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MEllQRAIIDUM orr T;:::'; STEP0 liE!\m
:r1:!E Cotnrr~!:~ST-f;j}:E TO ~rC!!PLY
~I.!l:[ 1!1'EIJ;;.I' W~ ~TA't~...\.A..,
~, ",{A1i,', GEl," iCy A, ~EIc:f"fA1;]5S :~P}r'ECT
WtY""L~ 19'"~;~---'-- -...
SummaI'1 of I'elevapt pI'oJiiSior.s of ti1e Act.
Popularly knovm as the Ostertag Bill, the nsw
civil defense statute isdestgned to replace the original
Civil Defense Act (L~i194l, c._ 22, as arrlended) and to im~
)I'ove the, oI'ganizat:1-on of the sta-te's ,iar effort. As t&r
as possible, it atte:nptl$to afiapt :nucho! the e~isting
organization to the new s~t-up... Unfortunately, howev~.
the powers and duties of the various branches _ ot the-
organization provided 'for are not clearly set f~rth.,
As far as, SUffolk County is concerned, the
statute requires the establishment of two groups:
(I) a County Hal' C~ncil {2}a County Off:1-ce of GivUian
Protection headed by a County pirector ot; Civilian P~'otec-
_ .~' ~ .'J . IF'.. .'. . r. '.', '
tion. (1) cQI:luty \;ar council..$ecUons 8 and 9.
This group mU!:ft be established by the Chairman
of the 30ard of Supervisors with the approval of th~ 30a~d
us to members. It must consist of not less than ten nor more
than twenty-five members. Holders of other pttblic offices
are not ineli31ble. Members lna~T receive no compensation with
the exception of the Director of Civilian Protection.
(see intra), A county council e~i8~~ng at the time th~
statute So~s into effect tihall continue as the coun~y war
COu.;-lC.i1 oNi th its' e:,:istin[\ Ilie:ribElrshj.p VIi thin the new 11m! ts
of tan and twenty~five members. {See also Section iOlY.
~,iem1)ers of the County Hal' Councl1 ;lre subject to rC:!lc1fe:l in
certain cases by the State ha:!' Council (Section 7, subd.12)
in addition to the Board of Suporvisors.'
Tlle powers and duties of the County liar Gouncil
are prescribed in Section 9. In general, they involve
cooperation with the State Council and implementation of its
. .
orders with res:;;>ect to the \1llr effort as a whole, an<1
civilian :;;>rotectlon. rat1oning, price fixinG. $alvaze~~'~.
1n ;?artioular.Tho County ~'ar Cc>uncll may dele~ate ItlJ
~,)oVlera and duties. In addition to bolnZ sUbJect to the
State CounCil. it 18 apparently in many case. subject tc
the State Director ot C1Yllian Prdtectioll:_' (S8. Section 13).
(2) Count,. D1reotOr or Civilian protectron. Sect1ons15
and 19.
Aa head of the County ottieeot Civilian Protec-
t1on, the Direotor 1. appointed by the Chairman of the
:Joal'd of Supervil!Jors with the a~proYal of the Board. :Ie
1& exofflc10 a member of the County VIaI" CounoU. Unlike
tho dth\.ll' mombera, hOwever, he may be paW a aal&.J'Y" He
I'f).f;.y set uj? hi8 l)1I!l of'1'1ce start within the appro:;lriation
made ava1lable tor that pur,ose. It 1s nOt clear whether
'tho approprla tioh 18 made ava1lablo b7 the Board of
SU:;lorvi,sors or the County 1"!ar COMCll.
The pOllera and dutiea. of the Dir04ltor are
difficult to di8tinguisb from those ot the Co~cil. Obviofi8-
1y. hU main function is t()o~anl.e and administer
civilian precaution activities. 11& 18 to entorce orders ot
the Stato Council and the State Director, and may aeopt and
enforce his own ordePB w1th respect to blaCkouts, etc.
The only specific definition ot his author1ty in relation
to that of the Council is in Section 19, Subd. 4 which
?rovides that he is "to cooperate with ,the local council in
recruiting and placement of volunteers." In other respects,
the authority of the Director (Section 19) and that of the
Council (Section 9) obViously overlap. Possible difficul-
ties inherent in this situation a~e ~erhaps intendedt.ba
obviated by the ~rovhlon that the Director'h ex ofriclo
a momber of the Council. They can be obviated by
IjUdiciOuS choice of personnel.
