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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12516 P 73 S ' ~i~ ,CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS IN$TRYMENi THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY eb THIS INDENTURE, made the day of , ao 0 7 10 ~ ' E, BETWEEN ~ PAUL O'DONNELL and t:FDlA O'DONNBLL, his vife, both residing at 12 West 18th Street Apt.':6E;,NevYork, Nev York 10011 . party of tlt~first part, end BARBARA NAPES, residing at 31 East Haple Road, Greenlawn, Nev York 11740 . party of the second part, WRNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideretlon of TEN DOLLARS sad other valuable consideration (;10.00) ddlars , paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second pert, the hefre or successors and assigns of the party of the second pert forever, ALL that certain pbt, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings end improvements thereon erected, sttuate, yAng and being II~GBC at Peconic, near Nassau Point, Southold Tovn, Suffolk County, Nev York, bounded and described as follova: •*SEE, Schedule A attached hereto and made 'a part hereof BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same preadaea conveyed to the party of the first 'part by Deed dated 10/2/03 and filed in Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 10/31/03 in Liber of Desds 12281 at page 496. TOGETHER with all right, title and Interest, H any, of the party of the first part In and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenanrass and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or stkcessore and assigns of the party of the second pert forever. AND the peity cf'th'e first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything •whereby, the said premises;have been encumbered in anyway whatever, except as aforesaid. ,1. , .ac.^1' AND the party of the first part, in Compliance with Sectbn 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first pert wWi, receive Uie consideration for this conveyance and w91 hold the right ro receve such Gonaldareti0n as a trust fund to he applied first for the purse of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same flret to the peymeM of the coat of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same far any other purpose. The word 'party' shell be consWed as N tt reed 'parties' when ever the sense of this Indenture so requires. IN WRNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed Ihia deed the day and year firet etwve written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~~a~ r~1Q r~ko ~~oc~•P~ Paul O'Donnell , Standard N.Y.B.7.U. Farm8002 - ltargWn and Sao Ossd, with Cownrd apNnst Grantors Ape - UNform Acknpdadamwa . Form 3290 ~ - Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company • - SCHEDULE A (Description) i~ - TITLE 1: L563449 All that ccrwin plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Peconic, nea r • Nassau Point, Southold Town, Suffolk County: New YorY., bounded and described as follows: • BEGINNING at a stake set at the intersection of thesoutherly line of Bay Avenue with the westerly line of Broadwaters•Drive; ` and i RUNNING THENCE along said westerly Line of $roadwaters Drive, ~ south 12 degrees_08.minutes 10.-seconds east, 150.0 feet to a • stake; - THENCE along land now or formerly of William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason, two courses as follows: 1. on a line 'parallel with said southerly line of Bay Avenue, _ south 79 degree_s•12 minutes 10 seconds west, 100.0 fee t•; THHN4'E ('L) on a line ~,ar~ll~.l saicJ westerly line of • Broadwaters Drive, north 12 degrees 08 minutes 10 seconds west, 150.0 feet to said southerly line of Bay Avenue; THENCE along said southerly line of Bay Avenue, north 79 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds east, 100.0 feet to the point of BEGINNING. ' TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE ' State of New York, County of Suffolk ss: State of New York, County of ss: on theZ/ day of uiLQ k, the year ; j aJ 7 on tho way of in tyre y~r before me, the undersigned, pereonalty appeared before ma, the undeslgned, personalty appeared Paul O'Donnell and 1.emra O'Donnell ' personalty known to me or proved to ma on the basis of pareorreNy kmm~m ro me or proved to me on the bask of eatlafaetory evidence [o be the Individual(s) wlase