HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/22/1942 .....-:..... Sile :A-13 2 SUFFOLK COUNTY W...R COUNCIL Office of the Director of Civilian Protection Riverhead, New York Griffing ~venue November 22, 1942 OFFICIAL RZGULil.TIOilS promulgated by the County pirector of the Office ot Civilian Protection on NovemQer 19th! 1942, Eursuant to the'provi- sions of Section 13, Subdivision " of chapter 544, Laws of 1942. CONTROL OF ARTIFICI~L LIGHTING IN THE Ccu.ST~L DD40UT ARE.. OF SUFFOLK COUNTY. Pursuant to the authority veste4 in me by the New York State War Emergency ..ct, I Floyd D. Houston, as Suffolk County Director of Civilian protectloh, do hereby adopt and promulgate the following regulations: . 1~ ~ DIRECTIVE~. Regulations No. 1 (1942) swe :..-31, II Control of Lighting in the Coastal Zone of New York State" were promulgated by the County Direftor to carry out the provisions of regulations "Governing the Control of artificial Lighting in the Seacoast Zone of the SecOnd Corps Area" issued by the Commanding General of the Second Corps ..rea on June 1, 1942. New Regulations "GOVERNING THE CONTROL OF "RTIFICL.L LIGHTING IN THE CO~ST..L DIMOUT aREA WITHIN THE 8TATmS OF NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, AND DLLEWARE" have been issued under date of November 14, 1942, by the Commanding General, Second Service Command. Effective November 20th, 1942, these regulations supersede all previous regulations issued by the Second Service Command concerning the control of artificial light- ing within coastal dimout areas. 2. ~VOCAl'ION OF REGU~ <194~) S~~.6....U. Regulations No.1 (1942) SWC:A-31 is revoked effective midnight - November 19~Oth, 1942. All prior regu1'tions concerning vehicular headlights are hereby revoked. 3. ~GULe.~.. !~NIJ SERVICE C01O;i~. GOVERNQRS_Sr..l~__4~. At the request of the Commanding General, Second Service Command the following regulations dated Heedquartersi Second Service Commandt Governors Island New York, November 14th, 942, are pro- mulgated as Regulations o} the County Director of Civilian Protection. REG U L A T ION S GOVERNING T~ CDNTROL OF ..RTIFIGI...L LIGHTING IN THE Ccu.STaL DUIOUT ..RE... wITHIN THE ST..~~S OF NEW YORK:, NEVI JERSD ..ND DELEWARE Regulations for the control of lighting in coastal areas are necessary to red~ce permanently certain lighting for the protection of ~merican commerce and that of the United Nations from damage or dest~uction by enemy attack, for the prevention of enemy action against our shores, and to control ligt.ting in critical areas SO as to reduce;the dangers fr~m hostile air operations. In rJrtherance 0f t~e aQove ubje~tives anQ in conpliance with the orde::- of the CC:rul12 r,d "-r,g (zf'!ie~ul, F.astern Def"JLire Command and First ll.rr;lY, dr..ted. r:OVCOOCJ1' 7, 19t:::., t~'f:l follor/in:; revise1 rules and ~'eg.lle tions are herC! OJ- eJt8.~)L:!.sn:)d :'0::' tlltJ contr:Jl of artificial ::'ig:.ltivg within tbe "cocul,a::' (:i..mJut area'l, he::'eLlafte~' defined, :3f- :f'!cthe ilovember 2C, :94~~, .....- . . -2- ~ECW~_! l1.lJiE.ln..'!':.1Q.~ 1. ijOURS OF DhRKNESS. For the dura tior. of the war or untj.l such time as rescinded or amendedl these regulations shall be in full force and effect from one-he l' hour after sundown each night until one-half hour. before ~unrise the following morning between the dates of OctCibe:c 1 ar..d April 30, inclusive, and from one hour after sundown each nig~t until one-lUllf hour before sunrise the fol- lowing morning between the dates of May 1 and September 30. 2. V:ISIBLE EBQIl W. Lights are considered to be "visible from sea" when they are visible from the seaward side of a line beginning at Rocky Point, in the Town of Southold, Long Island; thence easterly along the coast line and arotmd the southern shOl'e li~p. of Long Island to Carmans River in the Town of Brookhaven. Areas west 01' Carmans RiveI'll the townships of BrookhaVen, Bab:rlon, and Islip whose elevation is such that lights would be vi81ble from the sea shall be considered "vil1ble from sea" area. All of Gilgo Beach and Fire Island Beaoh shall be considered "viSible from sea" areas. 