HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12519 P 479CONSULT %'WI JR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING TIIkq INSTI)MEN'r -TIllS INSTRUMEh'r HUOI. fLD BE USEU BY LAWYt"RS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made Ihe ~'~ day of August BETWEEN · two-thousand and seven PATRICIA A. SOSNOWSKI residing at 1265 Shipym'd Lane, 'East Marion, NY 11939 BARTON S. ALLEN and MARILYN G. ALLEN, his wife, both residing at 2 Forester Court, Northport, NY 11768 Party of ~'ond ~ WITNESSKTIL thai the iMn). of the fit~t pan. in cno$idendion often dollars nd other ~lunble comidcrutton paid by the pnr~ oftha second p~L ~ hereby I~nl nad telan~ unto the party of the ~.'cond ~ the heirs or s~'eesaors ~nd m~i~ns ortho I:m~' of the sacond ALL that certain plot. pieec or jarccl of 'hnd, with Lha buildifl~ and improvemenls Ihem2o ~cted. simute, lyinS sud being in the To~ of Southold, at Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Shipyard Lane 1,084 feet southerly along said easterly line from the Main Road; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of Shipyard Lane, North 24 de~ees 55 minutes 30 seconds West 100 feet; THENCE Noflh 65 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds 'Fast 167.48 feet; THENCE South 24 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds 'East 100 feet; THENCE South 65 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds West 167.50 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE 'l'ltE same premises conveyed to the grantor herein by deed dated January 17, 2000, recorded February 2, 2000 in Liber 12017 page 936. 'FOGElllER with all rilhk title and interest, if uny. orthe pray of the tim p4m in and to any streets und n~ls eboninn the above de~'tihed I~erniee~ lo the eenler lin~ thc~oR TOGETHER with the appunenuncee md nil the rote nd fighls of tho pn~y oflho pa~ in and W mJd pr~mi~ TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD thc premiss hen.fin I~amed unto the pa~y of the second pn~ the he~ or .v.~:ceesurs sud ~aisns of the pan). of the ee~ond pa~ fo~ver. AND the Muty ofthe nm ~ ~ove~,. that the pnny of the fir~ p~ has not done ur suffered nnythin~ wha~ the said premise~ have ~ enanmhe~'d in any way m'mtever, ex,.'ep~ as nfo~'soJd. AND the p~rt)' of the tim part. in compliance with Secti,m 13 of the Licn I.aw. eovennnls that the pa~y oft~: first IX~ will s~-ee~ve th~ conshtcrution for this cnoveyance ~d will hold the right to rcccive such coflsfdcnltino as a U'ust fund to he applied tim for the purpose of I~,'ing the cost oflhe impmv~n~nt and will apply thc same first lo the payment Ofthe coz of the improvement befo~ usi~ any ~ of thc total of thc same rot any od~r puqmse. Thc wold "pan)"' sJudl be constn~l m if it r~.d -p~ulics' ~hencver the sense of this indantum so requires. IN WITNESS WIIERKOF. thc part)' of the first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year tim above ~Tit~n. [N PRESENCE OF: Pntricia A. So=owski · ' ACKNOV.'LE/X~MRNT IN N~W YORK ~TATEIR~I,3094) ' Sm~ of N~ York, Coun~ of Surfak ~ A~ ~ , 2~ ~ ~, ~ ~mi~, ~ly ~a~ ~u~cin A. ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~d to ~ ~ I~ b~ of~is- ~ Io the within t~m ~ ~ ~ ~ thnl ~ ~ ~ ~ in hi~ ~r i~ivid~(s), ~ ~ ~ u~ ~hnlf of which ~e ~,C,OWU~.UGM ;t~'r OUTSm~ Nw YOaX ~^?; tR:q. State of New York , County of ss.: pa'snoMly nppenred panically known to me or pm~d to me on the h~sis of sa~- thetmy evidence in be ihe individmd(s) ,1men nnme(s) is (n~) subscribed to the within insmiment end ~..knowled~d Io me and that by his/her/thek signotoKts) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the per-~n upon behalf or which the individunl(s) naiad, exeeuled the inslmmem. Nolmy Public Stale of New York, County of Suffolk ss.: On pemoemlly appeared before me. the undersigned persnaeiiy known to me or provnd to mc on thc basis ofsalts- fbeto~, evidence to be the individual(s) whose mmwts) is (are) subscribed to th~ within i~m,.cm m,.d acknowledged to me thnt he/she/they ex~-uted thc same in hisrfler their Cal~ity(J~) and dmt ~' his/her/their siSnalurc(s) on the instflmJent, the indiv~dunlts), or the person upon hehnlf of