HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12518 P 553 atmdvd N.Y.0.T.U. Ftnm W112 • &ra°in and Snk ptsd, with C°remata n~IItW Gunta's Acts - Unifomt AcWiowledpnent CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFINiE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY 7'FIIS INDENTURE, made Ux/p''~day of Auguae , 2007, ~ BETWEEN i The Uoroaki Family Limited Partnership, a New York limited partnership, cDnducGng business at 38400 County Road 48, Southold, New York 11971-5010, party of the first part, ' end The Uoraski Family Limited Partnership, a New York limited partnership, conducting business at 38400 County Road 48, Southold, New York 11971-5010, as to an undivided Ninety- , nine Percent (99%) interest, and Robert R. Jenkins aad Joan S. Jenkins, his wife, bath residing at 2800 Depot Lane, P.O: Box 301, Culclwgue, New York 11935, as tenants by the entirety, as to an undivided One Percent (1%) interest, said Ninety-nine Percent (99%) interest and One Percent (1,~ interest being held as tenants in common, party of Ute second part' WITNESSETII, that the party of tltc first part, in consideration of Ten dollars (510.00) and other valuable rnnsidt:relion paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant end release unto llu party ~ of the secatd part, the lairs or sttccesaors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings end improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at the Town of Southold, County'of Sut'olk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described on Schedule A annexed hereto altd made a part hereof. SUDJEC7 TO t:ovenarlts, restrictions, dedications, telephone, electric and gas easetuents of record, if any. BEWG AND INTENDED TO BE a part of the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed doled 05/07/99, recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Olfice oft 06/25/99, in I.iber 11971 at Page 458. TOGETHER with nil right, Lille and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting Urc above describxd premises to the center lures thereof; 9'UGETIIER with the eppuricnances end ell the estate and rights of the party of the trot part in end~to said premises; TO HAVE AND TU BOLD Ute premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the Tirst pari covenants that the party of UIe first part has not done tx suffered anyUting whereby the said premises have been cncurnbcred in any way wltatevcr, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the trst part, hr compliance with Section 13 of the Lien l,aw, covenants that Ura party of UIC first part will receive tl:e considerelion for this conveyance end will hold U:e right to rtxeive such consideration ag a (rust fund to ba applied first fur Uu purpose of paying the cost of the improvement aad will apply Ulc same first to Ure payment of the cost of Ure irnprovemntt before using any part of llln total of the awne for any oUlcr purpose.llu word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WtTNES3 WIIEREOF, the party of du fret pert has duly executed tlti4 dt:ed flu day Bird year first above writlar. W PRESENCE OF "fhe Doruski Family Limited Partnership By: Thp Do;oaks Corppration. General Partner Tille• President . • . Lit 3 an the Minor Subdivision Ma f r Doroaki Famil Limited Partnershi' All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the'1'own of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Sound View Avenue, which point of beginning is located 150 feet from the southwesterly comer formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Sound