I There are other t\:ilight zones in the stat'.li;u ..
for example, tho authority of the County Council and
'irector as asainst that of,doputy stato directors (Sect:on
12), deputy county directors (Section le;, and the State
Icouncil and Director. Since the pl'oblel,ls thus :;>rol\enteCl,
lc.rc not Germane to the im:nediate question of \Ihat steps
ithe County must take to comply with the statuto, they arc
i ~.
rot discussed here. Thoy wlll arise lator after the
lorcanizatlon has been set u~).
i -II-
! Present Organization.
(a) History of prior action taken by the Board
of Supervi sors.
In order to brine out the ambiguities in Sut'folk
ICounty's present set-up in the liGht both of the oriGinal
lact as amended and the neVi statute, a list of tho relev!:<nt
'Iactions taken by the Board of Supervisors is presen~edl
I On October 14, 1940 Chairman Tuthill)!' the
~oard of Su)crvisors, at the request of Governor tebman.
fappointod tho entire Board of Supervisors as "a local
~efon so council. II Procoodin2fl (1940) p. 258.
lact VIIJ.S passed by the l'leisla.ture. It prOVided that the
i"r;ovorninc; eleC'tive body' of each county of', the state" **'i~
Ibay ostablish a c01mcil of defense." L. 1941, c. 22,
ISection 4.
Iccc'..ncil noVl existing or hereafter created" per-haps impliodly
IsanctiOi,,'d and validated councils appointed 13::'ior tLoreto.
'I 'However, it is doubtful if it valid~ted a c0unoil"\lhich V!ltS
,:lOt ostablishod by the n()mplete gmtfl:rning body.
On February 20, 1941 tho ,firot ~iyil d0fcnse
. ,
A scntonce beginnin.:; with tho words "n..ch st:cb
On April 2, 1941 tho origina~. .1.ct vias amend'or<..
Co 1941, c. 210. The amendment provide:1 that "Tile c.ha.~:r..
1lan of the boa!d of supervisors ~Ht*may o;tabltsh in and
I ;:Oor such county" council )f defense ami appoint I;ho
members thereci'," The ser,tence referrir.c; to "each such
IJouncil now existing" v,as retained. The powers and dutj,os
I of such council remained unchanged. A new sentence was
II adued governing compensation. The provision for nppro-
Ii priations \'las chanGed slightly. Soction:3 of tho amo:':l.d..
i luent validated tho establishment of every "county defens3
! council or council of defenso" theretofore set up.
Ii Suffolk County~ if there was any such council within tho
I provisions of tho Civil Defeuso Aot, was the Board of
I Suporvi SOl'S.
IAct, if they were lodged anywhere.
Ii on AJ;lril 14, 1941 the Board of5upcrviso!':l,
II cit:i.ng the r( ocmmondations of various patriotic and ~ii;:l.c
!i organiz ati"Jns, sot '.!p a "su;pplemental citizflDSI G.cfe:1S6
Ii col11ll11 t'~ee" Vir.OSe function ,vas "to worlt in conjU:lction ';1. th
I anD 1l:".CicJr the, d',qorvis;i.on of tho Count;)' Board of Supervisor3
I in e('l;':;':alizin::; and oool'(1i::1!:'.tl.nG ~J.l ci v:\.1 it.n defense
[lacti<1:!"'.:l.03 :l1 Suff01k ('C'cl:lty. II :.;OV611 wer. Ylore appc.i:1.tGd to
II tho "cdin:ni;;tco": HOD, ~.< .3arron }jill, Chairm9n; Hon.
il Rich3.:L'0. .f.. Hawkins; Cd. 1'lal tor F. Barnes; I"!r. T.a.'itT"\'c.nce
! Gran~ \ihite; ;11'. lIaJ'r~r T, PatGrs; Nr. Fa!'d l;olvilla; and
Thus, on April 2, 1941, tho Defense Cuunc11 of
In it were lodgod all pOHers granMd by the
! Capt. Herr~' R. Van Li0W, Clxecutive Director and Scc::otar~.
, Civil
The status of this "coln.'Uittoo" und~l." the
Lof0~LO Act is doubtful.
