HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/06/1942 Minutes --....~. ... " ICIllU't.mS OF MD!':NG OF WAR O~IL Patchoeue !totel, J'r~', Kovfllllber 6, 19.2. ~:.1K .AM "t,'.~,e. a~ 4_..er e~ept :a. ~d.ci.8l), 1t~. ~e 1R Jah ~n ...~.~ Jlhp 1). ~t~....' lJPO. _.. on..~.. .....eWl... .cue... ,t..~...c" .Of .,.11.. ~qlif....."'.'c'&............~~........'.....~ '.'.."'..,($.'.... " ..'.j_....'........'..P.',........,.I. ..'......~~.....'.. eent _.al1 ~or8 (tf 1l~, ~ IA~U.. :h:t,let~,~ ~ 9., .:,'., was bell of cl.ept~cwn~'d1r~III!!If ~ schoQl pJ!~1]!!lll" ..,...' ',.,.' Geneftl 'l'homao 'II" :oe.1'1'ah. iJafry!'. Pet"Ts m07estbe.t tae J'1~~,~~1 ~- tion be ~1'Oved a" santO\l.t. Seconded'l'y lfaAi lole1v'ille. l!fo4~Q$"".. ..~ in f'&Vor. BeaJamin Baskis~on st~tec. _tat ~ ~ a rrorl~ in f0~t Je~e~QRwh.~ one .., the schaob could not be avacuated in 15 mir..utea. Mr. Houston .Wed tllat the evacuation plan for t~_h school ha.i )Doen sar.'. 1.1 a..d "ha;r were tallUl., Care of the matter. Letter has been wrttt..n \'0 .GG,,~,'elD03.rm.h llta.t.i.J.{ wb'.l.'~ '~b.S r.e"d<lc 11l th9 wrq of OOD equiJllllOOt in the c.ouub;". Letter from ..1011 Bal1e7 on d~,m-ou~ iJI Suffolk. Lecs! l~ COlIIPanies wi'll usus cert1fic~e to stores in the eeuntv wIl08e lights are properly SCi'eened. A l1chlliIJC cOlIIp8Il7 repr"entativc., with sa a11' re.1d warden in att.dance; will make the survey. The Lcmg Islal:.d L:I€:hting O"JIl9bI1VMS _de teS'~8 wit.h black'chUfolll coveriDg OJ. store windsw and find tiJet i~ C'lts down the l'Elf\ec+'lOl'>.of the window lights 011 tile .l4ewalk but 8till alluw'3 t1\e nercbandi8e to bA s('\en. Mr. Melville s\lgg9st9 that. the ~let1n Bent 01110 o~ t'1is chUfon JIlate'!'isJ. frr windows should state what Ill88I1S can be used for atta~.ning dimcut in 'finilows rather than telling the lIe1!Ctlant8- 1tll9.tthe~' llIl,at bw _Ms ~tO<1'tal fn ~ov"rbg thei~ window8. Letter received from' Ward Jl.C'ror:::OB -of Isl1preg:J.rdag MIIlout aloq ~ ~ . aad Atlactic coa.etl1nE.. ~al'i J<<alville ~8ted that we t$ke cars ot _~k dilllGUtaadleave the r6s.t :If ~be(l,o!l.stlillle to take care of their owt ~'ptl. Mrs. Wo04 stated that in Ailr oplDiuZl something dhoul'll be dona ab.)If:Qt.... on the ht~ without the pl'llpdl' li(ats as it ..,,,,s a daqareus attuei\....... Shariff McOollollllrugt';lioS+'&i t'lEt pedlaps ti1F.l cooperation of the ....thatres eoulcl. be obtaiil~d to sh'lw I-rllel shot'ts.regar~.1l1@' bicycle lich''', Ward NebUle req'.les~ed tilE,t copies of 'Jullet~ns :In 'Jlaoko1li:l~ts and 4$lIIOut lights for automobH.3s ":Ie sent him. Letter frollGvneral ..)pr.'e'1 on c"nt:l'01 cenh'e and rnpOTt centre persoaael. Mr. Peh.ra suggests the.t t~" matter of d~talh b'J l'Jft to Xl'. Houst_ aIIl4 Ite to report to the Oouncil, Mr. Houston reportbd t~",t th<l W<Ar ~o\u.clJ. ]oou~el; lu.d 1;ear. (lut to $50,000. He also raportedtLat t;~... :d<Ia.'o uf ;'U:'I"1""itlOrd ha.d I;tar,dA.rdhed a salal'7 .for 8t8DQ- graphere or clerks ir.che l'!lL' Cou~d). 