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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12517 P 779 _ ~ ~d~,l n Y.a, Rxm au0230A1-BuLroin and 5ok UaA, wish Cove~unu ag>tinn GrWa'1 Acn-lndlviduml ar Cc~ltwvation (single q ' CUISVL9 YOUk I.~NYI.R a/,FIMP.94Gtln(: i7n8IKSraUNIT I'-71115 U~bbTRUMF'NT YIIUI:Ia ag USrD aY I.AM9'YRS Q\I.Y THIS INDENTURE, made the3~day ofJuly, Two Thollwad and Sevea BETWEEN Christiana M. FSaher residing at 1436 Water's F.dge Drive, Bayside, New York 11360- 1236 and Pamela L. Fisher residing at 6-01 161 Street, Whiteatone, New York 11357 party of the first part, and Joseph Pizziugrillo and Mary Piuingrillo, his wife, residing at 110 Brampton Road, Carden City. Nrrwr York 11530-2704, pan of the sccolld part. W/TNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars (EI0.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in . See Srhedt.~le M~-~ t:~~ I(~ (See description attached hereto and made a part helxroQ ALSO IiCA'UWN AS Uislrict 1000 Section 098.00 Block 03.00 I.ot 030.000 on the Tax Map of the County of Suffolk. SA1D PREMISES more commonly known as 850 Smith Road (alWa) 820 Smith Rnad), Peconic, Nrw York Being and inttnded to be the same premises conveyed by dc~d dated 7-1-92 and recorded 7-3U-92 in Libcr 11510 Pagc 311. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described promises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and~ioo'`said premises; TO HAVE AND TU HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first port has not done or sutTcrcd anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the wnsideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a tlvst fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the impmvement and will apply the same first to the payment of file cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESES WHEREOF. the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: f CHRISTIANA M. FISIIER AMELA L. FISHER n .n • ~ R. • •4 : , ~ • . . • ~ • • ~ NORfH SHORE ABSTRACT, LT[1. i as agent Tor. LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION '!title No. MR416775 SCI>~DULE A . ~ (Atneadedj ALL that cerosill plot, Piece or parcel of land with tho buildings and impmvoments thoreoa erected. situate, lying and being on Indian Neak, near Peconic, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, ]mown and designated as LAt Nmabei 17 on a certain map entitled, • "Map of Indian Neck Perk, George W. Smith, Owner, made by Franklin Overton, M.E. Surveyor 1912", and filed May 27, 1913, as and by Mep Number SSI, said Lot being more particularly bounded and described $s follows: • BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly side of a private made cow kaowa as Smith Road, where the same is iatersaeted by the division line between Late 1 S and 17 on the aforementioned i Map. Said point ar phux of begitmiag being $00 Poet South of Indian Nock Road; RUNNING THENCE elotlg the Westerly side of said private road, now known as Smith Road, South 10 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds East,.100 feet to the division line between Lots 17 end 19 oa the afarementioaed Map; . ' RUNNING TI~NCB along said division lice. South 79 degrees 37 minutes 00 seoonda West, 1 S 1.05 ~ to the Easterly line of lands shown oa Map of Atmwhoad Cove Sled June 20, 1963 as Map No. 3810; • RUNNII~iG THENCE along said lanes, North to degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, 100.17 feet to the division line between Lota 13 and 17•on Map of Indian Neck Park aforemmdonod; RUNNING THENCE along said division line, North 79 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds East, 145.14 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. I • I+or conveyancing only. [ 7biuhsr willb oU rt~1a, 1Wa cad fafersar qT Gi and M nay strew and it intended oo be eomsyed. [ roads abWtWg fhs a6ovs deroi6edprpNrea, w rAs ee+uar!laer fkengj. I • S ~ ' , STATE,,O{~NEW