View Avenue with the westerly side of [lope Lane, and from said point of beginning running thence South 39 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds East 286.20 feet along (ands now or formerly of Golz to a monument; '[hence South 50 degrees OI minutes 20 sewnds West 300.09 feet along Lot 4 on the Minor Subdivision Map for Doroski Family Limited Partnership to a point; Thence North 28 degrees 40 minutes 09 seconds West 415.79 feet along Lot 2 en the Minor Subdivision Map for Doroski Family Limited Partnership to a point on the southerly side of Sound View Avenue; 'Thence North 79 degrees 21 minutes 50 seconds Fast 213.3?Afeet along the southerly side of Sound View Avenuerto the point or place of BEGINNING. . 3~a;~6 ~ Said lot is shown as Lot 3 on the Minor Subdivision Map for Doroski Family Limited Partnership at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, filed in the Sut1'olk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 11497 on Febnuuy 20, 2007. Lot l on the Minor Subdivision Map for Doroskl Family Limited Partnership Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Sound View Avenue, which point of beginning is located the following two (2) couuses and distances from the southwesterly comer formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Sound View Avenue with the westerly side oC Hope Lane: (1) along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 631.45 feet and a length of 36.76 feet, a distance of !50 feet; (2) South 79 degrees 21 minutes 50 seconds West 453.83 feet; Running Thence from said point or place of beginning the following two (2) courses and distances along Lot 2 as shown on the abovementioned minor subdivision map: (I) South 44 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds East 240.00 feet; (2) South 0 degrees 13 minutes 41 seconds East 372.30 feet to Lot 4 ac shown on the abovementioned minor subdivision map; Running Thence South 50 degrees Ol minutes 20 seconds West 101.73 feet along Lol 4 as shown on the abovementioned minor subdivision map to a monument; Thence North 01 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West 272.88 feet along lands now or formerly of Lehmann to a point; Thence Running the following two (2) courses and distances along the southerly side of an easement: (I) North 44 degrees 16 minutes 00 sewnds Wesl 310.26 feet to a monument; I r , ' • . (2) North 40 degrees 50 minutes 40 seconds West 82.94 feet to a point on the southerly side of Sound View Avenue; Running Thence the following two (2) courses and distances along the southerly side of Sound View Avenue: {1) along the arc of a curve bearing to the right, having a radius of 578.49 feet and a length of 138.51 feet, to a point; (2) North 79 degrees 21 minutes 50 seconds East 56.11 feet to the point or place of ~ beginning. Said lot is shown as Lot I on the Minor Subdivision Map for Doroski Family Limited ~ Partnership at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 11497 on February 20, 2007. ~ ~„r~' I s' i iJ .t~l i STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : SS.: On the ~p day of August , 2007, before mc, the undcrsigncd, personally appeared Barbara Szczotka, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowlcdgcd to me that (s)he executed the same in his/her capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the peeson upon behalf of which the individual®acted, executed the same. SUSAN K TOOKER I ~~7 NOTARY PUBLIC. Srote of New York ~1 No.otTOSOietxo TT Notary Public or,erroa ~ Sutlotc cr»',n~ Zvi ~ Cont.:atr::n