3. ~0L~CE ~ 1~T. For the ,urpose of these regulations, the term "Sot".rco of Lightll is defined as follows: Any glass enclosed filament, gas mantle, floorescent or r..eon tube, arc light " 01' " " other light generating element operating on an electrical cirouit, by illuminating gas, open flame or otherwise; together with all en- closing tran~parent or translucent material. SECTION II.. ~~l!A.. fROV1SIO~ 4. AIl;y" light 'lj_sib~e from out-of-doors that cannot be extinguish- bd, completely ob.~~d, or reducfd in intensity in accordance with 5tandard ~ar De,artmentBlackout Specifications within five minutes of the soundlng of~he signal for a blacz:out, shall be permanently extinguish~d. SECTtQI! HI LIGHTS VISIBLE ~~OM SE~ 5. All lights or reflections therefrom~ with the exception of external vehicular headlights and lamps, Sha~l be shielde~, obscured, or reduced in intensity so that they ero Lot vis~tle from the sea. !f ~hey cannot be so shielded or con~roll~d thel sha:l be ex~ingu1shed. 6. On streets highways or within areas waere vehicular heau- lights are visible lrom the sea, but subject to the exceptions here- inafter stated, vehicles shall operate with no more t~two lighted driving lamps and each such lamp shall .nt Gxceed a maximum of 2,0 beam candlepower~ Normal roar lights, licens~ plates lights and clearance lights are permit~e~. Ve~lcles responding to a fire alar~ or when i~ the immed:!.ate pu.'s1I:.it of aJ~ actual or suspected violator of the law, or when going to the aid vf or transportir~ a person who is in apparent need of immediate emergencYt m~dical or surgical care, or when responding to other emergency involvir~ the , protectiort of life or property, shall be ex~e~;;ed flom the for",goihg p~'ovisions. -3- mmDY ~nT14ULL1~IN..TlQN 7. All exterior .l~ghts used tor ill.umination ot streets or guidance ot traffic. eltl..ep~ Gxteriot automobile lamps, shall be reduced in wattage R~j Lu~bA~ to tfie minimum 8onsistont with their purpose and those reta!.l1ed iI. '.lse shall be permanently shielded in such a manner that the source ~f light will not be visible above the horizontal. . 8. The use ot high-beam vehicle headlights within the coastal di~out area is prohibited. Headlights, if used, shall have the up- per bDa+halt of the lens obscured by opaque paint or bther opaque material. ;9. All exterior lights used tor outdoor manutapturing, in railroad, tor repair work, shipbuilding, necessary handling of stor- age ot raw or finished materials, or for any type ot outdoor con- struction work, shall be reduced as in paragraph 7 above, and shall be permanently shielded in such a manner that the source of lilht will not be visible at an angle less than 45 degree. below the horizonM 1.. 10. All exterior lights used for protective purposes, such as il.lum. ination of fence lines, exits! sides of buildings or open areas, ~hall be shielded as in paragraph ~ above, and in no case shall ti.e light as measured on the ground or other horizontal illuminated areas exceed one foot candle ~t any point. 