yet T Deed Typo nst Werrwrry «BerBNn and &h ISpadly Beaarrl F SW of FrewiorW «lm iurr Faa Interew ISPeaiM Babw1 la. wB sw ahia I . O. O. 0. O , 0 . n I G s~dfi.m W rqa h Reperty Betrnan rwr.m sacs ell Sw uw ~ • H Seh d Buaprm h prLrdad In Soh Prka (Fall Soh hin i the roW enwrml pW br it property ircJudinp penaW poperty, 1 Odwr IMuauY FeROn Athcrpq Sall Prig ISp«JN Bebwl Thi Wynwm may M In do forrrr d wh, olMr prapsrry « poode, or tlw aawmpdon d J Non matpapa or olhw ahlgathna.l lyeas rowel ro ns rreww wyrW ddir amount le, hrdleata tlr zehra d pua«W I ~ B ~ B I properly YRAehd b Nra aeb • ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dau should rellact the lelsal Final Apasamenl Roll and Taz Sill 16 Ya« d Aoerrrret Rop Raw whkA Yiorrrralaon m~ p.~n ~ /~W r. Tohl Awaed Vapr Id eB p«ab pJaywF«I I / ;e ; I 1L ?repwn flea L1CJliJ-u ,B. BdroW Duda Name I r /3 y l°~"`Z O~ ~ 1 Z0. Tn Map IderrtYlerW I Roll IderaMlarhl M msn then te«, atoreh eheal whh edNtlwW IderrtBl«WI I ~~'JJ'0 ~ ~a~ ?7J ~ 0.~, d"1?-~0005 ,QJ.rj I l 1 I I I I CERTIFICATION 1 «rlify shot a8 d the Iknw d loprramtlaa eeaaad m thb mrm ere frrw ead mrreal Ib dr had d reT hoewp;dlp and hclief) om 1 uodrraaad DW Ipe aaehhgl d eq rBNd fake ahderaed d mreriW feel Iwrrio wlB errgleet zar b the rerrvlden+ d 14r Donal bw rehBee b the euidoR acrd d Rise Iprihnmeah. BUYER BB_~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY was aaaenae an rear eerr czar r tnl[lT auMlYl1 areNr eele[IarRaiALlr ewefine flLIIrOK M1M1[e !rvrrnr~~~~ I NY I ll~1sL an as rows era stool ,EVER NEW YORK STATE COPY r ~ acuu awaoi n