HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12517 P 163 ~~-s-r~ /i~ ~ P ' CONSULT YWR LAWYER BEFORE EIONINO THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUYENT SHOIn.D BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY No ~;~;a, THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ j day of larfl dad BETWEEN Sherwood M. Cooper and Berbare Ann Cooper, his wife, residing at 5750 New SttfTolk Road, New Suffok, NY 11958 party of the first part, and Laura Goy, residing at 380 Horseshoe Dr(ve, Cutchogue, NY 11935, as Trustee of the Cooper Family 2007 DISTRICT Irrevocable Trust SECTION of the second part, l 17 WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of TEN dollars and other good end valuable conaideretlon paid by the party of the second part, does hereby Brent and release unto the party of the second 91,OCK pert, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, 2 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, siWate, LOT lying and being at New Suffolk in the Town of Sotdhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded 19 and described as folbws: ~ Beginning at a monument set on the westery lute of New Suffolk Lane at the northeasterly comer of the premises ttt:reln described at a point 81.88 feet southerly measured abng said fine from the intersection of the southerly line of Tuthill Road and the westerly arts of New Suffolk Lane; running theree from saki point of beginning along said westerly line of New Suffotlr Lane 3. 5' 25' west 135.1 feet to a conrxata monument; thence sang land of George F. Grethwohl and wife, three courses as follows: (1) N. 80' 59' west 147.32 feet to a concrete monument; thence (2) N. 17. 10' east 150.53 feet to a tx)ntxete monument; thence (3) S. 74° 06' east 118.37 feet to the point or place of beginnng. Containing about forty-three hundredths (0.43) of an 8Cf@. I I Said premises known as 5750 New Suffolk Lane, New Suffolk, NY 11956 Nkla 5750 New Suftdk Road, New Suffolk, NY 11958 Being and Intended to be the same premises as conveyed to the party of the first part by deed, dated 9NH978, recorded 9/3J1978 in Liber 8089 page 558 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. TOGETHER with ell right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to arty streets and roads abutting the above described promises t0 the center lutes thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and a8 the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premfses; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs a successors and assigrre tN the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the saki premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part witl receive the contrideretbn for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such oonsideretion es a trust fund W be appfled first for the purpose of paying the oust of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the wine for any other purpose. The wont `party' shall be construes as tl R read 'parties' when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WfTNF~B WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrtltert. ~ S twood M. Cooper .°~c~ ~BarbaCoo~ SWdard N.Y.&T.U. Fain8002 - aarpain and Sant Dead, wWr Corwin aeNntl Grantors Acb -Uniform AdcnowlsOpmant ~ Form 1000-7 I i TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE A~kuOWLEI>OMENT 13 MADE IN NEW YORK STATE State of, New York, County of sa: State of New York, County of sa: On the / ~ day of 1~~ in the year ~ lM fhs day o1 in the year before me, the undeniprred, panonalty appsarod before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Shervtrood M. Cooper and Barbara Mn Cooper DeraonaYY known to me err proved to me an the basis of personally known ro me or proved to me on the bssis of aadefacrory svldencs ro be the Individuat(e) whose name(s) is athfactory evidence to be the IndMdual(s) wfaee nane(a) la (aro) wbealbad