HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/22/1942 !?VU/ / v/SZJ 0$ (]t;d.z~ /C}f/c swc IA-103 SUFFOLK COUNTY WAlt COUNCIL Office of the Directcr of Civilian rr~tection Griffing Avenue Riverhead, New York September 22, 1942 TO: Deputy County Directors of Civilian Protection FROM: County Director of Civilian Protection .. SUllJECT: llEDUCT!ON m USE OF PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION AND G&SOLINlil FOR YOUR INFORMATION AND COMPLIANOE: 1. DIFFICULTIES OF OBTAINING GA.SOLINlil FOR CIVILIAN PROTECTION USES. The State Office of Civilian Protection appreciates the sacrifices made by civilian protection personnel in the use of personal transportation and limited gasoline to perform civilian protection duties. The necessity for supplementary gas rations to certain members of the civilian protection per- sonnel has been and still is being vigor~JSly brought to the attention of the proper Federal authorities by the ~tate Offioe. . Deput:' Coun~y d.irec~o:t's of chI Uan protection should likewise give the hardships entailed proper consiQeration in plans which involve use of personal tra~sportation. 2. REARP.ANGmMF.NT OF DUrI:!!1S AND POSTS. In lJ1[~"IY :nsta.nces, Deputy Oounty directors by judicious reassignment of d.uties or pOilts c".n rEduce to a minimum gas using ;;rips by air raid wardens going to and fr0m present posts of du~y.' If air raid wardens are assigned to areas contiguC'lls tu their homes, only rarely should they need to use personal transportatIon. Dap~ty CO~1ty Di~ectors of civilian protection will give earnest attention "0 tllA pnblem of reducing travel by careful reassignment of per- sonnel, where possible. 3. DAYTIIfiJ USE OF wmlEN AS AIR RAID WARDENS: R''''en~ d.a.y'J.:..ght. ",ir raid d.rills developed a shortage of air raid ward0ns 1Jocause 0f tel" dsnu.nd.s of daytime employment. Dep,,-ty Oounty Directors of civil ian pro Lodl0n should r13c,uest local vol'.mteer offi~es to enroll women as ail' "a1.'. wl'.rlic!ls, to assure ",a.ectuate coverage d-J,ring nO!'Illal el'lplC'yme~t abse~ce~ of ~en vir ~~id w~rdBns. Use of women air raid w~rdons will save empl,ym.'nt hoters. trClvu)., easoline, and tires. Ihf noYD D, HOTJGTO:r Director Oivilian ?ro.ection } /~ 1t?;~1 sqd- zY-~/tJ~ SWC:A-I02 . SUfFOLK COUNTY WAR COUNCIL Office of the Director of Civilian Protection Griffing Avenue Riverhead, New York September 22, 1942 Deputy County Directors County Director of Civilian Protection RESTRICTIOhS ON MOBILIZaTION OF NEW YORK GDaRD DURING CIVILIAN PROT~C!IOh aCTIVITIES. FOR YOUR INFORMl1TION aND GUIDaNCE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Under date of September 16, 1942, the adjutant General, State of New York issued the following Bulletin defining the conditions under which the New York Guard may be mobilized for civilian protection activities. II ST"TE OF NEW YORK Division of Military & Naval Aff,lirs of the Executive Department The adjutant Generalis Office ALBaNY, September 16, 1942 1. ~ The New York Guard constitutes a military force trained for military action. Its functions are distinct fr~m those of the civilian protection services. The civilian prol~ection services promote and secure the protection of the civili&n protection against the effects of enemy action such as air raids and sudden hostile action other than from enemy ground forces. The control of field operations of civilian protection is decentralized to the local directors of civilian protection of cities and counties. For the successful performance of civilian protection activities, it is most essential that street and highway traffic and the use of telephones be reduced to the minumum needs of the protective services. Bulletin ) . . No.9) 2. The armed strength of the New York Guard is not normally needed for the protection of the civil population and it mobiliza- tion creates road and telephone traffic which is adverse to the needs of civilian protection during or iumediately preceding an air raid. Therefore, units of the New York Guard will not mobil- ize during actual or practice blackouts, air raid drills or ~ir raids; or otherwise participate in civilian protection activities unless especially called for such Service by orders from compet- ent military ~authorities or upon the request of competent civil authorities. 3. For training or test in connection with missions assigned to the New York Guard, the Commanding General, New York Guard, may order mobilization of units upon the all clear signal. 4. all commands will be made familiar with this Bulletin which will bu strictly adhered to. 5. Previous instructions in conflict with this B~lletin are rescinded. By command of the Governor: OFFICIAL AMES T. BROWN Brigadier General The Adjutant General C. Pemberton Lenart Lieutenant Colonel, a.G.D., Director, Personnel Bureau N.Y.N.G., Dated: albany, N. Y. September 17, 1942 II Icw FLOYD D. HOUSTON, Director of Civilian Protection