HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/16/1942 SltO :A-117 stlJ'FOLK COtJ'N'l'Y ItAR COUNC IL Office of the Director of Civilian Protection Griffing Avenue Riverbead, New York October 16. 1942 TO: Deputy County Directors of Oivilian Protection FROM: County Director of Civilian Protection There tollow eKhanh troll leUer ot t!le State Director ot CivilillD Protection under date ot ~'..ber 26th. wblch c4r1t1 reculations covering moveBent ot vehicular traftic duria<< practice blackouts and air raid drills, mobililation and aotual blackouts: "J, striot interpretation ot JecalaUoas 110. .. (ClJallt1 release SWC:A-42, dated June 22, 1942) Sub-division 2, Clallit1oaUoD B BeanS vehioles of trans- portation oompanies operating over dul7 authorlled routes, said routes having been approved b7 the Public Servioe OoDllliBl1on ot t!le State of New York or b7 a local municipalit7. TbiB sub-divilion does not include large trucking COlD- panies because trucking companies do not operateover duli authoriled routes. "1legulatiODs No. 5 (Oounty release SWC :A-66 , dated July 18, 1942) ~l.1s- tincU7 provides that all vebioles permitted to move during air raids and practice blackouts sba"Ir"use approved blackout equ1=nt as defined in Regu- lations 1110. 4. 1legulations No. 4 provide tor the eq pment of vehiclos with blackout lighting equipment and emergency vehicle cards or count7 metal idon- tification plates. IIn order to comply with the 1legulatlons of this offioe. everT bus operating over an authorized route 'is permitted to travel during practice black- outs provided said bus is full;V equipped with blackout lighti: and emergenc;v ve- hicle card in Clasl1fication B. This meBlls that all busses s uld have the 6" square emergenc;v vehicle card." The foregOing is furnished for your information and C\1idanco. Ihf J'lo;Vd D. Houston Director Civilian Protection /