ro the within inatrumeM and adcnoeAedpsd ro (aro) wMrxitrad fo the w8hhr krstrrerrent and acknowledged to me that helahellhsy executed the same in NbMedthelr me that Irhhatulsy sxecurod the alms ro hkrArarMeir capaalty(kis), end that by hlalherAlrelr signature(s) on tho captdry$Ias), arM That by hiaArerAfwir aipneturo(s) on the inatrumaM, 8fa irrdrvidual(s) or the penwrr upon behaM of whkh kntrumenL the kWividual(s), or the person upon batrWf of whkir the in4jyipua a acted, axe a the Instrument, the IndiWdual(s) acted, axeadad the inatnuneM. cam' (siprwlure and ofll of'vldividual taking aSllRtl~ • NowyOlkalgnawro and office of individual taking MStlyneM) ~ ~ 6~,~t( TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS M.ene AIITRInF NEW YORK 8TATE State (or DistdU o} Cokanbie, Tenttory, or Foreign Country) of On the day of in the year before me. the undersigned, penonagy appeared personaly known ro me or proved ro ms on the basis of eatiafadory evidence to ba the individual(s) whose name(s) Is (aro) sutxaedbsd to the wkNn 6rehwrlent end aekrgvASdpsd ro rna tlrat hdalbMey execuded Uts aams In hialhmAfieir apadty(iea), and that by hitArer/thNr signerore(a) on the Instrument, the Individual(s). or Ors person upon behaK of whkh the kwhridual(e) scrod, exeaded the Instrumen6 aM that each Individual made ouch eppsannw before lM urlderalprrsd in the In (kwon the Cky or other polfiW subdivblorr) pnd Irosrt the Stara err Country or other plain the adcrwwkdpmeM was taken). (signeWrs and ofica of krdividual takirp adwovAedgment) Sherwood M. Cooper and Barbara Ann Cooper SECTION 117 BLOCK 2 TO LOT 19 COUNTY OR TOWN Southold STREET ADDRESS 5750 New Suffolk Road Laura Goy, as Trustee of tfte New Suffolk, NY 11958 Cooper Famiy 2007 Irrevocable Trust ~ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS RETURN BY MAIL TO: TIUe No. Steven Kramer, Eaq. Fakimen, Kramer b Monaca, P.C. 330 VandaNk Motor Parkway Hauppauge, NY 11788 II ~ yy S i i • I 2 Numher of pag • 7'ORRfiNS 2007 ~9 OB 03:08:54 PM Serirl #i ~ T.ATITH t1. P{ISCNLE - CLERIC Certificate b L 000012517 P 163 Priar Ctf. q DTN 07-00855 l)etxl /'.liongagr lnstrumwtt De:ta / Mongagc Tax Stamp Recorcling /Filing Stamps 3 ~r~s Page /Filing Fee Monguge Amt. 1. Basic Tax ~ Handling 3• ~ 2. Ad{~itianal Tax ~ TP-584 ~ - Sub Total ~ - Notatian SpexJAssit. _ Ur EA-s2 17 (county) Sub'li~wl _ spec. /Add. - - EA-5217 (State) 'fOT. M"fG. TAX _ ~ ~l'SOI~,._ Duul 7bwn Dual'County _ R.P.TS.A• _ ~ _ _ Hcld For Appoinunent Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 a° Transfer Tax - Affidavit • VlansiunTax _ _ _ Certified Copy The property coverrd ba this ntongage i or will be improved by a onr or tw N)'S tiurcharge _ 15. 00 Lundy dwelling ocdy. - sub'Ibtal J, YES _ or NO Other _ _ , Cirand'Ibtal _,L~ If NO, see •appropriate tax clause on page ii f is in ment. d 4 Disc. 07023825 iooo ii~oo osoo oi9ooo S Communttjr Prcservatton PYsnd Real Propert; ~P c A ~ Consideration Amount $ I Sax Service Agency -IW CPF Tax Duc S Verification Improved Vacsnt land 6 5atisfauinns/Discharges/Rrleascs List Property Ownt:rs dlailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: TD ~ LGandr-a. Conde. ~ ~1~r„n Kraw~er- d-n~onaco Vin ~rn~~ ~l7 ~ t7r TD _ ~ ~ 7 Title Cum an Information Co. Name •rae a r< Suffolk Count Itecordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pan of the attuhed _ maae by: (SPECIFY TYPL OF INSTRUA•1C•NT) .r The premises herein is situatt:d in SUF•'FUI-K COUNTY, NE~V YORK. 'f0 fn thr Township of ~ (9- ~~7~~~/-_ _ In the VILLAGE G (L'ry t or IiAMLE7'of ~~~.