HomeMy WebLinkAboutGriffing Street Parking Facility ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 236 OF 2005 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON APRIL 26, 2005: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby approves Chanl!e Order No.2 and authorizes and directs Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to execute said Chanl!e Order in the amount of $20,000.00, to cover additional costs and work performed by Terry Contracting and Materials, Inc. on the Griffing Street Parking Facility in Cutchogue, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. pg~.J8.lC7.2;k...li.. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk LI[i\\i\ 437 South Country Road. Brookhaven. New York. 11719 L. K. McLean Associates, P. C. RECEivED CONSULTING ENGINEERS (631)286-8668. FAX (631)286-6314 ilPF, 2 2005 Associates EUGENE F. DALY, P.E., P,T.OE™, PRESIDENT and CEO RAYMOND G. DiBIASE. PE, P.T.GE™, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT JOSEPH F. CLINE, P.E., VICE PRESIDENT ROY R. FULKERSON, P.L.S" VICE PRESIDENT ALBERT T. DAWSON. PE. VICE PRESIDENT Soulhold Town Clerk CHRISTOPHER F. DWYER JAMES L DeKONING, P.E ROBERT A. STEELE, P.E James Richter, Southold Town Engineer Town of South old 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 April 8, 2005 Re: Town of South old - Griffing Street Parking Facility & Improvements Change Order No.2 for Additional Work Performed by Contractor LKMA No. 03-053 Dear Mr. Richter: Enclosed herewith is a draft of Proposed Change Order No.2 and attached correspondence from our office dated February 22, 2005 (see attached) for the above referenced project. The Change Order will result in an increase in the total amount ofthe contract as follows: Original Contract Amount: Change Order No.1: Change Order No.2: Revised Contract Amount $ 159,000.00 $ 8,975.00 (approved by TBR on 11/18/03) $ 20,000.00 $ 187,975.00 The additional cost of the project was based upon an agreement made between the Town of Southold and Terry Contracting & Materials, Inc. after a review of the proposed work (contract drawings) and the actual work performed (as-built). Attached you will find a copy of the above referenced letter from our office that summarizes the meeting held on February 16,2005. The additional work will result in an added extended cost of $20,000.00 to the Contract. By copy of this letter, we are transmitting to the Southold Town Clerk's Office, a copy of the Change Order No.2 draft for processing by that office and/or any other involved departments. If there are any questions regarding this Change Order, please do not hesitate in contacting this office. Very truly yours, CFD:cfd Enc. (I) cc: Southold Town Board w/enc. ~. .II.eth NClVille, Southold Town Clerk w/enc. James McMahon, Department of Public Works w/enc. Robert Terry, Terry Contracting & Materials, w/enc. ,-{C.""A ~/c. CoIJ ../E;..... ~f~ Christopher F. Dwyer Associate Change Order 2- Terry Page I of3 . Founded in 1950. LI[i\\j\ L. K. McLean Associates, P.e. CHANGE ORDER NO.2, CONTRACT ENTERED INTO BY TERRY CONTRACTING & MATERIALS, INC., CONTRACTOR, AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, OWNER, ON THE 27TH DAY OF MAY, 2003. THE CONTRACT KNOWN AS THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT & RECONSTRUCTION OF GRIFFING STREET", ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE CONTRACTOR AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ON THE 27TH DAY OF May, 2003 IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ADDED, DELETED, CHANGED WORK. IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED BY THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. THIS IS APPROVED BY THE CONSULTING ENGINEER (IF APPLICABLE) AND THE DEPARTMENT OF LAW OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IS AUTHORIZED TO APPROVE THIS CHANGE ORDER FOR LEGAL SUFFICIENCY IN ACCORDANCE WITH A RESOLUTION ADOPTED AND APPROVED BY SAID TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ON THE DAY OF 200 . Original Contract Amount: Change Order No.1: Change Order No.2: Revised Contract Amount $ 159,000.00 $ 8,975.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 187,975.00 The amendments to the subject contract involved herein have been made in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions ofthe contract and the Contract Agreement itself. Change Order 2- Terry Page 2 of3 LI[j\\j\ L. K. McLean Associates, P.c. CHANGE ORDER NO.2, CONTRACT ENTERED INTO BY TERRY CONTRACTING & MATERIALS, INC., CONTRACTOR, AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, OWNER, ON THE 27TH DAY OF MAY, 2003. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE HAVE HEREUNTO SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: Robert Terry, Owner of Terry Contracting Dated: Supervisor and/or Deputy Supervisor Dated: ~> r: ~'Pr/ L.K. McL an Associates, P. . Consulting Engineers Dated: ~ Y, 2dd~ / Town Attorney Approval as to Legal Sufficiency Only Dated: Change Order 2. Terry Page 3 of 3 Llt!\\!