Eay:x IY~oY Title Company Title no. Ths Doroskl Family Limited Partnership -TO- The DorosW Family Limited Partnsrship, as to an undivided 89% interest, •and- Robert H. Jenkins and Joan 8. Jenkins, as to an undivided 1% Interest RECORD AND RETURN TO Marcia L Honor, Esq. Essoks, Hottstr 8 Angsl, LLP 108 Esst Main Stress ' P.O. Box 279 Rtvorhead, Now York 11901 • ~ 1 2 Number of pages ~ RECORDED 2007 Aug 17 12:07:31 PPI TORRENS Judith A. Pascale CLERK OF Serial N SlFF01JC y Certificate q L 000612518 P 553 DT# 07-01898 Prior Ctf. # ' , Decd . Mortgage Instrument Dad / Mortgage i>tx Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps ~ 3 ~ FEES Page /Piling Fee r Mortgage Amt. - 1. Basic Tax _ Harulling 5. QQ_ 2. Additional Tax _ i TP-Sg4 _ Sub Total - Spec. / Assit. Notation - or EA-5217 (County) ~ - Sub Total 3o Spec. /Add. - i TOT. MTCa'I'AX EA-5217 (State) ' Dual'1'own - Dual County - Held fix Appointrncnt R.P.T.S.A. Transfer Trx - Cotnrn. of Ed. 5. ~ ~ ' ~ Mansion lax • ~ Affidavit The property covered by Ihis mutgage is or will he improved by a one or two Certified Cupy family dwelling only. YES or NO ~S• CoPY - Sub Total ' ~ If NO, sec appropriate tax clauu: un Other Grwtd 1bta1 ' ` ~ ~ Page M of this insl ent. t7 006.00 . 4 Distric[1000 Section 059.00 Bloek OS.00 Lot • • ' 006.003 $ Communl Prrsetwatlou Fund Kcal ~ ~ 1000 05900 0000 006001 .07024996 Consideration Amount S 0 Pmperty ~ T S 1000 05900 0000 006003 CPF Tax Uue $ 0 Tax Scrvicc ~ RgMI A Agency g.A~p.O i Improved Verification ~~/7j • • - Vacant Land 6 SatisfactirnJDischarges/Releaae Lisl Property Owncra Mulling Addrcstt TD ~v__ RECORD & RETURN TO: Marcia Z. Hefter, Esq. TD Esaeks, Hefter & Ancel, LLP P.O. Bo:279 ~ ' TD Riverhead, NY L 1901 7 title Company information Co. Nattte Title # 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 'Kris page forms part of the attached halo and Sale with Covenants Deed made by: (SPECIFY i'YPE OF INSTRUMENT) the 1)orosld Family L•Imited Ps nerehip The prcmisis herein is situated in . SUFFOLK COUNTY, NE1V YORK. ~ TO In the Township of Southold The Doroeki Pamily Liteited Partnership Inthe'VILLAGE ae to an undivided 99x interest, and Aobert•A. Jankina and Joan S. Jenkins, nn t~ undivided lS i_nterenr Or HAMLET of Southold BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILINQ 11111111 IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII Illll IIIII 11111 IIII IIII 1111111 IIIII IIIII IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Iaetrszmeats DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 08/17/2007 Number of Pages: 5 Ats 1Ys07e31 PM Receipt Number : 07-0076443 TRANSFER TAR NUMBER: 07-01898 LI88R: D00012518 PAGE: 553 Districts Sectioa: 8lockz Lotz 1000 059.00 08.00 006.003 EYANINSD AND CHARGED AS FOLLO~Ps Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Follorviag Fees For Above Iaetrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $15.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS 3RCHG $15.00 NO SA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copiea $0.00 NO RPT $50.00 NO SCTN $0.00 NO Traasfer tax $0.00 NO Coaim.Prea $0.00 NO Fees Paid $175.00 TRANSFER TAX NDNBER: 07-01898 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TH8 INBTRUDD3N'P THIS IS NOT A SILL ~ Judith A. Pascale ~ Couaty Clerk, Suffolk Couaty I i • - PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM • INSTRUCTIONS: http:// vvww.