HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12519 P 652 - SrANDARU DEED•aARGA1N AND SAI.F. DEED, ~,COVENAN7S AGAINSTGRANI'OR'S ACTS. CONSULT VOUR IAW9'Rlt tlF.FOaF. SIC\I\G 7'nIS t\STRUMENT-T11441\b'1'RUNF.\T SIIOIIt.D ai: I:SED 8V IAWYERS O~I.Y. ^',f I ~ ~ THIS INDENTURE, made the i 0th day of July ,Two thousand and seven BFr7'WEEN DEBORAH BYRNE as Successor Trustee of the Lamour Family Trust dated 9/28/98 as to 50% interest and DEBORAH BYRNE as Successor Trustcc 1'or the Lamour Living Trust dated 8125/93 as to 50'/o interest, currently residing at 286 Atlantic Avenue, Massapequa Yark, NY 11752 party of the fiat part, and 1690 BAYVIEW ASSOCIATES, LLC, with current address of 825 Kimberly Lane, Southold, Nrw York 11971 ' ~ - party of the Sccand part, ' i ' WITNESSETH, that the party of the fast part, in consideration of ONE MILLION ONE ' IiUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND ($1,!20,000.00) dolltus and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the sernnd part, the heirs or successors and assignes of the party of the second part forever, SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE A THERETO Being and intended to be the c premises as conv d to the Roger Lamour, as 1'rustce of the Lamour Family Trust dated Sept ber 28, 1998 to an undivided 50% interest and Roger Lamour District ~ Trustre of the I.amour Living T date ugust 25, 1993, as to an undivided 50% interest, as tenants in common by dced liom Ro our and Dorothy Lamour, his wife, as Trustces of the 1000 Lamour Living'frust dated Augus 93, deed dated March 15, 2000 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on Apri , 2000 i fiber 12038 page 699; Deborah Byrne becoming Section Sucecssor Trustee of the our Family'I'ro • led Septrmber 28, 1998 and the Lantour Living'ftvs dated August 25, 1993 the death of Roger L our in Nassnu County on March 3, 2006. 070 Being intended to be the same premises also known as 1690 NORTH BAYVIEW ROAD, Block SOUTHOLD, NY 1~ i Lot 037 TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the parry of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with thr appurtenances and all the rswtr and rights of the party of the fast part in and to said prcntists; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assignes of the parry of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Licn Law, Covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this wnvcyancc and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpDSe of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment f the cost of the improvcmcnl before using any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be conatrucd as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so i requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pa of the trst part has duly xecuted this executed deed the day and year first above written. ~C,J( nr•. R1~t~NF~A~~11 .(;I:SSt7R TRI1STfiR ~IJ NCIi E OI': ~ ~ ~C u ~-L~l..__ GZur'~-cG eBa cQYll~}p~ flE; S~,r.r~ulz V'f' tin/r,I• lffJ4~1 '1r~.CI~ . ~ SCHEp~I C A~ i J7T rns a^^~ r.~/7W.[~ er 7~ b t Having acquired title by the death of Roger Lamour in Nassau County on March 3, 2006, at which time Deborah f3yme becomes Successor Trustee of the Lamour Family Trust dated September 28, 1998 and the Lamour Living Trust dated August 25, 1993; Which said Lamour Family Trust having been established as of the death of Dorothy Lamour in Nassau County on September 25, 1998; Which said Roger Lamour, as Trustee of said Trusts having acquired title by deed from Roger Lamourand Dorothy Lamour, his wife, as Trustees of the Lamour Living Trust dated August 25, 1993, deed dated