8l"d :<1al;10nlng lloard Offiou. paid OIl tli6 Oounty payroll, ll.t $"5. per lllr!1\;h, '!Ihere ~'ail 80lle dis8entioa 1n. the' ofUce8 &II the l"edFlral c19.'k, W)rt) gtlttir.g more money .:rud.geHl11stntedtbat this ._te:&,' woul^ hrVd to )Q eef' tr tr3 ri~ue CODmitt<lO of tho Board of 8Uperv1sor8. 001, (j1:aa.lY of C.lJIlp tlp:on ;ranted to knew ~_f ther.3 wa.s IJJl,Y legal service aid for serv:ca mer.. Jud...e :;11: statedtllat there wat ncth1ll@:in the Oouatr except that pNvidec:. ULder thJ S"lll"UHI ServioeIoaw. Ha;l'ry T. 'Pt."Z'dS.1g!:l>st..4 tha:t some mid<lla-agtd 1LdJ1, pCI;s1bl, a volunteer, be ellcae;edto hAlp Kl'. lIou..ton. He could be vat6. hiil e..cpenMs cr a small salary. HoiI IllUde !!. motion that J~ Hill and Mr. liouIlt.on GI'Iw c..re of this matter. SoiICO:.de';' by Ward Melville. No diBcutle1un. oUl in favo.'. . . Mi~utJS of Meeting - ~ ,- Novembe.. 6. l!)42 Mra. 'ood gaTe a report on her Division .;,f Giviliau Mobi:1zation. She WlIAh t. &JlpOint a co.lttee of about 5 or 6 p.lop::'e on Chilli C6re, Protection .... :De'l'lllOJlllllllt. Ia the l1ear tature _eries will haTS to be eatablbbed to can for cIlildren wbile their IllOtbers work in d'3fe!1ae plantE. Motion ~ Ward M~lville tbat lira. Wood 1,,5." up !l. plan to sllblllU to tbe Var Council showing just whet tbey will 8..'10. ','ill llot do ftlr orIBDblDetb1a new Ohild Care service. Seconded by Judg, Ihwk~.ns. 11':> d4.scuaa1on. All in taTor. Harry 1'. Peters Moves that Mr. Yella 'j)e todd..d t:l tap ~:E,r 00\111011. SeconW 'by Ward Melville. 11'0 d1acusB1on. All in favol. Mr. Houston stated that he bad learz:.ed !lon!1tlc';i~t ~.!l.tl gOl:=\g to &1ve every community one outdoor ligh~ed Chr1stllllU! tMe but he haC. a1rea~ atated to :!evoral :I:arties that SUffolk would no~ h&ve any. lJarry 1'. reters moved that tbe It3.ttal' of outdoor lighted Ohr18tma.s '.;recs be left to 1Ca'. Houston and tbe Var CQ1Fcil would back him up. Secondad:'y Mrs. Wood. All in favor. E8miltOll ~ddon reporte ~ro€russ from lbe Bed Croaa - reat centrea are being set up. Civilian var aid 18 being taken care of the Mchard '1'. Gtlmartil1. t.ihllriff McCollom reported on the war traaeportation cOllllittee. Be hu a cOlIIplete rO'3ter of all the War plants in tbe county. where the workers liye and how they get to work. Defenae planh having 100 or more lien will aJlP01at a tl'all4portation committee and the rationing board. . !<ir. Wells reported that Price Control panele are bUng let up in eacb local llat10ning :Board and more equipment and further clerical uaietaace will be needed. JuJge Seabux;;r movos that tlu. m6at~ be adJ<Nmed. All in favor. /Ar