HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/1943 ..:- . SWC:,,-159 0',1' ."'JLY. COliNTY Vi,,:! CO,n'CI!.. Office of ~he U~re~tc= cf ~ivilian Protection Griffing llV2nt..e River:18ud, New York April 8, 1943 TO "LL JUSTICES OF THE PEaCE aND POLICE JUDGES OF THt!; COUNTY OF SUF:?OLK: Attention is respectfully called to Chapter 171 of the Laws of 1943 re~ently enacted, which amends the New Ycrk State War Emergency Act generally. Among the changes made in the nev; law are the fol- lowing: 1. S~bdivision D of Section 100, which defines the term "infraction" no';\' r.:;)ac.s as foJ.lows: (d) "Infl'action" shall mean a violation of any law or duly p!"oJ)'llga tee: rule, regula tioh or order (where a penel ty or atl"er pUili.:;h.rlwnt is pl'escribed by this act and) (1) which is expressly declared to be an infraction by this act, or (2) WIden is not expressly declared by this act to be e:!th':;)r a I:'lisdtJl.'leanor or an infraction but where a penalty 0:' ether runi.sh.:nent is prescrihed by this act. An inf:-:-ac- t~on ~s nCe a criI:'l€ ana the peralty or punishment imposed tLer.dcr ::.:hall not te c.ee::led for ::.ny pt:rp.)s€ a penal or c1imin,,1 pen:ll ty.)r pur.is:-unent, ana 3:'1<:.11 not impose any dl.?abUi t:,r upnr. 01' affect or ilUpa:.r the e=edibili ty as a l~itr.G~s, ur otherwise, of any per30n ~Qnvieted ther.eof. For thE:> purposE:> of eonferl'ir.g ~<l'['isdiction upon courts and jltdicial officers gencrallJ(, ;mbj 8t:t to the pl'ovisions of section one huudred cne-a of this :let, fueh iru:'raetions shell be deemed misdemeanors "-lid 1''''r' %.ch purpose onl:' all provisions of law relating to wi3d8me~ncrs snaIl apply to infractions. 2. SuhQivi~ion one of Section 101 is amended by deleting the worns "ur COl'po:c&.tion" from the subdivision, 3. Se~tion 103 i!'l emended by adding a hew subdivision called subdivi.sion six, '''Ul~.ch read." a!'l follows: 6. Any person who shall wilfully violate or disobey any promulgatod rule, regulation or o"der, for which a person iz n0t declared to be guilty of e:.th3r a misdemeanor or an ir..fraction Ll any of tte lJre::ec~in..i ~ube.ivisioIlS of this !lGction, Clr ':JY or ru:rsl,;,an'.; to €,ny ot:tel' p:'ov is:.on of ttis act, shall be ~uilty of an infl'ac:icil, " - SWC:A-.15'9 -.2- 4, A new section, Section lOl-~, is added, which reads as follows: 101-a. Jurisdiction of courts concerning violations. Courts of speci...l sessions outside the city of New York and city magistrates' courts in the city of New York, in the fi::'st i~,.st3.nce, shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hea::' a~d deter~1r-e charges of violations constituting mis- demeanors or infractions under this act or under any rule, regulation or order duly promulgated pursuant to this act, committed within the territorial ju::'isdiction of such courts. Such exclusive jurisdiction in the case of ~isdemeanors ehall be subject to removal to ~not~er court or to divest- ment on accoent of indic'vment or ot:lE'rwise in the samE. manner and 'co the same exte"lt as is now or Ulay hereafter be p:'ovj.ded by law w:. tho I'espect to charges of misde.aeanors gene:::-aL'.y in such respective c01lrts, 5. A new section, Scction 104-a, is added, which reads as follows: 104-a. powers of me~be~s of mu~iciDcl and volunteer agen- cies to 0.et".in ~'('r i.1,fr;.tctions. An:'! pe:'scn \.ho is a meill- bel' Of a m~n1cippl or volunt0er agency, jn the course of his auty as SUCh ani wh1~e ~~erl~g 0: difplaying a dis- tin~ui3h:.ng bras~ard or other ill~ig~le 1r~icbtive of &uthori tJ', oay s':op and r'.et".1n any p",rsol". 0'1 account of an ::'nfr~cti'Jn cocmittEd ]:'y :3uch per;or 1r\ t"le presence of SUC:l mc!;)ber, and lDal f:)r:hw:'.. tl: tt'.rr. him over to a peace officer .\ho lDay arrJl't h::'m -.vi.t.hO\.:t a v<,arrant on the cr.arge of committingi;he violation cu:situttr.g the ir;fractior.. 6. The War Emergenc:r Act) includi ng all of the foregoing pro- visions is in force and effece only u~t.il ~trll 1st, 1144. Courts of Special Sessions, which inclv.de all of the Justices of the Peace Courts ane. Police Judge Courts of this County. nov! possess jurisd~ction to hear and deteroin3 violations constituting 'Ili:;de>nee.nu!'s ~nd lnfractions ur;de.:' the ac'.;. This jurisdiction will cOi'.tinue in th", C;unr,ts only until July 1st, 1944, unless the pro- V1fio~s of the War Emergency Act are continued thereafter by some fU-:'urJ leg;islatLm.. Respectfully submitted, FR".:D J. MlTNDFR 1--0'" "'1 ,m m 'C" ""'Y O~ J.)t.l:' \"T R...l...l. l.\.i.\L.J J.' f,~T?I.'DL.tC. c..C:JHffY FLOYD D. HOUSTOn, DIPECT0P CIVILIAN PROTECTION Icw