which the individual(s} ect~d, executed the innmmenC Nolmy I~ublic ACXNOWLEDGkW~MT OUTSIDE NEW YO~K STA~I~ (RPL 3094)) State of , County of u,: On belbm me, the undersigned. pel~,onally lumen to me or proved to me on thc b~is ofntis- rncmry evidenor to he the individual(s} whose me~(s) is (ore) subecfihed to tho within in~mmem and Kknowied~ed to me thnt he/she/llmy execmed the some in hisser thek enpe~ity(ies) and that by hisSer/their 3ignomm(s) no ~ inatmmem, thc IndlvJdunl(s}, or t~e peff. mn Ul~t be~Jror which the individuid(s) m,'ted, executed the instrmm.'m. NoIa~' Public Section: 038.00 Block: 01.00 Lot: 012.000 County or Town: Suffolk/Southold TO: With Covenant A~pfinst Grnntor's Acts Sosnowski TO Allen RETURN BY MAll. Donna Simendingcr, Esq. Goldstein & Garbar, PC 1800 Bcllmore Avenue Bellmore, NY 11710 Number of pages 3 This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers pdor to recording. Deed / Mortgage Instrument 31 Page ! Filing Fee Handling TP-51M Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) Comm. of Ed. Affidavit CerUfled Copy NYS Surcharge Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES 5. 00 ~'~ '-' SubTotal 5.00 15. 00 RECOROE0 2007 lqug 24 11z;56'.56 Sudith Iq. Pascale CLE~ 0F SUFFOLK COUHTV L 000012t519 p 4?9 DT! 07--02591 Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssiC or Spec/Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax ' C~(Z~ ~ Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is o~ will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO. Other ~/3-~ I If NO, see appropriate tax clause on GrandTotal Iqq -- ' ~_ page, ofthisinstrument. I . 4 IDIst. Ioc '0~0 1OO6 03800 O100 612000 '' $'l~ommunltyPreservati~nFund Real Property~ Consideration Amount $ __ __ Tax Senace Agency CPI; Tax Due $ ~ Verification Improved 6 Satisfactions/DischargesJReleases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN T~. Vacant Land X TO Mall to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk ~y Information_._ 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 ~X-~,~ '"T~a'' " www.~uffolkcountyny.gov/derk ".~._'T"~ ~x~, ? _ex ~ ~ This page farms pan of the attached ~ ': made b~) . · .L~. EOFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~I~;L~.~--~,. ~,-.?:~a~ I~Ou~.~'~ Th'e-~remlses herein Is situated In SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In theTOWN of ~a ~.,~,~ ~.~.  In the VILLAGE ~X~ 6 ~ 8 MU~ BE ~ED ~ ~D IN B~CK INK ONLY PRIOR ~ R~ OR FLUNG. (overJ SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE T~pe o£ Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~,~her o~ Pages: 3 ReceXpb ~--her : 07-0079099 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-02591 1000 Deed Amount, aeoorded, LIBER: PAGE= Section: Block= 038.00 01.00 ~]~,IiZI, IE~ AND CHARGED AB FOLLOW8 $240,000.00 08/24/2007 11:36:56 AM D00012519 479 Lot, 012. 000 Received the FollowXng Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/FllXng $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO N~B BRCHG EA-CT~ $5.00 NO EA-BTAT~ TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Cop~e. RPT $30.00 NO Transfer tan $960.00 NO Coan. Pres Fees P&id TRANSFER TAX N~BER: 07-02591 THIB PAGE IB A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS I8 NOT A BILL Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $3,300.00 NO $4,499.OO Jud/th A. Pascals County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM .... INSTRUCTIONS: http~! www.orps.state.nyous or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOnCOUNTYUSEONL¥ '1'"1 ~?.1~ .d~.(~ , I REAJ. PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT cl. Swis CodB ~ I f~A~'A. S'rATE OF Id~W YOBX · RP 5217 ZBut~ , ~ J #ofPlrcell 011 Pl~ofaParml 4A. Ftann~Bo~m.~Subdlvbran,4k,~,,.;,~E,dm 4& ~lxb'~l~. ~wd wet I~qulr 04 [~' Trall~' I 11.~eleConl/I~EIMe J ~ / /~1 1. ..,. ., ..,. , T...,., ~ ~ 0 '7 Day Yeer i ,Oo,o . I ~SSME~ IN~R~N · ~ ~uld r~l~ ~ I~ Frei ~=t ~1 and Tax Bill I SM. of ~1 or, A-., t~ Fee Inter. It [Specify Below) b al Bdin~s b Includ~l In SIll I~H ~. TU Ik Idatlkld I IM kkt~d Of ~-,.~; 11 ira, mh dali wWt Iddltkl Id~Adlkdd) I ~oo -- o3~-ot I I ~LLER NEW YORK STATE COPY