It would a')'Joar b.ovHvor,
. . .
that the 30ard of SUj,'lorvisors renlained tho official "dofelllHI
council'\ authorizod by the sta tute. On this point, it i.:
notaw~th,. that the Bo!U'd did notdelagllta to the MW
;~c<)lIlIllitte()u all the powers which tbo Board, as a "dQtenl3d
counol1.J1 ."as given by the statute, It s.:JOIl1S, therefore,
that tb(l .o~called lIcol11l1i1ttee" waaset up moraly as an
agent of the .qfncial "defense council" - the Board of
$upervhors - and thus derived n9powors di.rect1;r trl11n'tlte
sta tuto s.
OnllaY 26,3,941 thl:1 13oar~of Supervisorll
., appl'opt'~tti.l1 tJw awn or ~3..000.OC> to the "Suffolk CounQ
~, . " - .' ~
efense COWlcl1" in order that it llllghtce.t'I7 on "ltswox.k
as 'p%'o1ria~d. byChl1P~eJ' ~2 Of the Laws of 1941." Sincathe
. .
Bta.t~..t tho.1I~p1etlicmtd e.J:Qllt1.ttoell~(l nQt theretofore
een c~io4, the Il.PPl'QPt;atiOl1 was IWV1.o\1s1y to the Board
. 1t5e11' ,. tha "1>erena.'~nci],.lI
On J'1me 3~~"~4l th~Soard. Nferrins to itself
. ", ,
as tho estab;J.Jshed "unit in. chat'l!) ofc1.V11ian defense and
civilian defense activities," passed two resolutions:
(1) 'l:'hat tine "civil defense council" su;?orvise the
collection of sera;? aluminum; (2) That Lt. Colonel
at! mttonbo appointed to supervise a.ll salvage E'.ctivities.
On Sept~ber 29, 1941 the Board, referrinG t~
itself QS "Tho SufL'Qlk County DefensoCouncll,'" pJ'Oelo.im'Jd
a blackout.
On October 31: 19.;1. tho Board, roferrinc to the
fact that on April 14, 1941 it had created the Suffolk Count;r
Citizens Dofense Co=ittoe," aPpoi~ted Mrs. W1l1i!\ln Wnod to
liThe Civil Defense COUtlcil.lI
On December 29, 1941 the Board, at the request
uf Judge Hill, lIDiraetor of tho SUftolk COU"lty ciVil Defepstl
Gouncil," declal'ed a stato of eJllergency. It took this actlon
lIsitting both as the Count.y Board of Supervisor.' and u. t~(l
S ',ifoDe C01.'.:lty f01'cnl:1o CO\ll'lcil." It stuted tl'At it ];~o.d
t: 'on c..esignatoc'l to nct in. tho Inttoy cJ.)L.el';y ~y orrl0r .)1"
o Governor.
On J'3.:.1Uo.ry 26, 1941 t:1.C GbJliJ'r'LPn t:: tho I\oa:"d
J:"o!.ntod tba ":"iviJ :i:'efcnso COl~ncil" GO;c"'!c..-;::th ~<Jwn
..1!llittces in tJ-c ccllaetion of serv.p. ;ruc'.:,o [lll \:"'2
ofcrrad to as "Cnairman of the; Suffolk Co\.~nty Oi vl1 D()f'anEJG
ne 11. 11
On Ja!1U(l17 20, 19,.2 tho Beare. ac cop tad i:1E:.
ell:!.gnation of' C:lptn~.::1 Va:!; Liev' all I1ExMuti va Direeucz< of.
o eufi'olk CO'.mty C::"vil Defense Counc:il."
0'1 I!arch 30, 113.12 Y.r. i':'lo;rd Haueter. W:J. ~ ~p:}oin:ted
o tho sa rr~ position by tho Board.
0;1 April 15, 1.\.'42 tb.o Honrd. i"it r,h'.~, ~)u';;h aa tho
. oard ::\:ld as tho "Sui'folk CO\1l1ty Defcnlo GC'u.."lC ll"aa;aln
rot':l aimcrO. 8. stc,tooi'omorgenc1 a.t+;he .Nq 1,10 ~t of' J~'dgo
i11J' tli)iT'iJctOI'of J.;ho Sl,ifoll: ,COU'--:"L"J- Civ~.1. Dvfvll10 ,;o....ul,:-:iJ 0 II
b)' V~ga::.. s:;n~~tS 0:;: prosnI'lI; orte.nizat'j.on.
