HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/29/1942 . SWC:A-107 SUFFOLK COUNTY WAR COUNCIL Office of the Director of Civilian Protection Griffing Avenue Riverhead, New York September 29, 1942 TOl FROM: SUBJECT: Deputy County Directors County Director of Civilian Protection Organizatio~ 2f Fire Watc~ On August l~th, Bulletin #SWC:A~73 was sent from this office, and dealt with the organization of Fire Watchers. Looking over the figures of the last strength report, it is quite evident that this most important service has been over-looked, and I would suggest that as soon as possible you try to augment your personnel in this service. AS a means of stimulating interest, both personal and public, and securing the necessary number of volunteers for this highly im- portant work, the following plan is recommended to be put in execu- tion at once: If the residents of a limited area, form a mutual aid pact under which they agree to organize as Fire Watchers, they would be serving their own personal interest and doing a great public service. They would not be called upon for duty outside of their own specific area. Neighbors within a limited area in rural communities should or~ ganize and select from ~mong themselves men and women of responsibil- ity. These groups would be instructed in their duties as Fire Watcher; by the office of the Deputy Director of Civilian Protection. Outlines of this training are covered in the handbook for Fire Watchers already furnished. Under this plan every Fire Watcher will not only guard his own home, but those of his immediate neighbors, all of whom are undoubtedly known to him. This will give a feeling of security to .all those living within the area, and especially to those who are volunteer workers and whose duties may take them away from their families and homes. It would also reassure other residents of the sector who are employed at a distance from their homes. It is again brought to your attention that the fire hazard exists not only from aerial bombings but also from "fire bugs" and enemy agents. Icw FLOYD D. HOUSTON, Director of Civilian Protection SWC :A-108 SUFFOLK COUlWC WAR COUNCIL Office of the Director of Civilian Protection Griffing Avenue RiTerhead, New York September 29, 1942 SUBJECT: IDENTIFICATION CAllDS STAn OFFICI 01 CIVILIAN PROTECTION TO: Deput7 00unt7 Directors of Oivilian Protection FROM: Oount7 Director of Civilian Protection New York State Office of Oivilian Protection has issusd identi- fication cards to officials and employees of said office; to local Directors of Oivilian Protection, and to certain other persons, whose work in con- nection with Civilian Protectio;, requires them to proceed through more than one War Oouncil Area. A facsimile of this identification card is shown below: nw YB8X STATE'IWt COUNOIL OFFICI or OIVILLLI PROTECTION 444 :BRO&IlWAY AlbaD7, N. Y. This card car~ing photograph and signa- ture of bearer on reverse side identifies Name (Seall Title as a member of the Office of Oivilian Protection, engaged on official duties. No. Maj. Gan. William N. Haskell Director of Civilian Protection Deput7 Oounty Directors will notif7 all members of their Oivilian Protection organization that these identification cards. proper17 signed by William N. Haskell, Director of Oi vllian Protection shall be honored throughout the State of New York, while the bearer is ~ed on official duties. A member of the staff of the State Director, or of the five Deput7 State Directors shall be permitted to enter aD7 District Warning Center, Control Oenter or Report Oenter upon proper identifiaatiGn and displaying of his numbered identification card, The numbers of cards issued run from 1 to 1000 inclusivo. Jht Floyd D. Houston Director Oivilian Protection , .~ SWC:A.109 SUFFOLK COUNTY WAR COUlmIt Offioe of the :::lireotor of Chllian Proteotion Griffing Avenue Riverhead, New York September 29, 1942 TO: Deputy County Direotors of Civilian Proteotion FROM: County Direotor of Civilian Proteotion SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTARY AUTOM01HLJIl BlADLXGRT REGULATIONS Bulletin SWC:A-35, dated JUne 16th, defined the p~rking and low beam areas in the County. The question has boen asked as to status of villages lying north of Montauk Highway on the South Shore, and Villages or seotions of villagos lying south of thoso highways running from the oounty line in HUntington east to Orient, whioh define the parking light and low beam areas on the North Shoro. All lighted villages within the Oounty, regardless of their looation, are classed as pe.rking light n.reas. This supplementary order to SWC :A-35 will be effective as of this date. Ihf FLOYD D. HOUSTON Director Oivilian Protection