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ct. awls toes REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 'n STATE OF NEW YOWL C2. Dab Daad Raeadad V O~ ~ STATE B011RD OF REI1L PROPERTY SERVICES ~ ~ RP-5217 n ~ ~ ar•au a,. xn PROPERTY INFORMATION Pap«tr I I Sound 91ev Avenue I (oadon--~r.Awocn slrcn w.rc I Southold I I I Cm' Tewh w1A« 9m0e a say« I The Doroski Falitily Limited Partnership I I Name iii' , mar ease ~Jen~kins I Robert H. and Joaa S. I ~Alw• rover xfr a. Tr hdwe whelp luulo Tax Bar.. m b faN BNhq 8 aher Men huyfr addrer In hanom of fOrml I wr x.at,mww I w,c ~ xwe I Addrra I I I I I n11YMa ANDfrpar N4lt p1Y et lUw, {iATt xecoot Mub tM «uMar d Afeafnum Z IOrdY S Part d a ParaU Cheli a thq apply: Race pamaw tretul«rad a the deed I ~ a of Perala OR ? Part of a Parcel n PlsnNllp BpeN whh ABdMalan Aldndry Falm a• sad 8B. Subdirtrion Approval ova Rfquirad for Tnnd'w hoparry L.~J X ~ OR L__ . 4 1 1 I ~ Parofl Applw•d Nx s~dhrhdm wNl Mfp Plwdfd sw as.wr I The Doroski Family Limited Partnership I I 'awerraMrArY rear A.ef I I I wrxwe,marwrY oval 7. Cheek Ota box haww wMeh melt aauntMY d•f«m•a tlu ur d 1M pl•parly at the dm• d aYa: Cheek tlN tgrf hdew r they apply. 6 Owrrfldp Type Y CmdplnlNum A Om Family RpldanWl G ABdmhunl 1 Cemmuniry Selvke a Naw CorlWuClien On vaunt faro B 4 «9 Family Raemfndal C«mrretN 1 ~ Induufel t0A ProPertY loetf0 whNn r AprimkuNl Dleria C Reamamwl Vaanl land (i ApermaM K PubOa S•rvka 108. Buyer ratahnd a difdalle notlp InOIMYIq 0 NpIfRrWanOfl Vatrx Land H Em•Nimanl / Amualmnt 1. FwraM MY dlo propnty b m a AOdpdWrfl dwkt SALE INFORMATION 7a Chfell ens «mon d elae• aMlbr r applhahla m ardan fy. s¦w Conaaet oaa I / / I A 5•w Betaa•n RdaMAa « Foml« Rawwr 0•v Yw B Saw Batwwen RM•bd Companwa « Partrlfrf m BuMnm Ono d Ma Buy«f u ahm a Seller 12 Daa d Saw / Trwl« I / / 07 I 1) Buyer «Sa4r'r Oovarllmam ABaray « tandlrq humudon Meer Dy Yw E Oe•d Typo net Wartanry « Baryaln and &M mprtlY 9aklwl F Selo d FrealenY «Laes Mr Fa lntoraM a1waN BflOwl G SfONBeant Cwulpe n Property Batweerl 7aaaWa Suwf and SW Ole 18. FWI Saw Fla I ~ ~ 0 0 0 1 ! ! • H Sale d Buivar Y wdudad m Saw Prim rcull SaM Prize b tla mel amourr paid f« Mf property hxaudinp persmal properly. 1 Oth« UrwMad Faelon Aaegin8 SW Prig ISpeeify BMowd ThY payment may a m the l«m of ®h otMr pleparry « poem, «tlr arumplien of J hwll• m•rtpapae or «her eblgniom.l Ptara rp•W ro tM aarrt whet, dWRu arroua to basses tM yews d puferlfl I ,0 , b . 0 prapfrly hahlded h tM frw • ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dats should roBeet tM fetes[ Final Afssamsnt R011 and Tax Bill to rar d Aaaal,rMa Roe hwm 01 6. 071 rT• real Arr..d vh,. we.e p.laN w a.rwl l 4 3 0 . O I r,hwh klwmetwn Wan 7 7 ! Ta Pnevartr cl.a I ~ U ~-LJ to sel,eel ol.ulu wm. I Southold I Za Tr hlup ldfrttlSarW / R•a roeatelarlal p more the mlv, atwh ahaa vrhh adadaal id•rgBYrlMI 11000-059.00-08.00-006.001 I I 1000-059.00-08.00-006.003 I I I L I CERTIFICATION 1 terlln thM ae d au htma d Itderrllatirar r,derarl m tills form are true nod motet (m the bee d ney knowlnlSe aid 6e1ie11 ad I uodertYOd Out doe mtlaS d ry wmfd File clelmorN d nrwelal Fro 6erda wW MlhJtet tr m dte wotiyllus d ale nerl ww rdali,e b the mfhw8 eM SSoB d hke warunw~ 6UrER BUYER'S ATTORNEY The Doroski Family Limited partnership By The Doroski Corpora~t~/i/on, General Partaer By:~Q,1..dI~,~,~,. esi.dentl 8 //d/07 Heftez 1 Marcia Z. ~ aNer IIetATW 01111 wTNa11P r/al M{,w 38400' 1 County Road 48 631 1369-1700 e:Mrr ausalq fm¢Y xerM was can a1sACOp IWIIaIla xuaea Southold I NY 111971 an u town sun ar mot s~ NEW YORK STATE The Doroski Family Limited Partnership COPY ~y:Ths Dgroe Coxpor tion, General Pa tog YY ~~1ln~lte... Preeldantl 8 ~/a/~7 aeluafxw~ an