HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12516 P 636 _ _ _/g_/-//' J- WARRANTY DEED WITH FULL COVENANTS tG/3~ (INDIVIDUAL AND CORPORATION) No Consideration FORM 8008 gong version) CAU110N:'m IIS AGNL'L'AtL•'NT SHOULD BE PRE'PARE'D UY AN AITONAEY AND REVIL•'wliD BY ATI'ONNEYS POR SF.I~.ER AND PURCHASER RF.FORE SIGNIA'G. THIS INDENTURE, made the 27's day of December, Two Thousand Six, betwecm ROBERT E. WEBBER and ELEANOR C. WEBBER,NiY9t~t11kas Tenants in Common residing at 480A Fairway Court, Ridge, New York 11961, party of the first part, and CAROLEE LALLY, residing at 35 Chapel Avenue, Brookhaven, New York 11719, as Trustee of the ROBERT E. WEBBER FAMILY TRUST', dated (2/27/06, as to a FIFTY (50%) PERCENT interest ~VQ CAROLEE LALLY, residing at 35 Chapel Avenue. Brookhaven, Ncw York 11719, as Trustee of the ELEANOR C. WCBBCR HAMILY "IRUS'l', dated 1227/06, as to a FII'1'Y (50%) PERCENT interest panyofthesecondpaert;8nts in Common WlTNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration ofTEN and NO/100 (S 10.00) dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, dons hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the parry of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Orient in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at apoint on the southerly lint of Main road (N.Y.S. Route 25) where same is intersected by the easterly line of land now or fomicrly of Joyce Bruton, said point or place of beginning being or formerly of Joyce Burton, said point or place of beginning being 3,277 feet morn or less easterly from the comer fomted by the intersection ol'the southerly line of Main Road with the easterly line of Narrow River Road easterly along the southerly line of Main Road along a curve to the right having a radius of 1877.08 fcet a distanceof67.91 A•tK; _ THENCE South 62'52' 25" Cast still along the southerly lint of Main Road 70.17 feet to land (tow or formerly of Louis Tuthill Estate; THENCE South 3'40' 19" East along last mentioned land, 1282.1 I feet to land now or formerly of Roy Latham; THENCE Norih 86°11' S9" West along last mentioned land, 451.28 feet to land now or formerly oC Lloyd Terry; THENCE North S39' 09" Cast along last mentioned land, 1146.01 ftxt to land now or formerly of Joyce Burton; THENCE South 84"20' S 1" fast along last nicntioncd land, 100 feet; THEA'CE North 10 08' 40" East still along last mentioned land, 183.71 feet to the southerly lint of Main Road at the point or place of BEGINNING. Dist. 1000 Sec. 019.00 Said premises being more commonly known as and by Street No. 32300 Main Road. Blk. OL.00 Orient, Ncw York 11957. Lot 011.001 TOGETHER with all right, title Bnd interest, if any, of the party of the first pan in and to any sttrets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the parry of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the parry of the second part forever. AND the pang of the first part, incompliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the costs of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "psriy" shall be conswed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN fY/TNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this dyed the day and year first above written. /NPRESENCE OF• ROBERT E. WEBBER . ~ ~~ecxs'LGf~~~ ELEANOR C. WEBBER Acknowledgmem by a Person Within Ncw York State (RPL g 309-a) STATE OF NEW YOKK ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the 