Doft;ito ::ho fact toot tho $t'oup orj.G1nal1y.known
s tr.G ilsu::??'.'}r;~(J!";a~citJ.zC'ns' c.o1'ormo cO)JJIli~tqG" S....:bfoquent-
y b<;CQ.l10 kno"m uS tr.o """..rf'olk Goun.ty 01.'1'1.1 "'cfcmst; Council,"
ho o:cn.cial de j\1!'o Dofonso Council contin1,1olJ tobo tho
oaj'c' cf Suporvisor,,; und~r the or.ig:.nal c::vil f'.oi',m'Jc Act.
.R s\lC'h, mO'!:'Elover, 'j.t is tho "C01.'~lt;- council ();t':d6:eor,solt
or which [actions 8 ~'.nd. ~.OlC)f e1(~ ulltcrtag BUl (:(lnte1ll.Plo.t.o
onUnWl.t1on. Thogro'.lp h('llded by Judge Rill, ,~1l0 it has
ssurned the acttvo bt~x'don of civilian dcfonlllo aot.lvitios,
omnlns an agent of tho 3o~ and. derivos its ,owors ~ot
.'ram..tho st;,at1,1t!3 but froJ:l the Bcard. Thorefo:t.'o.,...itr is not
tho coune1:L~' wl1ich tho now bin prolorves" That th:U is not
,.... "" 'II
only log;ally tho caso but also is tho recognizedfnot 1s
...., .
0videnclld by Ghe p:t'oceduro used for blnJ'~(;ut a::.thor:;.ty -
::~ rosolution '11 tho D08.!"d sltt~~ngD.!"J tho LC~O:-'-:8C CD1m.cil..
Til're rer.ta1ns a qUllstion as 1,(' thv \alif,ity 01'
the appointmc':lt of the Bonrd in toto as ~t..0.Jq:8nse C01lnc~::",.,
tT~d()r the fir;;", Ci',il Defense Act (thnt ):.: Fc~)y"xtry ro,
1941) tho pria~' a,pointmont (on October L, ld'!.O) 0::' thrJ
Board as the 0I10co.1 def<mso councillt by ":;he Ch.ai:rman alon'.'
vias proba.'Jly or' no leGal cffClct since thc' eta'~ute al:owed
only the "go'lorning oloc':;ive hodylt to est!:blish s1.\l~h [',
council. This 1s se despite the referonce to llouch such
council nov! exis ting.1t ROVJevor, tho c.mondmon.t of April 2,
1941 nlloYFed tho chairraa:J. of tho board Of' Bupo:'visr)'::'s to
ostc.blish a council. Moroover, the amendment validated
any counl~lJ. SGt up thcr3tofore. ThoI"cfor'1, wi 'Gh 0~10
rOS<;l;'vc,tion, it cnn be said that ,tno ::Cl1rt'. of SupoX'\risors
j,s the
(11).thol'~zed "defenso council."
T~'1C ono roscrvationstams.. f:;:-or.: tOtld fact that
tho Chairmur. ,;1' the Board cri:;;inally (October 14, 1940)
a:?:?oint.1d the 30:;>,1'('. itsolf (including 'h.llisclf) as tllO
C',3f':>I1SC COl'T'cL.. llothi':J.S in t.ho origtnal ~tc,tl~t" 3U')Sequent..
ly :;>3.s'sod, cr t,ho o.J11ono.!.r_'~r.~ ts ;\~h'Oret() ~~:H:>(';ifi(;c.J.ly .i)vrmi te
or :.-,r,ol-...1bits such action. Nor doos nny othor provision of
:.aw spocifically prohibit such action. ;;:t can be ,:u'guod,
how evor.. that i t ',:~$ tho intGrt~;io;1 ot tho lOGisla t'J.1'e
that tho Board sho',,:;'d m',; up a co'.mcil which W0t~ld be ox....
clusivoly dovoted to defenso I11llttGra. Tno a:rgumont \70014
run that it would not bo unroasonableif sOm.e of: th0 supel''',
visors wore mem.bo:rs or if they all were pldl'f; of a kiger
coa~c1l which included othor men, b~t that to have tho
Boar"'. take over' powol"S llnd dutios for vlh1ch the legislatu%'G
pro'!tdoda scpa)"ate mechanism is contrary too tho sy:;'r1t,
\-... ~
r' n:bt the letter, 01' tho Act.