\ f. Md. ('(iii IssociftfeS, /" ( . ,L'::i ~;(l\lth C'>1I1llrv t,lCl!.l ~ hr' ,'_"e, ,,, 1 li7 J \, ;; J' :--<i '1 T! :'; r:'IGJr':~_ i'I"- i! ',I 1 ) :2i::('-0iJ('~; <) {~, i', _:; ; i.::.. EUGENE F. D.t..Li, F,E:" P,10.E'-", ;:,,;,j C,c r RAYMOND G DiBIASE, PE, P TCJE E/ECUTI\iE Vli:::i: Pi~E_SI[JENT JOSEPH F. CLINE, PE, VICE ?RESIDE~n ROY R FUl.KERSON, PLS, VV'::E PF;ESJDErrf P.LBERT T. DAWSON, PE, Vi(;E PRb:;!fJE!'iT AssQ9at:ti? CHRISTOPHER F. mVYH, JAMES L DeKONING P.E ROBERT A STEELE, P,E February 22,2005 Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Atl: Joshua Y. Horton, Supervisor [l COpy Re: Town of Southold: Griffing Street Parking Facility Summary of Post Construction Meeting between Town & Terry Contracting LKMA Project #: 03-053 Dear Supervisor Horton: On February 16, 2005 our office attended a meeting held with Robert Terry of Terry Contracting & Materials, James Richter, James McMahon, Councilman John Romanelli and Councilman Tom Wickham to discuss the status of the above referenced Town project. As you are aware, the Town publicly bid the construction of a municipal parking lot (lease agreement with Albert Terp) with Terry Contracting & Materials based upon bid documents prepared by James Richter's office. Before any construction activities started the Town requested a proposal from our office to perform construction layout activities and conduct cursory inspection services. The layout involved changes made by the Town's Duly Authorized Representative for the purpose of decreasing the amount of construction required and facilitating large vehicles that often frequent the commercial businesses. Issue #1 : Additional Work versus Modifications made bv the Town - Cost Analvsis While the proposed changes offered in the beginning of the project were intended to balance the cost of the lump sum project, the reversal of some changes made late in the construction project (originally intended to counter some of the additional work) resulted in a net cost to the Town. The Contractor did not execute the any of the modifications without verbal authorization from the Town Duly Authorized Representative. Most of the changes such as (1) replacement of existing curb with new concrete curb, (2) replacement of existing cracked sidewalk with new reinforced concrete sidewalk and (3) additional drainage structures to promote adequate stormwater management resulted in a better finished product than originally proposed. Other changes such as (I) decreasing the buffer between the parking area and property boundary and (2) replacement of a pedestrian walh:way (behind the Post Office) with additional parking area resulted in a slightly compromised area for site lighting and a dedicated walkway for residents parking in the most nOliherly parking stalls. Nonetheless, by the near-end of the project, the amount of additions outnumbered the amount of deductions from a pure construction analysis made by our office. After reviewing the various items of construction, the original lump-sum bid price by Terry Contracting was approximately 20 to 25 percent lower than most average bid prices received by other municipalities involving projects similar in . Founded ill 1950 . -,- . LI[i\\i\ , , l A, /11{ .f I'li j'; i, 'I' ,0 ;" 1", - t-. (-' _ -j' <, .,.l 't 1-; _, l ~ . ' ... nature, In order to determine the subtractions (credits to Town) versus the additions (cost to the Town) the Contractor submitted a cost summary based upon unit pricing for each item of construction affected by the Town Authorized modifications. Based upon the below average lump-sum bid pl1ce received by the Town by the Contractor, the projected unit costs for each item were consistently below most average unit pricing involving municipal work (prevailing wage rate, insurances, bonding). Therefore, while the post construction cost sunllnary prepared by Terry Contracting yielded a total additional cost of $56,140.84 the meeting resulted in an agreed additional cost of $20,000 above the contract amount. Issue #2: Site Lil!htiul! Modifications In order to resolve the various requests by the Town, it was agreed that the Contractor shall install four (4) of the Magniflood Country Club light fixtures within the leased parcel area to illuminate the parking area while installing two (2) of the Penn-Globe Nantucket Style light fixtures along the bus stop area on Route 25 and the other to be installed at the parking field exit on the Town right-of-way. The third Penn-Globe fixture as referred to in an earlier correspondence from our office was eliminated due to property ownership issues. The two (2) additional Magniflood light fixtures purchased by the Contractor (upon their earlier request) are to be swapped by the Town with two (2) of the Penn-Globe fixtures at nO additional cost to the Town. The Contractor promised that all site lighting would be complete four to five weeks from the date of the meeting, Issue #3: Post Construction Maintenance bv Contractor. Towards the conclusion of ):he meeting some post-construction maintenance items were discussed between the Town and the Contractor. Specifically, the areas around some of the drainage castings where complete yielding of the asphalt pavement has occurred, are to be sawcut, recompacted and replaced with new asphalt pavement. The areas behind the curbing along the north and east property boundary are to be fine-graded and seeded once all site lighting is installed. The vertical supports along the CCA-wooden dumpster enclosure shall be cut to a uniform height. Any concrete surfaces where excessive and premature cracking has taken place shall be repaired with a non-shrink hydraulic cement material. Any areas around the drainage flush inlets where stormwater drainage is deterred by local high areas shall be resolved by the Contractor. Our office is hopeful that all items discussed at this meeting will result in the substantial completion of all construction activity by the Contractor. If you should have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact our office immediately. Sincerely yours, ~~kr~ Christopher F. Dwyer CFD:cfd Cc: John M. Romanelli, Councilman w/Photo Log Thomas Wickham, Councilman wlPhoto Log James Richter, Town Engineer wlPhoto Log Robert Terry, Terry Contracting & Materials wlPhoto Log JoKMA,File wLPhoto Log