27° day of December, 2006, before me, the undcnigncd, personally appeared ROBERT E. WEBBER sod ELEANOR C. WEBBER, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose namesarc subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thatthcy executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signature on the instrumrnt, the individuals, or the pcnon upon brhalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. II DENISE tA. RUDDOCK NOTARY FI;ALIC, Sta1a of New York Trrolary Public ro OiRU80a1577 oaaldi^~ in Sulktlr l:ountY ~,()~O Coaunissron cxphaa Oenber 7 Warranty Deed wit/t Fa/l Covenants Matter No.1391Wh SeMioa 019.00 ROBERT is. WEBBER and Block 01.00 ELEANOR C. WEBBER,lIi'~iRktas Tenants Lot 011.001 To in Common County or Town SUFFOLK CAKOLC:f: LALLY,as Trustee of the Street Address 32300 Main Road ROBERT E. WEBBER FAMILY TRUST, dated 12/27/06, Orient, New York 11957 as to a FIFTY (50%) PEKCIiNT interest t1~Q CAROLEE LALLY, as Trustee of the ELEANOR C. WEBBER FAMILY TRUST, dated 12/27/06, as to a F[FTY (504/0) PERCENT interest as Tenants in Common Return B Mail To: Frank i.. Buquicchia, Esq. Vincent J. Rttsso & Associates, P.C. 37401ixpressway Ihive South Islandi Ncw York 11749 Reserve This S see Fur Use Of Recordin Office • . Pfrpsa be adnltaed t/tir docament wl/1 be pubttc Heard Raaaovt Soda/ Secartty Nanaber(s) prior to ncorditrg. 1 2 RECORDED 2007 suer vb Io:13:32 an Numbs of pegs ~ Judith R. Pascale TORRENS CLERIC OF • SIFFOLK COUNTY Serial N L 1)00012516 P fiJb Certificaoa N DTM 07-00455 Prior Ctf. ~ Dad /Mortgage Instnttneot Deed / Mortgage Tu Stamp Reootd'mg•/ Filing Stamlq 3 Fps Page /Filing Fee J M - Iia::dling 5. 00 1. Banc Tax - • • 2 Additional Tu _ TP-584 ' • ~ Sub Total _ Notation SpceJAsaa. - ~ EA-5117 (County) Sub Taal Spy /Add - EA-5217 (S TOT. MTG. TAX - Dual Town _ Duel County _ R.P.T.S.A. ~ _ Held forAppoiatttten , Comm. of Ed. S. 00 7 ~ TiwferTax Affidavit • . Manaioa 75uc - Certified Cop ~ _ The ptopeny coveted by this mortgage u or wiB be iatpoved by a one a twro I5. 00 ~ family dwelling ody. • Sub Totes yFS oa• NO . Other _ Cuand ToW ~ ~ Tf NO, sa appropriate tea chase on • page * of utatc::meno 6 4 17est. 07023376 loo0 01900 0100 011005 5 Community Presetroation 1P1tad T 1000 01900 0100 011006 Beat Ptop~ p S Consideration Amount $ Tax Service R Bgl A AS~y CPF Tax lhte S Verification . fatprov~ . ' Vacant Laad• 6 5atiafaaionalDiar]urgealRdeaaa List 1'topetty Owoaa Mailing Addteaa 1tECORD do BEIVRN TO: 'ID . • ~ ' ' vncent J. Russo 8~ Associates 3740 Expressway Drive TD Islandla, NY 11749-5014 7 Title Com an Intormatioa o. Name • Title • ~ . g Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e. This page forms pan of the attaehed ~ tmde (St'~C7FY TYPB OF INSTRUMffiPI) ` The pnYOiaea herein is situated in F~~Cas l"~ ~Z(~ SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEWrYOR1C TO in the 7bwnalup of ~.•rr.LiL~ t1 0 Tn the VQ,I.AGE ' (.k'74/yri'~ -.r f i~~1St+t Or HAMLI:I' of _ p~,LT"' . BOXES 6 THItU 8 MUST BB TYPED OR"PRB~TI'F~ IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORp1NG OR FII.WG. fe:verl 1111111 1111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII 11!11 1111 lilt 1111 111111 IIIII IIIII IIII IIII SiTFFOLK COIINTY CLERK it RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE i Type of Iastrumeat: DEED3/DDD Recorded: 08/06/2007 ~ Number of Pagees 3 At: 10:13:32 AN Receipt Number : 07-0071753 TRANSFER TAX NII~ER: 07-00455 LIBER: D00012516 PAGE: 636 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 019.00 01.00 011.006 88ANINSD AND CBARQED AS FOLLO~iS Deed Amouat: $0.00 Received the Follovrlag Feee For Above Iastrument 8xempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Sandliag $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NYS 8RCH0 $15.00 NO 8A-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $50.