HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12519 P 122 ~f~ _ _ _ 3 -3 1~ L~ NY (165 - Hargrurt apd Sale with Gwettmt aguiror tita114f x A,7r IadivWu;d ttr Crxpumpn (Single Sheen (NYB'fU tlll(L'1 M 1 ? I ' CUi~,RU1.T YOUR IA W YCSH BF.VORF. SIGNINf. THIS IN,STNUMRM' • TiIIS 1.ti51'RUgf6AT S11UUlA RB U.SF.D R5' [.\\{9'RRS ONLY I ~p~~(i arc e~- ~ n THIS INDENTURE, made^he 3lnh' day of Auguxt , in the year 217 ~,`M~ IihTWRF.N Robert Paltrier and Sylvia Notrn Patmcr, husband turd wife, residing at - 9204 Dridgc Lane, Cutchogue NY 11935 prrty of the tint prrt,rnd Ashok Vacvani and Bessie Vasvani, husband and wife, residing at I~ 37 Sidney Place, Brooklyn DIY 11201 i+ parry of the second pro, W ITNESSISTH, thm the parry of the first part in consideration of Ten Dollars and caber valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grant and rclraca unro tha party of the second pan, thr heirs ur suttitsctms and awtignx of the parry of tltc second part forever, ALI. that certain pbr. piece w parcel of tarot. wish dtc huildirtgs and itryaovrntcntc thtaeon accred, siuaur, lying and being in the Tna atop - Derignatlen See schedule A attached for the Icgal description. ~"t' Frn:miscs known as: 9204 Bridge Lane, CulchogtM NY 11935. 1000 The premises being conveyed arc the same u the premises described in the deed to the grantors rccordtxl in 073. DO Librr 12029 prigs 982. sit. 02.00 LwU1 ' 003.006 TOGETHER with rll right title and interest, if any, rdthe p:tny of the tint part af, in and to any xrrcels and roads abutting thr •rhove-tkscribed prcmitw:s to the ttnler liras thereof; TOGF.TIIER with the appuncwnces and all the estate and righLC of the pony of the first part in and to xaid prcmisex; 7'O IIA VE AND TO HOLD thr prcmiarc herein granted unto the parry of the xorond pan, the heirs w xuccecson and aaigns of the pony of the second port forever. i ~ AND the pony of the lust part covemnrs that the pony of the first pan has trot done or suffcral anything whereby the said prentiarx havr barn irtcumbered in ony way whalevrr, rxcept os afonsaid. ' AND the party of the first pun, in compliatac with Sa:tion 13 of flue Licn lr• w, ctwcnantx that the party of the firxt port will receive the consideration for thix conveyance and will hold the right to receive xuch t:onsidantion us a wxt fund ro Ile applied first for the purpose of paying the coat of the improvement and will apply the samr tint to thr payment of the tact of the improvement lxforc axing any pan of the total of the xtrttte for any other purprtxe. The word "party" shall be conswed ac if it read "panics" whenever the sense of this indenture so rcyuircs. IN rtY1TNFSS WIIRREOF, the party of the lira pan has duly e~xecu~ed this deed the dry and year first strove written. IN PREfFSSCF.OP: 1 \ ~In, ~M. N~ • ~ I ~ , I ~ Titla No: RN07901039 SCHEDULE A -DESCRIPTION AMENDED 08/O1J07 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of a certain 20 foot Right of Way where said Right of Way is Intersected by the southeasterly side of land now ar formerly of Elizabeth Murphy with the northwesterly side of said 20 foot Right of Way; RUNNING THENCE North 44 degrees 29 minutes 20 seconds West, 335.57 feet to the apparent high water mark of Long Island Sound as of 12/99; THENCE southeasterly along the apparent high water mark of Long Island Sound, on a tie