YORK, COUNTY OF RICH11f0\D as.: STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF RICIIDIONU SS: On Ihe+' duy of July. 2007, before mc, the undersigned, On derv oC , 2007, before mr, the undersigmd. Pe~IY aPP~ Christiana M. Fisher nod Pamela L. personally appeared Poeonaly kaoar w me or gwea Fisher Personalty (mown to tree or proved to me on the bests of to me on the bash of sa'a(actory eridn,ce to be tle individual whose sxtisfa~wry• evidenee to be the individuals whose natttea are rame a subacrrbed to de within inatrumenr and acknowled8ed m me subscribed to the within iratwtncnt and eeknowlcdged m tree Iltar thu he execured Uw same m Aa eapacily, thu by his slpuuue on the they executed the same in their capxhics. That b> their sigrtalttrea a ~ upon behalf of which the vWividud acted, txeeuled the inrtrunenL on the inswmen n upon behalf of which the individuals execu tltc instrument. ~ M1otary PuNie I N • Public • ARrn~pu~R, w. oECIC~R Notary Iio.01~ York Oualiflad In ttikthmorld Cou t~llrmisawn ExWroa Fah. za, 0 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANTS AGAMST GRANTOR'S ACT 'fIT1.FiN0. ,L/ ~r Lf/LY7Si CHRISTIANA M. FISHER and PAMELA L. FISHER ~ DISTRICT: 1000 TO SECTION: 098.00 JOSEPH PIZZINCRILLO and MARY BLOCK: 03.00 PIZZIIVGRILLO, his wife LOT: 030.000 ~ THIS SPACE FOR RECORDING OFFICE COUNTY OR TOWN: Suffolk PREMISES: 850 Smith Road (a/k/a 820 Smith Road), Pcconic, New York • R1;TUR\ BY 11A11.'CO: n • //0 ~p~n„C' G A. i. x t / j ~ ~ . I • - Number of pages ~ `/7•(I ~~p~ 2007 fltro 13 04:32:03 PM Judith fl. Pascale This document wlil be public c~ ~ record. Please remove all su~FOlx roullra L DOOOi2517 Social Security Numbers P ~ prior to recording. Drr o7-o13rr Deed / Mrtgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage 9hx Stamp Rxording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fee = Mortgage Amt _ ~ Handling S. 00 I. Aasic Tax _ 2. Addirional Tax TP-SiW = Sub Total Notation SpecJAssit. / r) or EA-52 17 (County) _ . ~ Sub Total~_1 Spec./Add. _ EA-5217 (Swte) TOT. MTG. TAX ~ Dual Town _ Dual Cqunty R.P.T.S.A. Held for Appointnutt~ Comm. of Ed. 5• ~ Transfer Tax Affidavit ' • MansionTaz The property covcrcd by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge I5. 00 I family dwelling only. Sub Total y~ or NO Other Grand Total IF NO, see appropriate C.ut clause on page # of this instrument. 4 Distlopo 07024474 1000 09800 0300 030000 0 5 Coatmtaaity Preservat:ioa fiord .TaxlSanicety RLPA A Consideration Amotmt $ • Agency CPF Tax Due 5 Verification lm my 6 SatisfaclionsJDiacharges/Relwses List Property Owners~Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: y;~t Land Hr: a'.Mra..Jdseph Pizzingrillo TD 110 Brompton Rd. Garden City, NY 11530 ~ TD Mail to: Judkh A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Com~any Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Name t+vww.suffolkcoun ov/clerk ~Y9 75t1e# ME 41677 S ~ Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This prge forms part of du nttached DEED made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Christiana M. Fisher and Pamela L. Fisher premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO in the TOWN of Southold ~ Joseph Pizzingrillo and Mary Pizzingrillo In the VILLAGE hie wifo or HAMLET of n~^naie BOXES 6 THRU A MUST EE TYPED OR PRINTED IH ALACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) - 11111111 IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII Ilill IIII IIII 1111111 IIIII IIIII IIII IIII SUFFOLK COONT7C CLERK RECORDS OFFIC8 RECORDING PAGS Type of Iastrumeat: DESDS/DDD Recorded: 08/13/2007 Number of Pagess 4 At: 04:32:03 PM Receipt Number : 07-0074615 TRANSFBR TAX NUN88R: 07-01327 LIBER: D00012517 PAGE: 779 District: Sectioa: Blocks Lots 1000 098.00 03.00 030.000 EXANINBD AND CHARGHD A3 FOLLOlPB Deed Amouats $625,000.00 Received the Folloaiag Fees For Above Iastrumant Exempt Exempt Page/Filiag $12.00 NO Handliag $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NY8 SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO 8A-STATE $75.00 NO ~ TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Traasfer tax $2,500.00 NO Comm.Prea $9,500.00 NO Fees Paid $12,152.00 TRANSFSR TAR NDNBERs 07-01327 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TH8 INSTRD~iT THIS IS NOT A BILL ~ Judith A. Pascale Couaty Clerk, Suffolk Couaty I i i I i i I • PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: http://' or PHONE (518) 473-7222 •FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 'f ~ Q~ p- ct. stuns ctre. I~ ~ ` 1 < .A ~ ~i REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~/J STATE OF NEW YORK cz D.t. O..a ReaOrdW ® t ~ 0 / STATE SOU1D of pFAL PROPEw'I1f SERVICES ~ ~ ` ~ RP - 5217 ePd217 Yn ]1rl PROPERTY INFORMATION ~ t.?np«+Y I 850 I Smith Road ~e?_. ~~A ~ F'Ol • I smnrraerse e-iw I~ai?ic i ~twffl.~ ~ I : ~ l Pizlcinarillo I .loaevh I Nor rewraer rwr I Piasinarillo I Marv I 7.Tr tides whorl fuerra Tr &8r aronbtW SSMp K e8w 8ten bryer eddtaee W Imom d lortnl Iii 1 I tour I Add,w I aosrrutsrear nwr I tmrrwx I ur~- l Ytdkab dr reMv d Awwmrt ~ IOaly S Pant d ~ PaeW CreeJa r tbY oPPIY Roll garde tratrlerred on tb deed I I t of Paelo OR ? Pat of a Mural Y Plrutinp SerN rrftlt SuhdMden Atdtedly Edm ? & Deed ~ • w Y.6ubfiWion APPOrr wr Rquiod br Trwbr ? ply 100 X '--~J pR I I ere Paw Appniad htr &rhdivhlert wah la.p Ralded 8411 EsaEr II Fisher ( ~Ch~atiana M. I Nome l Fisher I Pamela L' I - ears roavw~r row wvye 7. p11aeE Or box 6aleW 1r1111d1 men eewaleh dtlerieN rlla pr d fM pro8arty a1 fb Mme d We Cltach dte Oaer btow r II+Y amply: , l Ownrehip Typo V fortdwninlum ? A Ono FemBy RWtlseid E Aprkuhunl 1 Cs~Y Service A Now lananatbn on Vra« W W ? R ~ t «9 FamIM Reidatfiol F CommercLl J ~ IMUarsl 18A Plepartn lowed w7Nn vt Apdodbal O4ttiG ? C RerldaeW vaeW laM G Agnmant K Pubpe 8ervle 185. Serer nedvad • dbdewo rrYpe Indlptln8 ? O Non.ReddanlW Yaetm Lantl H Enurtalnmrt / Amurmay L Peters 8tY tb protrrty tr N r AlyledsnY IXrkt ' SALE INFORMATION t0. Chae4 ols «mon d for eortdltl«w r eppEeehs r trstdor. tt. Sas txnbaar Dau I n6 / nA / n7 I A Ste Between Rdetivr «Famter RalWvr B Sde eeuveen RWlad C«nprMa « Pertnae In Bdnra C Ono of dr Buyaa r. elr a SeKa ti Den d Bw / TranWr I O7 / 30 / U7 I D Buyw «Sallar tr covanertant Agnry «LenQnB lruortion ser• Cw Yrr E peed Typo rte Warranty «Barpaln and SW ISpaah Balowl F Selo d Frationel alert then Fee Innrael ISpadh Balowt to F/ ew Rlc. I 6 , 2 , 5 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 0 I G BIBNfean Cbrpe M Properly Brwrn TorWe 9rua erd Solo Oar ' + 8 e H SeN d Suehro b 4¢hrded in SW Pd« Wu8 SaN Pyle 4 the tad emottnt Paid for dw propeRy indu6p paaond property. I Other lhwad Fr2m Anaahl8 Sale hke ISpedh Banwl Thh paymem may b In tlro loan d erh, etllar peAny «poode. «tb rwmptbn W J Nora monpapr «atbr aWlpetlorW Plere turd ro tb rasa whole dNlrr amount 1a. hrdien tlta whr d 8«rd I 0. 0 ~ 0 I preprly hNMtdod ti W ai ~ e ASSESSMENt INFORMATION - aY s//h1?ould reTlaot the latest Final AsrsBmeM Roll srld Tae &II NA) tt Y~ ~ dip" LOy J n. tort Ar.e.d vuw Ia.K pral. In u.Wat I b .0 .v I t0. Pnp«ly Cler LOL4liJ~Ll 18. School D64kt Nair I e~' ? 1l ~A " W ~ K 1 m. Tae Wp IdedlSerlsl / ReY IderrtMartel m marl thus tor. ateeh abed eAN adtlhl«W idedtKrldl IOiat. 1000-Sec. 098.00 Block 03.00 I ILot 070_nn0 Sftffn7k em.~ I I I I I CERTIFICATION 1 tlW d d Oe Itemt d lokr®tlm eotrrN ue tlrk form ate true rd rntmttn the bd d ry hoorrhd8e end hdlrfl sod 1 uodeeW W 1hN the onhiop d d mdrtiW fd bade wm wplM me n We orodrior d tlr cerad Ya resriee m the mekhtS am I1Eq{ d Stke henmmte Bll N BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~C./ - - ZBCCaria I W 11 in.n ~ 1 rut as oar were: rrr tort 8 SlA I 4R7-7Fn9 me®r aretar wore owner sitar areACepe rtterxoe ewapr Peconic I NY I tar at mwN/ man scope - / /~c.i• ~R~, NEW YORK STATE j!~J/J~ r COPY ae+ee orswnee an