March 15, 2000 and recorded in the Suffolk Count Clerk's Office on April 28, 2000 in Liber 12038 Page 699; Which said Roger Lamour and Dorothy Lamour, his wife, as Trustees ofthe Lamour Living Trust dated August 25, 1993, having acquired title by deed from Roger W. Lamour and Dorothy Lamour, his wife, dated October 5, 1993 and recorded in said Clerk's Office on March 31, 1999 in Liber 11954 Page 482; and Which said Roger W. Lamour and Dorothy Lamour, his wife, having acquired title by deed from Peter G. Gustafson and Anita Gustafson, his wife, dated March 31, 1978 and recorded in said Clerk's Office on April 10, 1978 in Liber 8411 Page 156. • .FM l " ~ , ' . 1 ''r'~ ~ ~ Title No. MAC-434.23425-SO • AMENDED JUNE 29, 2007 SCHEDULE"A" ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of North Bayview Road (formerly known as North Road to Bayvtew), 517.63 feet Southerly and Easterly along said North Bayvfew Road from the southerly line of Oakwood Drive, said point of beginning being the northeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Ellen and Michael Carbone, now or formerly i of Albinson; from said point of beginning RUNNING THENCE along said southerly line of North Bayview Road, South 88' 37' 20" East, 100.00 feet to land now or formerly of Rena and William Kuhl, now or formerly of Brown; ~ THENCE along said land now or formerly of Kuhl, South 09' 22' 40" West, 178.97 feet to a wood bulkhead at the mean highwater mark of Goose Creek; THENCE Westerly along said bulkhead and said mean highwater mark, North 79' 14' 00" West, 139.60 to said land now or formerly of Carbone; THENCE along said land now or formerly of Carbone, North 21' 22' 40" East, 200.77 feet to the southerly side of North Bayview Road, the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with a 5 foot water main easement from the northwesterly comer of the above described premises Westerly about 120.00 feet. SUBJECT to a 5 foot water main easement across the northerly 5 feet of the above described premises. • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ USE ACKNUWI.FJ)('iMt7JT FOttAl ltlil.OW Wn'111N NF.a' YORK SrA7Y. ONL' USL' ACKNOKIC•DGMEVT FORM BELOW Wr1711N AF. W YORK STATF.ON1.1': . STATE OF N EW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. ss: STpTEOFNEWYORK,000NTYOFSUFFOLK ss: » On the IOth day of July in the year two-thousend anJ seven On the _day of ~ in the year two-thousand and three before mc, the undersigned, perwnalM appeared before mc, the undersigned, personally appeared DEBORAH BYRNE personally known to me or proved w me on the basis of satisfactory personally known w me or proved w me on the bmis of satisfactory ~widencr w be the individwga) whose name(s) is (arc) wbsaibed ro the avWcnce ro be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (ore) subscribed K within inswmrnl and acknowledged w me that he/shehhey executed the the within inswmrnt and acknowledged w methat he/ahe/thcy same in hisTherhheir capacity(ies?, and that by hislherhheir signature(s) executed the same in his/fler/rheir capaciry(ies), and that by on the imwmenL the individwl(s), or the person upon behalfofwhich his/herfthca signawrc(s) on the inswmrnt, the indivWuaKs), or the the individwl(s) acted, executed the i S`wmem. person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the inswment. MOtMRY BOYS Y liar.rv wsae No. Ot arose h t7anly Natsrr whoa CaatabSlOn esplha ta. USE ACKNOWI.EUCAIFNTF EI.OW WITIIIN NIiW YORK STATC•ONLY: (New Yah Subxnbioa Wiroest AckaowieJanKat CeNMaxl SL•AC'IC?IOWLCOGMfiNT FORM aELOW OVfSIUE NEW YORK STATE ONL' STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: Out uiState of