HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/24/1942
FRIEDE' 5 nm, S;IITHTO',iN, N. Y.
September 24, 1942
Jehn J. Ccffrey, Huntington
otto Anrig, Southold
Russell J. Perrine, Sayville
Nugent M. George, Riverhead
Augustus Englert, Lindenhurst
John Furr, Southampton
Hurry Steele, Easthampton
Terry R. Tuthill, Nnttituck
Harold Peterson, Vlyandanch
Ted Callahan, Riverheud
Hurry Pettit, Northern Brookhaven
John Evans, l:orthern Brookhaven
Philip Ahern, Sayville
Ford Thompson, Isllp
Al Brown, Patcho~ue
C. G. Collier, Pntcho~ue
George Hester, Prtchogue
Harry llossin[;cr, E. Northport
Eric Berc;lund, E. Northport
Urn. Slattery, E. North?ort
Theodore V. Conklin, Quoque
F. D. Canfield, Quoque
Hnrold Wright, QuoQue
Lt. Truu, l13th Infantry, Riverhend
Minutes of the meeting of September lOth were rend and npproved.
The matter of the legal status of the "Minute T.len" "as kken up
by the Sheriff reading in detail tho correspondence between the var-
ious departl'lOnts, the letter of August 17th directed to !.Ir. Houston
requGsting n clarification of the status of the "Minute !.len", Mr.
Houston's reply to General Thomas W. Darrah enclosing a copy of the
Sheriff's letter and ~sking for a further understanding as to the
status of both the "Minute Men" end the newly formed State Glwrd, and
Lieutennnt Gencral ~illinm N. Haskell's reply, n section of which is
quoted hore.
"Your letter edvises thet tho "Suffoll: County 111nute Men"
is an orgnnization duly crGatecl by tho Board of Supcrvisoro
of Suffolk County on March 13, 1942, anG is under the direct
supervision end control of the Sheriff of Suffolk County, end
that overy mOBbor of ouch orsanizntion hes beon appointed a
Deputy Sheriff of Suffolk County.
It would seom that such an organization had been legally
croeted and is entitled to function in accordance with tho
laws of the State of Now York, and any loco.l ordinances u-
dopted by tho Board of Supervisors."
Also n bulletin from Ames T. Brovffi, Brigadier General, at the
cOmLmnd of the Governor from which I quote from purngrnph 2.
IIThc armed strength of tho HoVl York Guurd is not nor-
mally noeded for the protection of tho civil population and
in mobilization oreatos rond nnd toleDhone traffic which
is advorse to tho needs of civilian prQtection during or im-
mocintely preceding an eir raid. Thereforc, units of tho
NeH Y')rk Guc.rd vlill n')t mobilize durinc; nctunl or pructice
blr.ck')uts, nir ruie' 0i'il1s or ,n.ir loc.ic,s; ')r otherwise !1f.rti-.
- -
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cipato in civilinn protection r,ctivitics unless ospecinlly
c'lllod for such s orvico by orders from conpotont ;'1ili tr,ry
nuthori tios ')r up')n tho roque-st of C:ll:tpotont civil l1uthori-
So the) str,tus of tho Suffolk Count:" lI11inute Hon" is cloarly de-
finod in tho foro~oing cOrL~unicgtions.
Tho group thon hoard Lioutenant Trnu, who r.ppocrod in [\11 unof-
fici!',l cnpnci t:", ns to futuro co-oporation botYloen Hinute Nen nnd
military forces in Suffolk County. This to be tho subjoct of further
conforoncos bet,loon Arm:" Auth:-Jritics, tb.o Shoriff nne[ othors, 'Jhon
this subject will f.[I,in COrlO befor,) this sroup.
Tho Rogimontnl Band from Fort Hancock will bo in Rivorhend tho
wock :-Jf Octobor 12th to 17th f.nd it is tho dosire of tho Shoriff thnt
tho Ninute Hen fron the Count:" stnse a review or rx,rndo. Upon notion
mnde, soc')ndod and duly cnrr.iod it W[\S rosolvod that o[\ch Divisi:-Jn
Corcrr~nndor nscortuin haY! nnnv mon in his groun nro uvailnble with uni-
farns nnd cnp[\blo of drillin~ nnd so roport to tho Shoriff.
Mr. Porrino inquired as to tho use of school dormitorios for
drilling purposes, which 0uory wno nnsY/ored by both Mossrs. Englort
a.nd Honsingor.
Official l'Iinuto Non plQcr,rds \lOrO distributed [\[1'1ng the .:;r"up
vii th the understQndin3 that snr.1O s},r"ll l1Jt bo used oxcept whon the
monbor is on official dut:" for tho Hinuto lIon, during blnclwuts, otc.,
nnd that snIDO shnll bo thon placod on the lowor right hQnd sido of
tho windshield.
In response to a qUOrY by f~. Hooter tbo infornnti~n devolopod
thf'.t Q nenber, if injured ,',hilo :-In nctive dUt~T, is not ontitled to
conpensr.tion fr:Jr:1 c.n:'" s')urco.
Tho Sheriff, in responso to. ,'.11 invitntion fron Jlossrs. Conklinl
0".nfiold r:;nd 'Jright, ~lill r.ddress the [;rOUP r,t Quoque r.t sane future
No furthor businoss boing in ardor, c, notion to c.djourn YJ[,S
nc.de [md cQrried, to noet Q t the ce,ll of tho Shoriff.
Nugont M. Georgo, Socrotnry