HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/10/1942 SUFFOLK COUNTY WAR COUNCIL Olllce of the DIrector of aivilian Protection Orilllng Avenlle Riverhead, New'York Dooember 10, 1942 SUBJECT: NEW SYSTEM OF ALu'l'ING SUFFOLK OOUNTY In order that Suffolk County ai a unit may comply with Regulation No. 11 issued by the Sta.te Olllce of Civilian Protection, the following system of signals shall be put into .ef- ect throughout Sulfolk Oounty, effective December 16th, 1942. I. PROOEDURE FOR VILLAGE OJ' GRJilENPORT. a..Yellow wa.rning succeeded by White No a.Udible signal ., b. Blue warning succeeded by WlLte Upon receipt of the Blue warning you will ca.use to be sounded tllroughout your area. a. signa.1 consisting of a. series of a.t lea.st 6 short bla.sts followed by one long blast to be repea.ted for a. period of 5 minutes. . . Upon receipt of the White or All Olea.r you will 'Cause to be sounded the second audible signa.1 of 2 minutes duration consisting of 2 long blasts, a.nd ten minutes. later a. third a.udible signa.1 of 2 minutes duration consisting of 2 long bla.sts. c. Blue warning succeeded by Red and White. Upon receilJt of the Blue wa.rni ng you will cause to be sounded throughout your a.re'a a. signal 'consisting of a. series of a.t lea.st 6 short:bla.sts followed by 1 Jong bla.st to be repea.ted for a. period of 5 minutes. Upon recei~t of the Red wa.rning the second a.udibJe signal will be one of 5 minutes duration consisting of short bla.sts. Upon r~pt of the White or All Olear the third a.udible signal will be one of 2 minutes d~tion consisting of 2 long bla.sts. . . d. Red warning succeeded by White. Upon receipt of the Red warning you will ca.use to b\!'sounded throughout your a.rea a, signal 'Of short bla.sts for 5 minutes duration followed by a 2-minute in- terval, then lIdlother signal of short blasts of 5 minutes duration. Upon recei:pt of the White or All Olear the signal will be one of 2 minutes dura- tion consisq of 2 long blasts. '. , I I (Th.e All Olear 'Signal will correspond to Recall of Fire Department except for dura- tion of signal. It will be seen, in alerting the public in this manner, that there are differences in the audible signa.1s. Civilian Protection Personnel ma.nning tr\\lIlc lights, street light switches, etc., must be schooled to listen to the second audible signal. If, after 2 minutes the sirens continull to blow it will be an indica.tion of a blackout, and switches must be pi1J1ed. . If the signa.1 only lasts two minutes they will know that it is an All Olear. The third signal will come 10 minutes later as a. further indication of an All Olear. II. From the time the first air raid signa.1 is sounded until the completion of the last audible signa.l which, of course, denotes the All Olea.r, no fire a.1arm indicating an actual lire may be sounded. Civilian Protection Personnel mobilizing on the first audible signal will report to your Report Oentre all actual fi1'es which will be handled through your Fire Ooordinator. The Fire Ooordinator on your staff should be advised to contact a.ll fire dep~ments to this effect. m. It is imperative that all Civilian Protection Personnel and the public be notified in the shortest possible space of time. of the new system of air raid and practice dri1l signals. . 'l'he procedure for Oivilian Protection Pe1'll0llDel, pedestrians and vehicles shall be carried out as listed in paragraphs 5, 6, and 7 of Bnnetin SWO:O-I0. JQHN KLUGE Deputy Director, Southold Town