Foreign General Acknowledgment Ccrtificau:) 'State of , County of On the day of in the year two-thousand and three '(or insert Disuicl of Culumbia.1'erritan•, Possession or Fomign Coww) before mc, the undcrsign~d, personally appeared } ss.: the subscribing witness w the farcgoing instrumcnL with whom 1 am personally acyuuintsxl, who, bring by me duly sworn, did depose and say n the _day of in the year two-thowand and three that he/shehhey reside(s) in •forc mc, the undersigned, personally appeared (if the place of residence is in a city, include the street and street number, if wy, thcnrot); that be/shehhey know(x) ersonally known ro me or proved w me on the 6osis of satisfacwry vidence ro be the individwl(s) whose name(s) is (arc) subscribal w tl to be the indivklunl described in and who executed tilt forcgaing within instrument and acknowledged ro me that hehhdtll~y executed d inswment; that said subscribing witness was presort and saw said c in hisThcr/thcir capacity{ies), and that by hisTheNthe'u signature(s) n the inswmenL the individwl(s), or the person upon behalf of which execute the same; and said witness al the same time subscribed a individwl(s) acted, arecuted the inswmmt and that such hisRler/Ibeir name(s) as a witness thereto. individual(s) made wch appearance betoro the undersigned in the add the city or political wbdivision and the state or country or other Noury t'ualic lace the acknowledgement was taken). tw'+wv I'abSa Bargain and Sale Deed With Covenant Against Grantor's Acts sccTION o70 ~tle No.:MAC434.2342550 BLOCK 12 RECOP,DEDATREOUESTOF LOT 37 LAMUUR TRUST MEPROPOL1uAB3TR,~~(~Rp COUNTY OK 'T'OWN: SOU7'HOLll 570 Ttsxter Rt>~ Elmsford, hew York 10523 (914) 582-0003 STREET ADDRESS:1690 N. BAYVIEW TO ROAD. SUUTI-iOLD. NY 1640 BAYVIEW ASSOCIATES, LLC NEWMAN &NEWMAN ATTN: JAY NEWMAN, GSQ. 0 Park Avonug 21 r Floor New York, NY 10022 Rewm b)' ores tp . . . ~ , t 1 ~ y r. Number of pages' J RECORpED 7'ORRENS 2007 Aug 27 10:27:00 AN Judith A, Pascale Serial # ~ ~ CLERK ~ SUFFOLK COUNTY CettiGe:ate # l D00012519 P 652 Prior Ctf. ~ ~ D7# 07-02739 Deed /Mortgage Issswment Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Reaordittg /Filing Stamps Page / Filing Fec, Mortgage Amt _ Handling g, pp ~ 1. Ba4ic Tax 2. Additional Tox SRd ~ 5ub Tonal _ ~ Naution _ ~ SpecJAssit. S of EA-52 17 (County) Sub Total Spec. /Add. _ EA-5217 (State) ~ r TOT. N1TG. TAX R.1?T.S.A. ~ ~ Dual 7bwn _ Dual.County _ Held forAppoin t ~ Crntun. of Ed. 3. 00 ~ ~ 7~ansfer 7hx I - i AlTidavit ~ ' ' Mansion Tax t ~ Certified Copy ~ T~ ProP~Y. covered by this mortgage is :or will be improved; by s one or two Reg. Copy family dwelling only. Sub Total yES or NO Otltu ~ ~ Grand lbtal ~ ss ~ :If NO, see appropriate tax clatu~e on P°Be # of iGis inawment 4 District 070 55 iooo 07000 i2oo oa7ooo - ~ 5 Cotmmaaity, Presezvatioa Faced Real N T S - •s: Property REMC A Consideration Atgount$ ut Tax Servim CPF Tax Due.. S ~ t ~?BwkY Verification irrrprov~ SatisfactionslDi ' Vacant Land 6 achargea/Releases List~Pro~ petty Owners Mailing Address r •::RRCORI) 8t R#,TURN TO: TD `L' _1 TU . ~S /uCW M cal /UCt~r Y r ra N7' ~ Title.Cont an Infor~aatioa (t) J Z L Co. Name afro o/.;r !,i (e S~rs ~ i Suffoll~ Count. Itecordin & E/ndorsement Pa e This page forma port of the attached ~~d spade by. (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 4 J «s of The ptemiscs hereht is situated in ~%~ak~ ~j.~,r,,, y6,,t~/ 7~.SUF1'.OLK COUNTY, NSW Y~OR~K(.