neme(a) la eatlsfactory evidence to be the Indivkfual(s) vrhose name(s) is (are) subaalbed to the wNhln InsWmem and arNcnawledged to (are) subscribed ro the wl0rin Instrurtrent and acknowledged b me that helaMAhey executed the same In hlsRraMhelr me Ihat hehhellhey exeaded the same M MsrltarMdr Cepecity(bs), and that by hka/trer/Iheir sigrreture(s) on the eapaeNy(les), and that by hlaRrerRheir atgnamre(e) on the InetnsnerrL the Individual(s), or the person upon behaH of whkh IneWmenL tfre Indvidual(s), or Ore person upon behalf of whkh the individyyl~~ ~ e' tromenl. the Individual(s) ailed, executed the Instrument (s o ice%f IndiNdual takkrg acknowledgment) (signature and office of individual taking edcrw~MedpmeM) MARY J. HOLi.OWELT: Notary' Poblia. State of New Yorf Na 01N06100211 Commwi~ Bxphss October 1 2007 TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 19 MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE State (ar DIaMd of Columbia, Tenltory, or Farelgn Country) of as: tJn the day of hT the year before me, the undersigned, personalty appeared pereonalty known to me or proved to me on the bests of satlsfectory evidence to be the Individual(s) whose name(s) Is (are) subscribed to the within InstromeM and acknowedged tD ma that he/eheAhey exeWted the same in hialfrsrl0lNr caprrdty(bs), and that by tNertrerRhelr signature(s) on the insmrment Ore Individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the IndlNdual(e) acted. executed the Instrument and that such Individual made such appearance before the undersigned In the M (insert the Clty or ottrer pclNcal subdlvhlon) (arM hmert the Slate or Country ar oNrer pace Ure acknowledgment was taken) ' (agneture and office of kdlFiduel 4king ackrwrrladpment) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED SECTION 104 WTfFI COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS BLOCK OS L,~'fo 3y Y LoT to Title No. COUNTY OR TOWN Southold 0' Donnell. Paul STREET ADDRESS 7080 Skunk Lane O'Donnell, Emma Cutchogue, New York 11935 Rayea, Barbara Recorded et Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO: ' sraROAaotoRwoFNtwyoaceawooFmtEw+oeRwm+ERa. Michael McCarthy, ESQ. ti pykp~by 7 East Carver Street • Huntington, New York 11743 LandAmerica . Comrnonuvealth ConmonRwxh Lmd Tms mesrRa Canperry REeERVE Trim aPAC[ FOR Uwe OF RCCOROOM OFFICE J , • _ 1 2 RECORDED Numbrr of lieges 2007 Rua O1 09:57:11 ~ Jlxlith R. Pascale CLERIC ~ ' Thls document Will be public SUFFOLK COINTY L D00012516 record. Please remove all P o73 Social Security Numbers DTY 07-00018 prior to recording. ~ f>Cal / MortgagC Instrument Deed /Mortgage T,tx Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES I'.tgc /Filing Fcc Mortgage Amt. 1. Boric 7Lx _ Handling 5• ~ 3. Additional Tux _ _ TP-5R4 Sub Total Nonuiuo SpecJAssit. or fiA-52 17 (County) ~nr/,~ Sub'liual Spcc. /Add. I:r1.52171S1u1c1 ~ _ 'fOT. MTC. TAX Dual Town _ Duul County R.P.T.S.A. I lcld for Appointment _ Cnntm. of EJ. 5• (xl ~ ~ Tmnsfcr Tax ~ Aflidrvit ' • Mansion Tax The pntprrty cuverrd by this mortgage is CcrtiticdC~~py or will be impnrvcd by a one or two NYS Sttrchrrge I5. OG frmily dwelling only. sun'fiarl yF5 or NO Other / r~ / Gslnd Tutul _..._.,LS !f NO, sec apprapriatc tax clausr on _ prge _ Itf this inslnlment. ~ Dist' Lc 07022672 Iooo ioaoo osoo oloooo o00 5 Cotamuaity Preservation Phad I Real 1'ropert~ N T Consideration Amount $ 'fax Scrvicc ~SFL A ~ Agancy uL ~ CPF Tax Uue S Vrrifirutinn ~ ~ j - - - - - Impmvcrl 6 S:ltisfuctlnns/Uix:hargCS/RllCaus I.ISt Pnlp[rty Qwnrrs Mailing Addrcsa KKCOKU & Kh"1'UKN •1'(1: Vacant Land ' Michael McCarthy, Esq, TD ~v 7 Eaet Carver Street Huntington, New York L1743 TD TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Com >,an Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co. Name ' www.suHolkcountynygov/clerk 75t1e +r L5 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This pagr lircmx part of thr attaclnd BARGAIN AND SALE DEED _ muds by: ' (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRI;MEN"I'1 Paul O'Donnell The prcmiscx la:rcin is situated in Eaaoa O'Dormell • S11F1~QLK COIJN'I'S', NIsW YORK. , 'IY) In the T(1WN of Souehold Barbara Bayer !n the VILLAGIi or IIAI141.1i'f of Cutchogue-,____ IiUXFS 67'IIRU N MIJS"f BI'i'fYl'L•D UR I'RIN7'ISD IN BI..ACK I.YK UNLY PRIOR 7ri NF.C:ORDINCi OR FIf.ING. (over) 11111111 IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII Illlll VIII (IIII IIII IIII SIIFFOLK COIINTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICS RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 08/01/2007 ' Number o! Pages: 4 At: 09:57:11 AM Receipt Number 07-0070377 TRANSFER TAX NIINBSR: 07-00018 LIHER: D00012516 PAGE: 073 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 104.00 05.00 010.000 BXAMINED AND CHARdED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $629,000.00 Received the Following Fees Bor Above Instrument Exempt 8xempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COS $5.00 NO NYS SRCHO $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiae $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,516.00 NO Comm.Pres $9,580.00 NO Fees Paid $12,248.00 TRANSFER TA8 NDNBER: 07-00018 THIS PAQE IS A PART OF THE INSTRIINENT THIS IS NOT A HILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' "-PL'EASE'TYPE OR'PRESS'FIRMLY'WHEN WRITING ON FORM ' INSTRUCTIONS: http:// or PHONE 1518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY l~ • ct: swls cod. I ~ ~ ~ 3. $ ~ S r ~ J REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 'f 8TATE OF NEW YORK C2. Dde Dud Reewrdad I ~ a • I STATE BOARD OF REAL IMKIPERTY SERVICE6 q.Book I L .d .S'r / r~D IG.Per.I , al~,~ I r RP - 5217 e;e-0:17 Rn 71e1 PROPERTY INFORMATION t.~ I 7080 I Skunk Lane I oKel rAeem swan rule I Southold I Cutchoaua 111935 I p mwl. v a t~"Fa - ltuw I Naves I Ba>thara F. I Wnw 1 I Bray nice I I I IMI / nu1L 1 Tu wlkdo whtlo flwe Tex rib w to be wn I 1 r101np r atler Ilan haler addlam Itl hotrln d 1mm1 I l~ rover xw[ Address I'trem~wlwex i wwt I E rare I sr~a I a I I. krdkde the numkw d Amrtlntla IOdY r Part d • PmoeO rLerk ee amt eFOIY• Ilor ptleW treldelred oh aw deed I 1 1 / al Perpb oR ? Pan d e Parcae K Ntllnka Dowd wllh seheiladon Audxxlry Serb ? ~^(S eL 8utxriwip Appowl wm flepurM Tor Tmdr ? s. tAap.ety ~ X L~ OR ~ • ~ I IG PrcN MPlaed for SubdNelan wish Map Haidd ? We reel eoei 0. err ~ Ol Denn 11 I Pant I IAel rletel I O'Donnell I EIt®a I last r neltl 7. Cheek tM hax 6dow Mrtdr most aeeuretdy deeerPoas 1M up d tlw prapeltY d tM allw d ode Oheex the boxes below p they eppty: 0. Ownwehip Type b CandomlNUm ? q Ones Falnib Reddenael N Apdpbwd 1 Cwnmuniry Selvka 0. Nee Corltlmtllon on Vecenl land ? D~7«~ H~ Emma eln~pm/Amuplpnt L~ F~oreq~~ 1s6 Buytl ~e deewuew~ SALE INFORMATION t0. Cleak ar sr men d awe aenitlolre ee epplbehr p tlallder. 77. s.r Canerad odes 106 / 04 / 07 I A Set Bdw+en iWauwe «rvmwr Reltltws e" R Set Between Rend f:anlpenip « Ptlerrs In &udrlan L C one d de royals r oho a Sdrr ti Deb d rw /Trendy I ~ ! ~v / ~7 I U BuY« «Sarm r Goemlolelx Atlwx•Y « leadrD Ilwdnmoll trwen Oey Yr E f>?ed typo ltd Wemnly « Bmrein srM Sar ISpedry rdosA F SW al Fraetbnd « Les oleo Foe rtmetl ISpeeily rsloed v. reu tl.r ore I ~ b ~2 . a , 0 . n , n . 0 , 0 I 0 slpnlrxxxlt chtlge r Property B.aewl rmoAle suutl.m sw or • ~ ' B e H tiW of aelnew b Included r Say Pdao (Full Set Prig r de taw anwlmt fees for the propany whdinr pereonsl properly. 1 Otllw Umtlwl Frxan Alydinr Set Prep 15owry Betaw) Thb WYnent may M Ia the /arm d wR aaer PraWrtY m paade, m lM amumlaion d J Nop monparm d othw ablgstiop.l lrsap round w Ma parrot whoN ddW amolmr. ta. wants the eebw d Pmeand I Q, 0 , 0 1 propelp beblded r iM eW • ASSESSMENT INFORMATION • Dsm should reRad tha Isled Final Asaeaemanl Roll slW Tbx BIII 10. year d Awwlwld Ror Iraln ~ J 77. Teal Aeeemed Vdw 1e1 er pelple N trwded I r ! ~ ~ ~ O I whlah bdarrlrelien Lwn u. Nep.rty clw 12. 1 •0 I-LJ +a sdwaowk., H«n. lMattituck-Cutchogue I 20. Tu wP Wtlltrwld ~ Roll WemirrW Ir own than tour, eNedr dad with addltlolW WeldMerwl I 1000 I I 104 ~ I OS I I 10 I CERTIFlCATION ' 1 rertrl' Ibat V d fhe hems d IoRetlmlbm rerrad un Ihk rorw ere lens ud .vrrtA Ilo the 6ea7 d my irlowledre ud helidt IrW 1 uloke.eaod the 16e makmp d say wi01Yd Ibhe etlmoer d omteAW Bel hassle wit udlja4 sw m 16e pnwixrex rt the oewd low nlmhe b the nlekhµ and Nqt d rake lostrumnae j~ ~ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY G7i~tw Nf" 3•IG•a c ar v c ae B81Y19k~ ee 0ew wr mxrtluue 31 I East Nagle Road 631 I 351-4000 etaLR xlxeH melrr Melt WlN Gltl elwA pas If1inOL wmete Greenlavn I NY 111740 arrplmwl mart apm sELLER NEW YORK STATE /~~~/~Dm, ~/ZI~~7 COPY Pa (ul'e~O~Dlo~nnell ~+Nwa ~~rh~Af,~ o.a