HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/04/1942 swc-j,-128 SUP'FOU~ C.J,KTY Office of the DirJcL~r Griffing Avenue V,,,:'i CJi.J;.,CII, of Civilian Protection Ri'T8rhead, New York Nuvember 4, 1942 TO: Deputy County Dir~ctors of Civilian Protection Chiefs of Third Division Chiefs of Medieal Division In order to relieve the alre~dy overburd~ned doctors in the County it has be8n found advisable to make the following minor changes in the Emergency Medical Service setup: 1. Have a compotent civilian, man or woman, appointed as Assistant Chief of the Emergency Service for 8ach town. This man or woman to have organizing and executive ability and be familiar with your medical setup. 2. Appoint a woman or man under the doctor in charge of each first aid station and casualty station, who is a good organiz~r L.nd who has "xecutive ability. These people to confer with the Doctor in ch~r6e of e_ch post, and do all the necessary paper work ~cnd org<1nizing work, le;;.vin,; the Doctor frtoJo to instruct tho pur- sonnel and inspect thu various field exercises. During the time of actual combat this will <11so leave tho Doctor frou to perform tho duties for which he is trained inste.cd of being enmeshed in technicalities, dispatching equipment and doing jobs in which he is w_sting his highly technical training, Kindly proceed with this at once <1S we feel that most of the kedical Divisions troubles will be quickly ironod out if th8so changes are m~d8. FLOYD D. H0USTON, Director of Civilian Protection DR. GRuV~rt SILLIh~N Chief Bmorg~ncy Medical Service CH.iiRLES B. BELT Chief 3rd Division, Operational Council