11. Interior lighting of buildings used for residential or com- mercial purposes, or both, 11wustrial establishments engaced in pro- duction of war materials lwhether federally owned or operated or privately owned or operated) ehall be shaded or otherwise controlled ei ther at the .ource of light or at the openings of such buildings in such a manner that the source ot light, as defined in paragraph 3 above, shall p~t be d1.rectly visible fro~ a~v point outside ot said r.uilding. .12. Lights or windows in railroad .ttains, elevated trains, street cars, busses or ttrries, shall be shielded or otherw1.e con- t~olled in such a manner that no s~urce of light will be vi.ible from the outside at an angle above th~ hor~zontal, and the escape of light therefrom shall not exceed two foo~ candles at any point three feet from the said vehiclE'S. I.ights or windows in subWay trains at such times as they are exposed abcve ground shall be subject to thi. regula'don. 13. Bonfires, brush fires, burLing fields, and other outdoor tires, will be completely extinguished during the hours that the.e regulations are applicable. 14. These regulatio~s do I~t epply to of~icial maritime or aerial naVigation lights. ~FCTIOL'i ~WN~CiqU:.lJi.L ILLUJdN..TIOli 15. All extorior light3 Lsed fo~ illumination of open areas, p2.rking lots, gaso1i:J.e n:'l1ng st.... tion:;., 1'lay grounds, places ot aI:IUsement or er.tel'talnn.en.~, si(;.ewalk Ilafes, marquees, open air gardens, terraces, fOr holiday da0vra.~tvn." anrl all other exterior lights nct specifically ccvel'ed bJ' ').~her re:;illa c~.ons rercin, shall be permanently sl.ielde-d in snch Q lnd.nne.. the'; nJ sou~ce of l:.ght v:1l::' be visible at an angle less th<\n 4.) deJl'ees \.e~.ov, the hGriz.~.nt.ll. Guch lighting shal~ bb furth81' ll~it~d ~s fo::'lc'Ns: ,., :'r. DC C:U\e- shall the li.;htl'lr, as !l.8a,,1.'r.Jd 0'1 the open arAa tXC18G or.e :('c.~ candle a t a~~' point. to 1r. no Colae shall thl'! tote.l w~ttage 1Ised exc'3ed t!:e ~o11o...;i!l;; . . . ~ - 4 - limits: For incandescent bulbs - 1/8th watt per square foot of lighted area. For,flouresceu~ t~bes - 1/l6th watt per squ~re foot of lighted area. 16. All exterLor arY6:-t:.slr;.g .ligns, h:>wE;ve:' illuminated, shall be extinguish",;l, 17. Interior 11gnt:l.I1g of st()N~, ",how TJ!indo1's, restaurantsl bars, co~erai&l and industrial establit~eLtg (other than war product on plants) and all other interior lights not specifically covered by other regulations herein, sheil be eG!i~gUiShed, OR Ih L~EU OF SUCH ~XTINGUISHMENT shall be dimmed, shielded cr cth3rwise'controlled in su~h a ~anner as to prevent the sc~rce of light being visible from . abJve the horizontal, and also so as to prevbnt the escape of light fr)m such building 1n excess of two foot qandles, as measured by a photronic cell held at any po1nt three feet from any w1ndow, door or other opening of such bu11dir~ or establjshment. ~~CTION VI ~FO~MSNT ill P~!!aL~E.s 13. any person who violates al~ regulation contained herein is subject to the penalties provided by Title 18, Section 97 a, United states Code, and to im:nedhte e)(Cll1IOio.1 froLl the Eastern Military' Area. III ~ddi tion, if two or more perllons cOlll'lpire to violate said Secti.:m 97~, United states Code, a~~ one o~ more p3rsons do any act to'effect the object of such ccnspir~cy~ eac~ cf said parties will be subject to the penalties provided by Title 18, Section 88, United States Code. In the case of an alien enemy, euch person will, in addition, be subje~t to immediate ap~rehensicn ~nd inte~nm~n~. 19. Stll.te and local civil. a'lthor1.tie~ within the states of New Yo~'k, New JeX'se;y lilld l)ela"lo.re, with their cC'nsellt, s.re designated as the pJ.'incipal agencies to Iilssi<1t ill tti'! enforc.8ment of these regula- tiur,g. 20. ~ffective November 20, 1942, these regulations supersede all previous regulations issued by this headquarter. concerning the cJntrol of artificial lighting within coastal dimout areas. (signed) ~. A. Terry ~ . A. "filmY Mejo~ Genorall 0.8. Command ng Jl.~ " 4. P'CRA~~illiOF RE,GUr~!~~~ ~hGse regulations shall continue in fo~ce and in effect until July 1, 1942, unless otherwise amended. 5. ~FFECTIVE Da7~ These regulations sn@ll take effect Novem- ber 20, 1942, FLOYD D. HOUSTON ~i=ecto~ Civilian Protection De-ted: Rive~h€ad, N8W Y~:k Ncvelliber 19, lS4~ II W .-=<-