HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/21/1943
May 21~ 1943
John Caffrey, Huntington
otto An~lg, Southold
Nugent George, Riverhead
Har~y Messinger, East Northport
George Gorke Babylon
Adolf Leipold. Lindenhurst
Terr.y R. Tuthill. Mattituck
John Evans, Northern Brookhaven,
A. A. Gordon, East Northport
H. H. Worssam, West Islip
John Farr, Southampton
Minutes of meeting of April 28, 1943, with one correction,
were read and approved.
Correction reading as follows: "The Sheriff will provide a
trophy, or trophies, to be awarded totherifle~arksman in each
town. having the highest score in a series of rifle competitions t8
be conducted under National Rifle A3SC~iRticn rules, Owing to
limitations of r.~nge space, these competitions are to.be conducted
on ranges of twenty-five ya~ds with NRA standard targets. ten shots
prone, ten shots standing. It is in~ended to develop these competi-
ti$ns 1n the future to four-position matches, inter-unit) county-
wide lOO-yard range competitions. Also pistol matches are to be in~
du1ged in under the same rules., Each Division Commander should
secure necessary rule books from NRA in order to conduct these mat~
ches in accordance therewith."
* * * * * * *
The Sheriff reported that owing to regulations now 1n effect
governing payment of compensation to Civilian Defense Workers, after
numerousoonferenoes with the heads of OCD, it is deemed that the
most expedient oourse is to classify all Minute Men as Aux~liary
police with OCD. The Minute Men sQc1assified to be assigned to
the Sheriff as his force, no change being contemplated in actual
duties 'orstetus. ~fter thorough discussion the consensus of opinion
was that this should be done. All injuries to personnel to be re-
ported directly to OCD, which will be reported later to the Sheriff.
The Sheriff produced and distributed complete lists of all
deputies in several townships to be edited and corrected by Divisi~n
Commanders as to Minute Men personnel and returned to the Sheriff as
soon as possible.
\ The Sheriff," hav.1ng been unable to receive a replY.,fromeithe:,:,
the salesman or manufacturer from whom brassards were ordered, will
take up with other manufacturers this matter in an endeavor to secur~
same. After thorough discussion it was decided to omit t~e name 01
the Township from such brassard as are secured,
,,' , ~:-
- 2 -
The Sheriff reported that the County Radio is now completely
inst~lled and working very nicely. There will be, for the purpose
of comparison tests, alerting of all towns by this means for black-
out purposes in the near future. It will be assumed that all tele-
phonee in Control Centers have been put out of order, this to be an
alternate emergency measure to test effectiveness. Thorough dis-
cussion was had as to placing of radio cars, means of local communi-
cation and other details,. Each Division Commander is requested to
take such steps as will best serve the needs of his locality in
covering necessary points in as short a time as possible and as ef-
ficiently as possible.
Owing to difficulties involved, the Sheriff, after having
communicated with proper authorities, reported that securing cap-
tured arms and ammunition from enemy groups by our armed forces, as
well as securing army-issue shoes, will be impossible of acoomplish-
mentat this time.
The Sheriff is still endeavoring to secure, through W.P.B.,
ammunition for the Minute Men, tha latest step being to order same
directly from N.R.A. This matter will be taken up with the Sheriff's
Association of New York State in order to iron out present techni-
calities with W.P.B.
Division Commander Farr brought up the question as to members
answering alerts being armed. After discussion it was decided that
this should be left to the discretion of individual Division Com-
Vice-Commander Evans read his report of a flare incident at
Cedar Beach, which was discussed with a great deal of interest.
Discussion was also had as to debris found on beaches and reported.
The Sheriff reported that he had not received an answer to
his letter to the Ration Board of South Brookhaven relative to gas
allowance for each group being issued to the Division Commander in
charge and he being held responsible for same. Several Division
Commanders reported having received coupon books through their local
Boards. 'This matter to be pursued to as satisfactory conclusion as
Mr. Messinger reported that old style World War No.1 steel
helmets are available at Modell's in New York City in quantity lots
at $2.75 each.
Thorough discussion was had as to publicity for the various
groups, as well as group photographs. No conclusion reached.
No further business being in order, a motion to adjourn was
made and carried, to meet at the call of the Sheriff.
.. . .. '"
I present herewith the following rules and conditions to
govern in rifle matcheE sponsored by the Sherif.f's Office.
The l'ange shall be 25-yalods in ler;gtb outnooZ's.
open to the elements. not shielded by hills or other
ot'star:les from the wind.
1heJ0 shall be caliber .22
sj.gh ta. :.10 cales':;(Ipes allowed 0
2,er pull of not less 'chan three
Rim fire, with iron
They shall have a trig-
Any .22 Rim fire.
Twenty minutes shell be allowed fer ten shots p~ome,
ten shots standio", in"luCini all foulini:) and sighting..
in taroet while shooting pro.e, together with his record
target; record taroet to be regulation five-bull N.R.A.
F~ch Division Commander will supervise and enforce
these conditions, being present at the firinb and will,
with such assistants as he may choose, score all targets
for transmissIon to the Sheriff for checking and grading.
~rgets to be scored under N.R.A. rules and regulations.
Starting on Sunday, June 20th, record firing will
commence and be concluded within that week, June 20th
to June 26th inclusive. The Division Commander will
designate the firing of record targets before the fir-
ing and that target to stand as the member's score..
Should all members desiring to fire not be able to fire
record target during that week the Division Commander
will assign another date for such members.
After submission of scores and targets of all mem-
bers firin~ during that week, another week will be de-
signated for further firing, three fir1nbs in all t.o
be condu~ted end concluded before ~he awarding of
trophies to tbe hiC!,h marksman in eech town"
Respectfully submitted
William C. McCollom
Sheriff, Suffolk County