line course bearing North 74 degrees 48 minutes 31 seconds East, 156.16 feet to land now or formerly of Brlenza (now or formerly of Raeburn/Murphy); THENCE along the last mentioned land, South 44 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds East, 322.02 feet to the northwesterly side of the aforementioned 20 foot Right of Way; THENCE along the northwesterly side of the aforementioned Right of Way, the following two (2) courses and•distances: ~ 1. South 70 degrees 16 minutes 10 seconds West, 97.70 feet ~ to a point; 2. South 70 degrees 20 minutes 10 seconds West, 52.30 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH the benefits and SUB]ECT TO the burdens of a 20 foot Right of Way for Ingress and egress from the southerly boundary of the premises extending southwesterly and southerly to the Intersection of Oregon Road and Bridge Lane as set forth In Liber 1154 page 366 and Liber 1771 page 533 and subsequent deeds. i I Cerdncace or Title • UsrtACR.~»wr~ur,A~'F(>Ratrrr:trn?tRnwivNAwY(HUSrA7>;Ogr.v: ••UsnaaAYlwuuxarFxrr•'nxa?iurtn?•nrrrnxNriwStxraSrtlnCJAra~,: SlatcofNewVotlC,Counlyof Suffolk }ss.: tilaku[NewYork,(;Itunlyuf ~ }ss.: On the 16 dry of Au~tut in the year 2007 On the J•ry of in the year before tttc, the undclstgtlat. ptxsonrlly apprttcd bcfime tree, tttc mdasi(;ttetl, petaY+n:tlly appeared Rubcr(Palmer and Sylvia Noten Ilalttter personally known W me or pnlval w me nn the I+aux of satisfacxxy . pctxuually known to tt+e or pnw•ed m tttc on the batis of stuisLuYOry cvidencrtubctheinJividwl(s)WiwxnanKlxlislarv)xul+~'ritxxltolFu; nvidenceulbetheinJividual(slwtWSCnWnNs)ix(urclsubstribaltolhc wi111tn inswtttent alai acklww4dscd w rtte that hd+dxJthey execuicJ within insttwnetu anJ uckn(Iwktl~d m tree thu hrlsltcJthry eututed Jm rtmc in hixAax/their ctp:tcitvlka), anJ Ihrt by hisAterhlleir the xante in hixThcr/Ou!ir ripanty(iall, and ttaa by hiTAxr/their sigrwturclx) on the inwument, the inJividual(xl. or Ilse perxm opal riltlWWrclr1 on Jx: inVrumunt. the tnJividlWl(x), or the person upon behalf of which the in(IiviJual(sl acted, execttktl the ireetrument. behalf of which the intliviJurllh) uctetl. cAecuted lh• inrwtnent. l (cN ~lJt~ olCASOI 9 ~ ~~~•y 3 p2~9 AuA» •fxuc.+r~ATFnRattarUSFWmnvNSwrixuCrArEOxu:• Acrnnwi~•:ucwlsA~'FORafroRUStsUurs7r>~NAK•)'uruS7arr.Oxr.?~ /Nrvt'wk SulurriMxa N7mru ArLrlx'IrdXmrntCrq(/8Wr/ /O¦l.d.GNi nr F.+n(en(:nrrvl Ac{Ixnufrdamrnr ('rilj%uvul SWIe ofNew York,cbuRtyut ]ss } ss.: I(inlplnr 4inrr riVt SIWe. (i.Wl/Y. PnnimY urALudipJigl ()II the Jay Of In llte yL'ar bl:Cote trc, the undersiFttcd. persnautlly appeared Un the Jay of in the year • before me. the unJeasipteJ, (>Lr. unrllY appe:ueJ the xubx~ribitlg witrt~ to Iht forcFoirtg inwwttenl, with whom 1:un ' penxmrlly acyurinted. who. hict~ by ate July swum diJ Ju(asu and (x:tsonrlly kru+wn to me ur prowxl w me un the haeir of s:ttisfacwry vty thrl hrJshehltey reside(x) in evlJettcc U111C the IndlYldnal(x) wh+x: noma%) IC (an) subsrnhed t0 Jte wilhln InrllUmenl and aeknowleJlxd to Im: that hdrltehlu'y extxvleJ (ifr)n•p!rn•eafrcsklrmYls(narin•.inr'hulr/hrrrrrrlwRlsrmernwnLer, theuWteinhixlf¢rhhcir~•apacityyiesl.dulbyhiJlxxlthcirsi~natute(sl ((rrm•. lhcrc(+~: Jtat lu/>the/Uxy knowgs) on the in.WUtent. the indiYidualUL ar Ute penrm upon IutWlCnf which the inJiviJwllx) acted, cxct:uted tlx: inslnlment, anJ th:J