HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrathwohl -:==-- ."-',,' , -.-: '." ~ ~ .w . AUgust 1, 1960 Robert Dart, Esq. C1l~ch09Ue, rr_ Yon Dear Mr. Dart. !.'his is to advise that the Southoll! 'l'own Planning Board h.. recOIIQaended to the loutho14 '1'own !oar4 that the highwaY' layout of George P. Grathwohl at rr_ 8uffolk, -- Yon, be approve4 a. lIhown on map of -Proposed BLP-re to be ICJlQwn as Pred Stree1t and Pbher Road at rr_ 'uflolk, rr_ Yon. - lu"ey by Otto W. Van '1'I2yl " Ion, dated JulY' 13, 1960. In accordance with the Rules for Bl,hway lpecl- 11c:atXlns of the '1'oWn of louthold, I lIIIl return in, - herewith one copy of the abov.ent1onedsurvey. Very truly yours, John WlcJch.., Chall'1l1lft Southold '1'oWn 'lannin, Boa%4 /Jb . . AUllWlt 1, 1960 8outh01d 1'O'WD .loud 8OUthOld, N'ew 1'o%ic Ora JIot.1.on of Mr. llnkelbaCh, seconded by "fr. M0111a, and Qnled, it 'WIts Gentlemen: '"'" '" to <ort.t..,. ..... ... toll..",. ...... ... ..... by .... .......,. - 'lona1og. ..... .. · __'.. -.... """. '.. ,,,., RESOLVED that the Planning Bo&rd r.C',~ ..end to the !'own ..... ..... .... >1_. to..... 0' ...... '. ........, .. _ ....ton.. Sew ""'. he -.... _ "" .... 0' "_.. "'-.. to he -. .. .... ...... ... ....... .... .. _ "''''n.. s.. '0"'.' a..... by otto S. ... ...... . _. ..... "'-11' 13, 1960. Vote 0' ... ......"'. a_.. ....._ ....~... lie.... Hr. Grebe, Hr. YOWlg, anct Mr. vnkelbach. .... "-....... 1. .... '" '''''''_ 81" .......... Olle of the 1'0~ ot SoUthOld Highway SpeC:lt'lcet.tons. Copy ot' the survey deted July 13, 1960 attaChed. Respec:t~lly .~ltt.cI, /Jb John 'U"'\'\.., Chell'1lllln SoUthold Tow.n Planning .cercl . . New Suffolk, New York July 21, 1960 Southold Town Planning Board Southold, New York Dear Sirs: On the basis of your letter of February 3, 1960, to me, grant- ing tentative permission to clear and grade a proposed road at New Suffolk running easterly from Grathwohl Road approximately 345 feet and northerly toward an unnamed road approximately 760 feet, I have gone ahead with this project. pursuant to the first paragraph of Town of Southold Highway Specifications, effective as of June 1, 1956, I now file with you herewith three (3) prints of the proposed layouts of two (2) highways at New Suffolk which I and my wife desire to dedicate to the Town for highway purposes, said highways being shown as "Fisher Road" and "Fred Street". "Fisher Road" is the one running easterly from Grathwohl Road and "Fred Street" is the one running northerly from the end thereof approximately 760 feet. It is respectfully requested that the Planning Board approve these layouts and take such other action as may be necessary in the premises. Respectfully yours, ~. ~/;:. ;Zv~9-€. V~, --t~ George F. rat~~ 6 tt J'ebrU&l'1' 3, 1960 Mr. Georle F. Grathwohl .ev surf'olk, Wev York Dear Mr. Grathvohll This 1s to confirm the action taken b7 the Southold 'lown PhY'l'Iil'll Board at their ..eUnl on J'ebrua1'7 1, 19601 !be Plannlnc Board ,rants you tentative pe1'lli..lon to clear and ,rade propo.ed road runn1n& eaaterly .fro. Grathwohl Road approximately 3\t.1 tt.1, the northerly toward un-naaed private road approx1aate17 100 tt., on YOlU' prop- erty on the easterly aide ot Grathvohl Road! Rev surf'olk, Rev York, as shown on Prellllinary Plan f'or o.Ol'le F. and Bble Grathvohl.111-v Suttolk, lIev York dated July 2;, 19~ by Otto W. Van TUT1 a Son. Ve1'7 truly yours, John Wickham, Chairaan Southold Town Planning Board I,b CCI Robert Dart,Esq. . . -1--'- (0 N i I ( : l f- . 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