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Prea $0.00 NO ~ Feee Paid $174.00 TRANSFER TAX NQlYIDBR: 07-00955 ~ THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRDMSN'P THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clark, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http9/ www.orps.Btate.ny.us or PHONE (618) 473-7222 ~ ' FOR COUNTY USE ONLY p / ~ Coda j '1 1~ 3 ~,O Iq I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT BTAT! OF FEW YORK a. Oam Drd Raeordsd ~ STATE BOARD OF RFJLL PROP[R,Y BBIVICr$ enl av 1 Boon I (o~ P.~. ~ n~ n, . ~ ~ RP - 5217. . aF-0717 M PROPERTY INFORMATION ~j~ ^D t. I1apwp V I -ILt 1~ ,1~ l,ortlon ~ enaer uAw / r ~ L a?aor z Bay. L ~ aS ~ Fbasa uwr awe r rasr aw I L~~1u ~ 7 J~~ rr 7i.,~oiY~T~vs Qst yoi A Tr Makar wMra mbza Tr &V. ao m d ~ ~I 7/ds~j ~ r dip Aadla uwlew~aaewm Yt baoom dblml l_~/~6~ /1 ~dl G~IP~Q?~ I I ~~k0 A FAirw~,U Coi,~~ I ~dA~ i N~I //96/J nYrMIlwaAw s7lsrrMl! r OM1q~Yn RA S? ~ ladirr Ola nualhar d Aawrrd I 11 WNp B hrt d a Paldl fJrela r tlrP zpYr RM preW traldanad on,Iw drd a d ParaNa OR ? 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Fomt WtlM popwlyllnr ABrlaWld Gddct SALE INFORMATION ,L f,laea arw «msn d thw aaadEma r appraebY m tr~rFFr: BW Calltrad Dda I / / I A 6aN Babrrll RW Wr «Fomar RMsWaa Faew ~3i4w R Sao Bdaaen RNWd ConlPamee «Prlnaa M Bueblra / C one d Ms Buyon Y abo a SeB« ,2 D.m d sd. / Tralld« I / ~ 7 / ~6 I U Bay« «Bdhr 4 Oovanan.nl ABerwy «LsndinB Matladon train DAY rM 1: Dead Typo nd WmarYy «Beryeln aM SaM lSpadN Bdowl P SW d FrarJlorW «Lra Men Fr Mmrrt ISpotlfy Below) C SIBrdBrnt Gwllpa In Propaay 8d7rrn Tesabla 8ralla and SeN Oaa 77. fLr 8aA hlaa ~ B ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ e H Sak d BuaMw M Irldlldad M SW frke Q7i SW bids We tool emoum pahl 1« Me property IndwYrp penmal property, 1 Odwr Unrud Faeran ARMbq Sale Pyka IBpealry Bebwl Thb prymed may G M dw lam, d rash. abler properly «paade, «tM aeeumptlon d ~ J m«Ippr «atlwr obpprti«la.l Piaea round ro Me wnsr wball da1W IrrrounG Q ,4. bldlsati 1M wir d perrl I . D, 0 ~ O I ' plaprlyr MWdd M Ma..r e ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -Data should rafbct the 4trt Flnal Awrmsnt Rotl and Taz Bill M Yrr d Afaarawnt Roy karrl ~ J ,7. Toml Arwad Vdw (d W parry M 4«Wer1 D~ whW Ydarrrrallen ratan • u Frop.,y aw I~. I.01-LJ ,a Bdrod Dlmlat New m. rr Map Fdedwartal J Rdl ManWiarle) Ir Irwra Srn m«. anarL ahw w(tl1 addiBrd bbwlf6rldl ~G~.oo -oi. a o - o~ Oa ~I ~i ~I CERTIFICATN)N 1 aMr~ tbal W d Ole Ysae d IdrmaSr tvtead ao thtr Arr are tree and azraat Im tlu bed d tar bpmtkdps and belbll sad F nodendaod tlld dle mabmK d say ward hNe ataorler d er.Arlal Act hvela .V rgktF w m lbe i~tr~li~~ rWise m tle makloK sad BSoB d AYe laorweds. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY da-c~~~i z Imo, I a V s ?n 7~ a~xd ~ssc~. aaw7ue ,'.o N l ~ E"C(th~ w7~~ rwar a,aa BB.r..rawaal miner awe arlea awp wnemt ,nnrgat sears ~Pl~~i N~i ll~/~ anr,own au a.cox RFI I FY NEW YORK STATE ~ COPY f~~i /L/17~oG aauaaaa.lur ~ wn