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555 Fifth Avenue,
New York, New York
January 27, 1943
1. Amusement - Driving for amusement or recreation prohibited. No exception may be
made for persons under physical disability seeking diversion or
2. Apartment Hunting - Driving to find an apartment or home permitted where change
of residence is essential and public transportation is not adequate.
5. Automobile Repairs and Service - Permitted to drive car to nearest station or one
customarily used in the past.
4. Benefits - Driving prohibited to benefit social affairs of any kind.
5. Business - Driving permitted to carry on an occupation, profession or business.
As a patriotic measure, however, should be avoided where public
transportation is adequate.
6. Cemetery Visits - Permitted to visit graves of relatives only if public
transportation is inadequate.
7. Church
- Driving permitted only if public transportation is inadequate.
8. Confirmations - Driving permitted only if public transportation is inadequate.
9. Construction and Repair Work - Repeated trips for purpose of construction or
repair work on any property not permitted, unless in pursuit of
regular gainful occupation.
10. Court travel - Driving to and from court for jury duty or as litigant or witness
permitted where public transportation is inadequate.
11. Dead Storage - Permitted to nearest available place of storage; or to a place
where free storage is available if the distance is not unreasonable.
Driving up to '50 miles to a free storage place is considered
reasonable, and in excess of this. mileage where unusual hardship
would be involved in keeping the car at its present location.
under ordinary circumstances, the mere fact that storage must be
paid for at the present location, or other expenses incurred, is
not sufficient to show unusual hardship.
12. Delivery of Car - Permitted where there has been a bona fide sale or other
transfer. Not permitted for the purpose of temporary change of
possession or use.
15. Doctor's Social Calls and Amusement - No exception is made for use of a car by
doctor for purposes of amusement or social visits, even though it
is:desired to have the car available for possible emergency calls.
14. Emergencies - Driving permitted to meet emergencies involving threat to life, health
or property and if public transportation is inadequate.
15. Farms - Driving ,to farm is permitted for the purpose Of' regular work in connection
with commercial farm operations. As a patriotic 'measure, however,
such driving should be avoided where public transportation is adequate.
16. Funerals - Permitted to attend funerals, where public transportation is inadequate.
17. Furlough - Driving by a member of the Armed Forces permitted if on official furlough
or leave, but only for social visits to relatives and friends or to
transact essential business or personal affairs. The family may also
drive him between railroad station and home.
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January 27, 1945
Page No. 2
18. Graduation Ceremonies - Driving to attend graduation ceremonies is prohibited
except for the purpose of transporting student completing regular
and officially recognized course of study. Should be avoided if
public transportation is adequate.
19. Home Building - Repeated trips for the purpose of construction work upon home or
other real property is prohibited.
20. Inductees - Driving permitted only for social visits to relatives and friends, to
transact essential business or personal affairs if on official furlough
or leave evidenced by written furlough and leave papers. The family
may also drive inductee between home and railroad station if on such
leave, Otherwise inductees are governed by the same restrictions
applying to civilians.
21. Inspection of Property - Driving for general inspection of real property owned
by driver or the purchase of which is contemplated, is prohibited.
It is permitted, however, for persons in real estate business where
such inspection is performed as part of regular occupation.
22. Invalids and Physically Disabled - Driving not permitted for amusement, diversion,
or social or family visits. In cases where a doctor certifies that
driving for a particular purpose is absolutely essential if the patient
is to recover, driving for such purpose is permitted.
25. Medical Care - Driving permitted to doctor, dentist, or other licensed practitioner
for necessary medical or therapeutic treatment, but only if public
transportation is inadequate.
24. Meetings - Driving to social meetings is prohibited even though the work of the
organization is of real importance to the public welfare or war effort
such as ordinary meetings of service clubs, fraternal organizations,
youth organizations, church auxiliaries or meetings for cultural
purposes. The nation's war time need for conservation of gasoline
is paramount. However, trustees, officers, directors, and executives
who are under obligation to attend a meeting for transacting necessary
business or preserving its property may drive to ~uch meeting if public
transportation is inadequate,
25. Moving - Permitted to drive car from former residence to new residence.
26. Moving Property - Driving for the purpose of moving property is permitted only if
it is not possible to have the property shipped by public carrier.
