HomeMy WebLinkAboutSecond Division Civilian Protection Instructions and Phone List
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2nd D1v1s104 Civilian Prvtectlon
South old Towm,N.Y.
Polioe Headquarters,HighwJ.;'" Department Office
TAle;>:10r,e 1'eoo,1'(,; 6,'i6::3
Geo. ~" ~utn~ll, Gha1rmar.
To persons l1sted on encloae( letter
and to others ln authorlty
Should an alarm sound your duty 1s to be at the
post deslgnated by the telephone 11sted 0?Dos1te your name
on the enolosed l1st.
Should 1t be 1mposs~ble to contact persons 11sted
ln your vl1lage, other persona oonneoted w1th C1vl1 Defense
or Red Cross wlll be oontacted unt1l the message 1a gotten
It ls lmp&rtamt that all 1tems oonheoted wlth
Housln~.and feedln~ of refugees as oovered by Dlvlslon 12
of C1vl1 Defense be reported as soon as poss1ble to Southold
Town's headquarters - Te)ephone Peoonio 6563.
Your reports must be clear and br1ef so that
teleph~ne wires are open as much as poss1ble,
Our work may be necessary long after the all clear
slgnal has sounded.
p1ng duty,
Clear through th1s office before stop-
Any changes ln personnel or telephone humbors should
be reported to me at onoe,
Yours for the most effloient servlce poss1ble in
case of disaster.
........, ..-
Clerk 1n oharge at Pooon1c DeSk
_"'r.___.~_ .~
,~..",.-~,-,~:,: -- -'~~r--
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Desk Clerk -
- Pecon1c 6563
Phone_ BURtness Hnm..
________ Mattltuck
_ Mr. Jlat S. Tuthlll_____82~ 8236
JIr. H~ Benj amln ____________ _n___82l2 8590-
K1ssJUara.K~_ Horton_ ________.8333 8293_
______I4'~Cl1ff Polhemus (She1-te!'L_n____ 8322__
n ______Jlrs...Jndna_Ji&11..de~e.y~L1F2gQ,1 _ _____ 8436 _
n_____ 'c__ ___ ______ Cutchogue____
__~_ i1~_ Benedict Roache lSchool houAe )6286 6'70'1
.JIr~ 'fJIl..H. X.Ql~ _6422._ 67~
MrL G.. _ ~U1.Q1; _ n~eau__lShelteX'J _ ___6405 __
-- ----- - Krs..Natalle 131lla.rcl (Food)_ ~_'ZtL'
---------- -
_ _____JIouthold _________
______ )boll. .Joseph Carroll ______ ______~5:58
. _____~~ HAM'Y J'.._ Cul!l""" ________ _ __ ____ _ __ 3497
--_ ~..Jho. RluuIAll_D..vlAnn (...ltA~L_____n__.37A."l 3A1!\
________..lIrs...._John Ko:f:fat (FoodL__ _ _nu__ 3428 ____
_ _ ____ ____ a.,.....npn,.tn _ ____ _ _ _ _______ _ _ _____
_l4r... Hp'l'l1"yRn""'lm _ ___ _____ n__ _ __ _ _7.3..____
__lIr.. -I'm. HaI"nA1" - -- ---- -- -------212-__---.:.~
Jlr...:.Albart..lll.aen._taheller) n n - 201
U"a. _Carl. Yet.t.er.(Foodln__ _______m__ 106
-- - -- -lira.
_ _ ______ n F.qet 1I",.1on
Wayland Brown Grnp. 174.
Johnto;- Muir tshe1.1;-er~ - - --Il---- --nW-
1!:11llnnd "...,1.-..1:1; (1l'nnd)______I"".,..,p. _ /';:'11 lI-l0
----- Mr.-------- Or1ont________ _________
Lou1e Tuth1ll Oontrol Center Ornt
Mr. W-eb8t'er Young- (Shelter) - ·
_lb... \Y. Y. Ten? (rOOd)