A2~d'3 from the logol aSf'cct. )elicy J.rg\\m())'\':t'
3ll.t '00 advanced to rni11t.lto aGainst the ,:,d7.i.~r..bility uf
: 'vine; tho Board :lct as tho council. A ('(Cun..;',l devctod. t..'
fonse o.ctiv~tiJS, it could be argued, T:Ollla. f\n1ction 1,'0r..,
, othly and efficiently than cno v!hich m\:..'3t GoncerT. itH'J,
',ith all other county mattors as wall. Yoroov'3r, to limit
ho actual uarrinistrators ~f such an activlt~'by forjin3
hem to consult the 3oaro of Su)ervisors on frc1uent OCCC-
ion$ is to court disa:tcr in an emergency. It seems to
o tho into~t of tho logislaturo to havo full jurisdiction
ivon to u bOdy\1h1ch willoecomo oXpClrt on ite sv,b~oct
rtd which will bo ablo to" onforco its rules with th3
rorr..:?t~osfl a,nd authority vitall in such matte:'S.
On the othor hand, it could. be arguod th:lt thero
is ~othing in the stC\tutes '.;hi::h specificalJ.y ~,'J!'()vc:::,GS tn.>'!
Board fl'Nil D,pr;ointing it 8e11': F"Utthormore,. tll.J DOF.l'd: A
acti.;>:1. coulci b,; :iuf> tifiud on the ground tl'..at powers ;J.S
groat as thobe :)f t' dofense cO'.lncil shOuld not bo oelegated
p.,).7<:l~ ,"_"0',", 'l'..'~r, '-'~.rJ.' CJ' ~l Cu-u......t~ !"f'.....'T.....rr\....r. Co,
_..;.1...... 11 ...'- ...'t.... ,.""- ' ..... oj. ~v "'" ...l..I, fJ.e
Firl C.=L :L":'. th.)
8,Ct h'n i s ~,orc'l).e..dublo on tlL' (;":'O'.1..'1.c. '~:1U 1; 'G:1,;) ol,;}ctOTil'i;:)
b,.'1S r. flore dir.).Jt cl:1oclr en its :,rot8~tion .c.:tl:1o:J:'iti,();3 if
'i;l~.e :}e,:rd fl.)j)O~11tS .i (;.',811',
In ;cncl',16ie'r>, tho u.::'f:>-wHmtS on bo",;11. ':;b.e logal
and policy ).r)V') i,R E'.-'''' l:Ct. Fluffic.cc-.tly s Grongtc.r. pl:;.ce any
gravo doubtS on the vo.lidi-::y of the appointment of 8...'1.'1 or
c,ll of. tl:1e Supo:"visors to tl:1o official Defonse C01.1Dcil.
l,lo!:::)()ver.' f1 ince under the now statuto tl:1'J supervisol'S of
each "awn are deputy county diroctors of civillnn pr0tection
(unless they appoint otl:1crs in their stead), tl:1eir pClsition
on the Cou!lcil \'IUh tbo County Director would soliJ:'-f~'
- .,,,
(a) Appointmont of County Dlr~ctQr,
A County Diroctor of Civilipl: 2l'otoc",iO!l mutt
bo appointed to head thb County office of 8i vilio.n ?rot<;\)1;;.'ll;
~ho Board of S'Iol)orvisors =y fix his componsc,ti:,m. Al thougl:'.
tho Act is not ~pecific on this point, appropriations for
the office he is to run should bo made directly by tho Board
for the purposo rather tb.an indirectly through Vlhz.to'TClr
council is set u~.
The Director automatically becomes a member of
tho Council. Although the statuto again is silont on this
point, it would be advisable that he also be dosisnQted as
Executive Socrotary of the Council. In this vuy, he could
administer the activities which the statut~ eives to h1m and
at the same time implomont tho plans, Ordor~ an.::! l")~.e'l of
the council.. Thus, one conspicuo1,ls element of tho ,)ver-
lappinG and confusion of authority which is inacrent in the
stat'lce cou~.(~ ::'ll fer nll p::'actichl purposes eliminated.
