HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/29/1942 liWO :A-141 SUEFO!.X COTJ!1rY \fAR COi..'NC:L OfficI!> of the Dilec.o!" of ,"viHWl I'r)teoticn 111'i:f'fir~ lvar:wiI :!\1verhead, l~ew Y"rlt December 29, 1942 TO: Deputy Oounty Directors of ~ivl11r~ Protection in Dimout Area FROM: Oounty Dlrect.o~ of Oivilian Pr~tqct1en SUBJECT: POSTAL SEP.V:Cll :R.1llGUl'.ATYONS COV".iil1lIl.'"G LI!!MUTQ-CTJT OJ POST OFFICES For YO'-.r i:l.ferma.tion, the following extracts are Quoted from the Postal ~ullet~n, Wa~~ir&tou, ~ri~ay, No~a~Jer 6, 1942 vnder't~e ~eaQing, Instructio::ls -' Fou.rt!l A1s1:;t!l1'.t :!'ostmnrtfl!' Glner..l - Rl'gulation!\ Oovering The :elacJd.ng-Ot~t Wld Dim.u:lr.c,....C'.lt c.f Post Offic:ls. .$..*...~..~*.~..*.. n All ~ost~~ters will be ernected to cooper~te fully with local oivUl.an defsnsd 07gao:izr.t10:l.S :\I1d 10,,&1 milhary aut~or~.t1<,s in t!le blacking out ar.d di/JllLing out of t1':eir quart:lrs. The follow~ng sugge~ticns a.re macle to facH! tl\te t~e dillll:1ing-o'Jt of qaarterll where COmIlla..ldir.g Cene.rals of the Eaatelu, Soutr.ern and Weatarn Lafeafle Areas h~ve iseued or~e.ro requiring the dimming of exterior and in~6rlor l1chtingl 2xttn~sh all exterior lights. Low,r &11 shadeR, venetian blinds or o~her types of shades. iI'hsl'e vaneel.a.'l bl1nes ",re in '.lse, a':.1uct thE<' slats so that interior lighting is .i~f..pe~ed co'wlIlIlll.r'i '"hen viflwud from +.he olltsida. 'Use any I!.vnilabl.e lll[j.t'll'l~l +'0 proviie \;6mpo!'ary blalJkout of windovs. lfbue (;a1e l1grts ,"l-e pro'91d.ed, UfOS tlws'l a'lo. !'sdelcd glmeral 07er-- head lighting to aorolvte 'lssential re~ulr3me~ts. Wl:.are possi';;lfl mak3 t1mpora:-y raa:'rar:gem3nts of' cases and furniture so that no liGht wJ.:.l 1:3 nll.)"tod thrcugJ: wL:odo'1S. Cerdboari 0:;' heavy pa~er ehisles ~~v be ~esJ en teps of os.ses and on the back 0: open dibtrioution oa~es to prevent tue case lighting from reaching outalell wiudo~s^ ~~re ~v~rhbad ligh+'s ere essential, shield these in such a manner so as to daflec~ t'le light tlown'..ard. Where J.l;ghta tn'e bllrntlll. oVel:' vbUJ.ts, shield t!lese so that direct lighting cannot be ob'e~ed frem the stroet. Where ,aul~s a~e equipred w1t!l tsar gae relocking dovioes, ve.ult liehts should b3 extir~ishcd. ~on~uJ.t with 70U!' s'~pervil'ors an'! d:;vire euch ot:ler meMS as may be appropriate in vrder ~ll1l.'; lde:ior li~ht~ng m~' be. male as obscure as possi~le when viewed froe the outside. " /hf r.uOYD D. HOuSTON D1recto~ Civilip.n Protection