~(1~ BOXPS 6 THRU 81.1UST Bf TYPED OR PRfNTF.D IN BLACK INK UNLI' PRIOR'1 O RECO`R'DING OR FIIdNG. (over) 1111111 IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII 111111 IIIII IIIII illl IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: asses/aaa Recorded: oa/oe/zoo? Number of Pages: 3 At: 03:06:54 P![ Receipt Number 07-0073043 TRANSFER TA8 NDl~ER: 07-00855 LISER: D00012517 PAGE: 163 District: Section: 81ock: Lot: 1000 117.00 02.00 019.000 S7G~NED AND CHARGED AS HOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Holloxiaq Fees Por Above Instrument ~~pt 8xsmpt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO 8A-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RFT $30.00 NO SCT![ $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Psea $0.00 NO Hes¦ Paid $149.00 TRANSSER TAX NIINSER: 07-00855 T8I3 FAGS IS A PART OF TBE INSTRUt~NT ~ T8I9 IS NOT A SILL JUDITH A. PASCALS County Clark, Suffolk County I • • PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FII~NILY WHEN WRITING ON FORM , INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stata.ny.ua or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY cl. seals Cud. I ~ .7 .S . $ I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF elE1N YORK C2 Da» Daad Raaordad I~ / O ate/ O7_I stale Ro~wo of RFU FROFEmr sERVRaE: a. Baah I ~ ~ S , ~ 7 I P.B.I ~ , l .(D 3 I RP - 5277. ara:tt a a,r PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. ~r t.rden a as vaur a ~ ~ ~ T L~.~C~- 1 ) ~ • • l rc-~~t~~' I 7. Tex hrdnY when hdrae Tax BiEe en m ha eau RClip tl atlxr ehan huysr eddna W hettun d brml ~ awvai un I ever n.re I Addrre I I I I nueaax ~raanrr ~ mwn 4. fndeab tlra nwrbr d Aeeeeemant ? (OeM ¦ Part d. PaaaO pads r they epplr IIoB peraee aarldeead an tM deed I ~ I 1 d PaoW OR Pan of a PamN <A ~0 Boetd vrtdr IiuhdlWsbn Autlnrity ExW ? S R ~ v I I x OR I . L~31 ad. BuDNrYim Mnov+l wr Rw~ad br Tnnlw ? l~~ 1C, Pascal Approved b< 3~mdr:wo ayll hLp Ihnided ? a s.da ` IFenre t - r 'T. drdi th.Iaa tralow meet ea«atdy a.wih.. th. yr d We gregartr a u. tem. d rlc tar.dt dr. hour ttamw r mry+Pdr r ? s. OwrrrNlP Tyg.: conaamwian A one Femay IleeldenWl f apricutmd 1 Camnuuty Ssrvb 0. New taum,ulan an Veran t,nd ? B = «7 FemIN ReddaxW F Commartlel J InduuAal taA. PrngartY lmmd wldib n ApbluxN OiarYx C Reridarald Venm LoM G Aprtment K Puhlk Sorvka 1t18, Butar reuirad a d4doema nub Indlnt0p D NonAeirndal vane land x Enlanaimrx / Amveamrt L Faces tlr tlr PrePanY b b r Apdudmrel Ohirlu ? SALE INFORMATION tE FJaerh ooe «m«e d draaa aorrAtler r epplkeble m trader. H. Yale Genesee Dee A Sek Batrraen RalalhN a lrormer RNedyr mm ° 8 SeN Baprean RdaW CarnWrdas «PamNm m Buainra C Or d the Buren b eao. SalYr 1Z. Dam a BaY / Tranaler ~ D Bum «SNNr 4 Govenarrent Agen.Y « Wk'nq Irtkuden • raoew flay w F. Dead Type not Wamiay «Bardaln arM BW I6prlry Bebad F Bsk of FreuWruJ « Lom Wen Fee mnreN ISPecN Beloryi G SgNlbnt Chripsm ProgerlY BaWwen TaaahN Stslr and BeN Da 11 FuY SeN Fdr I , 0 . 0 I ~ f . H Sam d Bwlnar 4 bNrdad m Sab Price (Full SsM Prim 6 tlw mud amount paid for du PreDanY IrcluNnp persaW pragrty. ! lAuurW Fermis AReu4p SaM Prln IstadN Bebae) Thk payment may W in dr brm of wh, atlw progeny « pooh, «tlu aawmfxbn d InOrtpipee «Odrar ObllBedonad P70em/OYlld mttN OeMaR 1MIpN Odlar elllWnL J NON , 14, hdlsaa tla yeMr d penaW I 0~ 0 I propaq hrhrdad m tlr eels ~ ASSESSMENT INFORMATON -Dam allouW reRsct the lataet Final AseeaemaM Rdf and Tax Bill 10. rear d Aseeeenrr f1oN ham ~ fl. Tad Aeeeaaed rshre Id d Pmaala M treneferl I ; ; rMdalr hdorrrrden mYarr / I G lA Prapaly a.a ~19-I-I • twrael tllwbt Non,. ~~La,,,~<~^' ~ I . m Tr Mro MemlI sl-.71q r RsB lderrWferlN a ma. eh.r taut, eteedt ahea velth edrBtbrW Nantlllulell I ~ l I `a~~ I I d-~ ~Op I I I I I CERTIFIGTKIN 1 awtYy tW d d We Tarr d m!«medou tateeyd an thle hae em true eexl erarcaf Im We bat d oy knowtedme ad 6did1 sed•I ondcyxmed Wet Iler mvhfnt d a0' wtnWl shtrmtl d msserW 6d herdn w01 suhjeet eoe m the «aiafoa~ ddre aeaN lea edatlye m the oteamB eM fIBIK d blee laHemente B vv BUYER'S ATTORNEY X ~ ~ro~.~r I .~L veil 2 aawr~r~ ~ was nuJerxw. //w~wr(wo~ eeaer area e¢rt"~swt ruuaerewsn ~_lt.TCGv~(J~ I n~ I orrmm~x mw scone sI:uER NEW YORK STATE COPY . ~ _ r L~-y.a-->-- l ~I1~ ~07 Q auae axw. r~ an T J