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Office of the Director of Civilian Protection
Griffing avenue Riverhead, New York
Deputy County Directors
County Director of Civilian Protection
~ical ~ Cash ~fits -- Injuries 12 Civilian Defense
!Y.Qrkers -- ~ec~si ty For ~.I2poiht!!J~ Qf E~,QQr::lel Of'fIC"ers
For your information and gUidance there is repeated herein Operations
Letter No. 95, Office of Civilian Defense, Washington, D.C., as
January 12, 1943
Regional Directors
James M. Landis, Director
Medical and Cash Benefits
Defense Workers -- Necessity
Personnel Officers
Injuries to Civilian
for appointment of
Special Distribution Instructions: State and Local Defense
On February 6, 1942 the President allocated (Allocation
No. 42-70), out of the appropriation entitled "Emergency Func.
for the PreSident" contained in the Independent Offices apprc-
priation Act, 1942, approved April 5, 1941, the sum- ot-&>5,000,OOO
to the Administrator of the Federal Security Agency for provid-
ing temporary aid necessitated by enemy action to civilians.
On October 5, 1942 the President SUpplemented such allocation
by letter to the Secretary of the Treasury (allocation No. 42/3-
56); this supplementation extended the use of such fund so as
to provide temporary aid to civilians within the United States
(including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands)
who are injured as the result of enemy attack or of action to
meet such attack or the danger thereof, or who are injured while
in the performance of their duties as civilian defense workersf
or who are dependents of individuals injured or killed under the
aforementioned circumstances. Such ai~ may include money pay-
ments and medical or other services ne~essary for the protection
of health, safety, and welfare.
The Office of Civilian Defense is at present consulting
with the Federal Security agency in the preparation of instruc-
tions and procedures for making paymeats out of such fund. This.
should not be deemed to indicate that payments will be made in
all reported cases, inasmuch as the instructions and procedures
to be established by the Federal Security Administrator will
govern all matters, including the deJree of injury to be com-
pensated, the proof to be furnished, etc.
It will be necessary in any ev'mt to provide for the estab-
lishment and maintenance of records with a view to claims which
will arise for medical care and berefits due to death or injury
sustained by civilian defense work'.rs in the performance of
their duties. The term "civilian Jefense workers" includes
members of or trainees for the prctective services of the United
States Citizens Defense Corps, as well as members of the Civil
Air Patrol and the Aircraft Warniag Service.
S\iC :A-144
AS to the Citizens Defense Corps, Section 16(d)(3) of
Office of Civilian Defense Regulations No. 3 provides for the
appointment, .as a member of the Staff Unit, of a "Personnel
Officer, who shall be responsible for the personnel and enrol-
lment records of all members of the Defense Corps, as well as
all records with respect to casualties and evacuation." The
Federal Security agency proposes to require that, as a condi-
tion to payment of any claim filed by a civilian defense worker
in the Citizens Defense Corps, a report of the injury shall be
filed within a prescribed time with the Personnel Officer and
that the circumstances of the injury be certified by a superior
officer of the injured person. appropriate forms will be pre-
pared and distributed for reporting and certifying claims.
It is important at this time to appoint immediately a
Personnel Officer in those communities which have not yet made
such an appointment. all Personnel Officers ahould promptly
bring up to date their personnel and enrollment reaords so as
to be able to certify that a member of or trainee for the
Citizens Defense Corps who is injured or killed in the per-
formance of duty was, at the time of injury or death, duly
appointed and enrolled.
It is expected that a directive will be distributed in the
near future, setting forth the procedure to be followed with
respect to claims to be paid out of the aforesaid temporary
It is of the utmost importance that you immediately appoint a
Personnel Officer to take care of the necessary records upon which
a claim would be based. Upon the appointment of such a member of your
staff, please submit the name to this office.
Director of Civilian Protec:ion