such italividual to be the inelividual Jascribcd in rutJ wlw cxteutld the furepuing matk Bch ap(x`~lartcs h:forc tlx: urldm:igtxd in the insuutnl:m: that sail subsetibinp witness w•aa presr:nt anJ saw rail mecum Jte rams: anJ Jtal said wima:K:a Jte xWne time whrrrihxl (rnerrrrlwl•(n•~.ruihrrrA/l)tu•nlsutxli+ve)rmmullhrsttrter,rcvrRnrn•~Ir hisltxxhlleir nWrte(s) tls a witness therms+. IRhrrpfw.r rhr IR•knna•fcdgmcvrt x~ur krknl). BARGAIN&SAI.1: UkEll W IT I (VwO:ANR ACu1aKf ~NIAI.TIR ACfr TrrteNu. RH 073 010 3R Dtslxlcr )000 Slx-n0N 073.00 Robert Palmer and Sylvia Numn Palmer Buxx 02.00 I.a7 003.OU(i Cat: nTY uR Tawn Town oC Southtlkl: County of Suffolk TO Arhok N. Vasvoni anJ Bansic Vatvvani Rr[,tlRUepA7RE(+u!!?r(rF • Fidelity Nalkatal Title Insurance Company of Vcw York RkTUR~YRY NA/l. ]Y/ F1DEI.ITY NATIOIrAI. TITLE LVSURAVCE Jonnlhan S. Ar:rrrtatt, t:sq. COMPANY OF NC+W YORK Berman Frumkin, LLP ¦ Iwnw~.+m+l~:H 9th Floor aG Fide , ~ • 65 West 3b 51 ~jiw.ww<. lUy ~rvlwl?~ New York NY I OO I R ' /rIMY. NM IYYIINIIwIxd/A.wllM~ W aO S C g~ yOr r C . . S nt W . yW W Q ' ~ 1 1 ' ~ Z ' ~ RECORDED ' 2007 Rug 22 11:36:37 pN Number of pages Judith R. Pascale CLERK ~ SUFFOLK COL6fTY This document will be public L Do4012519 record. Please remove all P 122 Social Security Numbers DTY 07-02318 prior to recording. Deed /Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fee ~ Mortgage Amt 1. Basic Tax Handling 5. 00 2. Additional Tax _ .TP-SB4 sub Total Notatbn ~lAssit ' EA-5217 (County) Sub Total Spec /Add. _ EA-5217 (State) TOT. MTG. TAX R.P.T.SA Dual Town _ Dual County • Held for Appoin ant Comm. of Ed. 5. OO ~ Transfer T /O/ (oOSf. ~ Affidavit • • nskxl q~,SID- ~ Certified Copy roperty wvered by this mortgage h or will be improved by a one or two NYSSurcftarge 15. 00 ~ famtlydwellingonly. Sub Total YES ~ or NO Other ' Grand Totai If NO, see appropriate tax louse on page i ofthis Instnunem. -0 4 01st X70 ryJ$~ 1000 07300 0200 003006 '9 5 CommunityPreservatlonFund Real Property P T S Considetation Amount Tax Servke RLPA A Improved 6 actbns/Disc rges/Releases UStvroperry aiwircu~.w,,.,,y RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacam Land Sona~l?gn S. ~'Pringn/ k~ 7D f ~ 8e!'rr~an v- Frrc,,t~pk/ n , ~~P ----F~- TD 6suiest 36~^ SYrPP'f TD i ' Mail to Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Ceimpany information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901' Co. Name .CAMMONWEALTJfi wwwsuHdkcauntynygov/clerk Title a B Suffolk County Recording &^/Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached dL~ ed made ~pp^• LL O / (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) /gyp f~-~ r~ a 0. / rh p r' The premises herein is situated in aSY Vi4 7~~'i?n Pa.lxn'er SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEWYORK,.f L - ~~Ti,Os In the TOWNaf ~~t f'`ro ~C! 77 g~0 y.i..~7' ?i~rtl In the VILLAGE J ` ~ g n S i to V sua o f crrlrtfYltffro~ ~ 4 f C../~o a u to 80XE5 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRKM TO RECORDING OR FILING. over 11111111 IIII IIIII IIIII Illll IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII 111111111111 IIIII Illl IIII SIIFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE R$CORDING PAGE Type of Iaetrumaats D88D9/DDD Recorded: 08/22/2007 Number of Pagese 4 At: 11:36:37 AM Receipt Number s 07-0077981 TRANSFER TAX NU~ER: 