HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/23/1942 "" SWC:A-133 SUFFOLK COL'NTY WAR COUNCIL Office of Civilian Protection Riverh~ad New York November 23 1942 To : From : Subject I Deputy County Directors Director Civilian Protection Clarification of Dim-out Regulations For further purposes of clarification to the pUblic, we have broken Suffolk Cot~~ty down into two categories, namely, I _ Coastal Dimout Area, which of course includes all of the co~~ty contained within the coastal dim-out area, and 2 - Visible from Sea Area, and the following is a break-down of the two area and what should be done in each of them in the different categories in which the light would fall, 1 - COASTAL DIM-.OL7 AREA a - Vehicular Headlights All automobiles operating anywhere in Suffolk County during the period dim-out regulations are in force shall have at least the upper half of the headlights shielded by an opaque material and may operate with low beams only, with the exception of visible from sea-area. Upper beams are banned for the duration of the war, b - House Lighting In all r.omes shades must be pulled down the full length, or the source of light effectively screened, so that it would not ce seen from any point o~tside of the building. If shades are pulled down they neeu not be blackout shades but the equipment that is in use at the present time. c - Plant Lighting Plants or industrial establishments engaged in the produc- tion of war materials (whether Federally owned and operated or privately owned and operated) shall have lights shielded or ob8cured in the same maImer as house lighting. d - Street Lights Street lights shall be reduced in wattage and number to the minimum consistent with their purpose, and those in use shall be permanently shielded in such a manner that the source of lig~t will not be visible above the horizontal. If such street lights are in such a position that a reflec- tion would be cast upon water they shall be treated to eliminate suc~ reflection or be extinguished. e - Com:nercial Instructions SWC~A-129. Store I.ighting on c0mmercial lighting were issued .. ... ;0:' -, .~., ,~ . ".~ ., ~ . . in Bulletin ... ~J' ! ...1........ .j".. - . .. SWC:A-133 page 2 ~ovember 23 1942 f - Exterior Lights Instructions on such lights are contained in Section 4, paragraphs 10 and 11, which are quite clear. The new regulations specifically define source of light and from now on gas pumps having the globe of light on top of each pump come under the category of source of light and must be treatEd as such. 2 - VISIBLE FROM SEA AREA a - Vehic'lla'!' I,ights Regarlil'lss uf the onA-hlllf shielc'ing; a'lto~obiles proceeding in areas w'1ere the lights will be visible from the sea must drive with parking lights or less, with the exception of pclice officers} fire apparatus, doctors or ambulances answeri:lg an emergency call, when they may proceed with 101'/ beaLls. b - House Lighting All dwellin3s, lights from which would normally be visible from the sea, rnuft have the open:!.ng through which the light would be seen effectively shielded by a blackout shade whether it be black, blue or green, and the shade p~lled down full l~ngth. c - P:ant Lighting Plants 01' industrial establishmAr.ts engaged in the produc- tion of war materials (whether Federally owned and operated or priv~tely owned and operated) shall have lights shielded or obscured in the same manner as house lighting. d - Street Lights All street l1gh':s normally visible from sea shall be shield- ed in such manner that the light is not visible from the sea, or be extinguished. If they are located in such a position that a reflection is cast upon a body of water they shall be treated in such manner that the reflection is eliminated or extinguished. ~ - Commercial Store Lighting All such lighting which is directly visible from the sea shall be so shie~ded or obscured that it will not be visible. f - Exterior Ljght,ing All other extel'lor light.s Ililch as w(JuId be used for rro- tective purposes, or, for instance, j.n rail roa1 yards, re,air rorks, ship buil~ing, et~., shall be screened or sh~.e11ec! i'1 the saJ1e manne::o as ~:tr'3et Ughts in order that they ;I'o~ld net te visibl.e frcm ':he sea. /ar FLOYt D. HOUSTON Directu)" CivHian Protection SViC'C-9 StJll1'OIJ( COlmn WAR COUlfClL Of tic. of Civilian Pfotectioa Riverhead New lark November 23 1942 To From . Subject . . . Deputy County Directors Director Civilian Protection Outdoor Christlll&s Il1W1tination WHEREAS, under the provisions of the N.Y. State War Emergency Act, New York Laws of 1942, Section 13, Sub-division f, the Suffolk County Director of Civilian Protection is given authority to perform and exercise' such functions, powers and duties as he . III&Y deem necessary to promote and secure the safety and protection of the civilian population within his jurisdiction, and WHEREAS, in Section 5, paragraph 16 of Bulletin SWC.A-132 (control of lighting in coastal areas) it would be most impractical for the public to comply in the III&tter of outdoor Christlll&s illumination due to the restrictions stated, and WHEREAS, the Commanding General of the Second Service Command will make no exceptiOns, Now, therefore, pursuant to the authority vested by the N.Y. State War EmergenCY Act, I, Floyd D. Houston, as Suffolk County Director of Civilian Protection, do her-eby promulgate the following regulation. All outdoor Christmas illumination within Suffolk County is prohibited, such as Christmas trees, festoons of lights on streets and clusters oC lights on entrances. laf FLOYD D. HOUSTON Direct~r Civilian Protection - , ,