HomeMy WebLinkAboutHowell, Edith M Feburary 6, 1970 Miss Edith M. Howell 615' B. Main St Riverhead, N.Y. Dear Miss Howell; Enclosed .dN'.3e find a copy of the Planning Board's letter to you, dated Dec 9, 1969. On the reverse sln~ of this letter I have drawn a sketch of the lot which they hnve approved. Yours truly ~ I' 1"". \ \.i ~ ~F';" 1"'1 Building Inspector --.-- December 9, 1969 Edith M. Howell 615 E. Main Street Riverhead, New York Dear Miss Howe11, The Planning Board revdewed your proposal to sell off a building lot on the southerly part of your lot at Pine Neck Road and North Road to Bayview, Southo1d, New York. The Planning Board recommends that if you sell off the lot on west side of North Road to Bayview, that the lot should have a frontage of at least 150 feet and that the northerly line be on an angle from the present jog in your westerly line to said point 150 feet north of the southerly line on west side of the road. Giving the lot a size of 150 ft. on the road, 150 ft. on south line, 100 ft. on west line and 160t ft. on north line. Yours truly, l-/ ' /~,/.'..i:,/! '''>'ii John wickham, Chairman Southo1d Town Planning Board JWlbn -.. " October 16, 1969 Edith M. Howell 61~ E. Main at Riverhead, N.Y. Dear Miss Hatelll Your letter of Oct 14th received. I aa returning your original survey as I Have made photocopies of it. There will be no objection to selling a lot off the southerly end of this parcel as long as it is at least 100 feet or more wide on North Road to Bayv1ew and a full 150 feet deep - as far as the Building Department is concerned. I will have a copy of the survey submitted to the Planning Board at their next meeting, Nov. 18th for their anproval. Yours truly Ic / _------:-r i\/~)Jr ( t- o \~~1~d~~g\ Ins~~ctor I -.L.--:4- ---------- . ~ . ' . I . ~ ~ .. .~ ~ ... i~ ~ \I -t: ') --_..--~-- -...._._--~..- .-.- -.. -.-. . , .~_...._-_._.._--_...- ..:~. ----:. ~ ct; .. 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