".S stn tad abov:;, th:.J prohloms oJ: hi9 rolo:cion-
Bhip "i ~h the; deputy county diroctors
(in tho villages and :
lin, uistricts3stablisht
~or dlscuss1 en herein. i
tr.-wns; and. th." doputy etato dlroctors
ad by oi;ho S-GHto Council) u:?c not !'ipo
lb) App...)ir:t:rr!0nt of C01.).nt~r Vla:rCcun,~ile
CJ.'ho Ctl'J.Ilci:J. must consist of not less than ten
members. For purpcses of efficioncy and .peod, it 1s
reCommended that tho minimum number be usod with the addItion
of tho County Director as the oleventh membor. Tho ~ambors
aro u9Polnted (and may be removed) by the Chairman ~f the
Board with tho ~pproval of tho Board.
The Board of SuporvIGor$,.approving tho ~ct1~
. . .. ,
,J!.' it s Chair.man, might adopt ono of tho followine;
(1) Appoint i tsolf as th0 Co',:',-,c5.1 2.dc1ing tl.o
:lewly appointed county Direcbor of Civilic.:1 Pro':;ection both
as a member of t:"lO Council and as 1,t s E);ccuti ye Secretary.
Thi'3 'l'ocedure Vl0\.1ld htIVO tVTC. )ossi'!:lle c'is-
(a) it might provoke prot0sts on the
ground tlmt tho Board should not appoint itsolf;
(~) it might ap;,)oar to leave thc present
group, headed by Judgo liill, out in tho cold.
The first disadvantage should bc ignJ~Qd if the
Board thinks best to :;tdopt this l'roccduro. As str..ted above, I
the action would be juatified both legally and practically.
Tho second disudv:mtago must be mot as the JonI'd lIlCOS fit.
Obviously, Judge Hill'S committee, having taken so I'rominent
and successful a part in prior defense activities, a~ould be
continued 1:1 some capacity.
!.2} Appoint a Coun.cil of ten or more me-moors
(l'rorora.bly ::'ird tad at ten) who aro not necossaril-:r members
of tho 30ari of Supervisers, Again tho cou~ty pirector
mu~t bo adelc''! as a !:'embor onei preforably 0.5 oxccuti '10:>: the
CounciL If t.r.is ]?rOe0(~UrCii.s ac.optcd, the Council VlOU:lC.
h::.vo t:10 ful':' po':rc"s 3rantod by ',;11.0 st'1.tuto~ Th) Board of
Suporviscr 5, r:cwmtor, w,)1"':'cl remc 1n' a.rn..:Jn with tho Cb3Ck
inhorent in it!' romovn.l ;;,oVlers.
(3) Arpoint ll, Counc 11 consis ting .~ the
Supervisors, tho County Director' o.r-ld o';hor lnOll1bera f1ithin
the) m.a:dmum limit of t\'lenty-fi va.
This procedure woult'\ h(eVO tho nd'i!2.ntagcof
consolidating tho two groups vlhich now constitute a dual i
orGo.niznt~on. Its disadvantn~o WOUld l1e in its unwioldy
no.t\'.l'O vl11'ch,. tt is prodictable; mtGht result in dolay
"~.~, - - .~
. . .
.. ~.. ~
~ .c. '""
~:I lcn un om.r:n"'lgoncy a:rl-sos.
(,n Taking advuntago of the. .; 0~t inu.~.t; pro"
, sions of the nUll statuto. the Board of 3',1)Crvisc!'s could
o Iange its namc from "Defense Council" -tCI lli;lar :Jollncil"
newly appointed County Director of Civili~
otection. leaving Judge Hill's Council 1:'1 its present
The drawbacks to thieprocodur.o aro the follow-
(1) It wo~ld preserve the present dual sot u.p
\ th the disadvantages latent therein;
(2) It would split the county Director away
om Judgo Hill's Council nnQ thus open the way fer the
nflicts of authority which tho statuto potentially fostors.
suIt in
irit of
," . ., ",~'" ...,'.-....
The :)l!o.q;edurosoutl~rlC'd in '{Ie;:!''!;, !It wO'-clCl all
literalcon:(ormity with the now' statuto. F'('l
the statute unquostionc,tly demands that tbe m01;t
o"g.O,,^.,Lzat:\,on ho ndo.ptou) with tho pr0s:;>8ct :\.n
. . .
Llu enemy will at somo tim0 0:' other a'ctack th0
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