~ / To / !n the Township of ~Q?! ^J /O- ~~°SO /~m,AisttJ ,~sSt)ti~7i? ~.S InthuVILLAGE w HAMC,ET of BOXES 6 THRU S MUSE BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. i 111111111111IIIll I1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I Illlil IIIII IIIII IIII IIB SIIFFOLK COIINTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Iaet~+++^~^t: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 08/27/2007 Number of Pages: 5 At: 10:27:00 AM Receipt Number : 07-0079541 ~ TRANSFER TAX NO~ER: 07-02739 LIHER: D00012519 PAGE: 652 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 070.00 12.00 037.000 EXANINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOVP3 Dead Amount: $1,120,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument 8xempt exempt Page/Filing $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATB $75.00 NO ~ TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiea $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCT![ $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Prea $19,400.00 NO Bees Paid $19,555.00 TRANSFER TAX NQ!®ER: 07-02739 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRDNENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clsrk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (578) 4`22 ,~y Z,y~.a~i FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Ct. BYIIIS Coda REA1 PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW rOWt CL Data DSad Rieordad STATE WARD OF HEAL PWPER7Y SERVICES ' r RP-5217 f9. swat Ca. Papa - arssrrrr.avr PROPERTY INFORMATION L Prop ~ ~ ar t I 14-f - I I ~ / I my vxurae arm : saw I ~ h stn ~ S/ Ll~ ~°j, l l7gOC . I I aanra rearraar '7di I r~vraa. r.erxera i Tax Yidesls aorta bean Tax SA sm m M aem ~ 9Ewq M otMr that hH« atldrMS W bosom d torml I ufr xxta nxlxr~rrr I I Addraaa I r rarwuwo rwe I atoaw I non I ro I a. 4rdlrea Uw marrbsr d Abwmam , 1 , ? IQW E hrl d a Pnwq gnri r aaF appltr. Rdl psnsla 4aararrad orr iM bad I_,~}J i ul Parcola OR Part of a Parpl u ~p ~ dm ~F~ ~ ? R Drd ~ Su66yition Approval car Roqu4tl let TrarlYar ? Propwq Fr x OR I ~ ~ IG hrol Appoytl ter Suhdhhian wan cap Proyldtd ? Bir '~~botzh n~. v a s.sw i nrnr. rrwarr I I I r wet 7.61raxh Sra hr prow whldr mrt aouaatry dsaodMs tM w d dra prapwey K tle tuna d rm: Clraelr Sw boxr brow r shay apply: S OwnasNp Typ h Corrdominimrr ? A One Frdly RsaidarrlW F. ASreahural 1 Comnxrnib Ssnriu L Now t:orauctlan an Vacant lard ? B ! «a Family Raaidareir F Comrrre4l 1 xreuaair teA Pmpely tmatl wWn an AiriWhval Dlwicr ? C Rrklwrr VaaM lane G~ Apanmem h~ Pub& &rrke teS. Gryar rsWwld • dhdmwa rxxla axlaatrrq ? D Non~e.ddrtlr Vaeam Land F! Emm~rnmant / Amuwum 1. Foroa tIw tle propsdy 6 m n Aprwrlwral DruW SALE INFORMATION r 70. Ctrwi ono «m«a d Mw wMtlae a appEoahla a twdar. t t. 8aM Cororaet as I 7 / ~6 / 07 I A Sw Sauroarr RNatler « Fdrrw Retattvu r~ B Sam SNaraan RWrad CorrrParrir «Pwmwa b Srrshran J Ona o11M Srryws is aho a SsWr 1L Dw d Gam I Tranafr I ~ /1 ~ / 0~ I D euw «s.wr Y cayvmwx ASancy «Lendlrp ImCOroon ttoimi Der rr F. 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BrJrad Diahtd Naw I~~ ~ 1 M Tr MapTldeaMwW Roll IdaralSarial IS wro tlran fov, attach abed ythh admtbnal maraNarW) l ,J/~ ,w~ S' I I I ' I (2..~ - 03'7.x~ I I I CERTIFICATION 1 oetWy tIW aD d the Semr d laforaeuhn soured r thh farm an true red arrrtear 1m the hat d my krowledpc sad 6ttlefl rd I rradarlsorl that LLc rashly d any wiSfd hhe rataoxat d aaledW M h+ehr wYl xuhJtet the b tM prorhbatt d the oersl htw eehrtlrV b 16e rraiS and ISbp d aLw hexnrrrala. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY /(~j D Bay ~G~ ~~~~~LL ~ a _~~i S I ~ iGL peaxra re , xera rest caw ~ I era 1 3~~ -9yo0 t nara an.a wue carte url +iw ooa m[naxs aura ~ I PSI 1 /o~.2~Y an r torw: era a. wor ~,QQ~~ SELLER NEW YORK STATE r ~~~/.liJll ~~(Gi~: ~G G7 COPY xttro rrariue n