07-02318 LIBER: D00012519 PAGE: 122 District: Section: Slocke Lot: 1000 073.00 02.00 003.006 SYANINBD AND CHAR08D AS FOLLO~iS Deed Amounts $2,651,000.00 i Received tha Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO~t Handling $5.00 NO~t C08 $5.00 NO NYS SRCSa $15.00 NO 8A-CTY $5.00 NO 8A-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiea $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Traaefer tax $10,604.00 NO Naaeioa Tax $26,510.00 NO Comm.Pres $50,020.00 NO Feee Paid $87,286.00 TRANSFBR TA8 NDN88R: 07-02318 TNIS PAC~B SS A PART OF TH8 INSTRUNEN'P THIS IS NOT A SILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County i I PLEASE TYPE OR PRES5 FIRMLY WHEN WRfi1NG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY • ~ swLS code g' REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT O~ ~ ~ STATE OF NEW YORK • STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES C2. Dab Daad Retarded RP - 5277 C8. Book cs. Pap. tvarD w. y., PROPERTY INFORMATION Prap.rq 20K 3 ~v~~ Lr~ t...lbr1 I 50~JTN'OL~ -vtcrnwt I (tiI•fGal D(.tivE I (~C/~j, : Bwr V PP5 ~A ~ y rtDl~ ~ Na1y ~ , !year MT hea! ItaNMr A Tyr hrdlab whew blur T" Blb pro a a aae BBWq R atler dim taryar addab Irt hoKarrr Of faM ~I x.xc1 caerun I roar wuc I AdMwa sTner unsl.rerwur 1 I a,nlwiow•r I a~1[ L ~ a. trrdab dr wnrbir d Aaaarmrx I / I (Qdr K M d. Pall PJrek a tlry .qir RoE pants lrariaTd on tde deed 1 d of Portals OR ? Par10l. P"esl k FLminp Bard trim Su6drvirm AuNairy Fxw ? LL SuWnitlm AppnnN vas RaadrW la Tnrafa a Pr~oprtyr x I onnr I Op I ~ . I .a I ParW Mtravad to suidivitlm wtlh tbp RavldM ? atr. Aawt2. p ' a Gu.r 1 I roQ~ I Name r , nor huir tMrwuarcorhvn 7. Cheelr dy tar tlabw whkh nrrt aauranh drr6r tM uaa d tit propMy at tly time d sab: Clrei dte ioaaa habr r th.y apple. a oalrerrNp Type's Cotldominlum p Oa Famlly Rbidrrid L• Apricuiurd 1 Community Sonrko a Nsw t.orrprttotbn on Vrem lend B 2 a 7 FarrBy RrsidaroiM F ranrnadY 1 ~ InduaKral 10A Prapny Loowd !Worst m gyiaaaal pieta ? C R"Idantlal VsaM land (i Apmmant K PuWk Swlu 1oL Buys raalvW a dirbmn notlu Ildberrp ? D Nan Reskelriel Vaant LanO H Eroartailrant / Amurmmt 1. Fond mM de popery k h m AykadWlY Dilkt SALE INFORMATION ji L0~' to ar.dt ore r mae d Mar mWwar r appW6M m aarralar. 17. Bab Comroot Dab A Sab Bettaean Ra4Was a Famr Ralrtvea e1' v"' R Sek Betnoon RolYeO Compmks a Pamyrs in Brairoa [77~ ~1 y`~~~/y C Oro d Uy lluyera is aio . SNlar 12 Date d BW / Tnnslar I V / I 1 / " 1 D Bulw a Sella k Gavannnn Apanry ar lmNnp kwiwdm oath Orly yav 1:. 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Tax Map ldaMMarW f RaB tdemBlrlq BI mon Mm seer, aaaeh aftaat vrKh ad8tbnal IdalelBerldl I : 1 0 0 0 I I 1'3 : c9Z _ O I 5•• D"13. o o I I 4: Doi. de (p I CERTIfICATKIN 1 ardly !lad w d the Yemy d ldormrka ederetl un Ihi form are tree and totTal Im fle lra4 d tq keuo'Isdpe pad leBe1) and I unrleraW W that fie W4y d nqv wNrW left Malepym d mrlaw Bret !arch wi aa6ja~t me m 16e provWrax d Ile oanl hw rrhlNe b pe maiigt and Itpgt d dtro merlrmam. ~ ~ rI ` BWER'S ATTORNEY - / `7' I/' `--r-,. I $1 (1 I ~ ~£QNv4 N I ,O?J4T1~fAN euae aarrarrea an oar parr rear ¦aat ~za'-1 l ~~OLSf Lr~ t12. I y94• oy'?U ~ (ol anerl M.IYere arrle[f naLa rrJlre lNai Mfa 6aoi I IYI110hY Ntllra , ctt~4u ~ ~ N \ I 1\q3S anal au:t actor NEW YORK STATE COPY ~~w1^^.-'? I ~ 11('07 seas nw a ~ i?