27. Person Entitled to use of Vehicle - Owner of car or person with whom the owner
has permanent or established arrangements for tr~~sportation may use
car as otherwise permitted by these interpretations. Persons who make
occasional loans of a car are not eligible for such driving.
28. Necessities to Members of Family - Driving permitted to bring necessities to family
members only if it is not possible for them to procure such necessities
in any other way and then only if public transportation is inadequate.
29. Occupation - Driving permitted to carry on an occupation, profession or business.
As a patriotic measure, public transportation should be used wherever
50. Occupational Meetings - Permitted for the purpose of attending meetings of groups
or organizations. directly concerned with the occupation or profession
of person using the vehicle, if such attendance is essential to or
part of his occupation or profession, provided that alternative
transportation is not adequate.
51. Religious Ceremonies, such as Weddings, Confirmations, Baptisms, etc. - Permitted
only if public transportation is inadequate.
January 27, 1945
Page No. 5
52. Resorts - Driving to a resort is prohibited, except for invalids and cripples and
then only if a doctor certifies that travel to the resort is an
absolute essential if the patient is to recover and if public
transportation is inadequate.
55. Restaurants - Driving permitted to a restaurant for the purpose of eating meals
if home or other nearer" facilities are not available and if public
transportation is inadequate.
54. Sale of Car - Driving to a specific dealer or dealers to sell car is permitted,
but nol: for general or indiscriminate "shopping around" in the used
car market.
55. School - Driving permitted for taking students to school, where a regular course
of study is being followed. Public transportation should be us'3d if
56. Scout Meetings - Driving by Scout Masters to meetings permitted. Driving by
officers, delegates and executives of the Scout movement to business
meetings, including annual council meetings, is permitted if alterna-
tive public transportation is inadequate. Scouts m~ not drive or
be driven to meetings, except that Scout Master ~ take them to a
meeting to which he is eligible to drive and provided that no
additional driving is involved.
57. Shopping - Driving is permitted for shopping, the need for which is essential
and immediate, but only if nearby Shopping is not possible and if
public transportation is inadequate.
58. Sickness and Maternity Cases - Driving permitted to transport sick persons and
maternity cases to and from hospitals or other places for necessary
care if public transportation is inadequate.
59. Stop Off at Place of Recreation - Permitted if no deviation involved from trip
which is otherwise permissible.
40. Summer Homes - Driving permitted for seasonal closing of summer home, emergency
repairs, and necessary temporary protection, if no person nearby can
perform such services, and if public transportation is ,inadequate.
Unnecessary repeated trips are not permitted.
41. Tire Inspection - Permitted to nearest avmilable inspection station.
42. Travellers - Driving travellers and baggage to and from railroad stations, airports,
bus depots is permittad (except where travel is for vacation, pleasure
-and social or non-essential family visits) if public transportation
is inadequate.
45. Veterinarian - Driving animal to veterinarian for necessary treatment permitted
only if alternative transportation is inadequate.
44. Victory Gardens - Driving for the purpose of cultivating "Victory Gardens" where
products are grown only for personal use is prohibited. Public
transportation must be used.
45. Visits - Driving for visits to family or friends is prohibited. It is permitted for
visits to the critically ill, if public transportation is inadequate. In
cases of chronic illness or of maternity confinements it is permitted for
spouse, parants and children, if public transportation is inadequate.
46. Volunteer Organization Work - Driving in connection with non-paid regularly performed
duties as officer or other worker of organization is not permitted unless
the work contributes directly to the war effort or public welfare.
47. Weddings - Driving to weddings is permitted by participants and guests only if public
transportation is inadequate. .
January 27, 1943
Page No. 4
48. Welfare Services - Driving by meJllbers of welfare organizationll permitted to deliV9r
food or medicine to shut-ins if regularly performed, but not to deliver
clothing or magazines, unlesll they cannot be delivered in any other